
Sunday of Pharisee and Publican

Vespers on Saturday Evening

First Kathisma of the Psalter: Blessed the man

At "O Lord, to You I call...", 10 stichera are sung: 7 of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, then the following in Tone 1:

Tone 1

3. Brethren, let us not pray like the Pharisee, for he who exalts himself shall be humbled. Let us, therefore, humble ourselves before God, expressing ourselves through fasting and crying out with the Publican's voice: "O God, forgive us sinners!"

2. Brethren, let us not pray...

1. When the Pharisee went up to the temple in his vainglory and the Publican bowed in his repentance, they both stood before You, O Master! The one lost his reward through boasting while the other won Your blessing through his sighs. Because I, too, am sighing in Your presence, strengthen me, Christ God, for You are the Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

Almighty Lord, I have known how effective tears are, for they saved Hezekiah from the teeth of death and delivered the sinful woman from her repeated iniquities. As for the Publican, they justified him instead of the Pharisee. Wherefore, I beseech You to count me among the former and to have mercy on me.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Then the Theotokion of the Resurrection (Dogmatikon in the Tone of the Week


We sing the Troparion of the Patron Saint, then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 3

Understand, O my soul, the difference between the Pharisee and the Publican: avoid the proud words of the one, and eagerly imitate the contrite prayer of the other, crying aloud: "O God, be propitious to me, a sinner, and have mercy on me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our salvation, for your Son, our God, who suffered on the Cross in the flesh which was taken from you, redeemed us from corruption, for He is the Lover of Mankind.

Aposticha: we sing the Aposticha of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week, with:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 5

My eyes are weighed down by my iniquities, and I cannot lift them up to gaze at the heights of heaven. But, receive me, O Savior, in repentance as the Publican, and have mercy on me.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You became a temple, a palace, a door and a throne of the King, O Virgin most venerable through whom Christ the Lord appeared as the Sun of Justice, our Savior, who willed to light the way of those stumbling in darkness, those He fashioned in His likeness with His own hands. We beseech You, O Woman most worthy of praise, since you have upon Him the power of a Mother: never cease to intercede for the salvation of our souls.

Troparia of Vespers as normal


Kontakion of the Triodion rather than the Hypacoi of the Resurrection. The Canon to the Saint of the day may be sung at Compline at the discretion of the Superior.


Trinity Canon; Katanyktika Troparia rather than Hypacoi of the Resurrection.

Orthros on Sunday

The Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the Week. After Psalm 50, the Idiomela of the Triodion replace the normal ones used throughout the year.

Canons: we use the Canon of the Resurrection and that of the Theotokos in the Tone of the week, then the Canon of the Triodion. The Katavasias are those of the Hypapanty if this Sunday falls before February 2 or its Apodosis; otherwise, they are the Katavasias of the Triodion. After the 6th Ode, the first Kontakion of the Triodion (the second is optional) and Ikos of the Triodion.


Tone 6


Crossing the deep like dry land, Israel saw the pursuing Pharaoh drowned in the waves. They exclaimed: "Let us sing a hymn of victory to God!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Leading all mankind to amendment of life through parables, Christ raises up the Publican from his abasement and humbles the Pharisee in his spirit.

We see the exalted honor that comes through humility, and the grievous fall that comes through pride. Let us, then, imitate the good actions of the Publican and hate the evil sin of the Pharisee.

Every good deed is made of no effect through foolish pride, while every evil is cleansed by humility. In faith, let us embrace humility and utterly abhor the ways of vain glory.

The King of all, wishing His own disciples to be humble-minded, taught them to imitate the sighing of the Publican and his humility.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sigh like the Publican, and with lamentations that are never silent, I now draw near to Your compassion, O Lord. Be merciful to me also, for now I live out my days in humility.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Lady, I dedicate to you my understanding and my counsel, my hopes, my body, soul and spirit. Deliver me and save me from grievous adversaries and temptations, and from every threat to come.


Tone 4

I shall open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her wonders.


No one is as holy as You, O Lord my God. You lift up the lot of Your faithful, O gracious Lord. You establish us firmly on the rock of faith.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

From the dung-hill of the passions, the humble is lifted up on high, while the proud-hearted suffers a grievous fall from the height of the virtues; let us flee from his evil ways.

Vainglory brings to nothing the riches of righteousness, but humility scatters a multitude of passions. Grant then, that we may seek humility, O Savior, and let us share in the reward of the Publican.

As the Publican, let us also strike our breasts and cry out in compunction: "O God, be propitious to me, a sinner, and have mercy on me!" that we too, like him, may receive forgiveness.

O faithful, let us increase in zeal and gentleness, and let us pass our days iin humility, with cries of sorrow from our heart, weeping and prayer, that we may receive forgiveness from God.

v. Glory be to the Fatehr and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O faithful, let us cast away the swoolen boasting and evil folly of the Pharisee, his loathesome pride and wicked cruelty hateful to God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I have placed my trust in you, my only refuge. Do not let me fall away from my good hope, but grant me your protection, O pure Virgin, and deliver me from every hurt inflicted by my enemies.


O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen those who applaud you in this spiritual gathering; and in your divine commemoration, make them worthy of crowns of glory.


Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week

Sessional Hymns

Tone 4

Humility exalted the Publican, overcome with shame and sorrow at his evil deeds, when he cried to the Creator: "Be merciful!" But exaltation brought down from righteousness the unhappy Pharisee who spoke in pride. Therefore, let us earnestly desire the good things and avoid the bad.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In days of old, humility exalted the Publican who cried aloud lamenting, "Be merciful!", and he was justified. Let us all follow his example, for we have fallen down into the depths of evil. Let us cry out to the Savior from the depths of our hearts: "We have sinned, by merciful, O Lover of Mankind!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hasten to receive our prayers, O Lady, and bring them to your Son and God, all-blameless Queen. Deliver from tribulation those who run to you. Crush the snares and cast down the impudence of the godless who afflict your servants.


The Church sings: "Christ is my power, my Lord and my God!" With a beautiful hymn, she celebrates God in the integrity of her faith.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Word who humbled Himself and took the form of a servant, showed that humility is the best path to exaltation. Everyone who humbles himself, following the example of the Lord, will be exalted on high.

The Pharisee was exalted in his righteousness, and so he fell. The Publican was abased, defiledd by many sins; yet he was exalted and, against all expectation, he was justified.

Though he was rich in virtues, foolish pride brought the Pharisee to poverty. But in the extremity of his need, the Publican was justified through his humility. Let us also gain humility.

O Master and Savior, You warned us that You resist the proud, but bestow Your favor on the lowly. Send down Your grace on us now, for we have humbled ourselves.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In order to lead us to exaltation, the Savior and Master revealed to us the humility that can raise us on high. With His own hands, He washed the feet of His disciples.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, who have borne the Light that no man can approach, dispel the darkness of my soul with your light-giving radiance. Take me by the hand and guide my life into the paths of salvation.

Katavasia: Perceiving the ineffable, divine design of the Most High, the Incarnation from the Virgin, the prophet Habakkuk cried out, "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

ODE 5: Illumine with love the souls of those who offer this morning prayer to You by Your divine Light. Give them knowledge of Yourself, O true God, O Word of God. You call us out of the darkness of sin.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us hasten to follow the Pharisee in his virtues and to imitate the Publican in his humility; and let us hate what is wrong in each of them: foolish pride and the defilement of transgressions.

The righteousness of the Pharisee was all in vain and was condemned, for it was yoked to pride. But the Publican gained humility, which is companion to the virtue which exalts men on high.

The Pharisee wanted to drive swiftly in the chariot of the virtues; but the Publican outran him on foot, for he had yoked humility with compassion.

Pondering in our minds the parable of the Publican, let us all imitate him with tears, offering to God a contrite spirit and seeking the remission of our sins.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us wisely cast far from us the wicked arrogance and boasting of the Pharisee, that we may not be stripped of divine grace.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O loving Virgin, grant a staff of strength to all of us who fly to you for refuge; give us victory in the midst of all our enemies and deliver us from every hurt.

Katavasia: The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, have borne in your womb the God of all and have given birth to an eternal Son who grants salvation to those who praise you.

ODE 6: I see the sea of life raging in a storm of temptation. I rush to Your quiet harbor. I call out to You: "Save my life from ruin, since You are so merciful!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Publican and the Pharisee ran the race of life together, but the one was overcome by foolish pride and brought to shameful shipwreck, while the other was saved by humility.

Changing to a righteous course of life, let us imitate the wisdom of the Publican and flee from the hateful conceit of the Pharisee; and so let us attain to life.

Let us eagerly follow the ways of Jesus, the Savior, and His humility, if we desire to attain the everlasting dwelling of joy and reside in the land of the living.

O Master, You showered Your disciples that humility can raise people on high. Tying a towel around Yourself, You washed their feet and prepared them to follow Your example.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The Pharisee spent his life in virtue and the Publican in sin; but the one was foolishly abased through his pride, while the other in his humility was raised on high.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I was created naked in innocence and simplicity; then the enemy clothed me in the garment of transgression and the grossness of the flesh. But now, through your intercession, O Lady, I am saved.

Katavasia: Come, divinely-inspired, let us clap our hands and celebrate this holy and most honorable feast of the Mother of God, and glorify God who was born of her!



Tone 3

Let us shun the boastful words of the Pharisee, and learn from the Publican humility with sighing; let us cry out to our Saviour: have mercy on us, You who alone are Merciful.

Second Kontakion

Tone 3

Let us bring to the Lord the sighs of the Publican, and as sinners let us approach the Lord. He desires the salvation of all mankind; He grants forgiveness to all who repent. For us, He became man while remaining God, co-eternal with the Father.


O brethren, let us humble ourselves: let us examine our consciences with tears and sighs, so that at the Last Judgment, we may be numbered with the faithful and the righteous, receiving forgiveness. Let us pray to experience the true peace of the Age to Come, where there is no pain, no grief, no sighing, in the wondrous Eden created by Christ, for He is God, co-eternal with the Father.


after the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we read the following: On this same day, we commemorate the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, which occurs in the Holy Gospel.

If you resemble the Pharisee, run far away from the Temple; for inside is Christ, before whom only the humble are acceptable. O Creator of all things on earth and in heaven, receive the Trinity-Hymn from the angels, and from us men a noble and reverent Triodion.

Through the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.


The angel truly made the furnace a place of dew for the holy young men. When God's command inflamed the Chaldaeans, it made the torturer sing: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Pharisee, exalted by the works of justification, was grievously ensnared in the nets of vainglory through his wild boasting. But the Publican was lifted up on the light wings of humility, and he drew near to God.

The Publican used humility as a ladder and was raised to the height of heaven; but the wretched Pharisee was lifted on the rotten emptiness of pride and fell into the snare of Hades.

The crafty enemy lies in wait for the righteous and despoils them through pride, while he binds sinners fast in the noose of despair. But let us imitate the Publican and hasten to escape from both these evils.

In our prayer, let us fall down before God with tears and fervent cries of sorrow, imitating the Publican in the humility which lifted him on high; and let us sing in faith: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You warned Your disciples, O Master, and taught them not to think proud thoughts, but to be numbered with the humble. Therefore, O Savior, we cry aloud to You in faith: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Beauty of Jacob and divine ladder which he saw of old stretching from earth to heaven, O holy Virgin, you bring down from on high God-made-flesh, and you bring up to heaven mortal men.

Katavasia: The three young men, divinely-inspired, refused to worship creatures instead of the Creators; but with courage they tranpled upon the threatening fire and sang joyfully: Blessed are You, O all-praised Lord, the God of our Fathers!


You showered the holy young men with dew in the fire. You burned the water-soaked sacrifice of Elijah. You do whatever You will, O Christ, for You can do all things. We praise You forever!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Publican groaned aloud, and he found the Lord merciful to him in his humility and was saved. But the Pharisee, through his evil boasting, fell from righteousness.

O faithful, let us avoid the pride of the Pharisee. Let us not say as he did, "We are pure"; but let us rightly follow the Publican in his humble thoughts which gained God's mercy.

O faithful, let us utter the words of the Publican in the holy temple: "O God, be merciful", that with him, we may obtain forgiveness and be delivered from the vile boasting of the Pharisee.

Let us all imitate the sighs of the Publican and, speaking to God with warm tears, let us cry out: "O Lover of Mankind, we have sinned! In Your compassion and pity, be merciful and save us!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I have no other help but you. I offer you, O pure and blameless Virgin, as my intercessor and my mediator with Him whom you have born. Set me free from all that grieves me.

Katavasia: The Maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured, but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing: "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

Canticle of Mary


Men cannot see God. Angel armies dare not gaze upon Him. God was shown to man by incarnation through you, most pure Lady. We glorify Him and with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Christ has set before us the humility of the Publican as a path to exaltation, and a pattern by which we may be saved. Let us follow his example, rejecting disdainful pride and gaining God's mercy through our humility.

Let us cast from our souls foolish pride and learn to think with truth and humility. Let us try to justify ourselves, but let us hate the delusion of vainglory and so obtain God's mercy with the Publican.

Like the Publican, let us offer the Creator prayers for mercy. Let us avoid the ungrateful praying of the Pharisee and the boastful words with which he judged his neighbor, that we may gain God's forgiveness and His light.

Weighed down by a great multitude of sins, I have surpassed the Publican in an excess of evil, and I have also made my own the boastful delusion of the Pharisee. I am utterly devoid of all good things: Lord, spare me!

Bestow Your blessedness on those who are poor in spirit for Your sake. Obedient to Your command, we offer You a contrite spirit: accept it, O Savior, and save those who worship You.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

A Publican once went up to the Temple with faith and prayed to God. He was justified. For he drew near with tears and cries of sorrow, in contrition of heart; and obtaining mercy, he laid aside the whole burden of his sin.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We honor you, all-pure Virgin, and we magnify your childbearing. Grant that we may worthily praise, bless and glorify you, for you alone are blessed. You are the boast of Christians and an intercessor acceptable to God.

Katavasia: Let every human being take up a torch and let him dance in spirit; and let the immaterial spirits celebrate this holy feast of the Mother of God and cry out: "Rejoice, O glory of the world!"


We sing four stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, then the following four from the Triodion:

Tone 1

4. Brethren, let us not pray like the Pharisee, for he who exalts himself shall be humbled. Let us, therefore, humble ourselves before God, expressing ourselves through fasting and crying out with the Publican's voice, "O God, forgive us sinners!"

3. When the Pharisee went up to the temple in his vainglory and the Publican bowed in his repentance, they both stood before You, O Master. The one lost his reward through boasting while the other won Your blessing through his sighs. Because I, too, am sighing in Your presence, strengthen me, Christ God, for You are the Lover of Mankind.

Tone 3

2. Understand, O my soul, the difference between the Pharisee and the Publican: avoid the proud words of the one, and eagerly imitate the contrite prayer of the other, crying aloud, "O God, be propitious to me, a sinner, and have mercy on me!"

1. O faithful, let us hate the boastful words of the Pharisee and imitate the contrite prayer of the Publican. Let us not think proud thoughts, but humbling ourselves in contrition, let us cry aloud: "O God, be propitious to us sinners, and have mercy on us.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

O Lord, You reproached the Pharisee when he justified himself, boasting of his deeds. You justified the Publican when he approached humbly, seeking forgiveness in tears. You do not draw near to the arrogant, nor turn away from contrite hearts. Wherefore, we also kneel humbly before You, O You who suffered for our salvation. Grant us forgiveness in Your great mercy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are truly blessed, O Virgin Mother of God.........

Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Vespers on Saturday Evening

First Kathisma of the Psalter: Blessed the man

At "O Lord to You I call...", 10 stichera are sung: six of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, then the following:

Tone 1

4. I have been entrusted with a green and fertile field, but have planted evil in its soil and reaped its wheat with the scythe of laziness; I have gathered my deeds into shreaves, but failed toplace them on the thresher of repentance. And so, I ask You now, O God, eternal Tender of the harvest: win now the straw of my deeds with the breeze of Your compassionate love, fill my soul with the wheat of Your forgiveness, store me in Your eternal granaries, O Lord, and be my salvation.

3. I have been entrusted....(Repeat)

2. Brethren, our purpose is to know the power of God's goodness: how when the Prodigal Son gave up his sin and hastened to the parental refuge, his kindly father welcomed him and kissed him and marked him with signs of honor. He manifested this mystical joy to the inhabitants of heaven by killing the fatted calf in order that we, too, may do what is right before the Sacrificer, the Father and Lover of Mankind, and the Victim, the glorious Savior of our souls.

1. Brethren, our purpose is to know the power of God's goodness: how when the Prodigal Son gave up his sin and hastened to the parental refuge, his kindly father welcomed him and kissed him and marked him with signs of honor. He manifested this mystical joy to the inhabitants of heaven by killing the fatted calf in order that we, too, may do what is right before the Sacrificer, the Father and Lover of Mankind, and the Victim, the glorious Savior of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

Wretch that I am, what goodly things have I forsaken! From what sovereignty have I unfortunately fallen! I have squandered the riches I had received and transgressed the commandments. Woe to you, poor soul of mine, when you shall be condemned to the eternal fire! Wherefore, cry out to Christ God before it is too late: "O God, receive me as You received the Prodigal Son and have mercy on me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion/Dogmatikon of the occuring Tone


We sing the Troparion of the Patron Saint, then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 4

As the Prodigal Son, I come to You, O merciful Lord. I have wasted my whole life in a foreign land; I have scattered the wealth which You gave me, O Father. Receive me in repentance, O God, and have mercy on me.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The mystery which was hidden from eternity and unknown to the angels, has been revealed through you, O Theotokos, to those on earth; for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the Cross by which He elevated the first man, and saved our souls from death.


We sing the Aposticha of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week, with:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

Wretch that I am, after squandering the riches the Father gave me, I went to graze with dumb beasts. I sought their food and hungered, for I had not enough to eat. Wherefore, I shall return to the compassionate Father, crying out tearfully: "Receive me as one of Your servants, as I kneel before Your love for mankind, and save me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Christ the Lord, my Maker and Savior, came out of your pure womb in the likeness of me, O woman without stain; and He delivered Adam from the original curse. Therefore, O woman all-pure, since you are the Mother of God and a true Virgin, we never tire of calling to you with the salutation of the angel: "Hail, O Lady, O our intercessor, our shield and the redemption of our souls!"

Troparia of Vespers as usual

Compline: Kontakion of the Triodion rather than the Hypacoi of the Resurrection

Mesonyktikon: Trinity Canon; Katanyktika Troparia rather than the Hypacoi of the Resurrection



The Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the Week. After Psalm 50, the Idiomela of the Triodion replace those used throughout the year.

Canons: we sing the Canons of the Resurrection and the Theotokos in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, then the following Canon of the Triodion, by Joseph.


Tone 2


Sing, O my soul, the canticle of Moses: "My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my Savior. He is my God, and I praise Him!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Jesus, my God, accept me now in repentance like the Prodigal Son. All my life I have lived in carelessness, provoking You to anger.

I have sinfully wasted the divine wealth which You once gave me. I have departed far from You and lived as the Prodigal, O compassionate Father. Accept me also now as I return!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Open Your fatherly embrace now and accept me also as the Prodigal Son, O most merciful Lord, that I may glorify You with thanksgiving!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O God, bestow the fulness of Your grace upon me. Be my Benefactor; and at the prayers of Your Mother, turn Your face away from the multitude of my offenses.

Katavasia: Sing, O my soul, the canticle of Moses....


My spirit is a barren desert; Lord, make it fertile and fruitful, O You who watch over the growth of all good things in Your divine goodness.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Completely beside myself, I have clung in madness to the sins suggested to me by the passions. But receive me, O Christ, as the Prodigal!

With the words of the Prodigal, I cry aloud: "I have sinned, O Father!" Like him, now receive me in Your embrace and do not reject me!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Open Your arms, O Christ, and in loving-kindness receive me as I return from a far country of sin and passions.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O fairest of women, my many sins have brought me to poverty: enrich me, O pure Virgin, with the vision of beauty, that I may glorify you!

Katavasia: My spirit is a barren desert.....


Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week

Sessional Hymns

Tone 1

Make haste to open to me Your fatherly embrace, for like the Prodigal, I have wasted my life. In the unfailing wealth of Your mercy, O Savior, do not reject my heart in its poverty. For with compunction, I cry out to You, O Lord: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before You!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Make haste to open to me Your fatherly embrace, for like the Prodigal, I have wasted my life. In the unfailing wealth of Your mercy, O Savior, do not reject my heart in its poverty. For with compunction, I cry out to You, O Lord: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Theotokos, Virgin who have not known man, you are the only guardian and protection of the faithful: deliver from danger and affliction and distress all who have put their hope in you, O Lady, and save our souls by your divine intercession.


Foreseeing the Virgin give birth to You, the Prophet proclaimed aloud, "Lord, I have heard Your voice and I was filled with fear, for You have come from Teman, O Christ, from the overshadowed mountain!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O heavenly Father, I have wrongly wasted the wealth of blessings which You gave me, and I have become a slave to strangers. Therefore I cry aloud to You: "I have sinned against You; receive me like the Prodigal of old, opening Your arms to me!"

I have become enslaved to every evil, and in my wretchedness I have bowed down before demons that provoke the passions. Through carelessness, I have lost possession of myself, O Savior. Heavenly Father, take pity on me as I fly for refuge to Your abundant mercies!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I am filled with every shameful thing and dare not look up at the height of heaven, for I have foolishly bowed down to sin. But now I return and cry aloud in compunction: "I have sinned against You; receive me, O King of all!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are the help of men, the sure hope of all Christians, O Virgin undefiled, and the refuge of the saved. Save me by your motherly intercessions and count me worthy of the life to come!

Katavasia: Foreseeing the Virgin give birth....


The night is far spent, the day is at hand; the light has shone upon the world. Therefore the angelic hosts sing Your praises and glorify You, O Christ our God!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

I was enslaved to strangers, an exile in the land of corruption, and I was filled with shame. But now I return to You, O merciful Lord, and cry out to You: "I have sinned!"

Accept me now, O heavenly Father, in Your fatherly compassion as I return from evil; in Your exceeding mercy, do not reject me.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I have angered You beyond measure, O Christ, and I dare not look up at the height of heaven. But knowing Your compassion, O merciful Lord, I cry out: "I have sinned! Be merciful to me and save me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All-holy Virgin, full of grace, who bore the propitiation of all, by your prayers lighten the heavy burden of my sins.

Katavasia: The night is far spent, the day....


O God my Savior, I am sinking in the abyss of sin; I am plunged into the sea of this life; but as Jonah came out from the whale, so draw me out of the pit of the passions and save me, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The depth of sin always holds me fast, and the storm of transgressions overwhelms me. Pilot me, O Christ my God, to the harbor of life, and save me, O King of Glory!

I have wasted in evil living the riches which the Father gave me, and now I am brought to poverty. I am filled with shame and enslaved to fruitless thoughts. Therefore I cry out to You who love mankind: "Take pity on me and save me!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I am wasted with hunger and deprived of every blessing. I am an exile from Your presence, O Christ, supreme in loving kindness. Take pity on me as I now return, and save me as I sing the praises of Your love for mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O maiden who have conceived Christ, the Savior and Master: through my poverty, I lack all good. Count me worthy of salvation, O pure Virgin, that I may sing the praises of your majesty.


O God my Savior, I am sinking...



Tone 3

In my foolish wretchedness I ran away from your glory, and I squandered wickedly the riches You have given me. And so now, like the Prodigal Son, I cry out to You: I have sinned in your sight, Merciful Father, receive me now that I repent and make me as one of your hired servants.


Our Savior teaches us every day with His own voice; let us therefore hearken to the Scriptures concerning the Prodigal who became wise once more; and with faith let us follow the good example of his repentance. With humbleness of heart, let us cry out to Him who knows all secrets: "We have sinned against You, O merciful Father, and are not worthy ever again to be called Your children as before. But since You are by nature full of love for mankind, receive me and make me as one of Your hired servants!"


after the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we add:

On this day we commemorate the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which occurs in the noble Gospel, and which our God-bearing Fathers re-instituted in the Triodion.

O you who are, like me, a prodigal: come forward with confidence and tranquility; for the door of divine mercy has been opened unto all.

Through Your ineffable love for mankind, O Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.


In the furnace, the three young men took their inspiration from the Cherubim as they sang, "Blessed are You, O God, for You have executed proper judgment; because of our sins, You have done this to us: to You be glory and praise forever!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

I have bowed down miserably to the pleasures of the body and have become wholly enslaved to the demons that provoke the passions; and I have become a stranger to You who love mankind. But now I cry out with the voice of the Prodigal: "I have sinned, O Christ! Do not despise me, for You are merciful!"

I call out, "I have sinned", and I dare not look up to the heights of heaven, O King of all; for in my foolishness I alone have angered You, rejecting Your commandments. Therefore, since You are good, cast me not afar from Your presence!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

At the prayers of the apostles, the prophets, the saints, the holy martyrs and the just, O Christ my Lord, forgive me all the offenses which have provoked You to anger in Your goodness, and I shall sing Your praises forevermore.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, you are more glorious than the Cherubim and Seraphim and all the heavenly hosts. With them, O Virgin undefiled, entreat Him who took flesh of you, God the Word from the Father without beginning, that we may all be counted worthy of eternal blessings.


In the furnace, the three young men.....


To Him who in a burning bush on Mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O You who in great mercy have come down upon earth to save the world through Your voluntary poverty, save me in Your compassion, for I am poor in all good works.

I have wandered far from Your commandments, and in utter wretchedness I am enslaved to the deceiver. But now I turn back as the Prodigal of old: accept me as I fall down before You, O heavenly Father!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Ruled by corrupting thoughts, I am full of darkness and separated far from You, and I have lost all possession of myself, O merciful Lord. Therefore, save me as I fall down before You in repentance!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Mother of God, the only restoration of the fallen, raise me up, for I am wholly crushed and humbled by every kind of sin.


To Him who in a burning bush......

Canticle of Mary


What man could ever understand it? And who could ever have seen that a Virgin could conceive and bring her Child into the world without pain? But such is your wondrous mystery, O holy Mother of God: we magnify you!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Christ, behold the affliction of my heart. Behold my turning back! Behold my tears, O Savior, and do not despise me! But embrace me once again in Your compassion and count me with the multitude of the saved, that with thanksgiving I may sing the praises of Your mercy.

Like the Thief, I cry out to You, "Remember me!" Like the Publican, with eyes cast down to earth, I beat my breast and say, "Be merciful!" Like the Prodigal, deliver me from every evil, O King who pities all, that I may sing the praises of Your boundless compassion.

Groan now, O my wretched soul, and cry aloud to Christ, "O Lord, who for my sake became poor of Your own will, in my poverty I lack every good deed! Make me rich with the abundance of Your blessings, for You alone are full of love and mercy!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O loving Lord, once You rejoiced at the voluntary return of the Prodigal. Rejoice now because of me, wretched though I am. Open Your holy embrace to me, that saved I may sing the praises of Your boundless compassion!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I pray you, O Virgin, through your light-giving intercessions, enlighten the eyes of my mind, darkened by evil, and lead me into the paths of repentance. So shall I sing your praises, as is right: for you have given flesh to the Word that is beyond all speech.


What man could ever understand it....


we sing the first part of that of the Resurrection accordihng to the Aothinon, then:

In my wretchedness, I have sinfully wasted the wealth of grace that You gave me. I have left my true home, all to no purpose. Like the Prodigal, I have scattered my riches deceitfully among the demons. But now, on my return, accept me as the Prodigal, O merciful Father, and save me.

I have wasted and spent all Your riches, O Lord; and in my misery I have become the servant of evil demons. But, O compassionate Savior, take pity on the Prodigal, cleanse me from filth, and give me back once more the robe of Your Kingdom.

O holy Virgin Mother of God, pride and glory of the apostles, martyrs, prophets and saints, gain the gracious favor of your Son and Lord for us, your servants, when He takes His throne to judge each man according to his due.


we sing five stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, then the following three from the Triodion:

Tone 2

3. I come before You, O Lord, with the cry of the Prodigal: "I have sinned in Your sight, O gracious Master; I have wasted the riches of Your gifts of grace. But receive me in repentance, O Savior, and save me!"

v. Arise, O Lord my God, lift Your mighty hand and never forget Your poor.

Tone 4

2. Like the Prodigal Son, I come to You, O merciuful Lord. I have wasted my whole life in a foreign land; I have scattered the wealth which You gave me, O Father. Receive me in repentance, O God, and have mercy on me.

v. I shall praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart and shall proclaim all Your mighty deeds.

Tone 8

1. Like the Prodigal, I have wasted the riches which the Father gave me; I spent them all and am now destitute, dwelling in a land of evil citizens. No longer can I bear to live among them, but turning back, I cry to You, O merciful Father: "I have sinned against heaven and before You, and am not worthy to be called Your son. Make me as one of Your hired servants, O God, and have mercy on me."

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

O loving Father, I have wandered far from You; but do not forsake me; do ot reject me from Your Kingdom. The evil enemy has stripped me and taken all my wealth. Like the Prodigal, I have wasted the grace given to my soul. But now I have arisen and returned, and I cry aloud to You: "Make me s one of Your hired servants!" For my sake, on the Cross, You stretched out Your sinless hands to snatch me from the evil beast and to clothe me once again in my first robe, for You alone are full of mercy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are truly most blessed, O Virgin Mother of God......

Saturday of the Dead

If this day is February 2, the celebration of the Saturday of the dead is transferred to the day before the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, that is, to January 26. If it is January 25 or 27, or February 24, the feast of the day is transferred to the day before. If it is January 30, the feast of the day is celebrated on the 31st. The office of minor feasts which fall on Saturday and Sunday of Meatfare are made on the preceding day at Compline, but in an abridged manner, and then only the Canon is said.


At "O Lord, to You I call...", six stichera are sung: three to the martyrs in the Tone of the week, and then the following three for the dead:

Tone 8

3. Come, O faithful, let us commemorate today all those who have fallen asleep from times immemorial: all those who have lived in the true Faith, each one individually. Let us praise the Lord our Savior, praying to Him with fervor, that at the time of judgment they may give a good account to our God who is to judge the earth, so that they may stand joyfully at His right hand in the company of the just as brilliant heirs of the saints, and that they may deserve the heavenly Kingdom.

2. O Savior who redeemed us with Your blood, who delivered us from death through Your death and granted us everlasting life through Your Resurrection: give repose, O Lord, to the souls of the faithful who rest in death, in the wilderness or in the cities, on land, at sea or anywhere; to kings, priests, bishops and ascetics, to laymen of every walk of life and every race, and make them worthy of Your Kingdom.

1. O Christ, by Your Resurrection from the dead, death has no more power over those who have fallen asleep in the true Faith. Wherefore, we beseech You constantly: let us rest in Your heavenly dwellings in the bosom of Abraham together with all Your servants who have worshipped You according to their conscience from the days of Adam until our present time: parents, brethren, relatives and everyone who has passed through this life in faith in any way whoatwsoever, and make us all worthy of Your heavenly Kingdom.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

I wail and moan as I think of death, and see that our human splendor created in God's image, now shapeless, uncomely and unattractive, is laid in the grave. Oh, the secret of this mystery befalling me! How did we com to be handed down to this corruption? How did death become our partner? Verily, as it is written, this is a punishment from God, from this God who grants rest to those who pass away.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion/Dogmatikon from the Tone of the week from the Octoechos/Parakletike

There is no Entrance, unless prescribed in the Menaion. After "O Joyful Light", we sing in place of the Prokimenon of the day, the following:


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Or in the Eighth Tone:

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and drawn close to dwell in Your courts, O Lord, and be filled with the good things of Your house.

v. Their souls shall abide in abundance and their generation shall inherit the earth.

v. Their memory shall remain forever and ever.


We sing 1 sticheron to the martyrs and 2 for the dead by John of Damascus in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos/Parakletike; then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

Your life-giving command called me into existence and formed me. You have endowed me with two elements-one visible and the other invisible: You have formed my body from clay, and breathed into me a soul from Your divine breath. O Christ our God, give rest to Your servants in the Kingdom of those who live forever and in the company of the just.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the prayers of Your Mother, O Christ our God, and through the intercession of Your martyrs and apostles, of Your prophets, hierarchs adn holy monks, and of all the saints, give rest to Your servants who have fallen asleep.


Tone 8

Unique Creator, Lord, who in the depth of Your wisdom and love for mankind direct us all, giving to each one what is good for salvation: grant rest to the souls of Your servants, for they have put their trust in You, our Creator, Maker and God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

For us you are a rampart, wall and refuge: our advocate with God! You are the salvation of the faithful, since you gave birth to Him, Virgin Mother of God.

After the end of Vespers, we can celebrate in the narthex a Memorial Service for the departed, at which we sing the Canon for the Dead in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos/Parakletike.


Kontakion of ordinary Friday nights. If a Memorial Service has not been celebrated after Vespers, it can be done after Compline. The Canon for the Dead is used (of the Tone of the Week or from funerals). At the end of the 9th Ode, the four Troparia for the dead are sung from the beginning of the Funeral Office. Then follows the Ektenia of the Dead, which is recited by the priest vested in the stole in front of the analogion in the middle of the choir. On it is a tray containing boiled wheat offered in memory of the dead. After the Ektenia, the prayer for the dead is recited together with the apolysis particular to this office.


Troparion and Kontakion of the Saturday of the Dead



Use the format of Orthros for the Departed (Saturday mornings) in the Lenten Horologion. After the Sixteenth Kathisma, Sessional Hymns of the Martyrs in the Tone of the Week. After the Evlogitaria of the Dead, Sessional Hymns from the Horologion.

Canons: we sing the Canon of the Patron Saint and the Canon of the Dead from the Triodion. The Katavasias are the Hirmoi of the Canon from the Triodion.


Tone 8


O people, let us raise a song to our God who works wonders, for He set Israel free from bondage; and with a hymn of victory, let us cry aloud:
"Let us sing to You, our only Master!"

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

As we celebrate today the memory of the dead from the beginning, let us all entreat Christ to deliver from the everlasting fire those who have fallen asleep in faith and in the hope of eternal life.

In the depth of Your judgments, O Christ, with the fulness of wisdom You have preordained the end of each man's life, its appointed moment and its manner. Therefore, all-merciful One, at the judgment, save those in every land whom the grave has hidden.

It is You who have set bounds to our time upon this earth; therefore, when we waken form the night of life, make us children of the day that knows no evening: Orthodox priests, kings and all Your people.

To those hidden by the deep or cut down in battle, swallowed by an earthquake, murdered or consumed by fire, grant in Your mercy a place with the faithful and the just.

Overlooking all the transgressions of the flesh, our Savior, in every age, by every nation of mankind, grant that, as they make their defense before You, the Creator, they may stand uncondemned before Your judgment seat.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sing the praises of three self-dependent Persons in one Essence: the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten, and the Holy Spirit: sovereignty and power without beginning, a single Godhead.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Truly you have appeared on earth as a heaven, a heaven far greater than the highest firmament, O unwedded Virgin. For from you has shone forth upon the world the Sun and King of Justice.


O people, let us raise a song....


Realize now that I am your God, who in righteous judgment have fixed the bounds of life, bringing from corruption into incorruption all who have fallen asleep in the hope of eternal resurrection.

O Lord, You receive from the far corners of the earth those who have died in faith, at sea and on land, in rivers, springs, lakes or wells, devoured by wild beasts, birds or creeping things. Give rest to them all.

O Lord, in the palm of Your hand You have discerned all things before they come to pass. All those whose bodies are dissolved into the four elements, restore and raise up at Your coming, forgiving them all their offenses committed knowingly or unknowingly.

O Lord, how awesome will by Your Second Coming! Like lightning, You shall appear on earth and raise up all Your creatures to be judged. Grant to those who have lived with faith in You, that they may beet You on that day and be counted worthy to dwell with You.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in Three Persons, supreme in Divinity and surpassing all perfection: Father unbegotten, Son only-begotten, Spirit proceeding from the Father and made manifest through the Son: single in Essence and Nature, one Lordship and one Kingdom: save us all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The wonder of your conceiving is past speech, O Mother and Virgin: for how have you given birth and remained undefiled? How did you bear a Child without knowing man? All this is understood by the Word of God, who was born from you in a new way, surpassing nature.


Realize now that I am....


O Word of God who made the heavens firm by Your hand, make our hearts firm through the enlightenment of Your true knowledge, for wer have put our trust in You!

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

O God, grant a crown of righteousness to those who have passed through the course of life in the glory of the faith; and count them worthy to enjoy eternal blessings.

When You shall come to judge all things by fire, O God, give rest to those who have been suddenly snatched away, burnt up by lightning, frozen by the cold, or struck down by any other calamity.

O Christ, grant a safe anchorage in the harbor of immortal life with You to those who have sailed across the ever-troubled sea of this earthly life, steered by the Orthodox Faith.

O Christ our God, as You judge right, raise up in glory on the last day those whom the creatures of the sea or birds of the air have devoured.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In my thoughts, I distinguish three Persons within the simplicity of the divine Oneness, and at the same time, I join them together; for, shining forth in threefold radiance with the swiftness of lightning, the Godhead is made manifest as Unity.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mind cannot comprehend this wonder brought to pass in you: for you conceived without a man, pure Lady, and you gave birth while keeping your virginity. Therefore, the angelic hosts and mortal men sing your praises unto all ages.


O Word of God who made...


Sessional Hymns

Tone 5

O Savior who for our sake endured the Cross and death, who put Hades to death and raised the dead: give rest, O God, to those who have departed from us, in Your love for mankind. At Your awesome and dread Coming, O Giver of Life, in the multitude of Your mercies, count them worthy of Your Kingdom.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Savior who for our sake...(Repeat)

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Grant your swift protection, your help and your mercy to your servants; calm the waves of my vain thoughts, O pure Theotokos, and raise up my fallen soul. For I know, O Virgin, that you have the power to do all that you wish.


In a divine vision, the Prophet foresaw Your coming in the flesh from the overshadowed mountain, the Theotokos, O Word, and he glorified Your power with fear.

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

Parents and forefathers, grandparents and great-greandparents, those hwo from the beginning up to these last times have died in holiness of life and in true faith: remember them all, O our Savior!

Those who died in faith on the mountainside or road, in the tombs or the desert, monks and married people, young and old: grant to them all, O Christ, a dwelling with Your saints.

To the faithful who were taken from this life suddenly, at a time they did not expect, in the midst of sorrow or joy, of prosperity or misfortune: give them rest, O our Savior.

To those destroyed by the cold, killed from falling, overwhelmed by hail, snow or thunderstorms, crushed by stones or suffocated in the earth: give rest, O Christ our Savior!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Strange it is that the Divinity should be One and Three, fully present in each single Person without division: for Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are worshipped as one God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of the Lord, we are buffeted by the storm of sin: pilot us by your prayers, deliver us from every danger and guide us to the harbor of salvation.


In a divine vision...


My spirit seeks You early in the morning, O God, for Your commandments bring us light before Your coming: shine them upon our minds, O Master, and guide us in the path of life.

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

Celebrating today, O Lord, the memorial of all who from the beginning have died ihn the true Faith, we cry fervently to You: "Give rest to them all with Your saints!"

In Your compassion, deliver from eternal punishment those whom You have taken from every generation: Orthodox kings, rulers and monks.

You know what is best for all the creatures You have formed: deliver from every torment, O Lord our God, those whom You have permitted to die unexpectedly, through some sudden mishap.

O our Savior, deliver all who have died in the faith from the ever-burning fire, from the darkness without light, from the gnashing of teeth, and the worm that torments without ceasing: from every punishment!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

One in throne, without beginning, threefold Unity, single in Essence yet distinct in Persons, unite us to the one will of Your commandments.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You were made higher in honor than the fiery seraphim, O pure Virgin, for you have born Him whom they dare not approach, Jesus the Savior, who by taking flesh from you has made our earthly nature godlike.


My spirit seeks You early...


Held fast by many sins, I fall down like the prophet before Your tender mercies. Accept me also in Your love for mankind, O Lord, and save me!

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

Author of life, by Your passion, You have loosed the pains of death: give rest, O our God, to Your servants who have fallen asleep from the beginning of time.

To those whom in Your ineffable providence You have permitted to be killed by drugs or poison, or through choking, give rest, O Lord, with Your saints.

When You shall come as Judge and all things stand naked and laid bare before Your face, then in Your mercy, O God, spare those who worshipped You with faith.

When Your archangel sounds the last trumpet, awakening all to the resurrection of life, then, O Christ, give rest to Your servants.

Be merciful, O Lord, to all the faithful from every nation of mankind, whom You have taken since the beginning of time, and count them worthy to glorify You with Your servants forever.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Thrice-holy Godhead, one in throne, Father, Son and Spirit: You are my God, holding all in unity by Your almighty power!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Leap for joy, O Jesse, the forefather! From your root has sprung the Flower of Life that saves the world, Christ our God, born from the pure Maiden!


Held fast by many sins...



Tone 8

O Christ God, with the saints grant rest to the souls of your servants in a place where there is no pain, no grief, no sighing, but everlasting life.


You are the only Immortal One. O Creator and Maker of man. We are mortals: out of the earth we were fashioned and to the same earth we shall return, as You have said and ordered, O my Maker: "Dust you are," said You, "and to dust you shall return!" We all go down to the dust and we sing to You: Alleluia!


after the Synaxarion of the day, we omit the final line, and add:

On this day, the holy fathers ordained a memorial for all those who have fallen asleep since the ages in true faith and in the hope of everlasting life.

Remember not, concerning the dead, their transgressions, O timeless Word. Do not show Your goodwill and compassion to be inactive.

Grant rest, O Christ our Master, to the souls of those who have preceded us in sleep, in the dwelling-places of the just, and have mercy on us, for You alone are deathless. Amen.


In the beginning, You laid the foundations of the earth and established the heavens by Your word: Blessed are You unto all ages, O Lord God of our Fathers!

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants.

Celebrating the memory of those who from the beginning have died in the true faith, we cry out, "Blessed are You unto all ages, O Lord God of our Fathers!"

Give rest, O God, to the faithful who have fallen asleep, who perished suddenly, struck by some weapon of iron, wood or stone.

At Your awesome coming, O merciful Christ, place with the sheep at Your right hand all those who in this life served You in the true Orthodox Faith, and have now departed to You.

Grant to Your servants, O Christ, a place in the choir of Your chosen ones, that they may cry aloud to You, "Blessed are You unto all ages, O Lord God of our Fathers!"

You have fashioned our clay from the dust of the earth, O merciful Savior, and have given life to it through the Holy Spirit; give rest, O God, to those whom You have taken, in the life that does not grow old.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us praise the Godhead, one in Essence but threefold in Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: three Suns with but one single Light.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

With the words of David, we sing to you, O Virgin, calling you the mountain of God: in you the Word dwelt according to the flesh; and in you, He has made our nature godlike.


In the beginning....


Glorified on the holy mountain, the Lord revealed the mystery of the ever-Virgin to Moses in the burning bush: praise and exalt Him above all forever!

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

You have destroyed the shadow of death and shone forth from the tomb like the rising sun. Make all those who died in the faith in every age become children of Your Resurrection, O Lord of glory!

You know all obscure and hidden things. When You come to reveal the works of darkness and the counsels of our hearts, then show mercy to all who have fallen asleep in faith, and do not require from them what is due.

When You come to sit upon the throne and summon with the trumpet all men from the ends of the earth, commanding them to stand before You for judgment, then spare us all, O Christ, in Your mercy.

O Lord of glory, forgive unto all ages those of the faithful who died suddenly in some accident, as they cried out violently or ran swiftly, or were struck in the face, or trampled underfoot.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

As Unity in Essence, I sing Your praises; as Trinity in Persons, I venerate You, Father, Son and all-holy Spirit. The power of Your Kingdom that has no beginning, I glorify unto all ages.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are revealed, O Virgin Theotokos, as a sealed fountain of living water. For without man, you have given birth to the Lord; and you make the faithful drink from the waters of immortality forever.


Glorified on the holy mountain...



The burning bush on the mountain revealed in prophecy to the giver of the Law Christ's birth from the ever-Virgin for our salvation; and with never-silent songs of praise, we magnify Him.

v. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your departed servants!

Where Your saints dwell in joy, O Lord, grant that all from every age who fell asleep in faith and hope may also rejoice and be glad.

Give rest, O Christ, to all the faithful destroyed by the wrath of God: struck down by deadly thunderbolts from heaven, swallowed by a cleft in the earth, or drowned in the sea.

Give rest, O God, to all the faithful You have taken from every age in life: old and young, children and newborn babies, male and female.

Give rest to all who worshipped You in faith: killed by poisonous bites, swallowed by serpents, trampled underfoot, strangled or hanged by their neighbors.

We remember by name each of the faithful who died in every generation from the beginning of time; grant them at Your coming to stand before You uncondemned.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O God, one in three, glory to You without ceasing. Each is God, yet Father, Son and Spirit are one in Essence, though threefold and distinct in the splendor of Their Persons.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Beyond our understanding is your childbearing, O undefiled Virgin. For you gave birth to Him who was before all things, and ineffably you feed Him with your milk, while He feeds the world. You hold Him who upholds the universe, Christ our only Redeemer!


The burning bush....


As God, You reign over the living and the dead. Give rest to Your servants in a chosen spot. They may have sinned, O Savior, but nonetheless, they did not abandon You.

Bring Your servants to rest in the land of the living, Lord, where there is no pain, no grief, no sorrow. O Lover of mankind, absolve, those who had sinned during life, for You alone are sinless and merciful, O Lord of the living and the dead.

O Mary, Bride of God, join the prophets and martyrs-monks, nuns, hierarchs and all the saints-in praying to Christ unceasingly for Your servants, so that we mighty inherit the Kingdom of heaven.


Tone 8

4. Come, brethren, before the end, and let us all look upon our clay, upon the infirmity and meanness of our nature. Let us behold our end and what will become of our flesh. Let us see that man is dust, food for worms, and corruption; that our bones grow dry and have no breath of life within them. Let us gaze on the tombs. Where is man's glory? Where his outward beauty? Where is the eloquent tongue? Where the noble brow and the eye? All is dust and shadow. Therefore, O Savior, spare us all!

3. Why does man deceive himself and boast? Why does he trouble himself in vain? For he is earth, and soon to the earth he will return. Why does the dust not reflect that it is formed from clay, why do we cling so closely to the earth? For if we are Christ's brethren, should we not run to Him, leaving all this mortal and fleeting life, and seeking the life incorruptible, which is Christ Himself, the illumination of our souls?

2. You formed Adam with Your own hand, O Savior, and set him at the border between mortality and immortality. You made him share in life through grace, freeing him from corruption and translating him to the life that he enjoyed at first. Give rest, O Master, to Your servants whom You took from us; may they dwell with the righteous in the choir of Your elect. Write their names in the Book of Life; raise them with the sound of the Archangel's trumpet, and count them worthy of the Kingdom of heaven.

1. Christ is risen, releasing from bondage Adam, the first-formed man, and destroying the power of Hades. Rejoice, all you dead, for death is slain and Hades despoiled. The crucified and risen Christ is King. He has given incorruption to our flesh; He raises us and grants resurrection to us, and He counts us worthy of His joy and glory, all who with an unwavering faith have trusted fervently in Him.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

As a flower withers and a dream passes away, so is each man's flesh dissolved at death. But at the sound of the trumpet, all the dead as in an earthquake shall rise up again to meet You, Christ our God. Then, Master, grant to all Your servants whom You have taken from us, that they may dwell forever in the tabernacles of Your saints.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, Mary, O Theotokos, temple that shall never be destroyed, temple of holiness, as the prophet David cried out: "Holy is Your temple, O You who keep Your promise with wonders!"


We sing the stichera of the dead by Theophanes in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos/Parakletike, with:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

In days of old in Eden, the eating of the fruit brought grief to Adam. Through the poison of the serpent; for in this way death entered, devouring the whole human race. But by His coming, the Master has destroyed the dragon and bestowed rest upon us. To Him, therefore, let us cry aloud: "Spare, O Savior, those whom You have taken, and give them rest with Your elect!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are our God, who in wisdom create and fill all things. You sent the prophets, O Christ, to foretell Your coming, and the Apostles to proclaim Your majesty. The first prophesied Your advent, and the second illumined the nations by Baptism, while the martyrs through their sufferings received what they desired. With Your Mother, they all intercede before You: Give rest, O Lord, to the souls that You have taken. O my Deliverer and my God, who have endured the Cross for me who am condemned, count us worthy of Your Kingdom!

After the Trisagion, we sing the Troparia, "Unique Creator...", Glory, Now, "For us you are a rampart..." as at the beginning.



First Kathisma: Blessed the man

At "O Lord, to You I call...", we sing 10 stichera: 6 from the Octoechos in the Tone of the week, then the following:

Tone 6

4. When YOu are about to come to execute just judgment, O Just Judge, and to sit upon the throne of Your glory, the river of fire flowing before Your altar will dazzle everyone. When the powers of heaven stand before You in dread, and men are judged in fear, each one according to his deeds, then, O Christ, have pity on us and make us worthy to be counted with thoe who are saved. We ask this of You with fervor, for You are compassionate.

3. Indeed, the books shall be opened and the works of men revealed before the awesome throne; the vale of mourning shall echo with dreadful gnashing of teeth when all the sinners are seen to be mourning in vain as tehy are sent to their eternal punishment in accord with Your just sentence. Wherefore we implore You, O Good and compassionate One: have pity on us who sing to You: "You are the Most Merciful One!"

2. The trumpets shall blast and the tombs be emptied, and all mankind shall arise with trembling and fear. Those who have done good shall rejoice with gladness, expectin their reward; those who have done evil shall tremble mightily, moaning and shaking as they are sent to their pain and separated from the elect. Wherefore, O Lord of glory, be compassionate towards us and make us worthy to be counted among those You love, for You are good.

1. Indeed, I wail and moan when I think of eternity, of the utmost darkness and the notion of hell, the painful worms and gnashing of teeth, the ceaseless pain of those whose sins are without number and who wickedly angered You, O Good One, whose most wretched servant I am. Wherefore, O Judge, save me by Your mercy, for You are compassionate.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

When the thrones are set in place and the books are opened and God has taken the judgment seat, what an awesome sight as the angels stand in fear and the river of fire flows by! What then shall we do, we men who have come under condemnation by reason fo our countless sins? As we hear Christ call the blessed of His Father to His Kingdom and send sinners to their doom, who will be those who bear the dreadful verdict? O Savior and Lover of Mankind, only King of the Universe, hasten to my side, grant me the grace of repentance before it is too late, and have mercy on me.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion/Domgatikon of the Tone of the week


we sing the stichera of the Patron Saint, then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 7

Knowing the commandment of the Lord, let this be our way of life: let us feed the hungry, let us give the thirsty drink, let us clothe the naked, let us welcome strangers, let us visit those in prison and the sick. Then the Judge of all the earth will say even to us: "Come, O blessed of My Father; receive the Kingdom prepared for You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All of us who are on earth take refuge under your protection, O Lady, crying out to you: "O Mother of God, our hope, deliver us from countless sins and save our souls!"


We sing the Aposticha of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

Woe to you, my darkened soul! How long will you continue to do evil? How long will you lie in laziness? Why do you not think of the fearful hour of death? Why do you not tremble at the terrible judgment seat of the Savior? What defense will you make, or what excuse shall you give when your deeds rise to reproach and condemn you? Now, O my soul, is the time! Make haste before it is too late! Cry aloud in faith, "I have sinned, O Lord! I have sinned against You! But I know Your love for mankind and Your compassion, O Good Shepherd! Do not deprive me of a place at Your right hand in Your great mercy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin who knew not carnal union, O you who ineffably carried God in the flesh, O Mother of almighy God, O woman without stain: accept the prayers of your servants. O you who obtain for all of us the cleansing of our sins: accept now our supplications and intercede for the salvation of us all.


Kontakion of the Triodion rather than the Hypacoi of the Resurrection


To the Trinity Canon, add the verses at the Lete. Instead of the Hypacoi of the Resurrection, the three Katanyktika Troparia are said.



Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the week. We use Psalm 136 for the Polyeleos. After Psalm 50, we sing the Stichera of the Triodion rather than the usual Idiomela.

Canons: we use the Canon of the Resurrection, the Canon of the Mother of God, and the Canon of the Triodion, by St. Theodore the Studite.


Tone 6


My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

I tremble with fear when I ponder and foresee the awesome day of Your ineffable Coming, when You shall sit and judge the living and the dead, O my all-powerful God.

When You come, O God, with the myriad hosts of angels, count me worthy to meet You in the clouds, O Christ, despite my wretchedness.

Come, my soul: call to mind that day and hour when God shall stand before you visibly. Weep and lament that you may be found pure in the hour of trial.

Terror and amazement seize mewhen I think of the fire of Gehenna that shall never be extinguished, of the bitter worm and the gnashing of teeth. But release me and forgive me, O Christ, and set me in the ranks of Your elect.

Unworthy though I am, may I also hear Your greatly desired voice which calls the saints to Your joy, and may I obtain the ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of heaven.

Enter not into judgment with me, bringing before me the things I should have done, examining my words and correcting my impulses. But in Your mercy, overlook my sins and save me, O Lord almighty!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in three Persons, sovereign Lord of all, Source of perfection, God without beginning, Father, Son and all-holy Spirit: save us!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who has ever begotten a son not sown by a father according to the laws of nature? Yet such a Son the Father bgegets without a mother. Most strange and marvelous wonder! For you, O Virgin, have at the same time born both God and man.


My strength and my courage....


Lord, set my heart upon the rock of Your commandments, that i tmay not falter, for You alone are holy, You alone are the Lord!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Lord is coming, and who shall endure the awe of His coming? Who shall dare to appear before His face? But prepare yourself to meet Him, O my soul!

Let us make haste before it is too late. Let us lament, let us be reconciled to God before the end comes. For fearful is the judgment at which all of us shall stand naked!

Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy, I cry to You, when You come with Your angels to give to every man due return for his deeds!

How shall I endure the naked wrath of Your judgment? I have disobeyed Your commandments. But spare me, O Lord, at the hour of judgment!

Turn back, my wretched soul, and lament before the fair-ground of life comes to an end, before the Lord closes the door of the bridal chamber!

O Lord, I have sinned as no other man before! I have transgressed more than nay man! Before teh day of judgment comes, be merciful to me in Your lvoe for mankind!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple Unity, praised in Trinity of persons, uncreated Essence without beginning: save us who in faith worship Your power!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O undefiled Virgin, in a childbearing without seed, you have given birth to the living Word, who took flesh in your womb yet was not altered. Glory to your childbearing, O Mother of God!


Lord, set my heart....


Sessional Hymns

Tone 1

Fearful is Your judgment seat, and Your judgment is just; but my works are very evil. Come, merciful Lord, before it is too late: save me and deliver me from punishment. Redeem me, Master, from the condemnation of the goats, and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O most pure Judge!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Virgin, through the action of the Holy Spirit, you have contained in your womb the Maker of all, your God and your Creator; and without corruption you gave birth to Him. We exalt Him and sing your praises, O Palace of the King of Glory and pledge of the world's redemption.

OR other Sessional Hymns

Tone 6

I think of the fearful day and lament my evil acts. What answer shall I give to the Immortal King? With what boldness shall I, the Prodigal, gaze upon the Judge? O compassioinate Father, only-begotten Son and Holy Spirit: have mercy upon me!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In the valley of lamentation, in the place You appointed, when You shall sit to execute just judgment, O merciful Lord, do not reveal my secret sins. Do not put me to shame in the presence of the angels, but spare me, O God, and have mercy upon me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, you are the good hope of the world. I ask for your awesome protection, yours alone. Have compassion on your people who are left without any defense. Pray to the merciful God that our souls may be delivered from every threat, for you alone are blessed.


O Lord, the Prophet heard of Your coming and was filled with trembling, for You willed to be born of a Virgin to manifest Yourself among men, and he said: "I have heard Your renown, and feared; glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The day is upon us and the judgment is already at the door. Be watchful, O my soul. Kings and princes, rich and poor are gathering, and each shall receive the due reward for his actions.

Each in his own order, monk and hierarch, old and young, slave and master, shall be examined; widow and virgin shall be corrected. And woe to all those whose lives are sinful!

Your judgment is without respect of persons; no cunning argument or skill in eloquence can deceive Your judgment seat. False witnesses cannot pervert Your sentence. For in Your sight, O God, every secret stands revealed.

Let me not come into the valley of lamentation, O my Christ and Word; let me not see the place of darkness; let me not be bound hand and foot and cast out from Your bridal chamber, because in my utter wretchedness I have defiled the garment of incorruption.

When at the judgment of the world You separate the sinners from the just, count me as one of Your sheep, and do not place me with the goats, O loving Lord. Let me hear the words of blessing.

When the trial takes place and the books recording our acts are opened, what shall you do, O miserable soul? What answer shall you make before the judgment seat, for you have no fruits of righteousness to offer Christ, your Creator?

I hear the lamentation of the rich man in the flames of torment, and in my misery I weep and wail, for I deserve the same condemnation. Therefore I entreat You: "Have mercy on me, O Savior of the world, at the time of judgment!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I glorify the Son and the Spirit who come from the Father as light and ray from the sun: the One begotten as Offspring, the Other proceeding and sent forth; divine and coetenal Trinity, adored by all creation.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O honored Virgin who have given birth yet kept your purity, you have borne both God and man, a single Person with a two-fold Nature. This is your miracle, O Virgin Mother, fills every ear and mind with wonder.


O Lord, the Prophet....


At night I keep watch before You, O Lord, Lover of Mankind; I entreat You: enlighten me, lead me along the way of Your commandments, and teach me to do Your will, O Savior!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Fear and trembling beyond all description are there; for the Lord will come and try the work of every man. And who will not mourn for himself?

The river of fire devours and torments me; the gnashing of teeth grinds me to powder; the darkness of the abyss fills my heart with dismay. And what can I do to gain God's mercy?

Spare, O Lord, spare Your servent! Do not deliver me to the bitter tormentors, to the cruel angels in hell, who will never let me be at rest.

Prince and governor together, rich and humble, great and small, all alike are tried.

Woe to him who is not prepared!

Pardon, remit and forgive, O Lord, all my sins against You. Do not condemn me there in the presence of the angels to the punishment of fire and to unending shame.

Spare, O Lord, spare the work of Your hands! I have sinned; forgive me! For You alone are pure by nature, and none but You are free from defilement.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity, I praise You as Unity by nature, without beginning, incomprehensible, supreme in sovereignty, beyond perfection, God and Light and Life, Creator of the world.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In your childbearing that surpasses nature, the laws of nature are clearly made void, O holy Virgin. For without seed you have given birth to God, begotten from the Father before all ages!


At night I keep watch.....


I called out with all my heart to the God of compassion; He heard my voice from the depths of Hades and brought my life up from the pit.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

At Your awesome Coming, O Christ, when You appear in heaven, when the thrones are set up and the books are opened, then spare Your creature, O Savior!

Since God is the Judge, nothing can help you there-no zeal, no skill, no glory, no friendship, but only the strength that you gain from your deeds, O my soul.

Prince and governor will be there together, my soul, rich and poor; no father or mother will be able to help us, no brother will redeem us from condemnation.

Think, my soul, of the fearful examination before the Judge; in trembling, prepare your defense, lest you be condemned to the eternal bonds.

O Lord, do not let me hear You say, "Take your pay!" as You send me away from Your presence. Let me not hear You say, "Out of My sight, into that everlasting fire, you condemned!"; but may I hear Your words of blessing to the just.

Deliver me, O Lord, from the gates of Hades, from the chaos and darkness without light, from the lowest depths of the earth and the unquenchable fire, and from al the other everlastin gpunishments.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sing the praises of the Tribune Godhead, Father, Son and divine Spirit; one sovereign Principle divided in Three Persons!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are the gate, pure Lady, through which One alone has passed, going in and out, yet not breaking the seal of your virginity: Jesus, Adam's Creator and your Son!


I called out with all my heart....



Tone 1

When You shall come down, O God, upon earth in your glory, every creature shall tremble before You. A river of fire shall flow before your judgment-seat, the books shall be opened and all secrets revealed. On that day, O righteous Judge, deliver me from the unquenchable fire, and make me worthy to stand at your right.


O Lord, supreme in love, as I think upon Your awesome judgment-seat and the day of judgment, I tremble and am full of fear, for I am accused by my own conscience. When You sit upon Your throne and bring all to trial, none will be able to deny his sins, for the truth will accuse him and terror will constrain him. The flames o Gehenna will roar and the sinners will gnash their teeth. Therefore, have mercy on me before the end and spare me, O righteous Judge!


after the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we read:

On this day, we commemorate the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Righteous Judge.

When You take Your seat to judge the earth, O just and righteous Judge, make me, too, worthy of the voice that says, "Come!"

Wherefore, by the abundance of Your ineffable compassion, O Christ God, make us worthy of Your illustrious voice and number us among those who stand at Your right hand. Amen.


We have sinned and transgressed and have done injustice before You; Your commandments we have not needed nor observed; do not reject us forever, O Lord God of our Fathers!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O faithful, let us fall down and lament before that day of judgment comes, when the heavens will be destroyed, the stars fall and all the earth shall be shaken, that at the end we may receive mercy from the God of our Fathers.

The trial is without respect of persons, and fearful is the judgment on that day. Nothing escapes the Judge, no favor can be won with bribes. But spare me, Master, and deliver me from all Your fearful wrath!

The Lord comes to judge: who can endure the sight of Him? Tremble, my wretched soul, tremble and prepare for your departure, that you may gain mercy and compassion from the God of your Fathers.

Terror seizes me when I think of the unquenchable fire, of the bitter worm, of the gnashing of teeth and soul-destroying Hades; yet I do not turn to true repentance. O Lord, Lord, before the end, strengthen Your fear within me!

I fall down before You, and as tears I offer You my words. I have sinned as the Harlot never sinned, and I have transgressed as no other man on earth. But take pity on Your creature, Master, and call me back.

Turn back, repent, uncover all that you have hidden! Say to God, who knows all things, "You alone know my secrets, O Savior: have mercy on me, as David sings, in the greatness of Your mercy!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sing the praises of the Three that are One in Essence, of the One that is Three in Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one power, one will, one energy, one thrice-holy God, one sovereign Kingdom!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

God comes forth in beauty from the chamber of your womb, O Virgin. He is clothed as a King in the divinely-woven robe dyed mystically in your all-pre blood, and He reigns over the earth.


We have sinned and transgressed...


He whom all the angels glorify, before whom tremble the Cherubim and Seraphim: let everything that lives and breathes, and all creation, praise Him, bless Him and exalt Him above all forever!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Lord, when I think how I must meet You at Your awesome Second Coming, I tremble in anticipation; I fear Your wrath. In that hour, deliver me, I Cry, and save me forever.

When You, O God, shall judge all things, who among us earthborn men shall dare to stand before You, for we are all full of passions? Then the unquenchable fire and the destroying worm shall seize the condemned and hold them fast forever.

Everything that has breath, O Christ, You shall gather together to be judged. Then great shall be the fear, and great the anguish; and only our good deeds shall help us forever.

Judge of all, my Lord and God, on that day may I hear Your words of blessing; may I see Your mighty light; may I look upon Your tabernacles; may I behold Your glory and rejoice forever.

O righteous Judge and Savior, have mercy on me and deliver me from the fire that threatens me, and from the punishment that I deserve to suffer at the judgment. Before the end comes, grant me remission through virtue and repentance.

When You sit on Your throne, O merciful Judge, and reveal Your awesome glory, O Christ, what fear there shall then be! When the furnace burns with fire, and all shrink back in terror before Your judgment seat.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I honor God, one in Essence; I sing the praises of the three Persons, distinct frm one another yet not differing in nature, for there is one Godhead in the three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

From your womb filled with radiance, Christ has come forth as a Bridegroom from His chamber; and as a great Light, He has illumined those in darkness. Like lightning, the Sun of Justice has flashed forth, O pure Virgin, giving light to the world.


He whom all the angels glorify....

Canticle of Mary


Without seed, you have conceived; ineffable is your childbearing, O unwedded Mother; in a virginal manner, God is incarnate and renewed the laws of nature; and in keeping with the true Faith, O Virgin Mother of God, we magnify you from age to age.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Lord comes to punish sinners and to save the just. Let us tremble and lament, and call to mind the day when our hidden secrets will be disclosed, and He will pay us what is due.

Moses was filled with fear and trembling when he saw You from behind. How then in my wretchedness shall I endure seeing Your face, when You shall come from heaven? But spare me, O compassionate Lord, and look upon me in mercy!

Daniel was afraid at the hour of trial. And what shall I feel, wretched as I am, when I come to that terrible day, Lord? But grant me before the end to worship You acceptably and to gain Your Kingdom.

The fire is prepared; the worm is ready. Yet ready also is the rejoicing, the eternal rest, the light without evening, the gladness of the just. And who is he that shall be blessed to escape from the torment and inherit the joy?

O Lord, do not cast me away from Your presence in anger; let me not hear You send me away condemned to the fire. But let me enter then into the joy of Your eternal bridal chamber with Your saints.

My mind is wounded, my body has grown feeble, my spirit is sick, my speech has lost its power, my life is dead, the end is at the door. What shall you do then, miserable soul, when the Judge comes to examine your deeds?

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Father, singly only-begetter of the Only-begotten Son; O only Light and Brightness from the one and only Light; and You, O one and only Holy Spirit from the one God, true Lord from the Lord: O holy Three in One, save me as I speak of Your Divinity.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The marvel of your childbearing fills me with wonder, O all-blameless Lady. How have you conceived without seed Him whom none can comprehend? How have you remained a virgin and yet become a Mother? "Accept the miracle with faith, and worship the Child that is born: for all that He wills, He has the power to do!"


Without seed, you have conceived...


we sing the first part of the occuring Exapostilarion of the Resurrection, then:

As I ponder the fearful day of Your judgment and ineffable glory, I am completely filled with dread, O Lord, and trembling in terror I cry, "When You come in glory upon the earth, O Christ our God, to judge all things, then deliver me in my wretchedness from every punishment; and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O Master!"

Behold, the day of the almighty Lord is coming, and who shall endure the fear of His presence? For it is a day of wrath; the furnace shall burn, and the Judge shall sit and give each one the due return for his deeds.

As I call to mind the hour of the trial and the fearful coming of the Master who loves mankind, I tremble in every part and with sad voice, I cry to You, "O my most righteous Judge, who alone are rich in mercy, at the intercession of the Theotokos, accept me in repentance!"


we sing five stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, and then the following from the Triodion:

Tone 6

3. I think upon the day and hour when we shall all stand naked, like men condemned, before the Judge who accepts no man's person. Then the trumpet shall sound aloud and the foundation of the earth shall quake; the dead shall rise from the tombs and all shall be gathered together from every generation. Then each man's secrets will be manifested before You. Those who have never repented shall weep and lament, deparing to the outer fire; but with gladness and rejoicing, the company of the just shall enter into the heavenly bridal chamber.

v. Arise, O Lord my God, lift Your mighty hand and never forget Your poor.

Tone 6

2. How shall it be in that hour and fearful day, when the Judge shall sit on His awesome throne! The books shall be opened and men's actions shall be examined, and the secrets of darkness shall be made public. Angels shall hasten about, gathering all the nations. Come and hear, O kings and princes, slaves and free, sinners and just, rich and poor: for the Judge comes to pass sentence on the whole inhabited earth. Who can stand before His face in the presence of the angels, as they call us to account for our actions and thoughts, whether by night or by day? How shall it be then at that hour? But before the end is here, make haste my soul, and say, "O God who are compassionate, turn me back and save me!"

v. I shall praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart and shall proclaim all Your mighty deeds.

Tone 8

1. Daniel the prophet, a man greatly beloved, when he saw the power of God, cried out, "The judgment seat was set up and the books were opened!" Consider well, my soul, do you fast? Then do not despise your neighbor! Do you abstain from food? Then do not judge your brother, lest you be sent away into the fire, to burn there like wax. But may Christ lead you without stumbling into His Kingdom.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 1

Brethren, let us cleanse ourselves with the Queen of virtues: for behold she is coming, bringing with her a wealth of blessings. She calms the uprisings of the passions and reconciles sinners to the Master. Therefore, let us welcome her with gladness, and cry aloud to Christ our God: "O You who are risen from the dead and who alone are free from sin, keep us uncondemned as we give You glory!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are truly most blessed......


Troparion of the Resurrection; Kontakion of the Triodion.



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

we sing six stichera and the theotokion from the Octoechos and Menaion as usual

No entrance, unless the Menaion requires it. "O Joyful Light" Prokimenon of the day

We omit the Aposticha of the day and sing the following instead:


Tone 8

1. Through greed we underwent the first stripping. Overcome by the bitter tasting of the fruit, we became exiles from God. But now, let us turn back to repentance and fasting from food that gives us pleasure. Let us cleanse our senses, through which the enemy makes war on us. Let us strengthen our hearts with the hope of grace, and not with foods which brought no benefit to those who trusted in them. Our food shall be the Lamb of God, on the holy and radiant night of His Resurrection: the Victim offered for us, given in communion to the disciples on the evening of the Mystical Supper, who disperses the darkness of ignorance by the Light of His Resurrection!

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Through greed we underwent.....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame; our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. O martyrs of the Lord, you sanctify every place adn heal all ills; we now ask you to pray for our souls to be delivered from the snares of the enemy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The heavenly powers praise you, O Virgin Mother full of grace, and we on earth glorify your ineffable maternity: O Mother of God, intercede for the salvation of our souls.

Then the usual ending of Vespers, as on other Sundays outside Great Lent.

After this Sunday, no more meat is eaten until the Sunday of the Resurrection; but during the week before Lent, there is otherwise no fasting: so that eggs, cheese, butter, milk and fish are permitted on each day, including Friday and Wednesday.


The order is that of Orthros on ordinary days outside the Great Lent

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

The gateway to divine repentance has been opened: let us enter eagerly, purified in our bodies and observing abstinence from food and passions, as obedient servants of Christ who has called the world to the heavenly Kingdom. Let us offer to the King of All a tenth part of the whole year, that we may look with love upon His Resurrection.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O most holy Virgin, you have carried in your arms the Creator, God made flesh. Stretch those arms out towards Him, and entreat Him to deliver us from every passion, danger and temptation; for with love, we praise you and we cry aloud: "Glory to Him who dwelt in you! Glory to Him who came forth from you! Glory to Him who through your childbearing has set us free!"

We use in the normal way the two Canons from the Octoechos and the Canon from the Menaion for the Saint of the day. But in those Canticles where the three-oded Canons from the Triodion are appointed to be used, we omit both the Canons from the Octoechos, and we use only the Canons of the Menaion and Triodion (by Joseph).


Tone 1


Let us sing a triumphal song to God who has done wondrous deeds by His mighty arm and has saved Israel: for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Today is the joyful forefeast of the time of abstinence, the bright threshold of the Fast. Therefore, brethren, together let us run the race with confidence, hope and great eagerness.

In my transgressions, I have followed our forefather Adam, and in my wretchedness I am cast out from joy. Therefore I fall down before You in repentance and with tears: save me, O Lord!

The beginning of contrition and repentance is to flee from sin and to abstain from passions. Let us hasten, then, to cut off our evil works!

Darkened by the night of transgressions, urgently I flee to you for refuge, for you have born Christ, the Sun of Justice that shines on those in darkness. O Lady, save me!

Let us sing a triumphal song....

Behold, all who love God, the door of repentance is already opened. Come, let us make haste to enter in, before Christ closes it and we are shut out in our unworthiness.

Announcing the spring, the week of cleansing that prepares us for the Holy Fast is now at hand, enlightening the souls and bodies of all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O holy Trinity, uncreated, unconfused, Unity supreme in love, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that is one with Them: always save from death those who worship You in faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Most pure Virgin, in you the bounds of nature are overcome; for without man, you have given birth to God; yet after childbearing, you remained inviolate, as you were before.


Let us sing a triumphal song....





The Lord and Creator whom the angels in heaven serve with reverence and awe: O priests, sing to Him; young men, glorify Him; O people, bless and exalt Him throughout all the ages.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Wasting my whole life like the Prodigal, I have fallen into bondage to a bitter and evil citizen; do not reject me, O Christ, as I seek to turn back to Your mercy!

My way of life is shameful and bitter, O Savior who love mankind; but Your mercy and compassion are beyond measure. With love I sing Your praises: grant me time for repentance, I beg You!

I have longed after the unhappy life of Cain, and I have slain that which is highest in me - my spiritual understanding. I tremble at Your judgment, O Benefactor: do not condemn me along with him throughout all the ages.

O Virgin worthy of all praise, the only sure help of the faithful before God: deliver me from darkness and the punishment prepared for sinners!

We offer You the praise of the bodiless powers, like the young men in the furnace, and in our hymns we sing to You: "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

Now is the time for repentance! Let us begin it with joy, O brethren, as we cry aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

Today let us abstain from food and through our actions strive truly to repent of our transgressions. All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Glory to You, O Holy Trinity, invisible, worshipped in unity, whom we glorify with faith. Save Your servants from all harm.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, pure and blessed Virgin! Hail, handmaid and Mother of the Lord! Hail, protectress of the world, O blessed Theotokos, Mary, full of light!


We offer You the praise....

Canticle of Mary


O faithful, let us magnify the radiant cloud in which the Master of all descended from heaven like dew upon the fleece and was incarnate for us: He, the infinite God was made a man like us in her, the holy Mother of our God!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O faithful, with peaceful hearts and in sincerity, let us greet the holy season of the Fast: let us each ask for the remission of sins, that we may be sharers in the joy that comes through forgiveness.

Behold, now is the season of repentance, the forefeast that prepares us for the Feast. Awake, my soul: with all your heart be reconciled to your God and Benefactor, and so escape His just and awesome judgment!

As we all stand at the entrance and gateway of the Fast, let us not begin this time of cleansing in a sinful way with self-indulgence and drunkeness, but let us enter eagerly with purity of thought, that we may worthily receive drowns of immortality and the fruit of our labors.

O Theotokos, hope of those who dwell on earth: do not cease to entreat the loving Lord on our behalf, for He alone knows our weaknesses. May He deliver the people from plague and famine, from earthquake and all distress.

You are the gate that Ezechiel the prophet saw of old, through which none has passed save God alone; and in our hymns, O Virgin Theotokos, we magnify you!

The time for repentance has begun: do not be heedless, O my soul! Give bread to the hungry and pray to the Lord each day and night and hour that He may save you.

As we observe abstinence from meat and other foods, so let us abstain also from all hatred of neighbor, from lust and falsehood, and from every evil.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I worship the Godhead that has no beginning, one in Essence and three in Persons; I glorify Father, Son and Spirit: Unity in Trinity, undivided, one in throne!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, you are the glory, hope and protection of the faithful. We sing your praises without ceasing, O Theotokos Mary: keep your servants safe from harm.


You are the gate....


we sing the occuring exapostilaria of the Menaion/Parakletike


Tone 3

1. When we choose to observe the Fast, we always profit from it. For the devils dare not attack us when we fast, and the guardian angels that protect our life stands at our side with greater eagerness when we are cleansed by fasting.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love, that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. When we choose to observe....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us; may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. O people, come and let us honor the memory of the holy and victorious martyrs. Having become a spectacle to angels and to men, they have received crowns of victory from Christ, and they intercede for our salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Without seed, you conceived by the Holy Spirit; we glorify you and sing your praises: Hail, all-holy Virgin!



Usual format of Vespers throughout the year

At "O Lord, to You I call...", six stichera from the Parakletike and Menaion as usual

Rather than the aposticha verses of the day, we sing the following:


Tone 8

1. Let us hasten to be cleansed by fasting from the strain of our transgressions; and through acts of mercy and compassion to the needy, let us enter into the bridal chamber of Christ the Bridegroom, who grants us great mercy.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Let us hasten to be cleansed....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame; our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. O you martyrs of the Lord, we entreat you to pray to our God and ask great mercy for our souls and the forgiveness of our sins.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Let us honor the most pure and glorious Virgin, the true Theotokos; and with right faith let us sing her praises as the Mother of God. Let us greet her as the angel did: "Hail, holy Mother of the incarnate Son of God! Hail, temple of the Holy Spirit, who always intercede for the salvation of our souls!"



The usual format for Orthros throughout the year.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

O Word, supreme in love, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, You have created all things visible and invisible in Your wisdom past speech. In Your compassion, grant that we may spend the season of the joyful Fast in profound peace. Destroy the beguilement of bitter sin, granting us contrition, tears of healing, and forgiveness of our trespasses. Fasting with a fervent spirit and undoubting soul, may we join the angels in singing the praises of Your power.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, in your womb you have ineffably conceived the Wisdom and Word; and you have brought forth into the world the very Ruler of the world. In your arms you have held Him who holds all things in unity, providing food for all, the Maker and the Lord. Therefore I entreat you, O most holy Virgin, and with faith I glorify you: may I be delivered from my trespasses when I stand before the face of my Creator. O Queen and Virgin, pure and undefiled, grant me then your aid. For all that you desire, you have the power to do.

We use in the normal way the two Canons from the Octoechos and the Canon from the Menaion for the Saint of the day. But in those Canticles where the three-oded Canons from the Triodion are appointed to be used, we omit both of the Canons from the Octoechos, adn we use only the two Canons of the Triodion and the one from the Menaion. The first Canon, by Joseph, is in Tone 3, the second in Tone 2.



Like a downpour upon the grass, like a shower upon the crops, let my words fall upon the earth.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The preparation for the Fast shines upon us like the dawn with the light of repentance.

O Christ, in the abundance of Your mercy, deliver me from the outer darkness, for You alone are compassionate.

Cleanse me by the grace of repentance, O Savior, and snatch me from the fire and the worm that never sleeps.

O Virgin, worthy of all praise, be to us a path of repentance, leading us to the gates of salvation.

Give ear, O my people, to my law; hearken to the words of my mouth, for I have called upon Your Name, O Lord!

The season of repentance is at hand: in our love for Christ, let us hasten to be cleansed of all transgressions, that when we appear before the Master, we may be numbered with the blessed.

Let us hasten now to keep a Fast that is constant, pure and sinless, that so we may receive remission of our trespasses.

O Christ, You are loving and abundant in mercy, always accepting everyone in repentance; therefore, we all glorify You forever.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us glorify the Trinity in Unity, inseparable, unconfused, God undivided in Essence, yet distinct in Persons.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Virgin Mother, from whom the Word took human flesh, entreat Him to save your servants from peril.


Give ear, O my people.....





Begotten as God before all ages from the Father without beginning, He has in the last times clothed Himself in flesh taken from the Theotokos: O sing His praises as true Man and perfect God, and bless and exalt Him above all forever!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory toYou!

Now is the time for turning back, O my soul! Hasten to show God worthy fruits of repentance. Fasting and praying, rise up and cry out: "Praise, bless and exalt Christ above all forever!"

O brethren, let us cleanse the senses of our soul and cling to the Lord with contrition. Let us cry aloud sincerely, in purity and repentance: "Praise, bless and exalt Christ above all forever!"

With persistent prayer, let us make haste to slay the enemy who lies in wait for us with thoughts of gluttony, and seduces our senses with uncontrolled desires for swiftly-passing pleasures. And let us praise, bless and exalt Christ above all forever!

O Virgin, you make our earthly nature heavenly: with the rain of your merciful compassion, make the barren furrow of my earthbound soul fruitful in virtues, and I will praise, bless and exalt Christ above all forever!

To Him who in a burning bush on Mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

O faithful, in preparation let us now cleanse ourselves, not only in our eating, but in our actions; and let us begin the Fast with fervent minds, that we may thus appear before the Creator in glory forever.

This should be the manner of our fasting: not in hatred and in contention, not in envy and in strife, not in self-glory and with hidden deceit, but like Christ in humblemindedness.

Those who show mercy to the poor, as it is said, lend their money wisely to the Savior. O joy beyond compare! For in return, He grants rich blessings for all eternity.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Glory to Father, Son and Holy Spirit: God one in three. We mortals praise You with the angels, O most Holy Trinity, unceasingly forever!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, pure Virgin Theotokos, Mary, mercy-seat of the world, strength of Orthodox Christians: pray that we may be delivered from the fire that never shall be quenched as we glorify you forever.


To Him who in a burning bush...

Canticle of Mary


O holy Virgin, unconsumed bush, Mother of God and the divine Light, our hope: we magnify you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Show us Your pure and loving compassion, for You grant repentance to mortal men for their salvation, O Savior who alone are rich in mercy!

Woe is me! How fearful is that judgment seat where there is no respect of persons! And we shall stand before it stripped, rendering an account for all the evil actions of our life.

Rain down upon us, O Benefactor, the waters of compassion, drowning all our filth; and grant us the opportunity for repentance.

In joy, with eager hearts, let us all enter together into the forecourt of the holy Fast and offer hymns of thanksgiving to Christ.

Singing your praises with true faith, we entreat you, our firm protection and strong hope: O Virgin, intercede with your Son for our salvation.

O undefiled Theotokos, we magnify forever your virginity, which was not burned by the fire of the Divinity.

In preparation, let us now cleanse ourselves through tears and fasting and great acts of virtue, that we may receive great mercy.

Let us now follow the example of the wise virgins, and in our love for Christ let us hasten to meet Him with brightly burning lamps.

Let us now follow the example of Elijah, who fasted and fled from the wicked Jezabel, that like him, we may be taken up from the earth.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Holy, holy, holy: thrice-holy are You: Father almighty, and consubstantial Son, and Spirit: one Divinity!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are our glory, and to you we run for refuge, O pure and venerated ever-Virgin; deliver us from all torment.


O undefiled Theotokos....


we sing the exapostilaria appointed from the Menaion or Parakletike


Tone 3

1. O people, let us greet the Fast with joy, for the beginning of the spiritual contest is at hand. Let us lay aside the comforts of the flesh; let us make God's gifts of grace increase within our soul; let us suffer with Christ as His servants, that we may also be glorified with Him as children of God. And may the Holy Spirit, dwelling within us, give light to our souls.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. O people, let us greet......

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may he prosper the works of our hands.

3. The soldiers of Christ cast aside all fear of kings and persecutors. Boldly and with courage, they confessed Him as the Lord of all, their King and their God; and now they intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, the protection of all who ask your prayers, in you we trust, in you we boast; in you is all our hope. Pray to your Son for your unprofitable servants.



Use the format for Vespers on Sunday evening during Lent. However, the weekday Prokimenon is used. The Ecumenic Prayer is not said. The Ephraim prayer is accompanied by twelve bows.

At "O Lord, to You I call...", we sing six stichera from the Octoechos and Menaion as usual.



Your mercy, O Lord, follows me all the days of my life.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

Your mercy, O Lord, follows me all the days of my life.


Tone 1

1. O faithful, let us receive with joy the divinely-inspired announcement of the Fast, like the people of Niniveh of old, like the harlots and publicans who heard John the Forerunner preaching repentance. Through abstinence, let us prepare ourselves for Communion at the Master's Liturgy on Zion. With tears, let us cleanse ourselves before the washing of the feet. Let us pray that we may be there to behold the fulfillment of the Old Passover and the revealing of the New. Let us make ready to adore the Cross and Resurrection of Christ our God, and let us cry aloud to Him: "O Lover of Mankind, put us not to shame; do not deprive us of our expectations!"

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. O faithful, let us receive.....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. O holy martyrs, you have given of your blood in trade and have inherited the heavenly Kingdom. You suffered for a while, but rejoice eternally. Truly your trade was good! Laying aside passing things, you received that which is eternal. Having joined the choirs of angels, you ceaselessly sing to the consubstantial Trinity.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the undefiled Virgin saw upon the Tree the Son who without seed had been born from her womb, unable to endure the pain in her heart, she cried aloud in grief: "You rule all creation by Your will-how can You be lifted up on the Cross like one condemned? You suffer because it is Your will to save mankind!"

Canticle of Simeon. Trisagion Prayers. Lenten Troparia and ending. There are twelve bows at the St. Ephraim prayer.


with prostrations, as in Lent


we use the prayer of Ephraim and prostrations as in Lent


Use the daily Lenten format for Orthros.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

Grant us humbly and in peace to pass through the days of cleansing that prepare us for the Fast. In Your ineffable love for mankind, O Christ our God, destroy the wicked schemes of the enemy and preserve us all by Your Cross, for You alone know the secrets of man's heart.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Standing by Your Cross, the Virgin Mother could not endure to see You suffering unjustly; but weeping and lamenting, she cried out to You: "O Child dear to my heart: how can You suffer, though You are impassible by nature? I sing the praises of Your perfect love!"


we do not use the Canticles. We sing three Canons: the first (of the Cross) from the Tone of the week in the Octoechos; the second, of the Saint of the day from the Menaion; the third, by Andrew of Crete, in Tone 4, from the Triodion. But at Odes 3, 8, 9, we omit the Canons of the Octoechos and Menaion, and sing only the Canon by Andrew of Crete and the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion (in Tone 2).



I will sing to You, O Lord my God, for You have led Your people out of bondage of Egypt, and have drowned in the waters the chariots and might of Pharaoh!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Fasting as man, the Lord overcame the tempter. Thus He gave an example to use, showing us what lies within our power and setting limits for us.

Through abstinence, Moses was counted worthy to speak with God face to face on Sinai. With faith, let us follow his example.

Be merciful to Your people, O Lord! Look upon them as God with compassion and visit them all with the fulness of Your mercy.

To you we all run, O Theotokos, for you are our sure defender; and we ask your intercession that your flock may be delivered from all peril.


My heart is firmly established in the Lord my God; for the weak have been girded with strength.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Through abstinence, Enoch the wonderful was translated from the earth. Imitating his example, let us be translated from corruption and enter into life.

Through prayer and fasting, let us entreat the mercy of the Deliverer; for the Maker rejoices over the repentance of His creatures.

Make ready, O my soul, and cleanse yourself before the Passion of the Lord, that you may keep festival with Him in spirit at His Resurrection.

O you who bore God: intercede for us without ceasing; for to you, O Theotokos, we sinners flee for refuge.


You have established me on the rock of the Faith; You made me triumph over my enemies, and my spirit exults with joy as I sing, "No one is as holy as You, O our God; no one is as just as You, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

You stretched out Your hands on the Cross and by Your death have slain the curse, giving life to men through Your Passion. Therefore, we sing the praises of Your divine Crucifixion, O Jesus our God, who love mankind.

Killed through eating from the tree, we have been restored to life through the Tree of the Cross. We offer Your Cross to You to plead on our behalf. Send down upon us grace and mercy, O Master and Benefactor great in compassion.

The gateway to the Fast has been opened; the arena of abstinence lies before us. Let us rouse ourselves with fiery eagerness, and so we shall receive God's grace to quench the burning flames of our offenses.

The blessed season of the Fast has dawned and shines upon us with the light of repentance; let us draw near with love and reverence; and greatly rejoicing, let us shake off the darkness of sloth.

With discernment, let us observe a holy Fast. Let us proclaim the time of abstinence from the passions; and with weeping, let us cry aloud to the Master: "O Lord of many mercies, grant us grace to do Your will!"

Accepting the Fast as a gift, let us glorify the Giver who established it for our salvation. With all our strength, let us observe it, and so receive from our Creator the forgiveness of our trespasses.

All-holy Lady, Mother and Virgin, by your mediation and protection, quell the tumult of my passions; heal the wounds of my soul; and rouse me from the sleep of laziness.

My spirit is a barren desert; Lord, make it fertile and fruitful, O You who watch over the growth of all good things in Your divine goodness.

When You were raised by Your own will upon the Cross, O Savior, all the earth was shaken and the veil of the Temple was rent in two.

For my sake, O Jesus, You suffered on the Cross, O Savior, all the earth was shaken and the veil of the Temple was rent in two.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kneeling down to the ground, I worship the Father, I glorify the Son, and I praise the Spirit; Sovereignty single in will, yet three in Persons.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The mystery of your childbearing, O holy Virgin Mary, is beyond our understanding. For without man, you have born God, and yet you remain inviolate.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By Your power, O Christ, sanctify the season of the Fast; and from the snares of the enemy, save all of us who worship You.


My spirit is a barren desert.....



O Lord, I have heard Your renown, that You have appeared on earth; and I have glorified Your power.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Because of his virtue and hospitality, Abraham received into his home the Trinity present in angelic form.

The gift of abstinence is a rich treasure which no thief can steal; and he who has this as his wealth will be rich in God.

Come, let us lament and cry aloud with faith: "Be merciful to us, O God, for we have greatly sinned!"

O blessed Mother, Virgin pure and undefiled, pray for the world to your Son and our God.


You cause the light to shine, made the dawn bright, adn revealed the day. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

When he once fasted on Mount Sinai, Moses was granted the vision of God; and Elijah was carried up in a chariot of fire.

Because he fasted, Isaiah, the wise, tasted the coal of fire when the angel, holding it in tongs, touched his lips with it.

Because they fasted, Daniel and the three young men broke the teeth of lions and trampled underfoot the burning flames.

O pure Mother of God, who remained a Virgin while carrying God within your womb: protect your flock and keep it safe from harm.


O Christ my God, You delivered Jonah the prophet from the whale; bring me also out from the depth of my offenses and save me, for You alone love mankind.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The holy Fast preserved Jonah within the whale; let us therefore fast with all our heart, and we shall escape destruction in Gehenna.

Through their fervent repentance and their sorrow, the men of Niniveh turned God from His wrath. With the same sorrow and yearning, let us all follow their example.

The approaching Fast calls us to repentance; let us run the race with eager hearts and learn what is the gift of abstinence.

In ways past speech, you have born Christ our God, the Savior of the world: continually entreat Him to save all those who sing your praises.






O God of our Fathers, put us not to shame, but enable us to sing with boldness unto You: "Blessed are You, O God!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us become like Daniel, who through fasting tamed the roaring lions in their den.

With fear, let us imitate the three young men, and so escape from the fire of Gehenna as they escaped from the Babylonian furnace.

Let us fast with a pure heart; let us sanctify our body and consecrate our whole spirit entirely to God.

O pure Virgin Mother, from you the pre-eternal Word took flesh: never cease to pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.


The young men, prisoners in the furnace, confessed Christ the King, crying out with a loud voice, "All you works of the Lord, praise the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Because he fasted, Joseph fled from dealing with the sinful woman and was granted royal power. Through fasting, then, let us also quench the fiery arrows of Beelzebub, the enemy.

Because he had fasted, David gained the victory over the Philistines and obtained a kingdom. Through abstinence, then, let us also gain the victory over our enemies, and we shall be crowned by the Lord.

Let us preserve these virtues: the fortitude of Job, the single-mindedness of Jacob, the faith of Abraham, the chastity of Joseph, and the courage of David.

For us the Virgin Mary has born Christ the King, while still remaining a pure Virgin after childbirth. O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord!


God descended into the furnace to come to the aid of the youths of the Hebgrew people, and He changed the flame into a refreshing dew: all you His works, sing to Him as Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Upon the mountain, Moses raised his arms in the form of a Cross and put the enemy to flight; and You, O Savior, stretching out Your hands upon the Cross, have put to death the all-destructive tyranny of Hades.

O Christ my Savior, You were nailed to the Cross and Your side was pierced; and so You have delivered from the curse those born on earth, making them sharers in unending joy. Therefore, we bless Your love for all mankind!

The season of abstinence has dawned, and spiritually it illumines the senses of the soul, driving away the darkness of the passions. Let us, then, accept it with our whole heart, exalting Christ above all throughout all the ages.

Fasting kills the passions that destroy the soul and the pleasures which bring death upon us, and it sets in order the impulses and movements of the heart. With faith, then, let us eagerly accept the Fast.

Let us the faithful in sincerity honor the present holy day, regarding it not as the first fruits of the Fast itself, but as the entry and forecourt that precedes the Fast.

With this first day of spiritual cleansing, the holy Fast welcomes beforehand the soul that loves God, enabling it to mount up by degrees as though on the rungs of a ladder. That is why the present day has been added to the seven weeks.

Open to us, O Virgin, when we knock and call upon your mercy; for you are the swift defense of mankind, a steadfast help in all their needs, a sure protection for those in distress.

To Him who in a burning bush on Mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

Nailed to the Cross, O Master of all, Christ our Savior, You called back Adam and Eve, leading them into Paradise once more; and they sing Your praises forever.

When You were lifted up by Your own will upon the Cross, O Christ, the rays of the sun drew back in fear and the day became dark; therefore the thief confessed You as God forever!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Son and Holy Spirit are equal to the Father; and with faith we worship the Holy Trinity in One Godhead, ever trampling underfoot the teaching of Arius.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Darkened by the filth of sin, how shall I sing your praises as I ought, O Virgin Theotokos? Forgive, then, O most holy one, the boldness of my poor song.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Cross, hope of the faithful, weapon of kings, glory of priests, strength of monks, save forever by your might all those who sing your praises.


To Him who in a burning bush....

Canticle of Mary


We all magnify Your love for mankind, O Christ our Savior! You are the glory of Your servants and the crown of the faithful, who have magnified the memory of the woman who gave You birth.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Performing miracles through fasting, Moses parted the sea in Egypt and led the people through it, and he fed them in the untrodden wilderness.

Through abstinence, Joshue the son of Nun sanctified the people and brought them across the Jordan, giving them the promised land as their inheritance.

Through abstinence and prayer, Gideon overcame the Midianites with only three hundred men who had lapped water with their hands. Let us follow his example.

Hail, Mary, pure and worthy of all veneration, glory of virginity, strength of the angels, defense of men, joy of the world, Mother and handmaid of our God!


In His unequalled Wisdom, the Word of God came down from heaven to restore Adam who fell by eating the fruit of perdition; He took flesh from a holy Virgin for our sake; and we the faithful, united in our hymns, magnify Him.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Stretching out Your divine hands upon the Cross, You have joined together that which had been divided; and by Your mediation, You offered as a gift to the Father the nature of mortal man that was under condemnation. Therefore, we sing the praises of Your sinless Crucifixion.

The grace of the holy Fast has begun to shine upon us, cleansing our unstable thoughts and driving away the darkness of our excesses. Let us, then, accept this grace with eager faith.

Bringer of light, the Fast has mixed for us a cup filled with God's gifts of grace, which in this day of preparation it shows to all of us. If we wish to have a share in this grace for our soul's salvation, let us pray to the Master of all to lend us His aid.

With the nails that pierced Your divine hands, O compassionate Lord, You have nailed our sins to the Cross. With the spear that wounded Your side, Yoiu have torn in pieces the bitter record of our transgressions. Therefore we sing the praises of Your sinless Crucifixion.

The path of holiness lies open before us today. See, the arena of the Fast is made ready for us all. Striving lawfully for the prize, let us pray to Christ to grant us from on high a peaceful Lenten season.

Through your watchful intercession, through your unsleeping protection, through your powerful defense, pure Lady, keep your faithful servants from all attacks of the enemy, and guard them from passions and stumbling and temptation.

O faithful, let us magnify the Mother of God, who in a wondrous fashion conceived the Word springing eternally from the Father!

Crucified by Your own will upon the Cross, O Christ, You have delivered us all from the curse of the Law. Therefore, as is right, we magnify You.

All of us venerate Your sufferings, O Savior, which You have willingly accepted in order to deliver man from his bondage to the enemy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

From all eternity and without undergoing change, the Father has begotten the Son and caused the Spirit to proceed; and so the Trinity remains undivided and equal in honor.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mary most blessed, intercede with the Savior who took flesh from you that He may grant to us sinners the remission of our trespasses.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By your power, O Cross, grant to those who venerate you that they may pass the season of the Fast in peace, and deliver them from the bondage of the enemy.


O faithful, let us magnify....


in the Tone of the week


Tone 1

1. If you fast from food, my soul, yet do not cleanse yourself from passions, you will rejoice in vain over your abstinence. For if your purpose is not turned toward amendment of life, you are as hateful as a liar in God's sight, and you resemble the evil demons who never eat at all. Do not by sinning make the Fast worthless; but firmly resist all wicked impulses. Picture to yourself that you are standing beside the crucified Savior, or rather, that you are crucified with Him who was crucified for you. Cry out to Him: "Remember me, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom!"

v. In the morning fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. If you fast from food, my soul...

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us; may He prosper the works of our hands!

3. O praised martyrs, neither triublation nor distress nor hunger, neither scourging nor wild beasts nor sword nor fire, could separate you from God. Undergoing suffering for love of Him, as though your bodies were no longer your own, you overcame nature and death. So you have received the rewards of your labors and are inheritors of the Kingdom. Pray for our salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When she saw the Lamb hanging on the Cross, the undefiled Virgin lamented and cried: "O my beloved Child, what is this strange and fearful sight? You hold all things in the hollow of Your hand - how can You be nailed in the flesh to the Wood?"


Lenten format; however, the prostrations are not made at the Lenten verses.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 3

O holy and almighty King, all creation stands in awe and trembling before You. It is in Your power to forgive sins; save us, for You are merciful.


Tone 6

O Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance.

v. To You, O Lord, I call; O God, be not silent with me.

Reading: Joel 2:21-26


Tone 7

The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.

v. Give to the Lord, you sons of God, give to the Lord glory and praise!



We use the format of Vespers for Friday evenings in Lent with some modifications.

At "O Lord, to You I call...", we sing the stichera from the Octoechos and Menaion as normal. There is no entrance unless called for by the Menaion. After "O Joyful Light" we sing the normal Prokimenon for Wednesday evenings:



O God, by Your name save me, and by Your might defend my cause. (Twice).

Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to You.

O God, by your name save me, and by Your might defend my cause.


Joel 2:12-26


Tone 6

Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and forever.

v. O Lord, my heart is not exalted nor have my eyes been haughtily raised.

Then, "Deigh, O Lord", Aitesis and Blessing


Tone 3

1. The Lenten spring has come, the time for repentance. Brothers, let us cleanse ourselves from all evil, crying out to the Giver of Light: "Glory to You, O Lover of Mankind!"

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to thehands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch for the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. The Lenten spring has come...

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall the detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. Your martyrs, O Lord, were founded on faith and strengthened with hope, adn spiritually united bylove of Your Cross. They destroyed the persecutions of the enemy. Having deserved the crowns of immortality, they pray for us with the bodiless powers.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O holy and pure one, you are the boast of the heavenly orders of angels, the song of the apostles, the fulfillment of the prophets; O Lady, recieve our prayers!

Canticle of Simeon. Trisagion Prayers. Troparia of the Saint of the day. Ecumenic Prayer. Prayer of Ephraim once (with three prostrations). "All-holy Trinity", Blessed be the Name...normal dismissal.


Today, and on Friday of this week, there is no Liturgy served: neither the full Divine Liturgy nor the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.



We use the format of Orthros as on normal days of the year

Sessional Hymns after the Second reading from the Psalter

Tone 5

Today all the apostles bless the forty days of the Fast and the week of cleansing that precedes them. They sanctify this season of fasting which they received from Christ the Redeemer. They proclaim His Resurrection unto all and intercede with the Lord for mercy on our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Virgin, you are the protection of those who have steadfastly set their hope in you. Deliver them from all temptations, from cruel danger and distress. Together with the apostles, intercede with your Son for them, and save all who sing your praises.

We use in the normal way the Canons from the Octoechos and the Canon of the Saint of the day from the Menaion. But in Odes 4, 8 and 9, we omit both Canons of the Octoechos, and use the Canon from the Menaion preceded by the two Canons below from the Triodion: the first by Joseph in Tone 4, the second in Tone 2.



The prophet heard of Your coming, O Lord, and was afraid. For You willed to be born of a virgin and to be revealed to mankind. He said, "Your servant heard and is afraid. Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Your disciples shown in the world with the light of the knowledge of God; they overcame error and destroyed the darkness of deceit. At their prayers, save those who sing Your praises!

The gateway to the Fast is crowned with the fruit of the saints' ascetic labors; and it welcomes those who in vigiliance draw near with hymns and mystical songs. Come, all you faithful: let us make haste to enter!

Yielding to the impulses of sensual pleasure, I was clothed in my misery with the garments of death. But clothe me now, O Son of God, with the shining garment of regeneration.

I have passed my life in wickedness and all uncleaness; but in You, all-merciful One, I seek refuge. Come quickly, O Christ my God, before it is too late; and save me in Your love.

Ineffably you conceived, O Mother of God, and in ways past nature, you have born Him who rules creation. Intercede with Him without ceasing that He may deliver from all peril those who call you blessed.

It was not an angel nor an ambassador who came forth from the Virgin, but You Yourself, O Christ, made flesh, and bringing me salvation. For this, I cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

With the light of your teachings, O apostles, you have scattered the darkness of sensual pleasure. Praised throughout the world, through your abstinence you have enlightened all men, both sinners and just.

Translucent pearls of the Word, O apostles, through your abstinence you have filled all the ends of the earth with glory, restoring our souls to their true nobility.

You have cooled the furnace of the passions with the dew of fasting, O apostles, and taught all men to keep within themselves a citadel safe from attack, a dwelling-place of holiness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I have sinned more than all men; and unrepenting, I have transgressed as Manasseh did. Before death seizes me, O Lord, teach me the way of repentance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In you, O Theotokos, all the faithful have a haven of salvation and a rampart that cannot be overthrown; for by your intercession, O Lady, you set our souls free from danger.


It was not an angel...





In Your wisdom, Master, You ordered all things: You made firm the pillars of the earth; You established its foundations upon the waters; thus we sing to You with joy, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The whole earth is full of Your praise, O Lord. For, inspired by God, the preaching of Your divine apostles has been heard in every place, turning the world from the depths of ignorance to knowledge, as it sings aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

The God-given grace of repentance is made manifest, conferring salvation on those who gladly accept the sweat and labor of the ascetic struggle. Run to the Master, then, O my soul, and seek forgiveness for your many trespasses.

The arena of God-given abstinence lies open before us. Let us gladly enter, for we are in need of mercy. In His compassion, God thirsts for our salvation and he longs to grant forgiveness to those who seek Him with sincerity and serve Him with love.

With fasting, close the mouth, O my soul! Have peace in your heart. Serve the Lord with acts of righteousness, offering Him the fruits of the virtues as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and cry aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

O holy Theotokos, Queen who rule over all, accept the supplications of your servants; deliver me from darkness and the fire that never shall be quenched; and by your mediation and intercession, blot out the multitude of my offenses!

The unwearied fire, fed with endless fuel, drew back in fear before the pure bodies and souls of the holy young men; and as the undying flame decreased in strength, they sang an everlasting song: "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!"

Christ gave you as a light to all the ends of the earth, O apostles, and He said, "Go and teach the nations, that they may learn how in the flesh I lived with abstinence, trampling underfoot all the strength of the enemy showing the straight path to mankind!"

O Christ, You have shown how abstinence leads mean to cleansing and deliverance from the passions. For through it, Your apostles received Your blessing and became shining lights upon the earth. And to all who sing God's praises, they proclaimed the Lord as one in Essence, but three in Persons.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Like Cain the murderer, O Christ my God, I have not brought You an unblemished offering; held fast by unclean thoughts, I have not sacrificed my soul to You in purity. Yet do not reject me, most loving Savior, as I draw near to You through fasting. But look mercifully on the gifts that I bring to You with love during the season of the Fast.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed is the womb of the Mother of God, for it has received the Word. Assuming man's form, He united to His Person the material flesh He took from her, and so she was revealed as the City of God in which the Lord Most High was pleased to dwell. To her, we cry aloud, "Hail, pure Theotokos, full of grace !"


The unwearied fire, fed with....

Canticle of Mary


He who is mighty has done great things to you, O Virgin; in your birth-giving, you brought forth, without seed, your Creator in the flesh.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

As lights that never fail, you were sent out into the world, delivering men from the depths of sin. With joy, we sing the praises of Christ who gave you the strength to be His apostles!

O wise apostles, Christ sent you out as salt for the world that had lost its savor and grown foolish. Bringing it back to understanding, you teach the knowledge of God, and we praise you in faith.

I am beset by a multitude of grievous sins; in tears I fall down before You, O Christ, begging You to grant me a chance to gain forgiveness during the season of the Fast.

Bound fast by the chains of my passions, I groan and cry aloud to You, O Savior: set me free, that with great joy I may sing in praise of Your merciful love.

God has appointed you, O pure Virgin, as a helper for mankind: never cease to intercede before Him urgently on behalf of us and all the faithful.

You have enclosed within your womb the God whom nothing can enclose; and you have brought joy into the world. We sing your praises, O most holy Virgin!

Strengthened by fasting, the choir of the apostles shone with divine radiance upon the whole inhabitedearth, giving light to the world.

O Jesus, Lover of mankind, the choir of your disciples has taught the nations to treasure the riches of abstinence.

As a twelve-stringed harp, the company of Your disciples calls men to the riches of abstinence and the well-spring of salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I cry out to You, O Lord, with the words of the Prodigal: "I have sinned, Father! Save me and be merciful! Do not shut me oiut from Your glory!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In your womb, you carried God made man, and you are a fountain of life for the world. We sing your praises, O most holy Virgin.


You have enclosed within your womb....


we sing the occuring exapostilaria from the Menaion or Octoechos


Tone 3

1. The glory of the Fast shines upon us, putting to flight the darkness of the demons. The solemn time of abstinence has cme, bringing with it healing for the passions of the soul. Protected by it, Daniel shut the mouths of the lions and the young men in Babylon quenched the flame of the furnace. Through fasting, O Christ our God, save us also with them in Your love for mankind!

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love, that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. The glory of the Fast shines....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us; may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. O holy martyrs, you have fought the good fight, and you shine after death as the lights of the world. Pray with boldness to Christ our God for mercy on us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy are you among women, O Theotokos, Mother and Virgin: pray to the King and Son whom you have born, that He may save us in His love for mankind!



We use the Format for Vespers on Sunday evening during Lent. However, the weekday prokimenon is used and the Ecumenic prayer is not said. The Ephraim prayer in accompanied by twelve bows.

At "O Lord, to You I call...", we sing the stichera from the Octoechos adn Menaion as usual.



My help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

I will lift up my eyes from the hills whence my help comes forth.

My help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth.


Tone 2

1. For those who venerate the Cross with all their heart, it is a bridle restraint on the passions, and it becomes a law of abstinence. Those who ceaselessly contemplate the Crucified One, crucify their flesh with its passions and lusts. Let us also flee from sinful lust; fasting in purity, let us become one with Him, who out of love for mankind, made Himself one withus by suffering the Passion. Thus He enabled us to share in His own freedom from the passions, for He has great mercy!

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters; and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. For those who venerate the Cross....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame; our soul has been to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humilitation come to the proud.

3. O martyrs, you were not attached to the sweet things of the earth, and you were made worthy of the good things of heaven, becoming fellow-citizens with the angels. By their prayers, O Lord, have mercy on us and save us!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure one, when you saw hanging upon the Tree that ripe Cluster of grapes which you bore within your womb without the help of a gardener, you cried aloud in mourning and said: "O Son, pour forth the new wine which will take away the drunkeness of the passions. Manifest Your compassion through me who have given birth to You, O Benefactor!"

Canticle of Simeon. Trisagion Prayers. Lenten Troparia and ending. There are twelve bows at the prayer of Ephraim.


with prostrations, as in Lent


we use the Prayer of Ephraim and prostrations as in Lent.



Use the daily Lenten format for Orthros.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 7

O holy Cross, exalt the fortune of the Churches. By your power, cast down the arrogance of the heretics and bring joy to the communities of the Orthodox. Count us all worthy to be present when you are carried in procession, so that we may venerate you as the footstool of Christ; for we glory in you, O blessed Wood!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O blessed Theotokos, you see all those on earth, feeling and suffering with us in our lowliness. Take pity on your people in distress. Pray for us constantly, lest we perish in our sins. O Virgin undefiled and all-holy, intercede for the salvation of our souls before the God who is always ready to forgive.


we do not use the Canticles. We sing the three Canons: the first (of the Cross) from the Octoechos in the Tone of the week; the second, of the Saint of the day from the Menaion; the third, by Joseph, in Tone 8, from the Triodion. But at Odes 5, 8 and 9, we omit the Canons of the Octoechos and Menaion, and sing only the Canon by Joseph and the two three-oded Cnons from the Triodion (in Tone 6)



Passing through the water on foot as on dry land, Israel escaped the villainous Egyptian and cried out, "Let us sing to our Redeemer and God!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The holy season of abstinence shines upon us all with the light of repentance, driving away the darkness of sin. Let us welcome the Fast with willing hearts.

See how the beauty of repentance forms the soul anew at the approach of Lent! With faith and vigilance, let us enter the Fast, and receive the remission of our sins!

Principalities and Dominions, Cherubim and all the Powers of heaven: pray that we may spend the season of the Fast in repentance and in a spirit of prayer!

O holy Virgin, the only help of the faithful: to all who acknolwedge you as pure Theotokos, grant the assistance of your prayers during the season of the Fast!


O Lord, Maker of the firmament of heaven and Builder of the Church, establish me firmly in Your love. For You are the summit fo all our desires, the ground of the faithful, and the only Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Through fasting, let us flee from the passions that destroy the soul. In the past, we grieved the merciful God with our sins; let us now bring forth fruits of repentance.

With zeal and foresight, let us all kindle our lamps with the oil of good works, that with rejoicing we may enter with the wise virgins into the bridal chamber of light.

O divinely-inspired prophets, O godlike martyrs and holy disciples of the Savior, we entreat you: pray to Him that all of us may rightly begin and acceptably complete the course of the Fast.

You are the cause of all good things, O Lady. We entreat you urgently: enter with us by your mediation into the struggle of the Fast, and grant that we may complete it for our soul's salvation.

Little Litany


O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation; I have perceived Your works, and I glorify Your Divinity.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Shining upon us like the dawn, the grace-giving Fast provides us now with a time for repentance, dispersing the darkness of our sins.

God has shown mercy to us. Let us in turn show mercy: let us feed the poor, and with the divine water of fasting, let us wash away the defilement from our souls.

O heavenly angels, entreat the Giver of all good things to accept in His infinite mercy our poor and mean repentance.

O pure mercy seat for sinners, holy Lady, through your mediation, tear up the record of my sins.


If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome me in my wretchedness, O Light that never fades. Bring me back to the path of Your commandments, O Lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant light!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us make this present day the first beginning of a life of holiness; with faith and eagerness, let us prepare ourselves for ascetic struggles, offering to the Master of all the labors of our flesh and the good fruits of our soul.

The Fast enabled Moses to share in the vision of God. Follow his example, O my soul: and establish within yourself by fasting a path of ascent to God, and you will behold His glory!

At the prayers of the holy apostles and martyrs of blessed memory, we entreat You, O merciful Jesus: count us worthy to complete the time of the Fast in repentance, rejecting every kind of sin.

O Lady, as we prepare to enter through the gateway of the Fast, we entreat you, O Gateway of God, to enter in together with your servants; broaden our thoughts and understanding, that we may carry out God's saving will!


At night I keep watch before You, O Lord, Lover of Mankind; I entreat You: enlighten me, lead me along the way of Your commandments, and teach me to do Your will!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Your hands nailed to the Cross, Your side pierced with a lance, You have torn to pieces the record of the sins of the fallen in Your love for mankind. Therefore, we glorify You in our hymns, O Giver of Life!

Deceitfully the evil serpent implanted passions in my soul and made me an exile from Paradise; but with Your hands nailed to the Cross, O Savior, You have raised me up to incorruption.

The holy season of the Fast has come and is at hand, cleansing the passions of our soul and washing our spiritual wounds. O faithful, let us make haste to welcome it with gladness!

The precious season of the Fast is here, clothing all of us with inward joy. Come, let us welcome it with gladness, cleansing ourselves through abstinence and prayer.

To Him who humbled Himself for our sake, let us bring fasting, prayer and humility, that in the day of judgment, He may reward us with the remission of our sins.

With the radiance of your light, O gentle Queen of the world, drive out the darkness from my soul and disperse the night of my sins, that I may sing your praises eagerly and call you blessed.

O Christ, when Isaiah saw the susetting Light of Your appearance as God among us that came about because of Your tender love, he cried aloud in the middle of the night: "The dead shall live; their corpses shall arise; awake and sing O you who lie in the dust: those born on earth rejoiced exceedingly!"

I venerate Your Cross through which You have saved me, O Lord who love mankind; and I praise Your divine and redeeming Passion, O Word and Master, which has freed me from the passions that afflict me, and brought me to a life of joyful peace.

Trusting in the Cross, we defeat the cunning of our enemies. Nailed to the Cross in faith, we have become God's chosen, new-born lambs, and we have drunk the milk of innocence.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We all glorify and worship the Father and the Word and the Holy Spirit; we proclaim the revelation of Their unity in Essence, and we acknowledge the Trinity of Persons, distinguished without alteration or confusion.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All-pure and holy Virgin, you are the hope of the ends of the earth, the joy of your servants. Watch over those who honor your icon with love; and by your intercessions, deliver us from the enemy, for you share our anxiety and sorrow.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Lord, direct on the straight path all Your servants who honor You with love. Strengthen us for the contest of the Fast; lead us onwards, and count us worthy of Your Kingdom.


At night I keep watch....


From my many transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By fasting, our Deliverer has appointed the present season for the cleansing of the stains of our souls. With faith and fervent hearts, let us draw near to receive pardon.

O Christ, You have accepted the groaning of the Publican and the tears which the harlot offered You from her heart. Accept our prayers also in Your love for mankind, and grant us forgiveness.

At the supplication of Your preachers and prophets, martyrs and apostles, holy bishops and all the just, O Christ, send down upon our souls the cleansing of our offenses.

O pure Virgin, you alone have brought strength to the weakness of man's nature by your divine childbearing; come to my help as I enter now upon the holy contest of the Fast.

Little Litany





In the furnace, the young men trampled upon the flames with fervor, and they changed the fire into a refreshing dew as they cried out, "O Lord our God, blessed are You throughout the ages!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Glorified through fasting, Elijah once was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. Follow his example, O my soul, but cry aloud urgently, "In your love, take pity on me!"

Fasting quenched the fire and preserved the young men unburnt by the flames. At their prayers, O Jesus, in Your great compassion, deliver me from the eternal fires!

O only help of men, be the succour of us, your servants, in this time of abstinence: may we gain God's mercy by repentance and receive the Kingdom of heaven.


In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

With eagerness, let us heat the furnace of repentance and burn up in it all the pleasures of the body. Let us entreat Him who is rich in mercy that we may escape from the fire that is to come, and let us cry aloud, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people throughout all the ages!"

Helped by the coming season of the Fast, may we refrain from every sin. Let us not turn aside to things below; let us not run with laziness. But in a few short days, through contrition of heart, let us wipe away the stains of many years, singing the praises of our only God!

The ranks of angels, teh company of martyrs, the holy choir of the Lord's apostles, and the congregation of saints, bishops, and prophets pray to You, O loving and merciful God. Grant true repentance to Your servants during the season of abstinence that is now beginning.

O all-pure Mother of God, to you do we fly for refuge. Take pity on us and through your intercession, win the mercy of your Son and Lord upon us all during the season of the Fast that is now beginning. May it be a time of salvation for the faithful who sing in praise of you throughout all the ages.


In obedience to the law of their Fathers, the young men risked death and refused the foolish command of the King of Babylon; in the fire which could not consume them, they sang together a worthy hymn of praise to the Almighty: "All you, His works, sing to the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

We have not kept the inheritance which the Father gave us, but have become enslaved to the law of sin. Yet You have stretched out Your hands on the divine Cross, and thereby You have given freedom to us all. With faith, we offer You this Cross in these holy days: have mercy on us, merciful Lord, as we exalt You above all forever.

By Your Cross, O Christ, You have broken down the dividing wall and restored peace to the ends of the earth. Grant us, O Lord, to spend the coming Fast in peace of soul, as we praise You without ceasing and exalt You above all forever!

Today the grace of the Fast shines upon all of us with the light of the sun, cleansing us from the gloom of sin. Though held fast by many passions, let us now approach in joy and thankfully accept this gift, crying aloud: "Sing to the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!"

Tasting with bitterness the forbidden fruit in Paradise, the first man was condemned and cast out from blessedness. But, fixed with nails upon the Cross, You have nailed to it the evil record of his sin. Therefore, we sing forever the praises of Your great compassion.

Rejecting the law of fasting, we have slipped into the pit of sin. Greatly do we need the help of the Fast that is now beginning. As we pass through it, O merciful Lord, send down upon us from heaven grace and the fulness of Your peace, for we cry aloud, "Sing to the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!"

Restoration of the fallen, mediator for sinners, refreshment for strangers, consolation of the sorrowful, O pure and holy Virgin, drive away the grief from my soul, and pray that God may send me blessings from on high, for eaglerly I sing your praises and exalt you above all forever.

O angels and powers of heaven, sing to Him who sits upon the throne of majesty and is glorified unceasingly as God: bless, praise and exalt Him above all forever!

When the creation saw You crucified in the flesh upon the Cross, O merciful Lord, the light of day was turned to darkness, the earth quaked and all things were shaken.

Raised upon the Cross, O Savior, You have raised up with Yourself the nature of man, and from Your divine side You have poured out the riches of salvation upon all who venerate with faith Your most pure Passion.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Trinity is one God: the Father is not begotten like the Son, nor does the Son proceed like the Spirit; but each keeps His distinctive properties; and I glorify the Three as Light and God forever.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tell us how you gave birth to the Son who shone forth timelessly from the Father, and who is glorified with the Holy Spirit. He alone can understand, who was pleased to be born from you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Accept our repentance, O Lord, for You are by nature full of loving-kindness; and deliver us from the snares of the enemy, that with faith and love we may sing the praises of Your holy Kingship.


O angels and powers of heaven....



The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was awed: that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb became more spacious than the heavens. And so, all ranks of angels and men praise you, O Mother of God!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Behold, the time of light has come; the holy day shines upon us. Flee from your dark passions, O my soul, and welcome the dawn that leads you to the light. Make glad by drinking the wine of compunction, and flee the drunkeness of pleasure.

How excellent is this time of fasting which You have ordained for all the faithful, O Christ. It turns us from our sins and bestows upon us saving forgiveness and the gifts of grace. We entreat You, O Savior, to grant us in the coming Fast a share in Your blessings.

O compassionate Lord, who always shower Your rich mercies upon us, give us tears to wash away our defilement. Fill our thoughts with desire for You. Grant us faith and unfeigned love, complete repentance, and perfect conformity to You who alone are plenteous in mercy.

O godlike assembly of all the angels, O wondrous choir of saints, pray fervently to the loving Savior: may He give us strength to finish without stumbling the divine course of this present Fast, and may He make us victorious.

O Virgin who love the righteous, Mother of the rihgteous Savior, direct us aright, for we are defiled by countless passions and by unclean thoughts, and weighed down by an intolerable burden of sin. Enable us, O Lady, to magnify you with due praise as Theotokos.


Every tongue is at a loss to praise you as is due. Even a spirit from the world above is filled with amazement when it seeks to sing your praises, O Theotokos. But since you are good, accept our faith. You know well our love inspired by God, for you are the protectress of Christians, and we magnify you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Mortal men and angels alike are too weak to give You thanks for Your compassion, O Benefactor: for by Your own will, You have taken flesh, becoming poor for our sake. You were stretched out upon the Tree for us and have become cursed, to release mankind from the ancient curse.

The bright and joyful day of abstinence is at hand. Come, my soul, with joyful face let us go to meet the Master, asking Him to send down grace upon us from on high, giving us the strength to correct our many faults. Thus may we escape the terrors of Gehenna in the life to come.

For those who are encompassed by the darkness of their sins, the holy gateway to repentance now stands open, bringing light to all. Then, O my soul, make haste: turn away from the dark self-indulgence of the passions. Thus you shall receive eternal joy in the life to come.

By Your own will, O Giver of Life, You stretched out Your hands on the Cross and gathered into unity all that was divided. Your side was pierced by a spear, O long-suffering Lord, and You raised us from the fall that came about through the woman taken from Adam's side. With thanksgiving, then, we sing the praise of Your compassion.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The light-giving Fast is now at hand and welcomes us, setting before us a table of ascetic struggles. With sober vigilance, O faithful, let us all accept the holy cup of cleansing tears, lest in the life to come we be condemned to the weeping for which there is no consolation.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are the protection of all who put their hope in you, O Theotokos, and their unsleeping guardian in distress. Deliver us from everlasting punishment and from the bitter torments which await us, that with due thankfulness we may sing the praises of your majesty.


Every tongue.....

Photagogica in the Tone of the week


Tone 6

1. Before Christ's death on the saving Cross, sin ruled over the whole world. Impiety prevailed and men revelled in the pleasures of the flesh. But once the mystery of the Cross was revealed and fulfilled, the demons' rule was smothered by the knowledge of God, and heavenly virtue came to dwell on earth. Fasting is now held in honor, abstinence is glorified, and prayer is offered up. As a testimony to these things, the present season has been given to us by the crucified Christ our God, for the salvation of our souls.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. Before Christ's death....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. The whole creation rejoices at the memory of Your martyrs, O Lord: heaven keeps festival with the angels, and the earth exults with all mankind. At their intercession, have mercy on us.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When Your Mother saw You crucified, she cried out in tears, "O my Son and my God, my Child: how can You endure this shameful Passion?"


Lenten format; however prostrations are not made at the Lenten verses. The Typika are read after the Ninth Hour.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 6

Help us in our sorrow, O Lord, and save us, O Lover of Mankind, who were born of the Virgin.


Tone 1

May Your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in You.

v. Ring out your joy to the Lord, O you just; for praise is fitting for loyal hearts.


Zecheriah 8:7-17


Tone 3

Sing praise to our God, sing praise! Sing praise to our King, sing praise!

v. All peoples, clap your hands; cry to God with shouts of joy!

There is no celebration of the Liturgy today: neither of the full Divine Liturgy nor the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.



Our God-bearing Fathers, the Ascetics

Use the format for Lenten Vespers on Friday evening

After the Litany of Peace, the Eighteenth Kathisma of the Psalter

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 8

6. Come, all you faithful, and let us praise the assembly of the holy Fathers: Anthony the Great, Euthymios the illustrious, and all their companions. Let us call to mind the story of their lives, for it is a spiritual Paradise of joy; and with gladness, let us raise our cry: "These are the trees of the Lord our God has planted. They have flowered and born fruits of immortal life, as an offering to Christ and as food for our souls!" Let us call aloud upon them: "O God-bearing and blessed Fathers, pray that we may be saved!"

5. Come, all you faithful....

4. Hail, Egypt, land of faith! Hail, holy Libya! Hail, O Thebaid chosen by God! Hail, every place and city and country that has nurtured monks as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven! You brought them up in abstinence and toil, offering them to God as men perfect in love. Like stars, they guide our souls; and through the brightness of their wonders and the strange marvels they accomplished, they have shed their light spiritually upon all the ends of the earth. All-blessed Fathers, pray that we may be saved!

3. Hail, Egypt....

2. O Fathers of the whole world, who among those born on earth can recount your lives of wonder? What tongue shall tell of your holy efforts in the Spirit, and your hardships, your feats of virtue and the wasting of your body, your wrestling with the passions in vigils, prayers and weeping? Truly you lived as angels in the world; you have utterly defeated the demonic powers, and you have worked strange and amazing miracles. Therefore, all-blessed Fathers, pray that we may receive eternal joy!

1. O Fathers of the whole world....

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

You preserved the image of God undefiled by fasting; your minds ruled the passions, you attained to the highest possible likeness to God,submitting the lower to the higher, making the flesh serve the spirit. Therefore, you were shown to be leaders of monks, dwellers of the desert, the refuge of those who sought God, renowned keepers of the precepts of Christ. Now being free from all shadows and images, in heaven you freely behold the Holy Trinity, earnestly interceding for those who honor you with faith and love.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion from the Tone of the week

There is no entrance


Tone 7


O God, You are my protector; O God, your mercy goes before me. (Twice).

O God, deliver me from my foe, save me from those who oppose me.

O God, You are my protector; O God, your mercy goes before me.

Reading: Zecheriah 8:19-23


Tone 6

Let Israel hope in the Lord, from henceforth and forever.

v. O Lord, my heart is not exalted, nor have my eyes been haughtily raised.

Deign, O Lord.. Aitesis


Tone 2

1. Brothers, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Let us make the lamps of our souls burn brightly through our love of poverty, not slandering one another with curses. For the time is at hand when the Bridegroom shall come to reward each one according to his works. Let us greet Christ with the wise virgins, crying out to Him with the voice of the thief: "Remember us, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom!"

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters; and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Brothers, let us cleanse....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame; our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. Since the holy martys are praying for us and singing to Christ, every deceit has ceased, and the human race is saved by faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

The multitudes of monks are our teachers. We honor you, O holy Fathers, for through you, we have learned to walk upon the straight and narrow path. Blessed are You, O servants of Christ, victorious over the power of the enemy, companions of the angels, fellow-citizens with the just and the saints. In company with them, entreat the Lord to have mercy on our souls!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, treasure of purity! Hail, pure dwelling-place of immaterial Light! Hail, corwn of our salvation! Hail, O all-blameless Virgin, preaching of the apostles, boast of the martyrs, fulfillment of the prophets! Hail, glory of monks and ascetics! Hail, salvation of the faithful!

Troparion of the Ascetics

Tone 4

O God of our fathers, who always deal with us according to Your everlastinng compassion, do not withdraw Your mercy from us, but through the prayers of our fathers, the Ascetics, guide our lives along the ways of peace.


Tone 4

The mystery which was hidden from eternity and unknown to the angels, has been revealed through you, O Theotokos, to those on earth, for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the Cross by which He elevated the first man, and saved our souls from death.

Ecumenic Prayer. Prayer of Ephraim. All-holy Trinity...etc., as on Fridays during Lent.


we sing the Canon for the Dead in the Tone of the week.



Our God-bearing Fathers, the Ascetics

Use the Festal format, as on 4th Class Feasts

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

Illumined by the light of the holy Fathers, let us now enter into a Paradise of joy and refresh ourselves beside the river of delight that flows within it. Looking with wonder at the victory of the saints, let us strive to equal them in virtue, crying to the Savior: "O God, at their intercessions, make us sharers in Your heavenly Kingdom!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us with one accord praise Paul, the first monk, Anthony the wise, and Euthymios, with all the other Fathers. Let us entreat them to intercede with Christ unceasingly on our behalf, as we celebrate their divine and joyful memory, and glorify in song the Savior and Lord.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We always give you thanks and magnify you, O pure Theotokos. We venerate and praise your childbearing, O full of grace, and we call upon you without ceasing: "Save us, O merciful Virgin, in your love; deliver us from the fearful scrutiny which we must undergo before the demons; and in the hour of our trial, do not let your servants be put to shame.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

In hymns, let us all praise Anthony and Euthymios, with all the other Fathers who bore God in their hearts, and let us celebrate their memory. For they intercede with the Lord on behalf of all the world, that we may be delivered from the ancient curse and saved from punishment.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Walking among the flowers of virtue in the meadow of the God-bearing Ascetics, we are filled with fragrance which is sweet to breathe. Their struggles made them hard as steel in the face of temptations, and by abstinence they held the body in subjection to the spirit, living upon earth the life of the angels. And so, they have been counted worthy of glory.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

At the prayers of the holy angels and the Forerunner, of the Disciples, Prophets and Martyrs, of all Your Saints and holy Monks, and of Your Virgin Mother, O Christ, grant that we may walk in Your light; and through Your mercy and compassion, count us worthy to receive Your Kingdom.

Psalm 50. Then, the Canon of the Patron Saint, followed by the Canon to the Holy Fathers, in Tone 8



O people, let us raise a song to our God, who works wonders, for He set Israel free from bondage; and with a hymn of victory, let us cry aloud: "Let us sing to You, our only Master!"

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

With one accord, let us all praise in spiritual songs our divine Fathers, who were renowned for the ascetic life in Egypt, the Thebaid, in Libya, and in every place, city and land!

Rejoice, Anthony, first leader of monks, famed throughout the world! And God-bearing Ammon, the glory of those who fast! Arsenios, the earthly angel, endued with the power of silence; and Ammonas, bearer of the Spirit!

Rejoice, O Agathon, sanctified in soul, true vessel of God, along with Achilles and Ammoe, the flowers of the desert! Hail, O Anoub and Alonios, Ammonathas and Anthimos, shining pearls of virtue!

Today let us sing in praise of Ares and Apollo the Great, who had the gift of discernment; of Athre and Acacios, who taught us so much about obedience; with them, Abakyres also shines like the morning star.

Auxentios was a giant in his holy way of life; Abramios the Great excelled in purity; Aphrodisios and Athenodoros were outstanding for abstinence.

Ammonios shines with the ascetics as a star of heaven, along with holy Aninas; along with them also shines Antiochos the Great and the famous Agaitos.

Let us praise in sacred hymns the great Athanasios, who practiced the ascetical life on Mount Athos and became a shining light for the whole world; by his prayers, we are all saved.

O wise and blessed Fathers, through your lives, inspired by God, you have become a true Paradise for the Church. Intercede continually before the Lord for each of us by name.

Come, O faithful, who love the martyrs: let us honor them year by year with our songs and hymns, and cry aloud with faith to Christ our God: "Let us sing to You, our only Master!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

I sing the praises of the three self-dependent Persons in one Essence: the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten, and the Holy Spirit: sovereignty and power without beginning, a single Godhead!

v. Now and always and forever and ever.

Hail, all-holy Temple, fleece on which the Dew of God has fallen, sealed fountain of the waters of immortality. Keep your flock, O Lady, safe from the attacks of every enemy.


O people, let us raise....


Learn that I am your God, begotten of the Father from before all ages, and in these latter times, conceived by the Virgin without man. I have destroyed the sin of Adam, the forefather, in My love for mankind!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Entering now a second Paradise, we are filled with the fragrance of the divinely-planted virtues of the holy Ascetics, which they have caused to blossom through abstinence and tears, offering to God as fruits their many different ways of life.

The great Bessarion was like an angel as he lived like a bird in the sky. Benjamin was a second Job in his patience and perseverance. Bitalios was a watch-fire that saved the harlots for God. With them, let us also praise the holy Bitimios and glorious Babylas.

O Benedict, you became a citizen of heaven by your holy way of life. The shepherd Basianos was a fountain of wisdom. Basil won the crown of obedience, for he dwelt within a tomb while he was still alive, revealing the glory of submission.

Let us sing in honor of Gelasios, renowned tamer of the passions. Let us praise Gerasimos, whom the wild beasts obeyed, submitting to him because of the perfection of his virtues. Glory to our father Germanos and to Gaios, the wise servant of Christ.

Let us praise David, the pride and glory of Thessalonika, and Daniel, chosen by God and great in miracles; and with them, we remember Daniel of Skete, Dios and Dalmatos, true leaders of monks and pillars of the Faith.

Because of their obedience, Dometian and Dometios, the wise in God, shine upon us as two beacons brighter than stars. Let us also praise those religious whose names we do not know.

The tombs of the martyrs who suffered for the sake of the Lord are an inexhaustible source of blessings to the faithful. Come, let us honor them with songs, and by faith receive healing for our souls and bodies.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in Three Persons, supreme in Godhead and surpassing all perfection: Father unbegotten, Son only-begotten, Spirit proceeding from the Father and made manifest through the Son: single in Essence and in Nature, one Lordship and one Kingdom: save us all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You alone have born a Child in ways unknown to mankind. You alone were not subject to corruption that comes from nature, for uncorrupted and without seed you have undergone childbirth. Therefore, as is right, pure Virgin, we glorify you as the Theotokos.


Learn that I am....


The Lord alone is holy, our God alone is righteous, whom all creation praises: You alone are holy, O Lord who love mankind!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Let us honor a second Paradise, full of the virtues of the holy Fathers: let us taste with joy the living and life-giving fruits which grow there, and with faith, let us sing their praises.

Let us honor Euthymios, the brightest of stars, and Helladios, who brought us light, together with Ephrem, inspired by God, and Eulogos the Great. By their works and wonders, they have shown to the ends of the earth.

Let praise be sung to Zosimas the wonderful, to the honored Zecheriah, to Zeno and Theodulos and Theonas; and we honor blessed Theodosios the Great.

Praise to Theoctistos, the righteous shepherd, to Thalassios, whose mind dwelt in heaven, to the great Theodore Sykeotes, whose life was exalted upon earth by signs and wonders.

John the Dwarf, John of the Ladder and many other saints named John shine like stars with glory.

O you who love to gather for the feasts: let us honor year by year with hymns and spiritual songs the memory of the holy martyrs, for they intercede with Christ continually on behalf of all mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Consubstantial Trinity, Unity supreme in Godhead, distinct in Persons yet single in Essence: unite us in the one will of Your commandments.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Tabernacle formed by God, overshadowed by the Seraphim: Moses depicted you prophetically, O Virgin, when he spoke of the Holy of Holies, thus prefiguring your undefiled childbirth by which Christ became incarnate.


The Lord alone is holy...


Sessional Hymns

Tone 8

Let us glorify the gentleness and purity of Anthony, the great wonders of Euthymios, the solitude and quiet of Paul and Arsenios, the renown of Theoctistos and of all the other holy monks. And with them, let us praise in hymns the virgin Eupraxia will all the women wise in God, and let us cry aloud with one accord: "Intercede with Christ our God, that those who celebrate with love your holy memory may receive forgiveness of their sins."

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You have broken asunder the bonds of the passions and with strong desires you have pursued holiness. You have been clothed by Christ in a glory that transcends this world. Through your labors you have found rest, and through the toil of abstinence you have gained the life above. Therefore, as is right, you rejoice together with the powers on high and sing in God's presence with great joy. O God-bearing Fathers, pray that those who celebrate with love your holy memory may receive forgiveness of their sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I am held fast in the mire of sin, and there is no strength or courage in me; the storm of my trespasses has overwhelmed me. Look upon me, your servant, I entreat you, for you have given birth to the Word who alone loves mankind. Deliver me, O Lady, from sin and from the passions that destroy my soul, and from every ill inflicted by the enemy, that I may sing with joy: "Intercede with Christ God for your servant, that I may be forgiven my offenses: for I have set my hope in you!"


O Word, the prophet inspired by God recognized Your future incarnation from the overshadowed mountain, the unique Mother of God; and in awe he glorified Your power!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

The divine Hilarion was a lantern seen by all the world; in his knowledge of God, the great Justin strengthened us; let us also praise Hierax and Ibistion, the great in honor, together with Joseph.

Jeremiah shone like lightning; Ischyrion showed a mihgty spiritualy strength; with them, Charion, Copres and Castor burned like beacons, while Cassian excelled in both the active and contemplative life.

I think with admiration of Kallistos, who possessed the gift of tongues; we praise the great works of Lawrence; I publish abroad the noble deeds of Longinos; I venerate the virtues of Lot!

I praise Leontios, who entered the depths of the knowledge of God; I sing of Maximos, wide as the sea in his doctrinal teaching; of Marcianos, the glory of monasticism; of Mark, ready in obedience, who listened to God.

Macarios the Great was honored for his virtue; Macarios of Alexandria was a man of God. Praised in their company is Mark the Great, and Moses the Ethipi9an, and Dalmatos.

I magnify Martinian and Malchos, who undertook great struggles for the sake of purity; I honor Marcellos the Abbot, and Milesios, who raised the dead.

O martyrs of Christ, offer to the Maker and Creator unceasing supplications for the peace of the world and for all who honor your memory with praises.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Strange it is that the Godhead should be One and Three, fully present in each single Person without division; for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are worshipped as one God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, spacious dwelling-place of God! Hail, Ark of the New Covenant! Hail, vessel from which the heavenly Manna has been given to all mortal men.


O Word, the prophet...


Deliver me, I pray, from the dark night of the passions, and enable my spirit, O Christ, to seek You eagerly in the morning, guided by the light of Your commandments.

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Come, and in the Eden of Paradise, let us look upon the ascetic struggles of the Fathers and their victories, which are ever-living flowers, tended by the Lord alone.

The souls of all are watered and refreshed by teh words of Nilus the Sinaite, and illumined by the lives of Naucratios, Nikon and Nathaniel; and they are fille dwith joy by Nisteros.

Xenophon and his sins enlighten us with the radiant brightness of their virtues, and so does great Oresios and-above all-Onuphrios; and who can praise Poemen as he deserves?

Exalted both in action and in word, Pambo deserves our praise and blessing. Let us honor the famous Publios, who bound fast the demons, and with him, let us also glorify the renowned Penuphrios.

Honor is due to Paphnutios, glorified by God, to Pior, Patermuthios, and Paul the Simple, and to Pitrion the Great, eminent among the Fathers.

With high honor, let us glorify Pachomios, star outshining all the other lights of heaven; and let us sing in praise of Palamon, his companion in the ascetic life, of godlike Petronios and Pessarion.

O undefeated martyrs, as athletes in the arena, you proclaimed Christ our God; you have received crowns of victory, and now you sing and dance in joy with the choirs of angels.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Three in Persons, but One in Essence is the God in whose Name we were baptized and in whom we believe: Father, Word and Consubstantial Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O undefiled one, at the word of the angel you bore the Word in a way surpassing words. We entreat you: never cease to pray to Him that your flock may always be delivered from danger.


Deliver me, I pray...


Held fast by many sins, I fall down like the prophet Jonah before Your tender mercies. Accept me also in Your love for mankind, O Lord, and save me!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Wonderful and worthy of veneration are the holy Fathers, with their ascetic struggles for God's sake, their spiritual wrestling, and their works of healing. Who but they have performed such mirales?

Let us honor Rabbula the wonderful, and also Rufus, Sisoes, the equal to the angels, and with them the holy Serinos and Silvanos.

As a four-starred firmament, the four Simeons were revealed on earth; three of them were stylites and one a fool for Christ.

Leader of monks, Sabbas the sanctified, shone among the stars as a sun. Next to him shines Serapion, together with Silvanos.

Let us praise Sarmantas and Timothy, Tothoes also, with Hyperachios, Parmuthios, Phocas, Chariton, Chaeremon and Psoios and also Or, the wise.

May the holy and glorious multitude of the Fathers, those whom we have remembered and those whose names we do not know, deliver from danger all of us who celebrate their memorial with loving hearts.

Wonderful are You in Your martyrs, O Lord who love mankind; and glorified through their sufferings, their wonders, and their works of healing. At their intercessions, save us!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sing Your praises, O Trinity, without beginning divine Unity: You are Light and Lights, Life and Lives, One Holy and Three Holies: Mind, Word and Spirit, the One God!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Leap for joy, Jesse the forefather: from your root has sprung the Flower of Life that saves the world, Christ our God, born from the pure Virgin.


Held fast by many...



Tone 8

O Lord, all those who followed the ways of God, the Light of the universe, were filled with joy, for they have preached and practiced piety and prevented evil deeds. Through their intercession, preserve in perfect peace those who praise You and glorify Your name, that they may sing to You, "Alleluia!"


I look at the pleasures of this life and I consider their nature and effect. Measuring the toil and uffering which they cause us, I judged the life of mortal man to be filled with misery. You alone would I call blessed, O holy Fathers, for you have chosen the better part: to suffer with Christ and to remain with Him, and ever to sing with the Prophet David, "Alleluia!"


after the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we add:

On this day we commemorate all the holy ones, men and women, who shoen forth in the ascetic life.

I will offer these words as perpetual oblations forever, unto the souls of the righteous whose remembrance remains forever and ever.

Wherefore, through the intercession of all the righteous, O Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.


You refreshed the young men with dew in the furnace, and You preserved Your Mother as a Virgin after childbirth: Blessed are You, O Lord God of our Fathers!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Come, and sa is fitting, let us honor Byraine, who bore Christ in her heart, with godlike Febronia, Thomais, Heria, Platonis and Melanthia.

Let us praise the two Eupraxias, angelic in mind, and also the two Theodoras; and let uncesing hymns and glory be given to all the blessed Anastasia who served God in a wondrous way.

Mary of Egypt was a light to the world, and Mary who was named Marinos in the monastery shone on earth like a star. Euphrosyne was bright as the sun in her virtues.

Theodula was a flame of fire in her asceticism; and with her shone Theodota, Julitta and blessed Isidora.

Let us honor Marina, whose mind dwelt in heaven, and the great Matrona; and let us praise the wisdom of Synkletika, Sarah and Justa.

Let us sing in honor of Pelagia, the angel of the Lord, and of Taisia, the lamp of repentance, and all the other women who were outstanding in the ascetic life.

As we celebrate the memory of the victorious martyrs, let us entreat the only Giver of Life to grant remission of sins to those who sing the praises of His mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

With one accord, we worship and glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we cry aloud with faith, "Glory to You, O our God, Trinity in Unity!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O blessed Virgin Theotokos, who have given birth to the Savior and Master of the world, pray to Him at all times to have mercy on our souls!


You refreshed the young men....


He who was glorified on the holy mountain and revealed to Moses in the burning bush the mystery of the ever-Virgin Mother of God, is the Lord: sing to Him and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Let us all glorify the pastors and wise teachers and hierarchs of the Church of Christ, together with the holy monks; and let us sing to the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

Let due praise be given to Basil the Great and to Athanasios of many labors, together with Gregory, who surpassed all men in theology.

Let us give glory also to John the Golden-mouthed, to the two Cyrils who were pillars of divine wisdom, and to Hesychios the Theologian, with Meletios who spoke of God.

Let glory be given to Gregory of Nyssa, with the two Fathers named Wonderworkers; and forever let us praise Epiphanios, wise in the things of God, adn Amphilochios, the shining star.

Let us also sing the praises of Metrophanes, the glory of priests, with Nectarios, Atticos, Gennadios and Anatolios: for they have filled our life with light; and let us also honor the wise Eusebios and Proclos.

I sing of Nicholas the holy preacher, and Sophronios, sweet as honey in his speech, of Evlavios and Diadochos, together with Eustathios and Juvenal, chief among the Fathers.

Healings of the holy body and soul flow from the tombs of the victorious martyrs as from a fountain. With faith, let us draw waters from this source, and let us sing to the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As Unity in Essence, I sing Your praises; as Trinity in Persons, I venerate You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The power of Your Kingdom that has no beginning, I glorify throughout all the ages.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, you have become the Mountain of God in which Christ came to dwell; and He has made into divine temples all those who cry out, "Sing to the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"


He who was glorified....



With ceaseless hymns, let us magnify Him who, in the burning bush on the mountain, revealed to moses the Lawgiver the mystery of the Maternity of the ever-Virgin for our salvation.

v. O holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Who can describe the boldness of Ambrose? Who can recount the wisdom of Hierotheos, and the steadfastness with which the Alexanders struggled in defense of the Faith?

Let us praise the divine Phaidimos and the God-bearing Spyrdon, Antipatros, Pambo, Palladios and Nonnus, with Jerome and the honored Germanos; for they are shining lights of God.

Let us honor Dionysios, great in the knowledge of God, initiate of the heavenly mysteries; and Clement, who labored much, with Flavian and Paul the Great, the heralds of the Faith.

Let us praise Michael of Synada and Tarasios, Nicephoros and the illustrious Theodore, with Thophanes and Jerome, the defenders of the icons of Christ.

Let praise be given to Peter and Ignatios, who in very truth bore Christ God in their hearts, the apostles of Christ who suffered for His sake, and also to Polycarp and Cyprian, the martyr of the Lord.

O holy fathers and hierarchs of the Lord, martyr priests and bishops, and women saints, all those whom we have named and all those whose names we do not know: pray for the salvation of our souls!

As you rejoice, O holy martyrs, in the heavenly mansions of the glory of the Lord, with the choir of the apostles, pray to the Creator of all for us on earth.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O God, One in Three, glory to You without ceasing! Each is God, yet Father, Son and Spirit are one in Essence, though threefold and distinct in the splendor of Their Persons.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The bush which burned with fire and yet was not consumed, that Moses saw of old upon Mount Sinai, was a foreshadowing of your womb, O Virgin, which received the pure Fire of the Godhead.


With ceaseless hymns....


O multitude of holy Fathers who denied the world and took up the Cross, together with the choirs of martyrs, the assembly of hierarchs and the company of holy women: shine upon us with your light, that we may rightly sing the praises of your glorious memory.

Let us praise in hymns of joy the God-bearing Fathers who shone forth in the ascetic life, together with the hierarchs and martyrs and choirs of holy women: so shall we be sanctified through their prayers and through the intercessions of the Theotokos, and we shall easily run the race of the Fast.


Tone 8

4. O faithful, let us all glorify the multitude of Fathers who lived the ascetic life in holiness. With hymns inspired by God, O brethren, let us praise with one accord the hierarchs of Christ: for they lived in abstinence and pure fasting, and they made plain to us the Gospel of Christ. And let us also sing the praises of the holy and glorious women who bore God in their hearts; and out of love for Him, let us imitate their way of life, that in the world to come we may receive the foregiveness of our trespasses.

3. O brethren, let us praise and glorify those who shone forth in the ascetic way: here on the earth they lived in sanctify and righteousness, and now in joy they are translated to eternal life. With virtue and holiness they ran upon the straight path that leads to the everlasting blessings of the world to come. Let us honor them as they deserve, that through their intercessions we may obtain mercy from God, and eternal joy and glory, and may escape the future punishment from which there is no release.

2. O choir of all the hierarchs, assembly of the righteous, of the ascetics and the holy women who lived in godliness: intercede, we pray, with the Lord who alone is good and merciful, that He may take pity on us. At your prayers, O holy ones, may we be delivered from condemnation in the Age to come, and rejoice to all eternity in the blessings of heaven, crying aloud with ceaseless hymns of praise to the Giver of Life!

1. O faithful, let us celebrate today in solemn festival the memory of the holy ones: of the hierarchs and ascetics, the martyrs and holy women. All that is passing and subject to corruption, they utterly renounced, looking on it as a spider's web, as dung, that they might gain Christ and His Kingdom, and enjoy the divine blessings that eye has not seen nor ear ever heard. At their prayers, O God, deliver our souls from corruption.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

O holy Fathers, the whole world is filled with the fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense for your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated. By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore, we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

Great Doxology


"O God of our Fathers...", Litanies and Dismissal



The First Kathisma

Blessed the man

At "O Lord, to You I call...": we sing ten stichera: six from the Octoechos in the Tone of the week, then the following:

Tone 6

4. It is true that the Lord, my Creator, took slime from the earth and, with His life-giving breath, gave me a soul and life, honoring me and setting me on the earth as the king of all visible things, enjoying the life of angels. But Satan, the Deceiver, in the guise of a serpent, induced me to eat of the forbidden fruit, separating me from God's glory, delivering me to the earth through death. But since You are my compassionate Lord, O God, call me back to You!

3. When tempted by the enemy, I disobeyed Your command, O Lord. I, alas, was stripped of my God-woven robe. Now I must wear a garment of skin and fig-leaves; now I am condemned to eat the bread of hardship by the seat of my brow. The earth, being cursed, has brought forth thorns and husks for me. But You who became incarnate of the Virgin in the last days, call me back and let me come into the Paradise of Bliss.

2. Most honored Paradise, garden of beauty and delight, dwelling-place made perfect by God, unending gladness and rejoicing, delight of the prophets and home of the saints: by the harmony of your rusting leaves, beseech the Creator of all that He may open to me the gates I had closed by my sins, and that I may be worthy once more to partake of the tree of life and bliss which You had made mine from the beginning.

1. Woe is me! It is true that because of his disobedience, Adam was exiled from Paradise and driven away from bliss for having been deceived by a woman's word: and he sat naked and wailing before the gates of Eden. Wherefore, let us all enter with care the season of fasting and obey the Gospel commands, that we may hereby become acceptable to Christ and regain our right to Paradise.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

Indeed, Adam sat before the gates of Eden, bewailing his nakedness and crying out: "Woe is me, the loser, who have listened to the wicked deceit and have been driven away from glory! Woe to me, who through simplicity of heart have become naked and am now perplexed. Wherefore, I shall no longer enjoy your bliss, O Paradise, nor shall I ever see my Lord, my God, and my Creator, for I shall return to the earth from which I had been taken. And yet, O Lord my God, I shall cry out to You and say, 'O compassionate One, have mercy on me who have fallen!'"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion/Dogmatikon of the Ton of the week


we sing the stichera of the patron Saint, and then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

The sun hid its rays, the moon and stars were turned to blood, the mountains were afraid, the hills trembled, when Paradise was shut. Adam departed, beating his hands upon his face and saying, "I have fallen! Merciful Lord, have mercy on me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mary, Theotokos, we mystically sing your praises. For you have been revealed as the throne of the great King, the holy tabernacle more spacious than the heavens, the chariot of the cherubim, higher than the seraphim, bridal chamber of glory. For from you the God of all came forth incarnate. Pray to Him for the salvation of our souls!


we sing the Aposticha of the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, with:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

Adam was cast out from Paradise because he ate the forbidden fruit. Seated before the gates, he wept, lamenting with a pitiful voice and saying: "Woe is me! What have I suffered in my misery? I have transgressed one commandment of the Master, and now I am deprived of every blessing. O most holy Paradise, planted for my sake and shut because of Eve: pray to Him who made you and fashioned me, that once more I may take pleasure in your flowers!" Then the Savior said to him, "I desire not the loss of the creature which I fashioned, but that he should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth; and when he comes to Me, I will not cast him out!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Christ the Lord, my Maker and Savior, came out of your pure womb in the likeness of me, O Woman without stain; and He delivered Adam from the original curse. Therefore, O Woman all pure, since you are the Mother of God and a true Virgin, we never tire of calling to you with the salutation of the angel: "Hail, O Lady, O our intercessor, our shield and the redemptress of our souls!"


Kontakion of the Triodion rather than the Hypacoi of the Resurrection


to the Trinity Canon, add the verses at the Lete. Instead of the Hypacoi of the Resurrection, the three Katanyktika Troparia are said.



Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the week. We use Psalm 136 for the Polyeleos. After Psalm 50, we sing the Stichera of the Triodion rather than the usual Idiomela.


we use the Canon of the Resurrection, of the Theotokos (in the Tone of the week), then the Canon of the Triodion, by Christopher, the Chief Secretary.


Tone 6


Crossing the deep like dry land, Israel saw the pursuing Pharaoh drowned in the waves. They exclaimed, "Let us sing a hymn of victory to God!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Come, my wretched soul, and weep today over your deeds, remembering how you were once stripped naked in Eden and cast out from delight and unending joy.

In Your abundant compassion and mercy, O Fashioner of the creation and Maker of all, You took me from the dust and gave me life, commanding me to sing Your praises with Your angels.

In the wealth of Your goodness, O Creator and Lord, You planted in Eden the sweetness of Paradise. You directed me to take my delight in fair and pleasing fruits that never pass away.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Woe to you, my wretched soul! How have you not recognized the craftiness of the enemy? How have you not perceived his deceit and envy? But you were darkened in mind and have transgressed the commandment of your Maker.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O holy Virgin, you are my hope and protection, for you alone have covered the fallen Adam's nakedness; by your childbearing, pure Lady, clothe me once more with incorruption.

Little Litany

Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection

Sessional Hymns

Tone 4

Adam was cast out from the delight of Paradise: bitter was his eating, when in uncontrolled desire he broke the commandment of the Master; and we was condemned to work the earth from which he himself had been taken, and to eat his bread in toil and sweat. Therefore, let us love abstinence, that we may not weep as he did outside Paradise, but may enter through the gate!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The season of the virtues now has come and the Judge is at the door. Let us not hold back with darkened face, but let us keep the Fast, offering tears, contrition and almsgiving; and let us cry, "Our sins are more in number than the sands of the sea; but, Deliverer of all, forgive each one of us, that we may receive an incorruptible crown!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Unworthy though we be, O Theotokos, may we never keep silent nor cease to praise your power. For if we had not the protection of your prayers, who would have delivered us form such great dangers? Who would have preserved us in freedom to this present hour? May we never forsake you, O Lady, for you always save your servants from every kind of ill.


The Church sings: Christ is my power, my Lord and my God!" With a beautiful hymn, she celebrates God in the integrity of her faith.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

You counted me worthy of honor in Eden, O Master. But, alas, in my wretchedness how have I been deceived by the envy of the devil and cast out from before Your face!

O ranks of angels, O beauty of Paradise and all the glory of the Garden: weep for me, for in my misery, I was led astray and rebelled against God.

O blessed meadow, trees and flowers planted by God, O sweetness of Paradise: let your leaves, like eyes, shed tears on my behalf, for I am naked and a stranger to God's glory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

No longer do I see you nor delight in your joy and splendor, O precious Paradise. For I have angered my Creator and I have been driven naked into the world out of the garden.

v. Now and always and forever and ever.

Holy Lady, who have opened to all the faithful the gates of Paradise that Adam closed of old through his transgression, open unot me the gates of mercy!


The Church sings.....


Illumine with love the souls of those who offer this morning prayer to You by Your divine Light. Give them knowledge of Yourself, O true God, O Word of God. You call us out of the darkness of sin.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Of old, the enemy who hates mankind envied me the life of happiness that I had in Paradise. Taking the form of a serpent, he caused me to stumble, and made me a stranger to eternal glory.

I weep and lament in soul; and with my eyes I shed abundant tears, when I reflect upon the nakedness that is mine through the transgression.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Out of the earth was I fashioned by the hand of God, adn I was told in my wretchedness that to the earth I should again return. Who would not weep for me? I am cast out from God's presence and have exchanged Eden for hell!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In faith, we all proclaim you as the mystical bridal chamber of glory, O undefiled Mother of God. Therefore, I entreat you: raise me up, for I am fallen, and make me dwell in the bridal chamber of Paradise.


Illumine with love...


I see the sea of life raging in a storm of temptation. I rush to Your quiet harbor. I call out to You: "Save my life from ruin, since You are so merciful!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Savior, in Your compassion You clothed me in Eden with a divinely-woven garment. But, persuaded by the devil, I neglected Your commandment and was stripped naked in my wretchedness.

O miserable soul, you have departed far from God through your carelessness. You have been deprived of the delight of Paradise and parted from the angels. You have been led down into corruption. How fallen you are!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Almighty God, have mercy and take pity on the work of Your hands. I have cut myself off from the choir of angels; but I entreat You, O loving Lord: do not reject me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mary, chosen by God, Queen of the world, you have given birth to the Lord who is King of all and Redeemer. I am a prisoner in exile from the glory of Paradise: I entreat you: call me back!


I see the sea of life....



Tone 6

O You who guide men towards wisdom, and give them intelligence and understanding, Instructor of the ignorant and helper of the poor, strenthen and enlighten my heart, O Lord, give me word, O Word of the Father, for behold I will not refrain my lips from crying out to You: O Merciful One, have mercy on me who have fallen.


Banished from the joys of Paradise, Adam sat outside and wept; and beating his hands upon his face, he said: "In Your compassion, have mercy on me who have fallen!" When Adam saw the angel drive him out and shut the door of the divine garden, he graoned aloud and said: "In Your compassion, have mercy on me who have fallen!" O Paradise, share in the sorrow of your master who is brought to poverty, and with the sound of your leaves, pray to the Creator that He may not keep your gate clsoed for ever. O Merciful One, have mercy on me who have fallen! O Paradise, perfect, all-holy, and blessed, planted for Adam's sake and shut because of Eve, pray to God for the fallen! O Merciful One, have mercy on me who have fallen!


after theSynaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we read:

On this day, we commemorate the expulsion of Adam, our first father, from the Paradise of delights.

Together with Adam and Eve, bitterly fallen, let the whole human race weep over the loss of Paradise.

Wherefore, through Your ineffable compassion, O Christ our God, make us worthy of the delights of Paradise; and in Your love for mankind, take pity on us. Amen.


The angel truly made the furnace a place of dew for the holy young men. When God's command inflamed the Chaldaeans, it made the torturer sing: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Lord who rule all the ages, by Your will You created me. I was beguiled of old through the envy of the crafty serpent and I angered You. Do not reject me, O God my Savior, but call me back!

Woe is me, for in place of a robe of light, I am clothed in shameful garments. I weep for my loss, O Savior, and cry to You with faith: "Do not reject me, O God of love, but call me back!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The evil serpent in his envy wounded all my soul and caused me to be banished from the Paradise of delights. In Your loving compassion, do not reject me, O God my Savior, but call me back!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure and blameless Lady, in your loving compassion, accept my entreaty. Grant me forgiveness for my offenses, for I fervently cry aloud with tears: "Do not reject me, O good Virgin, but call me back!"


The angel truly...


You showered the holy young men with dew in the fire. You burned the water-soaked sacrifice of Elijah. You do whatever You will, O Christ, for You can do all things. We praise You forever!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Lord who love mankind, at the beginning You honored the works of Your hands with every kind of gift. But, alas, the hateful serpent deceived us with his hissing and stripped us of the blessings which he had received.

Why have you listened to the bitter advice and disobeyed the command of God? Woe to you, miserable soul, for you have grieved God! Yet you were created to glorify Him with the angels forever.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You were appointed ruler over creeping things and wild beasts: why then have you conversed with a creature that crept upon the earth, destroying souls? And why have you taken the destroying enemy as your advisor? O my wretched soul, how you have been deceived!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mary, full of grace, tabernacle of the Light and dwelling-place of God incarnate, we sing your praises. I am darkened grievously by the passions: shine upon me with the light of mercy, O hope of the hopeless.


You showered...



Men cannot see God. Angel armies dare not gaze upon Him. God was shown to man by incarnation through you, most pure Lady. We glorify Him and with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The taste of the fruit of knowledge seemed sweet to me when I took my fill of eating; but it ended in bitterness. Woe to you, O wretched soul! See how the uncontrolled desire has made you an exile from Paradise!

O God of all, Lord of mercy, look down compassionately upon my lowliness and do not send me far away from Eden; but may I perceive the glory from which I have fallen, and hasten with lamentations to regain what I have lost!

I lament, I groan, I weep as I look upon the cherubim with the sword of fire set to guard the gate of Eden against all transgressors. Woe is me! I cannot enter unless You, O Savior, grant me free approach.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Christ my Savior, boldly I put my trust in the abundance of Your mercies and in the Blood that flowed from Your divine side. For through Your Blood, You have sanctified the nature of mortal man, O loving Lord, and have opened unto those who worship You the gates of Paradise that of old were closed to Adam.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, who have not known man, spiritual Gate of life through which none may pass: by your prayers open unto me the gates of Paradise that were closed long ago, that I may glorify you: for after God, you are my helper and strong refuge.


Men cannot see God...


we sing the first part of the appointed Aothinon Exapostilarion for the day, then:

In my wretchedness, O Lord, I have disobeyed Your commandment. Woe is me! I have been stripped of glory, filled with shame, and cast out from the joy of Paradise. I have been justly deprived of Your blessings. But in Your mercy and compassion, take pity on me.

O my God and Savior, through Your Cross and Passion, You have led back again those who were once banished from Paradise through eating from a tree. At the intercession of Your Mother, give us strength through Your Cross to keep the Fast in holiness, and to worship Your divine Resurrection, the Passover of Salvation.


we sing five stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, beginning at number 8 in the praises. Then the following are added:

Tone 5

3. Adam cried in lamentation, "Woe is me! For the serpent and the woman have deprived me of my boldness before God; and through eating from a tree, I have become an exile from the joy of Paradise. Woe is me! No more can I endure the shame. I who was once king of all God's creatures upon earth have now become a prisoner, led astray by evil advice. I who was once clothed with the glory of immortality must now, as one condemned to die, wrap myself miserably in the skins of mortality. Woe is me! Who will share my sorrow with me? But, O Lord, who love mankind, who fashioned me from the earth and are clothed in compassion, call me back from the bondage of the enemy and save me!"

v. I shall praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart and shall proclaim all Your mighty deeds.

Tone 5

2. The arena of the virtues has been opened. Let all who wish to struggle for the prize now enter, girding themselves for the noble contest of the Fast. For those who strive lawfully are justly crowned. Taking up the armor of the Cross, let us make war against the enemy. Let us have as our invincible rampart the Faith, prayer as our breastplate, and almsgiving as our helmet. And as our sword, let us use fasting, that cuts away all evil from our heart. If we do this, we shall receive the true crown from Christ, the King of all, at the Day of Judgment.

v. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, Most High.

Tone 6

1. Adam was driven out of Paradise, because in disobedience he had eaten food. But Moses was granted the vision of God, because he had cleansed the eyes of his soul by fasting. If then we long to dwell in Paradise, let us abstain from all needless food; and if we desire to see God, let us, like Moses, fast for forty days. With sincerity, let us persevere in prayer and intercession; let us stil teh passions of our soul. Let us subdue the rebellious instincts of the flesh. With light step, let us set out on the path to heaven, where the choirs of angels with never-silent voices sing the praises of the undivided Trinity; and there we shall behold the surpassing beauty of the Master. O Son of God, Giver of Life, in You we set all our hope: count us worthy of a place there with the angelic hosts, at the intercessions of the Mother who bore You, O Christ, of the apostles and the martyrs and all the saints!

v. Arise, O Lord my God, lift Your mighty hand and never forget Your poor.

Tone 6

The time is now at hand for us to start upon the spiritual contest and to gain the victory over the demonic powers. Let us put on the armor of abstinence and clothe ourselves in the glory of the angels. With boldness, Moses spoke to the Creator, and he heard the voice of the invisible God. In Your love for mankind, O Lord, grant us the same boldness to venerate Your Passion and Your holy Resurrection.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The time is now at hand.....(Repeat)

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are truly most blessed, O Virgin Mother of God.....

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Resurrection. Litanies and Dismissal.


Troparion of the Resurrection; Kontakion of the Triodion. At the First Hour, Aothinon Doxastichon



Sunday night at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord to You I call..."

10. The depth of my transgressions is profound, O Savior, and I am drowning in my iniquities. Give me Your hand, as You once did to Peter, O God, and save me and have mercy on me.

9. I stand condemned by my wicked thoughts and deeds, O Savior. Put into my head the thought of turning back to You, O God, that I may cry out: "Save me, O Good Benefactor, adn have mercy on me!"

8. Another world awaits you, O my soul; and the Judge of all will make public your secret and wicked deeds. Do not be absorbed in the things of this world, but go forward, crying to the Judge: "Cleanse me and save me, O God!"

7. O my Savior, do not look upon me with disgust because of my sinful laziness. Rather, rouse me to repentance and make me a laborer in Your vineyard, granting me at the eleventh hour my reward and great mercy.

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

I am the Prodigal. Conceived in sin, I dare not look up to the heights of heaven. But trusting in Your love for mankind, I cry out: "O God, be propitious to me a sinner, and have mercy on me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

If the righteous shall scarcely be saved, how will it be with me, a sinner? I have not borne the heat and burden of the day. Yet, O God, number me with those who came at the eleventh hour and save me!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

The victorious martyrs clothed themselves in You, O Lord. You were their glory in their sufferings, their crown and their reward. Steadfastly enduring torment, they overthrew the wicked. Through the power of God, they were granted victory from heaven. At their prayers, O God, give us Your great mercy!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O full of grace, seeing in you the wonder of wonders, the creation rejoices. Without seed, you have conceived, and in an unspeakable manner, you have given birth to Him upon whom the leaders of the angelic hosts dare not to gaze. O Theotokos, pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Hasten to open to me Your fatherly arms, for I have wasted my life like the Prodigal Son. But, O Savior, remember the inexhaustible wealth of Your mercies, and do not despise my needy heart. For I cry out to You with contrition: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before You!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath!

Your judgment seat is awesome, Your judgment righteous, and my deeds are exceedingly evil. But come to me before judgment, O Master: preserve me adn deliver me from Hades. Rescue me, O Savior, from the lot of the goats, and make me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O most righteous Judge!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Believing with one heart and unafraid of the threats of the torturers, you saints, like brave warriors, took up the precious Cross and followed Christ with eager minds, and coming to the end of your course, you received the victory from heaven. Glory to Him who gave you strength! Glory to Hijm who crowned you! Glory to Him who, thorugh you, grants healing to us all!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Without being burned, you have conceived the Fire of the Godhead; and without seed, you have given birth to the Lord, who is the Source of Life. O Theotokos, full of grace, preserve from death those who magnify you.

Wendesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Beholding You stretched out dead upon the Cross, O Christ, Your all-pure Mother cried aloud: "O my Son, co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, what is this unspeakable act of love by which You have saved the work of Your hands in Your compassion, O Master?"

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

O Lord, Lover of Mankind, we venerate the wood of Your Cross: for You, the Life of All, were nailed to it. O Savior, You opened Paradise to the thief who turned to You who with faith, and You counted him worthy of Your joy when he confessed You, saying, "Remember me, O Lord!" Accept us also, as You accepted him, for we cry aloud, "We all have sinned, but in Your compassion do not reject us!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Lover of Mankind, O Lord, we beseech You to accept in supplication the sufferings that the martyrs endured for You, and to heal all our distress.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the pure one saw her Lamb crucified on the Tree between two thieves and His side pierced by a spear, she cried out with a mother's grief: "O my Son, what is this strange and wondrous mystery? How is God, whom nothing can contain, contained in a tomb? What words have the power to describe these things? Forsake not Your Mother, O beloved Son!"

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

With the net of their preaching and the rod of the Cross, the fishermen overcame the pagans skilled in clever speech; and they taught the nations to glorify with holy worship the one true God. Therefore we cry out to You who have given them power: "Glory to the Father and to the Son! Glory to the consubstantial Spirit! Glory to Him who through the Apostles has enlightened the whole world!"

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

O wise fathers of the inhabited earth, you recevied from God the gift of compassion. Intercede for us who cry aloud: "O Lord, save Your people and Your Church; and through the Apostles, deliver our souls from distress!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Let us all pray to the martyrs of Christ, for they intercede for our salvation.

Let us all draw near to them in Faith, for they dispense the grace of healing, and as guardians, of the Faith, they drive away the hosts of demons.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In ways past speech and understanding, without a father you have given birth on earth to Him who has no mother in heaven. O Theotokos, pray to Him for our salvation.

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

When You were crucified, O Christ, the devil's tyrrany was laid low and his power was trampled underfoot. Glory to You, for we were not saved by an angel nor by a man, but by the Lord Himself.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

The weapon of the Cross was once shown to the Emperor Constantine to be an invincible arm of defeat in battle against the enemies of the Faith. Those who oppose its power trembled, and it has become the salvation of the faithful.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

The victorious martyrs clothed themselves in You, O Lord. You were their glory in their sufferings, their crown and their reward. Steadfastly enduring torment, they overthrew the wicked. Through the power of God, they were granted victory from heaven. At their prayers, O God, give us Your great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, nwo and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure one, we have obtained your protection. Through your intercession, we have been kept from harm and surrounded at all times with the grace of your Son's Cross. Wherefore, we exalt you with great devotion.

Friday night at Vespers (when there is no Presnactified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. O Lord, through the prayers of all the saints and the Theotokos, grant us Your peace and have mercy on us, for You alone are compassionate.

5. Your confession of faith in the arena, O martyrs, cast down the power of the demons and freed men from error. Therefore, as you were beheaded, you cried out: "May the sacrifice of our lives be acceptable to You, O Lord: for out of desire for You, we have turned our backs on this passing life, O Lover of Mankind!"

4. O holy martyrs, you have given of your blood in trade and have inherited the heavenly Kingdom. You suffered for a while, but rejoice eternally. Truly your trade was good! Laying aside passing things, you received that which is eternal. Having joined the choirs of angels, you ceaselessly sing to the consubstantial Trinity.

Three stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary, glory of the whole world. She was herself formed by human seed, yet she became the Mother of the Master, the gate of heaven, the theme of the angels' hymns and the beauty of the faithful. She was seen as being heavenly and the tabernacle of the Godhead. She indeed tore down the wall of enmity between God and men and brought peace in its place, and thus opened the Kingdom of heaven. Let us, therefore, cling fast to her, for she is the anchor of Faith; and let us receive as our stronghold the Lord who was born of her. Be of good cheer now and have confidence, O people of God, for He will fight our enemies for us: He is all-powerful.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. Most praised martyrs, the earth did not hid you, but heaven received you, and the gates of paradise were opened to you. You dwell in it and are fed from the tree of life. Pray to Christ to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

3. What pleasure is there in our life that is not mixed with sorrow? What glory on earth that lasts? All are more fleeting than shadows, and more deceitful than a dream. In one moment, death takes all away. But You, O Christ, in the light of Your face, in the beauty of Your holiness, give peace to those You have taken, for You are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

4. No one is free of sin, except You, who are the only Immortal One. Therefore, in Your divine compassion, grant to your servants a dwelling-place in light with the hosts of Your angels. In Your tender mercy, overlook their sins and grant them forgiveness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Rejoice, we cry out to you, O Theotokos, Virgin, treasure of the whole world, unquenchable lamp, dwelling-place of Him who cannot be contained, O indestructible Temple. Rejoice, O you who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Trion

9. repeat the sticheron from the Triodion

8. O Lord, through the prayers..

7. Your confession of faith...

6. O holy martyrs, you have given...

5. Most praised martyrs...

4. ,3.,2.,1.-stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first Glory...

What pleasure is there in our life...


Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary...

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Believing with one heart, and unafraid of the threats of the torturers, you saints, like brave warriors, took up the precious Cross and followed Christ with eager minds, and coming to the end of your course, you received the victory from heaven. Glory to Him who gave you strength! Glory to Him who crowned you! Glory to Him who, through you, grants healing to us all.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Lover of Mankind, O Lord, we beseech You to accept in supplication the sufferings that the martyrs endured for You, and to heal all our distress.

v. God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in the land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Let us all make our supplication to the martyrs of Christ, for they pray for our salvation. Let us approach them with love and faith, for they dispense the gift of healing, and as guardians of the Faith, they drive away the hosts of devils.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In these last days, without changing, You have been incarnate of the Virgin Mother for our sake; as Lord, You know how easily we fall. Forgive and have mercy on those who have departed from this life, for with faith they have entrusted their souls to You, our Master and our only God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When Gabriel greeted you, O Virgin, at his voice, the Lord of all took flesh in you, O holy Ark, as the just David called you. You have been revealed as more spacious than the heavens in bearing your creator. Glory to Him who dwelt in you! Glory to Him who came from you! Glory to Him who delivered us through your maternity!


4. O people, come, let us honor with hymns and songs the victorious martyrs of Christ, the lights of the world and heralds of the Faith. They are an overflowing fountain of healing for the faithful. At their prayers, O Christ God, grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

3. These are the soldiers of the mighty King, who reisted the decrees of tyrants and bravely scorned all torment. Trampling all error underfoot, they have rightly been crowned; and now they ask the Savior for peace and great mercy for our souls.

2. O praised martyrs, neither tribulation nor distress nor hunger, neither scourging nor wild beasts nor sword nor fire, could separate you from God. Undergoing sufferings for love of Him, as though your bodies were no longer your own, you overcame nature and death. So you have received the rewards of your labors and are inheritors of the Kingdom. Pray for our salvation.

1. Rejoice in the Lord, O martyrs who have fought the good fight. You resisted kings and overcame persecutors; you feared neither sword nor the wild beasts. Singing a hymn of praise to Christ God with the angels, you received crowns of victory in heaven. Pray that we may be given great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O my Savior, by Your actions You proved that You are the Resurrectionof all. By a word, O Word, You raised Lazarus from the dead. The bars were shattered and the gates of Hades were shaken; then man's death was seen to be only a sleep. You have come to save, and not to judge, Your creatures: give rest in Your love to those You have taken.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Lady, your birthgiving fills with joy the prophets, the patriarchs, the holy apostles, the bishops and the martyrs, all the monks and all the just. They confess you to be above all the heavenly hosts, and they honor you as the Mother of God.


1. O Savior, we ask You to grant the departed a share in the life of blessedness with You. Give them rest in the dwelling-places of the just, in the mansions of the Saints in the heavenly courts; and in Your tender compassion, overlook their offenses and grant them rest.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord!

2. No one is free of sin, except You, who are the only Immortal One. Therefore, in Your divine compassion, grant to Your servants a dwelling-place in light with the hosts of Your angels. In Your tender mercy, overlook their sins and grant them forgiveness.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. O Savior, higher than all things which we can see are Your promised blessings, which eye has not seen nor ear has heard, nor have they even entered into the imagination of man. Grant to those who have departed to You a share in these Your blessings and grant them eternal life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Lord, Your servants departed to You, trusting and rejoicing in Your Cross. Through the Cross and the Blood You shed for the life of the world, grant them forgiveness of their sins; in Your tender mercy, pardon their trespasses, and shine upon them with the light of Your face.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin Mother, pray to Your Child that He may grant forgiveness of sins to your servants who, with true faith in the teachings of the Church, have confessed you to be the Mother of God. May He count them worthy of the radiance and glory of the saints in His Kingdom.



Sunday evening at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord..."

10. I have sinned before You like the prodigal son, O Christ my Savior. Receive me back, for I am repentant, O Father. O God, have mercy on me!

9. I call out to You with the publican's prayer, O Christ my Savior. Cleanse me as You once cleansed him. O God, have mercy on me.

8. By my faults, I have surpassed every sinner. From whom shall I learn repentance? If I sigh like the Publican, I shall weary heaven. If I weep like the adulterous woman, I will stain the earth with my tears. Grant me pardon for my sins, O my God, and have mercy on me.

7. Turn Your eyes away from my transgressions, Lord, born of the Virgin. Cleanse my heart and make it a temple of Your Holy Spirit. Cast me not away from Your face, for Your great love is measureless.

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

My transgressions have risen up against me like the waves of the sea, and I am tossed about by the storm of many sins like a boat alone in the deep. But guide me by repentance to a safe harbor, O Lord, and save me.

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

I am a barren tree, O Lord, for I do not bear the fruits of repentance at all. I fear the axe and the fire that never shall be quenched. Therefore, I pray to You before I am condemned to torment: "Turn me back to You and save me!"

v. God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel!

O Lord, You covered the heavens with clouds; on earth, the martyrs had You as their covering and protection. They patiently endured the torments inflicted by the impious and exposed the error of idolatry. By their prayers, O God our Savior, deliver us from the invisible enemy and save us!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God, since you became a fountain of mercy, count us worthy of yoru compassion. Look upon a people that has sinned, show forth your power as you always do. Because we have put our trust in you, we hail you as once did Gabriel, the captain of the angels.

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

"Have mercy on me," said David. I also cry out to You: "I have sinned, O my Savior! Blot out my sins through repentance and have mercy on me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!" David lamented over two sins. But I cry aloud to You over many trespasses. He watered his bed with tears, but I have not a single tear to shed. In despair, I pray: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy!"

v. God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel!

You made Your saints shine more brightly than gold, and You have glorified Your martyrs in Your love. At their intercessions, O Christ God, grant peace to our lives and make our prayrs ascend as incense, O You who alone abide among the Saints.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We need your help, O Theotokos; despise not our rpayers, for our souls trust in you. Have mercy on us.

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

In supplication, we offer up to You, O Lord, Your life-giving Cross, which in Your love You have granted to Your unworthy servants. Save Your people, for we entreat You through the Theotokos, O You who alone love mankind.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

The enemy enslaved Adam through the fruit of a tree. In the same way, O Lord, You Yourself enslaved the enemy through the tree of the Cross and through Your Passion. You have come as the second Adam, seeking the wanderer and restoring the dead to life. O God, glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O martyrs of the Lord, blessed is the earth on which your blood was shed, and holy are the places which preserve your relics. In the arena, you openly triumphed over the enemy, and with boldness you preached Christ. We ask You to pray to Him that He may grant salvation to us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Seeing You, O Christ, stretched dead upon the tree, Your Virgin Mother cried aloud with bitter tears: "O my Son, what is this awesome myster? How can You who give eternal life to all, suffer a shameful death upon the Cross?"

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First reading from the Psalter

O Christ God, in Your great love for mankind, You made the fishermen wiser that those skilled in speech, and You sent them out as preachers to the whole world. Through them, strengthen Your Church asnd send down Your blessings upon the faithful, O You who alone are dwelling among the Saints.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Apostles, martyrs and prophets, hierarchs, holy monks and righteous men and women: you have fought the good fight to the end and have kept the Faith. Since you have boldness in the presence of the Savior, we entreat you to pray to Him on our behalf, that in His love, He may grant salvation to us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, we glorify you and cry out: "Hail, O Beam of Light who never fade! You have borne in your womb the very Lord of Glory!"

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Before Your most pure image we bow in worship, O Good One, begging forgiveness for our stumblings, Christ God. Because You, of Your own free will, chose to ascend upon the Cross in the flesh in order to deliver from the enemy's yoke those You had created. For this reason, we cry out to You in thanksgiving: You our Savior, have filled all things with joy when You came to save the world!

v. Exalt the Lord, our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

O Christ God, You brought about salvation in the midst of the earth. You stretched out Your pure hands on the Cross, gathering together all the nations, who cry out: "O Lord, glory to You!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Founded on the Rock that cannot be shaken, the holy martyrs bravely resisted theri persecutors, adn through torment they obtained their crowns. At their prayers, sve us, O God!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin and all glorious Theotokos, we sing to you a hymn of praise, for Hades has been destroyed by your Son's Cross, death has been put to death, and we the dead have been made to rise and become worthy of life. We have obtained paradise, the original bliss! Wherefore, we glorify you by giving thanks to Christ our God, for He alone is almighty and all-merciful.

Friday evening at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. O martyrs, you were not attached to the sweet things of the earth, and you were made worhty of the good things of heaven, becoming fellow-citizens with the angels. By their prayers, O Lord, have mercy on us and save us.

5. Since the holy martys are praying for us and singing to Christ, every deceit has ceased, and the human race is saved by faith.

4. The choirs of the martyrs withstood the tyrants and said, "We are soldiers of the King of Hosts. Even if you destroy us with fire and torment, we will not deny the power of the Trinity.

Three stichera to the Saint of the day from the Menaion

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, the shadow of the law passed away with the realization of grace, for as the bush had burned without being consumed, so you gave birth while a virgin and you remained a virgin. Instead of the pillar of fire, there rose the Sun of Justice; instead of Moses, Christ God came forth, the Savior of our souls.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. You obtained great glory through your faith, O holy martyrs. You not only overcame the enemy in your sufferings, but you still cast out evil spirits after your death; and you can heal the sick, O physicians of souls and bodies. Pray to the Lord to have mercy on our souls.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts; they shall be satisfied with the goods of Your house.

3. As a flower withers and a shadow passes, so everyone will die. But when the trumpet sounds, the dead will rise again, as in an earthquake, to meet You, O Christ our God. Then, O Master, place in the abode of Your saints the souls of Your servants whom You have taken from us.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

What struggles my soul will have to sustain when its time will come to be separated from my body! What suffering I shall have to endure alone! No one will be at hand to have mercy on me. If I turn my eyes even to the angels, I will be pleading in vain. If I stretch out my hands to my fellow men, I will find no one to help. Beloved brethren, let us then consider how short is our life, and look up to Christ, asking rest for the departed and great mercy for our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All my hope I place in you, O Mother of Life; keep me under your protection.

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

8. O martyrs, you were not attached....

7. Since the holy martyrs are praying....

6. The choirs of martyrs withstood the tyrants...

5. You obtained great glory through your faith...

4. ,3.,2.,1. - stichera to the saints of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first
What struggles my soul will have to...
O Virgin, the shadow of the law.....

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

You made Your saints shine more brightly than gold, and You have glorified Your martyrs in Your love. At their intercessions, O Christ God, grant peace to our lives and make our prayers ascend as incense, O You who alone abide among the saints.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O martyrs of the Lord, blessed is the earth on which your blood was shed, and holy are the places which preserve your relics. In the arena, you openly triumphed over the enemy, and with boldness, you preached Christ. We ask you to pray to Him that He may grant salvation to us all.

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Apostles, martyrs and prophets, hierarchs, holy monks and righteous men and women, you have fought the good fight to the end and have kept the Faith; since you have boldness in the presence of the Savior, we entereat you to pray to Him on our behalf that in His love, He may grant salvation to us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Lord, remembering those who hae fallen asleep, we call to mind the coming judgment; foreseeing my condemnation, I cry out to You from the midst of torments and say, "O God of compassion, have mercy on me!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O holy Mother of the all-pure Light, with true Faith and angelic hymns, we honor and magnify you.


4. Because you endured even to death for the sake of Christ, O martyrs, your souls dwell in heaven in the hands of God, while your relics are honored throughout the world: priests and kings venerate you, and we cry aloud in joy with all the people: "O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful!"

3. Taking up the Cross of Chrsit as their invincible weapon, the holy martyrs have destroyed all the power of the devil. Being crowned from heaven, they are a defense for us through their constant intercessions on our behalf.

2. All your saints intercede with You, O Christ; have mercy on us in Your great love for mankind.

1. Every city and country honors your relics, O victorious martyrs. Striving for the prize, you have received the crown of victors from heaven. Thus you are the pride of priests, the victory of kings, and the glory of the Churches.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Having formed me from the earth, You condemned me to return to the earth once again because of my disobedience. You have set up a day for judgment, when each man's hidden deeds will be revealed before You. Spare me, then, O sinless Lord, granting me the forgiveness of my sins, and do not shut me out of Your Kingdom.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, Mary, O Theotokos, temple that will never be destroyed, temple of holiness, as the prophet said: "Holy is Your temple, full of blessings!"


1. O Master, by Your life-giving death, You have overthrown the violence and corruption of death; You have become a source of immortality for all, and You have given resurrection to the dead. Therefore, we beg You: give rest, O Saior, to those who have departed to You in faith, and count them worthy of the fulness of Your glory in Your love for mankind!

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accpeted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

2. You accepted a voluntary death and endured the Cross so as to make us shareers in Your divine Kingdom. Thus we beg You: in Your tender mercy, grant to thsoe who have departed to You in faith a share in Your Kingdom, and count them worthy of Your eternal blessedness and glory.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. You carried out the deep mystery of Your divine economy with joy so as to save the work on Your hands in Your surpassing love, and You redeemed the hwole world at the price on Your blood. Therefore, we ask You to be merciful to those who have departed to You in faith; and in Your love for mankind, count them worthy to see Your beauty.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The dead from all ages stand before Your awesome judgment seat, awaiting Your just verdict, O Savior, and Your righteous judgment. Spare Your servants, O Master, who have departed to You in faith; and in Your love for mankind, count them worthy to see Your beauty.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Virgin, you have settled the debt of Eve, our first mother, by conceiving God. He bestows upon the faithful incorrution and resurrection, and with immortal glory He crowns those who honor you. Do not cease to intercede with Him, hat He may shine upon us all with the light of His splendor, O Bride of God!



Sunday night

Stichera of Repentance at Vespers

10. We offer You our evening hymn, O Christ, with incense and spiritual songs. O Savior, have mercy on our souls.

9. Save me, O Lord my God! You are the salvation of all. The storm of my passions is tossing me and the yoke of my lawlessness weighs me down. Give me Your helping hand and lead me into the light of repentance, for You alone are the merciful Lover of Mankind.

8. Gather together my scattered mind, O Lord, and purify y dry and barren heart. Give me repentance like Peter. Grant me sighs of sorrow like the Publican. Give me tears like the adulterous woman that I may cry out with a loud voice to You: "Save me, O God, for You alone are compassionate and love mankind!"

7. Often when I offer praise to God, I am found to be committing sin. While I sing hymns with my mouth, I ponder evil thoughts in my soul. But through repentance, O Christ my God, set right my mouth and soul and have mercy on me!

Monday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

At the dread judgment, I shall be convicted without accusers and condemned without witnesses; for the book of my conscience will be opened and my hidden works revealed. O God, before You examined my actions in the presence of the whole creation, be merciful to me and save me!

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

O my soul, how long will you continue in sin? How long will you put off repentance? Call to mind the coming judgment and cry out to the Lord, "I have sinned, O sinless Lord! Save me!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

The soldiers of Christ cast aside all fear of kings and persecutors. Boldly and with courage, they confessed Him as the Lord of all, their King and their God; and now they intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

With good reason, each person turns to the place where he can find salvation. And what other refuge have we such as you, O Theotokos, the protection of our souls?

Tuesday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O my soul, repent while you still dwell on earth; for in the tomb, the dust cannot offer praise or gain deliverance from sin. Cry out to Christ your God, "I have sinned. O Knower of man's heart! But before You condemn me, hav emercy on me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

At the hour of prayer, I promise to repent; yet the enemy skillfully urges me to sin. Deliver me from him, O God, and have mercy on me!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O glorious martyrs, your brave endurance defeated the plots of the enemy, the devil, from whom all evil comes. Therefore, you are worthy of eternal blessedness. Intercede with the Lord for the salvation of Christ's faithful flock, O witnesses to the truth.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are our refuge and our strength, O Theotokos. You are the strong help of the world. By your intercession, protect your servants from all calamity, for you alone are blessed.

Wednesday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Knowing that Your power is infinite and Your crucifixion voluntary, the hosts of angels were amazed. How were You, upon whom none may look, scourged in the flesh in Your desire to redeem mankind from corruption? Therefore, we cry out to You as the Giver of Life, "Glory to Your Kingdom, O Christ!"

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

The Cross was set up on earth and touched the heavens - not because the wood could reach that high, but because You were crucified on it; and You fill all things. Glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O all-powerful Lord, you have glorified the memory of Your martyrs, for You strengthened them to follow You in Your Passion. They bravely crushed Satan's might, and thus received the gift of healing. At their prayers, O Lord, Lover of Mankind, grant peace and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In the Cross of your Son, we have gained a rod of strength, O Theotokos. With it, we cast down the pride of the enemy, and we unceasingly magnify you with love.

Thursday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O apostles and eye-witnesses of the Word, you were divine heralds of the truth and teachers of the Church. You trampled down the error of idolatry and clearly announced the Trinity. O blessed saints, pray to the Triune God that we may be granted His great mercy.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

Come, let us sing in praise of the Apostles, since they are our helmsmen. For they overcame the errors of idolatry. They have led us to the light of life and taught us to give glory to the Trinity. With all the faithful, then, we celebrate their honored memory, and we glorify the Savior.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

Shielded by the armor of Christ and taking up the weapons of the Faith, you boldly cast down the ranks of the enemy. Sustained by your hope in the life to come, you endured the tortures and threats of the tyrants. You received the crown, O valiant witnesses for Christ our God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever ande ver. Amen.

O Vine that has never known the husbandman, O Virgin, you have born the ripe cluster of grapes. From Him we receive the wine of salvation, makingn glad the souls and bodies of us all. Therefore, we call you blessed, for you are the cause of all good things, and we cry out to you forever with the angel, "Hail, O full of grace!"

Friday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Choosing to suffer crucifixion and death, You have set up the Cross in the midst of creation. O Savior, when You consented for Your body to be nailed upon the wood, the sun hid its rays. Seeing this, the Thief confessed You as God and cried out to You: "O Lord, remember me!" And because of his fith, he was granted Paradise.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down befoer His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

You were exalted, O Lamb of God, upon the cypress, the pine and the cedar, so as to save those who worship in faith Your voluntary Crucifixion. Glory to You, O Christ our God!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Through your faith, you shine like radiant lights, holy and glorious martyrs, physicians of the true worship of God. You were not threatened by the torments of your persecutors, but you cast down the blasphemous teachings of idolatry, taking up the true Cross as your standard of victory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O compassionate Christ, by Your own free volition, You endured a shameful death upon the Cross. When Your Mother saw You, she was wounded in her heart. At her prayers, O Lord, who are alone supreme in love, through Your tende rmercy have pity on the world and save it, for You take away its sin.

Friday at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. Great is the power of Your martyrs, O Christ. Although they lie in the tombs, they cast out evil spirits. Through their faith in the Trinity, they conquered the might of the enemy, doing heroic deeds in holiness.

5. Prophets and apostles of Christ aned martyrs: you taught us to sing to the consubstantial Trinity. You enlightened the erring nations and made the sons of men dwellers with the angels.

4. Your martyrs, O Lord, were founded on faith and strengthened with hope, and spiritually united by love of Your Cross. They destroyed the persecutions of the enemy and have deserved crowns. They pray with the bodiless angels for the salvation of our souls.

Three stichera to the Saint of the day from the Menaion.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Lady most honorable, how can we but be rapt in wonder at your giving birth to the incarnate God who, without a mother, was born of the Faather before all ages? You gave Him birth in the flesh without a father, without a man's instrumentality. He is God and man whose two natures are intact, neither one losing any of its properties. Therefore, O Virgin Mother, intercede with Him to save the souls of those who believe and confess in true faith that you are the Mother of God.


1. from the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel

2. repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion.

v. God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. Great is the power of Your Cross, O Lord. Set up in one place, it works throughout the whole world. It made apostles of fishermen and martyrs of the Gentiles, so that they might pray for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

All human things are vain since they cannot survive the grave: will riches survive, or glory attend us beyond the tomb? No! When death approaches, all these vanish. Let us then cry out to Christ, our Immortal King, that He may grant rest to those who have departed from us and place them in the joy of heaven.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, holiest of women, ever-pure Mother: pray to the King and God to whom you gave birth, so that as the Lover of Mankind, He may save our souls.

Friday at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. Repeat the same verse from the Triodion

8. Great is the power of Your cross...

7. Great is the power of Your martyrs...

6. Prophets and apostles....

5. Your martyrs, O Lord....

4. ,3.2.,1.-stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first Glory be....

All human things are vain...

Now and always...

O Lady most honorable, how can we but be rapt....

Saturday at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Rejoice now, all you who love the martyrs and sing a hymn of praise to Christ with one accord. He has made them shine like stars upon the world, and every year their festivals give us the grace of miracles, enlightening our minds and souls.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O glorious martyrs, your brave endurance defeated the plots of the enemy, the devil, from whom all evil comes. Therefore, you are worthy of eternal blessedness. Intercede with the Lord for the salvation of Christ's faithful flock, O witnesses to the truth.

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Through your faith, you shine like radiant lights, holy and glorious martyrs, physicians of the true worship of God. You were not threatened by the torments of your persecutors, but you cast down the blasphemous teachings of idolatry, taking up the true Cross as your standard of victory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

When at Your command, O Lord and Savior, we stand before Your impartial judgment seat, do not condemn us who have believed in You. We all have sinned, and yet we have not rejected You. Therefore, we beg You, O Christ, to give rest in the dwellings of the just to those whom You have taken to Yourself, for You alone are rich in mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our salvation; for your Son, our God, who suffered on the Cross in the flesh which was taken from you, redeemed us from corruption; for He is the Lover of Mankind.


4. O people, come and let us honor the memory of the holy and victorious martyrs. Having become a spectacle to angels and to men, they have received crowns of victory from Christ, and they intercede for our salvation.

3. The soldiers of Christ cast aside all fear of kings and persecutors. Boldly and with courage, they confessed Him as Lord of all, their King and their God; and now they intercede for our salvation.

2. The angelic powers marvelled at the victorious suffering of the martyrs. Though clothed in the body, they were not disturbed by torments, following the example of Christ's Passion; and now they intercede for our salvation.

1. O holy martyrs, you have fought the good fight, and you shine after death as the lights of the world. Pray with boldness to Christ our God for mercy on us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Why do we human beings trouble ourselves in vain? The path in which we run is short. Our life is smoke and vapor, ashes and dust. It continues for a little while, and then it vanishes. Therefore, let us cry out to Christ, the immortal King: "Give rest to our departed brethren, and call them to be with You in the dwelling of the joyful!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, the protection of all who ask your prayers, we trust in you, we take our pride in you, and we hope in you. Pray to your Son for your unworthy servants.


1. I glorify Your precious Cross, for through it life and blessedness are given to those who sing Your praises with faith and love, O Lord, who alone are rich in mercy. Thus we cry out to You, O Christ: "O God, give rest to our departed brothers and sisters, and call them to be with You in the dwellings of the joyful!"

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your coiurts, O Lord.

2. We pray to You, O Christ our God, for You are merciful and compassionate: the deep sea of Your love cannot be fathomed and You know the nature of human beings, whom You have created. Give rest to our departed brothers and sisters, and call them to be with You in the dwellings of the joyful!

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. As a man, You were asleep in the tomb; as God, by Your invincible power, You raised up all those who were in the tomb, and they praise You with ceaseless voices. Therefore, we cry out to You, O Chrsit God: "Give rest to our departed brothers and sisters, and call them to be with You in the dwellings of the joyful!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, we acknowledge you to be the spiritual lamp that bore the Fire of the Godhead, joined to human material flesh. Pray, then, to your Son and God: may He give rest to our departed brothers and sisters, and call them to be with Him in the dwellings of the joyful!



Sunday night at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. I want to wash away the handwriting of my sins with my tears, O Lord, and make the rest of my life pleasing to You through repentance. But the enemy tempts me in a constant struggle against my soul. O Lord, save me before I completely perish!

9. Who is tossed by the storm and not saved when he flees to Your harbor, O Lord? And who is sick and is not healed when he falls down before Your healing power? O Creator of all things and Physician of the sick, O Lord, save me before I completely perish!

8. Wash me in my tears, O Savior, for I am defiled by many sins. Therefore I fall down before You and say, "I have sinned. Have mercy on me, O God!"

7. I am a lost sheep of Your spiritual flock, and I fly to You for refuge, O Good Shepherd, for I have gone astray and am lost. O God, seek me and save me!

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Make my lowly soul turn back to You in repentance, Lord, for I have wasted my whole life in sin. Receive me as You received the adulterous woman, and save me.

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

Sailing across the sea of this present life, I am being swamped in the heart by my many sins, and I have nowhere to turn. I cry out to You like Peter, "Save me, O Christ our God!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Today the heavenly hosts are present at the memorial of the victorious martyrs; they enlighten the minds of the faithful and make the hwole world bright with grace. By their prayers, O all-powerful God, grant us great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Archangel Gabriel brought greetings from heaven to you who were presented to the Temple, to you who were clothed with faith, wisdom and blameless virginity. He cried out, "Hail, all-blessed one! Hail, all-glorified one! The Lord is with You!"

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Let us hasten to enter the bridal chamber of Christ, that we may hear the blessed voice of our God saying, "O come, you who love the heavenly glory and who follow the example of the five wise virgins!" Let us make our lamps shine brightly with the oil of Faith!

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

Sailing across the sea of this present life, I am being swamped in the heart by my many sins, and I have nowhere to turn. I cry out to You like Peter, "Save me, O Christ our God!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Today the heavenly hosts are present at the memorial of the victorious martyrs; they enlighten the minds of the faithful and make the whole world bright with grace. By their prayers, O all-powerful God, grant us great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Archangel Gabriel brought greetings from heaven to you who were presented to the Temple, to you who were clothed with faith, wisdom and blameless virginity. He cried out, "Hail, all-blessed one! Hail, all-glorified one! The Lord is with you!"

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Let us hasten to enter the bridal chamber of Christ, that we may hear the blessed voice of our God saying, "O come, you who love the heavenly glory and who follow the example of the five wise virgins!" Let us make our lamps shine birghtly with the oil of Faith!

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

Let us remember how we shall stand before the Judge in that awesome hour when the dread thrones are set up and the deeds of each man are disclosed. No entreaty then will sway the Judge; there the fire of torment is prepared like an angry, raging sea, overwhelming all things. Reflect on this! Weep and lament before the time of the end is here.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Christ God, Your Church clothed with the blood of Your martyrs all over the world, as with scarlet and fine linen, cries out to You: "Send Your mercy upon Your people; grant peace to Your fold and extend Your great compassion upon our souls!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O you who are truly Theotokos, who intercede with the boldness of a Mother before your Son and our God: presere your flock that turns to you for protection and receives its strength from you; you are a wall and a haven, and the only guardian of mankind.

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

You have redeemed us from the curse of the Law by Your precious Blood. By being nailed to the Cross and wounded by the lance, You have become for men the fountain of immortality. O our Savior, glory to You!

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

Come quickly to our help before we are enslaved to the enemies that blaspheme You, O Christ our God. They threaten us mightily. By Your Cross, destroy the powers that war against us so that they may know what power is given through the Orthodox Faith. Through the prayers of the Theotokos, help us, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs have deserved the crown of immortality on account of their good fight. Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their persecutors and crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin undefiled, Mother of Christ our God, a sword pierced your all-holy soul when you saw your Son and God crucified of His own free will. O blessed among women, never ceasse to intercede that He may grant us pardon for our sins.

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Christ, You have made Your disciples lights that shine to the ends of the earth. By preaching You, they give light to all of us. Through them, You have darkened the error of idolatry and illumined the world with the teachings of the true Faith. At their intercessions, save our souls.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

O Master, just as Moses led Israel through the Red Sea out of bondage and drowned Pharaoh in the waves by the strength of Your right hand, so have Your wise apostles, by their miracles, forced a passage through the sea of bitter godlessness and guided the people to You, O Word without beginning, who alone love mankind.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Armed with Your Cross, O Christ our God, Your victorious martyrs defeated the traps of the enemy from whom all evil comes. They shone like torches, guiding mortal men, and they grant healing to those who ask with faith. At their prayers, save the world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We confess that the Word of the Father, Christ our God, has taken flesh from you, O Virgin Theotokos. You alone are pure; You alone are blessed; therefore we sing your praises without ceasing and we magnify you.

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

You were nailed to the Cross in order to gather us from among the nations, O Lord, Lover of Mankind. You willingly stretched out Your hands and permitted Your side to be pierced by a lance. O God of tenderness, glory to You!

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

O Christ, as we look upon Your holy Cross, which is the light of our souls, and venerating it with joy, we cry aloud to You: "Glory to You who willed to be exalted upon it! Glory to You, who have granted life to the whole creation through the Cross! We give You glory with never-ceasing hymns as we rejoice in the Cross!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

The memory of those who have suffered martyrdom has made the Church an earthly heaven, and the angels now rejoice with men. At the intercession of Your martyrs, O Christ our God, save our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When Your all-pure Mother saw You raised upon the Cross, O Word of God, she cried out with a mother's grief: "What is this new and strange wonder, O my Son? How can You suffer death, O Life of all? It is because, in Your compassion, You wish to bring the dead to life!"

Friday evening at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. O martyrs of the Lord, you were spiritual sacrifices, pleasing holocausts, perfect divine victims who know God and are known by God, lambs whose fold is inaccessible to the wolves. Pray that we, too, may be nourished with you beside the peaceful waters.

5. Precious is the death of Your saints, O Lord. Slain by sword, fire or frost, they poured out their blood, putting their trust in You and awaiting from Your hand the reward of their labors. They preserved to the end and received great mercy from You, O Savior.

4. Since you have boldness with the Savior, O holy martyrs, intercede unceasingly for us sinners; pray for the forgiveness of our offenses and great mercy for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, because of you, David the prophet became an ancestor of God. He foretold and sang a joyous hymn of praise to you and cried out to Him who worked wonders in you: "The Queen stood at Your right hand!" God revealed you as a life-giving Mother when He chose to be incarnate of you without a father. He renewed in man His image which the passions had corrupted. He found the lost sheep in the mountains, carried it on His shoulders, offered it to the Father, generously numbered it among the Powers of heaven and saved the whole world, since He is Christ of great and rich mercy.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. You are glorified, O Christ God, in the memory of Your saints. They beg You to send down Your great mercy upon us.

v. God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. You accepted the sufferings of the martyrs; now receive this hymn of praise from us, O Lover of Mankind. By their prayers, grant us Your great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Where are the affections of the world? Where are the vain dreams of delight? Where is gold or silver? Where is the multitude of servants and attendants? All is dust and ashes, or a shadow that passes away. Brethren, let us then pray to Christ our Immortal King and say, "O Lord, grant Your blessings to Your departed servants, and give rest to their souls in Your everlasting happiness of heaven!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Since we have you as our hope and protection, O Theotokos, we do not fear the plotting of the enemy: for you save our souls.

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. You are glorified....

8. You accepted the sufferings...

7. O martyrs of the Lord...

6. Precious is the death...

5. Since you have boldness...

4., 3., 2l, 1.-stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first

Glory be....

Where are the affections of the world...

Now and always...

O Mother of God, because of you, David...

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs have deserved the crown of immortality on account of their good fight. Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their persecutors and crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O Christ God, Your Church clothed with the blood of Your martyrs all over the world, as with purple and fine linen, cries out to You: "Send Your mercy upon Your people; grant peace to Your fold, and extend Your great compassion upon our souls!"

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Armed with Your Cross, O Christ our God, Your victorious martyrs defeated the traps of the enemy from whom all evil comes. They shone like torches, guiding mortal men, and they grant healing to those who ask with faith. At their prayers, save the world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Christ our God, in Your compassion and almighty power, give rest to those whom You have taken to Yourself from this passing life. In pity, forgive whatever wrong they have done; O merciful Lord, have mercy on the work of Your hands, through the prayers of the Mother of God, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The mystery which was hidden from eternity and unknown to the angels has been revealed through you, O Theotokos, to those on earth: for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the Cross, by which He elevtade the first man and saved our souls from death.


4. How could we not marvel at your lives, O martyrs? Clothed in mortal bodies, you overcame the bodiless enemy: the threat of tyrants roused no fear in you; you felt no dread at the sight of the torturers. Thus you have been glorified by Christ, who grants great mercy to our souls.

3. O holy martyrs, you have become companions of the angels. Confessing Chrsit in the arena, you renounced all the pleasures of the world as nothing, and you kept the true Faith as an anchor. Now you pour out gifts of healing grace on the faithful and pray for our salvation.

2. How could we not stand in wonder before the sublime combat which you waged, O holy martyrs? In your bodies, you have triumphed over the bodiless enemy, as you confessed Christ, armed with the sign of the Cross. Thus you have received the power to drive away demons and repel the enemy. Ceaselessly intercede for the salvation of our souls.

1. Precious is the death of Your saints, O Lord. Slain by sword, fire or frost, they poured out their blood, putting their trust in You and awaiting from Your hand the reward of their labors. They preserved to the end and received great mercy from You, O Savior.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Lord, grant rest to Your servants in a place of peace where all Your saints repose, for You alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Since we have you as our hope and protection, O Theotokos, we do not fear the plotting of the enemy; for you save our souls.


1. Truly awesome is the mystery of death! How is the soul forcibly separated from the body? How is the harmony and unity broken? How is the natural bond cut by the will of God? We therefore pray You: Give rest to the departed in the dwelling of Your saints, O Giver of Life, who love mankind!

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

2. Death became merely a sleep for those who believe in You, when You, the Master of all, were laid in the tomb and destroyed the power of death, overthrowing its long and ancient dominion. We therefore pray to You: Give rest to the departed in the dwelling of Your saints, O Giver of Life, who love mankind.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. You have become our righteousness and sanctification, and the redemption of our souls. For You have justified and redeemed us, then led us to the Father, taking upon Yourself the punishment and debt due from us. Now we entreat You: give rest to the departed in joy and radiance, for You are our Benefactor and Savior!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The human race has been called back from corruption to immortality and incorruption. It has been cleansed by the blood that flowed from Your side, O Savior, in which You washed us clean from the transgression of our first father. We therefore pray to You: Give rest to the departed in Your eternal dwellings with the choirs of Your martyrs.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O all-pure Virgin, we believe you to be the Theotokos, accepting the words of thsoe inspired by God. In a way past understanding, you have given birth to God made flesh, who has delivered us from the bondage of sin. Pray now to Him that He may shine on your departed servants with the radiance of His light.

Sunday evening at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord, to You I call...:

10. I have not ceased from sinning, O Lord, nor do I take thought of the love You have for me. Have mercy on me and overcome my hardness of heart, O Good One!

9. O Lord, I do not tremble in awe before You; nor do I cease from doing evil. When called to trial, who does not fear the Judge? What man, desiring to be healed, ignores the Physician, as I do? Take pity on my weakness, O long-suffering Lord, and have mercy on me!

8. Woe is me, for I am like the barren fig-tree, and I fear that I also shall be cursed and cut down. But, O heavenly Gardener, Christ my God, make me bear fruit in my dry and barren soul. Receive me as the prodigal son and have mercy on me.

7. O Lord, born of a Virgin, do not look upon the multitude of my sins; wipe away all my faults, and grant me the desire for repentance. O only Lover of Mankind, have mercy on me!

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

When the Judge takes His seat with all the angels beside Him, when the trumpet sounds and the flames are burning, then what will you do, O my soul, as you are led to judgment? Then all your evil actions will be brought before you. Your secret faults will be reproved. Before the end comes, call out to Christ our God: "O You who know men's hearts, I have sinned! Have mercy on me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger, rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath!

All things here below will pass away, my soul; but the things there are eternal. I see the judgment seat and the Judge upon His throne; and I tremble at the sentence He will pass. Therefore, turn back in repentance, O my soul, for the condemnation then cannot be remitted!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Lord, Your martyrs longed to drink from the cup of Your sufferings; they renounced the pleasures of this world and shared in the life of the angels. At their prayers, O Lord, grant pardon and great mercy to our soiuls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

With the angels of heaven, with the men upon earth, O Mother of God, we cry out to you exultingly: "Hail, O Gate that is wider than heaven; hail, only salvation of the race of men; hail, honorable one, full of grace, who gave birth to the incarnate God!"

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Lying on the bed of my many sins, I am deprived of the hope of salvation, for th sleep of laziness will bring punishment on me. But, O God, born of the Virgin, make me rise up that I may sing, "Lord, glory to You!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath!

Let us all keep watch and go out to meet Christ; let us make our lamps burn brightly with our many acts of compassion. Then we will be counted worthy to enter the bridal chamber. For once we are outside with the door locked before us,it will do no good to cry out to God, "Have mercy on me!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Christ our God, through the miracles of Your martyrs, You have given us a rampart that cannot be destroyed. At their prayers, scatter to the winds the schemes of the godless and strengthen the Orthodox Faith, for You alone are good and the Lover of Mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Virgin's wondrous mystery was the salvation revealed to the world, for You, O Lord, were born of her without human seed, and You appeared in the flesh without corruption, O Joy of us all. O Lord, glory to You!

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O faithful, let us glorify and sing the praises of our Savior and Redeemer, who knowingly and willingly accepted crucifixion. He nailed the sins of mortal men to the Tree of His Cross, delivering us from error and making us enter the Kingdom of heaven.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

O Savior, by Your own choice, You endured the Cross and set men free from death. We, the faithful, sing Your praises and worship You, for You have given us light by the power of Your Cross. We all glorify Your compassionate love, O Giver of Life and all-powerful Lord.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O Lord, You offer the world the powerful protection of Your martyrs, and You granted them the grace of healing. At their intercession, save our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Standing by the Cross of the Lord, the Theotokos cried aloud, lamenting: "Alas, O my Son, Light of my eyes! How can You be stretched out on the Cross, You who have stretchedout the heavens like a tent-cloth, and at Your command called up the fountains of the waters from the sea?"

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

In spiritual songs and hymns, let us glorify the wise Apostles as witnesses of the Word and servants of Christ. They pray fervently to Christ for us who celebrate their holy memory.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

Let us glorify with one accord the apostles of Christ, for they shine like torches throughout the whole inhabited world. They have caught the nations in the net of the Orthodox Faith; and, bringing us light, they teach us to honor the Holy Trinity, one in Essence, yet divided in Persons.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

The heavenly powers marvelled at the victory of the holy martyrs, for in mortal bodies they triumphed over the bodiless enemy by the power of the Cross. Now they intercede before the Lord for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O unwedded Virgin and ever-virgin Bride, with the angels we sing to you: because He who is mighty has done great things in you: He who was born of the Father before all ages took our image and rested in your womb for our sake. It seemed good to Him to be born in the flesh for the deliverance and salvation of mankind.

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

The Place of the Skull has become Paradise: for as soon as the wood of the Cross was planted there, at once it bore the Fruit of Life: You, O Savior, have brought us joy. Glory to You!

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

The Wood of Your Cross, O Savior, has brought salvation to the world; for You, the Joy of all, were willingly nailed upon it. You have delivered those who dwell on earth from the curse. O Lord, glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Today the memorial of the victorious martyrs shines with light from heaven. The choir of angels keeps festival with us, and mankind celebrates the feast on earth. For they intercede before the Lord that He may have mercy on our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When Your Mother saw You, O Christ, hanging willingly upon the Cross between two thieves, her motherly heart was pierced, and she cried out in grief: "O sinless Son, how can You be unjustly nailed to the Cross as a criminal? Is it because You wish to restore mankind to life in Your surpassing love?"

Friday evening at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. Taking up the shield of Faith and arming themselves with the sign of the Cross, Your martyrs, O Lord, went bravely and willingly to their torments. They laid low the pride and boldness of the devil. At their prayers, almighty God, send down peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

5. Intercede for us, O holy martyrs, that we may be delivered from our iniquities; for to you is given the grace to pray on our behalf.

4. Caring nothing for the things of earth, bravely enduring torutres, you attained the blessedness which you sought, and were made heirs of the Kingdom of heaven, O martyrs worthy of all praise. Since you have boldness before God who loves mankind, pray that peace be given to the world and great mercy to our souls.

Three stichera to the saints of the day from the Menaion

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

A symbol of the undefiled Virgin and bride was revealed in the Red Sea. There, Moses divided the waters; here, Gabriel is the messenger of a wondrous miracel. There, theIsraelites crossed the deep, and their feet were not even wet; here, the Virgin gives birth to Christ without human seed. There, the sea remained uncrossed after the crossing of Israel; here, the spotless one remained incorrupt after iving birth to Emmanuel. Therefore, O Immortal God, existing before all ages, who appeared in the flesh as a true man: have mercy on us!


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. Repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. Filled with burning love, O holy martyrs, you endured the most terrible sufferings without denying Christ, and you have cast down the torturers' pride. You kept the Faith whole and entire and have gone to dwell in heaven. Since you have boldness before Christ, pray that He may grant us great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us call to mind the words of the prophet, who said, "I am dust and ashes." Let us also look at the graves, and at the bones they contain. Is there a difference between king and beggar? Where is the rich and where the poor? Where is the just and where the sinner? O Lord our God, give rest to the souls of Your servants and number them among the just.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We entreat you, since you are the Mother of God: O blessed one, intercede that we be saved!

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. Repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

8. Filled with burning love, O holy martyrs...

7. Taking up the shield of Faith...

6. Intercede for us, O holy martyrs...

5. Caring nothing for the things....

4., 3., 2., 1.-Stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first

Glory be to the Father....

Let us call to mind the words of the prophet...

Now and always and forever...

A symbol of the undefiled Virgin....

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Lord, Your martyrs longed to drink from the cup of Your sufferings; they renounced the pleasures of this world and shared in the life of the angels. At their prayers, O Lord, grant pardon and great mercy to our souls.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O Christ our God, through the miracles of Your martyrs, You have given us a rampart that cannot be destroyed. At their prayers, scatter to the winds the schemes of the godless and strengthen the Orthodox Faith, for You alone are good and the Lover of Mankind.

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Undismayed by the proud violence of the tyrants, the suffering martyrs scorned danger and persecution, and with boldness they preached Christ. Withstanding cruel tortures, openly victorious, they destroyed the error of idolatry and the power of the devil.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O our Savior, give rest to Your servants with the Saints and make them dwell in Your courts, as it is written: in Your goodness, overlook all their trespasses, voluntary or involuntary, every sin committed knowingly or in ignorance, O You who love mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Christ God, who revealed Yourself to the world through a Virgin, and through her made us to be children of light: have mercy on us!


4. Blessed is the army of the heavenly King: the victorious martyrs were born on earth, yet they hastened to live with the angels, laying aside their bodies. Through their sufferings, they were given the honor of angels; at their prayers, O Lord, grant us great mercy.

3. Your victorious martyrs, O Lord, imitated the lives of the angelic hosts; with patience, they withstood tortures as though they had no bodies, setting all their hope in the blessings You promised. At their prayers, O Christ God, grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

2. The holy martyrs struggled on earth; they suffered through fire, air and water. They spoke, as it is written: "We went through fire and water, and You have brought us out to a place of refreshment." At their prayers, O God, have mercy on us.

1. In their torments, the martyrs cried out: "O Master, in exchange for the wounds, You will clothe us in light at the Resurrection; we will receive crowns from You instead of this dishonor; paradise in exchange for these prisons; n return for condemnation, with evildoers, You will give us life with the angels." At their prayers, O Lord, save our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You created me, O Lord: You put Your hand upon me and commanded, saying: "You shall return again to the earth!" Guide me in Your straight paths, forgive my transgressions and pardon me, I pray, since You are the Lover of Mankind!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We call you blessed, O Virgin Theotokos, for from you has arisen teh Sun of Justice, Christ, who grants us great mercy.


1. In Your compassion, O Christ, shine the splendor of Your countenance on the departed, and lead them into green pastures beside teh restful waters of Your repose. Give them rest, as they desire, with Abraham our father, where Your light shines in all its purity and the streams of Your love flow, where the choirs of Saints rejoice in Your goodness. Let us join them one day, and grant them great mercy.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

2. In Your compassion, look on those who have passed to You from this temporary life; grant that they may glorify Your power, O Master who love mankind. Shine upon them with Your beauty and call them to share the joy of Your presence where the angels stand around Your throne and the saints attend You with hymns of praise. Give Your servants rest with them and grant them great mercy.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. To those who have fallen asleep in the Faith, give rest with the choir of Prophets, with the ranks of Apostles and martyrs, and all those who have been justified by Your saving Passion since the world began. In Your love, forgive them their offenses, for You alone were sinless on earth; You alone are holy; You alone are free among the dead. Grant Your servants rest and great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All-pure Lady, we were enslaved by the law of sin, but you have set us free by conceiving in your womb God the King and Giver of the Law, O only Mother and Virgin. Through Him, we are justified and freely given grace. Beg Him now to inscribe in the Book of Life the names of those who sing your praises as Mother of God. Saved by your prayers, may we receive from your Son the deliverance for which we pray, worshipping Him who grants the world great mercy.

Sunday evening at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. I have acquired neither repentance nor tears. Wherefore, I beseech You, O Savior: turn me back to You before the end and grant me repentance, that I may be delivered from perdition.

9. At Your awesome coming, O Christ, may we not hear the words, "I know you not!" For we have put our trust in You, our Savior, although we have not kept Your commandments, through neglect. But spare our souls, we pray.

8. Heal the wounds of my heart, inflicted on me through my many sins, O Savior and Physician of our souls and bodies; for You always grant forgiveness to those who ask. Give me tears of repentance and remission of my sins, O Lord, and have mercy on me.

7. Finding me naked, stripped of virtues, the enemy wounded me with the arrow of sin; but, O God and Physician of our souls and bodies, heal the wounds of my soul and have mercy on me.

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

I think of the awesome judgment day and lament my evil acts. What answer shall I give to the Immortal King? With what boldness shall I, the Prodigal, gaze upon the Judge? O compassionate Father, only-begotten Son and Holy Spirit: have mercy on me!

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

In the valley of lamentation, in the place You have appointed, when You shall sit to carry out just judgment, O merciful Lord, do not publish my secret sins; do not condemn me in the presence of the angels; but spare me, O God, and have mercy on me.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O ceaseless Light of the just: illumined by Your radiance, the saints endlessly shine like resplendent stars, eclipsing the pale glow of the impious. By their prayers, O Lord and Savior, enlighen my soul and save me.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

With all our heart and never-silent voices, let us praise the glorious Mother of God, more holy than the angels. Let us confess her to be the Theotokos, for in truth she gave birth to God in the flesh, and she prays for our souls without ceasing.

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Lord, grant me the watchfulness of the five wise virgins, and make the lamp of my soul burn brightly with the oil of Your compassion, that I may sing to You with the hymn of the angels, "Alleluia!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

Have mercy on us, Lord; have mercy on us. At a loss for any defense, we sinners offer this prayer to You, the Master: have mercy on us.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

With patient endurance the martyrs suffered and struggled, and they received the prize of voctory from You. They brought to nothing the schemes of the transgressors and were granted crowns of immortality. At their prayers, O God, grant us Your great mercy!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Mother of God, open the portal of your deep mercy to us who put our trust in you, so that we may not be brought to confusion, but through you may be delivered from adversity, for you are the salvation of the Christian fold.

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Today the words of the Prophet are fulfilled: for behold, we worship at the place on which Your feet have stood, O Lord. And tasting the fruit of the tree of salvation, we have been delivered from our sinful passions through the intercession of the Theotokos, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

O Lord, Your Cross is holy and brings healing to those who are in sickness through their sins. We bow down before You as we venerate it: have mercy on us.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Just as athletes exercise upon the sand of the arena, so were the tyrants intent of persecuting the martyrs; near them stood the choirs of angels, holding corwns of victory. In their wisdom, they astonished rulers and kings, and by confessing Christ, they overthrew the devil. Glory to You, O Lord, who gave them strength!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the ever-Virgin Lady who gave You birth saw You raised for our salvation on the Cross, a sword of sorrow pierced her heart, and she wept with a mother's grief. At her intercessions, have mercy on us, O Lord of mercy.

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

As You were present in the midst of Your disciples, O Savior, giving them peace, so also come to us and save us.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

O Jesus, Your disciples were sent to the ends of the earth, and in their zeal for the true Faith, they caught the nations like fish and offered them to You. O loving Lord, we cry out to You: "Grant Your great mercy to Your people!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

The memorial of Your martyrs is like the Paradise of Eden, O Lrod, for it brings joy to all creation. At their prayers, grant us peace and great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy and pure Lady, Virgin Mother of our God, who gave birth to the Creator of All in a manner beyond description: pray without cease to His goodness, together with the apostles, that He may save us from our passions and grant us the remission of our sins!

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Christ, no sooner had the tree of Your Cross been planted, than the foundations of death were shaken. Hades swallowed You eagerly, but it released You with trembling. You have shown us Your salvation, O Holy One, and we glorify You, O Son of God: "Have mercy on us!"

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

O Lord, the Jews condemned You, who are the Life of All, to death. With Moses' rod, You lad led them through the Red Sea, yet they nailed You to the tree of the Cross. You fed them with honey from the rock, yet they gave You gall. But You willingly endured these things to free us from the bondage of the enemy. O Christ our God: Glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

All the good pleasure of the Lord is upon those who confessed Christ in the arena without fear before the threats of the impious. They overthrew their arrogance by their perseverance, and have received the gift of healing from Christ. Let us ceaselessly entreat them for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God and blessed Virgin: pray to your Son, Christ our God, who allowed Himself to be nailed to the Cross and rose from the dead, for the salvation of our souls.

Friday evening at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. Your martyrs, O Lord, did not deny You, nor did they fall away from Your commandments. By their intercessions, have mercy on us!

5. Those who bore witness to You through martyrdom, o Christ, endured many torments and received perfect crowns in heaven. May they pray for our souls.

4. The victorious martyrs, citizens of heaven, struggled on earth and endured many torments. By their prayers and intercessions, O Lord, preserve us all.

Three stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the gloy of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two persons; He is understood to have two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

2. Repeat the same sticheron

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. Lord, Your Cross was an unconquerable weapon for the martyrs. They saw their death approaching and foresaw their future life. They were strengthened by their hope in You. By their prayers, have mercy on us.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Your creative command was my origin and beginning. You wished to fashion me as a living creature with two elements - one visible and the other invisible. You have formed my body from clay, and breathed into me a soul from Your divine breath. Wherefore, O God our Savior, grant rest to Your servants in the land of the living, in the company of the just.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

By the prayers of her who gave You birth, O Christ, and those of Your martyrs, apostles, prophets, hierarchs, righteous and just, and all the saints, grant rest to Your servants who have fallen asleep.

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From theTriodion

9. Repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

8. Your martyrs, O Lord, did not deny You.....

7. Those who bore witness to You through...

6. The victorious martyrs, citizens of heaven....

5. Lord, Your Cross was an unconquerable....

4., 3., 2., 1. - Stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling tthe first

Glory be to the Father....

Your creative command was my origin...

Now and always....

Who would not call you blessed....

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

With patient endurance the martyrs suffered and struggled, and they received the prize of victory from You. They brought to nothing the schemes of the transgressors and were granted crowns of immortality. At their prayers, O God, grant us Your great mercy.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Just as athletes exercise upon the sand of the arena, so were the tyrants intent on persecuting the martyrs; near them stood the choirs of angels, holdingn corwns if victory. In their wisdom, they astonished rulers and kings, and by confessing Christ, they overthrew the devil. Glory to You, O Lord, who gave them strength!

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

The memorial of Your martyrs, O Lord, is like the paradise of Eden, for it brings joy to all creation. At their prayers, grant us peace and great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Truly, all is vanity, and life is but a shadow and a dream. Everyone born on earth troubles himself in vain, as Scripture says. When we have gained this whole world, then we shall depart to the tomb, where kings and beggars dwell together. Therefore, Christ our God, grant rest to Your departed servants in Your love for mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, Mother of God, good hope of the world, we seek no other help than your power. Have compassion for your people who have no other protector and intercede with the merciful God that He may save our souls from all dangers, for you are the only blessed one.


4. The whole creation rejoices at the memory of Your martyrs, O Lord; heaven keeps festival with the angels, and earth exults with all mankind. At their intercession, have mercy on us.

3. If we did not have Your saints as intercessors, O Lord, or Your love love that is so compassionate toward us, how could we praise You, O Savior, whom the angels ceaselessly bless? You who know men's hearts: save our souls!

2. The memory of the martyrs is a joy to those who love the Lord. Having suffered for the sake of Christ, they received from Him crowns of victory; now they boldly intercede for our souls.

1. Our God has done great marvels for His saints and His elect. Rejoice and be glad, all you, His servants! He has prepared crowns of victory for you and His Kingdom!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In days of old in Eden, the eating of the fruit brought grief to Adam through the poison of the serpent; for in this way, death entered, devouring the whole human reace. But by His coming, the Master hs destroyed the dragon and granted us resurrection. To Him, therefore, let us cry aloud: "Spare, O Savior, those whom You Have taken from this world, and give them rest in Your love for mankind!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

By the prayers of her who gave You birth, O Christ, and those of Your martyrs, apostles, prophets, hierarchs, righteous and just, and all the saints, grant rest to Your servants who have fallen asleep.


1. Your tender love for us exceeds our understanding; never-failing is the fountain of Your divine compassion, O Lord of many mercies! Give rest in the land of the living to those who have departed to You, and make them abide in Your dwelling-place forever, for which they longed. You, O Christ, have shed Your blood for all, and have redeemed the world at the price of Your life.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

2. You freely endured a life-creating death; You became the Source of Life for the faithful and have given them unending joy. Establish in this joy those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the Resurrection, forgiving them in Your mercy, for You alone are without sin. You alone are good; You alone love mankind. Then will Your name be praised by all, O Christ; and being saved, we shall glorify Your compassionate love.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. O Christ, rich in mercy, we confess You to be the Lord of the living and the Master of the dead in Your divine power. In Your love for mankind, give rest to those who have departed to You, their only Benefactor. Make them dwell with Your elect in a place of refreshment, amidst the splendor of Your saints. For it is Your will to show mercy, and as God, You save those whom You made in Your image, for You alone are merciful.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are God's dwelling-place, O holy Virgin: you gave birth to God and held Him in your arms, two-fold in His natures, but one in His Person. Pray to the Only-begotten Son, the First-born, who kept you a Virgin after childbirth, that He may give rest to the souls of those who have fallen asleep in the Faith, granting them eternal blessedness and glory.



Sunday evening at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. I come like the prodigal son and fall down before You, O God! Accept me as one of Your hired servants, O compassionate Lord, and have mercy on me!

9. Like the man who fell among the thieves and was wounded, I too am fallen and my soul is hurt because of my many sins. To whom could I, the guilty one, run if not to You, the only merciful Physician of souls? Pour out Your great mercy on me, O God!

8. Sinner though I am, O Savior, cut me not down like the barren fig tree. Grant me forgiveness for my many years of sin, and water my soul with tears of repentance, that I may offer You acts of mercy and compassion as my fruits.

7. As the Sun of Justice, enlighten the hearts of those who sing to You: "Lord, glory to You!"

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Since repentance will cure you of all sickness, O my soul, draw near with tears and sighing to the house of healing, and cry out to the Physician of our souls and bodies: "Free me from my sins, O Lord, Lover of Mankind, and number me with the forgiven adultress, thief and publican. Grant me, O God, the forgiveness of my trespasses, and save me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath!

You washed away Peter's denial by his tears. You forgave the Publican's sins when he cried out to You in sorrow. O Lord, Lover of Mankind, glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Let the just rejoice and the heavens exult, for on earth the martyrs have triumphed over error. Let the Church dance with joy, celebrating the exploits of the victors; let her sing of the Master of all combats, Christ our God, who grants the world great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O blessed Mother of God, you appeared higher than the powers of heaven, for you became a divine temple by giving birth to Christ, the Savior of our souls.

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Christ our God, Your Church worships You with cedar, pine and cypress, and cries out to You: "At the prayers of the Theotokos, grant victory to the Christian people and have mercy on us!"

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

For my sake, You suffered being nailed to the Cross; grant that I may praise You ceaselessly, O Lover of Mankind and Lord our God.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

O martyrs, you disdained the godless tyrants, and scorning all the pain of the torutres, you did not renounce your faith in Christ. Pray then to the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, that He may save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin Mother of God, intercede without cease with Christ God who was crucified for us and destroyed the power of death, that He may save our souls.

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O Word and Master, You have made Your Apostles laborers in Your vineyard, and they have weeded out the idols. Preaching You to the nations, they have magnified You with love.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

At the memory of the glorious Apostles, O children of the Church, let us offer Christ our hymns and praise. By preaching repentance, they have saved us from the slavery of sin; driving out all error, they have become lights for the world, and they intercede for the whole inhabited earth.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

We entreat you, O martyrs, to intercede for the forgiveness of our sins; pray for our deliverance from all punishment and from bitter death.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through you the Word was made flesh without change and dwelt among us. Hail, O holy joy of the apostles and martyrs! Hail, O Mother of Christ our God!

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

You have made Your Cross brighter than any fire, clearer than any flame. Burning up the sins of those in sickness through transgressions, it gives light to the hearts of all who sing the praises of Your Crucifixion: O Christ our God, glory to You!

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

O Lord of the heavenly hosts, You know well the laziness of my heart. Save me by Your Cross, O Christ my God, in Your unique goodness.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Sustained by the power of the Cross, O Lord, Your martyrs put the enemy to flight. They denounced the error of idolatry. Now they sing the hymn of victory with the Angels in heaven to glorify You, O Christ. By their prayers, O Lord, save us!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Spotless Mother of God, you became a mother outside the laws of nature, remaining a virgin in a way that exceeds all description and human understanding. The wonder of your birth-giving could not be told in human language, for your conception of Christ blinded intelligence, and your birth-giving exceeded understanding: for whenever God so desires, the laws of nature are broken. Wherefore, we all firmly believe that you are the Mother of God, and we eagerly beseech you to intercede for the salvation of our souls.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. Not caring for any earthly things, O holy martyrs, you boldly preached Christ in your trials and received due reward from Him. But since you possess the confidence before Him, entreat Him as the Mighty God to save the souls of those who run to you.

v. God has displayed wonders in His saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. O martyrs, praise is due to you as spiritual lambs, acceptable offerings, sacrifices that were pleasing to God. Though the earth may not have covered you, the heavens received you. We ask you who have become fellow-citizens with the angels to joinj them in asking God to give the world peace and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O God our Savior, grant rest to our departed brethren who cry out to You: "O Lord, Giver of Life, glory to You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Daniel saw you as a holy and divine mountain; the wise Isaiah proclaimed you to be the Mother of God, O chaste one who contained in your flesh the God who fashioned Adam. The Cherubim tremble before Him at seeing Him in the flesh, and they praise and glorify Him with the unceasing thrice-holy hymn. Entreat Him to save our souls.

Vespers on Friday evening with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

8. Glory to You, O Christ God, glory of the Apostles...

7. O holy martyrs who have fought the good fight....

6. Not caring for any earthly things, O holy martyrs...

5. O martyrs, praise is due to you as spiritual lambs...

4., 3., 2., 1. - stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first


O God our Savior, grant rest to our departed...


Spotless Mother of God, you became a mother....

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Let the just rejoice and the heavens exult, for on earth the martyrs have triumphed over error. Let the Church dance with joy, celebrating the exploits of the victors; let her sing of the Master of all combats, Christ our God, who grants the world great mercy.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O martyrs, you disdained the godless tyrants, and scorning all the pain of the tortures, you did to renounce your faith in Christ. Pray then to the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, that He may save our souls.

v. God has displayed wonders in His saints, the God of Israel.

O martyrs, you disdained the godless tyrants, and scorning all the pain of the tortures, you did not renounce your faith in Christ. Pray then to the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, that He may save our souls.

v. God has displayed wonders in His saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

We entreat you, O martyrs, to intercede for the forgiveness of our sins; pray for our deliverance from all punishment and from bitter death.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O loving Lord, give rest in the land of the living and the dwellings of the righteous to Your servants whose memorial we keep; pardon whatever sins they have committed in this life, for You are a God of pardon and compassion, ready to forgive, and You grant the world great mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Since you are the treasury of our Resurrection, O all-praised one, lead forth from the pit and depth of iniquities those who set their hope in you, for you have saved those guilty of sins by begetting Salvation. O you who were a virgin before giving birth and a virgin while giving birth, and still a virgin after giving birth.


4. As we celebrate the memory of Your holy martyrs, we sing Your praises, O Christ, and we say, "O Lord, glory to You!"

3. In the middle of the arena, before the lawless pagans, the victorious martyrs cried aloud in rejoicing: "O Lord, glory to You!"

2. O victorious martyrs, worthy of all praise, shining like the light of heaven upon the whole world, you cry aloud in Christ: "O Lord, glory to You!"

1. Having one purpose and one hope, the victorious martyrs eagerly looked forward to death for Christ as an entry to life with Christ. They rushed on to their torment as though it were a treasure, saying to one another, "We must all one day die; let us do so for Christ, willingly using it to purchase life!" At their prayers, O Lord, save us!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Lord, in Your mercy, place in the land of the just the faithful whom You have taken to Yourself from this passing world, O Savior.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Bride of God, with the angel we cry out to you, "Hail!" We call you bridal chamber and gate, the throne of fire, the mountain not cut by the hand of man, the bush not consumed by fire.


1. Men saw You, who are immortal, hanging dead upon the Cross and buried in the tomb; yet You have delivered us from corruption and death. Since You are full of tender compassion and a never-failing love, give rest to the souls of Your servants who have departed from us.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord!

2. Shine upon those who have departed to You with the pure joy of Your beauty and the rays of divine Light; in Your love, make them worthy to dwell in the spiritual radiance of Your splendor; may they rejoice with the Angels before You, the Master and King of Glory and Lord.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. Unfailing Source of Love, there is no en to the splendor of Your gifts. As God, receive those who have departed to You, and make them dwell with Your chosen ones, in a place of rest, in Your house of glory, in the joy of Paradise, in the bridal chamber of the virgins, for You are compassionate.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You bore the Fulfillment of the Law, the Deliverer made flesh. Before His coming, there was no justification in the Law; but Christ, crucified for our sake, has justified us. O Virgin worthy of all praise, since you have the boldness of a mother, pray to your compassionate Son that He may give rest to the souls of those who have departed from us in the true Faith.



Sunday evening at Vespers

Stichera of Repentance at "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. The angels sing praises to You without ceasing, O King and Master; and I fall down before You, crying out like the prodigal: "O God, be propitious to me and save me!"

9. O my soul, since you are immortal, do not be overwhelmed by the waves of this life; but come to your senses and cry out to your Benefactor: "O God, be propitious to me and save me!"

8. Grant me tears, O Lord, as You once did for the adultress; and allow me to pour them out on Your feet, for they have turned me away from the path of error. I will offer as a perfume of sweet fragrance the conversion of my heart and the purityof my life in order to hear Your gentle voice say, "Go in peace; your faith has saved you!"

7. When I look upon the multitude of my deeds, when I think of the terrible judgment, I am filled wit fear and I take refuge in You: O Lord, Lover of Mankind, do not reject me, O only sinless One: before the end, grant me compunction and save me!

Monday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Lord, look with compassion on my lowliness, for my life is soon spent, and there is no salvation for me in my deeds. And so I cry: "Lord, look with compassion on my lowliness and save me!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

O my soul, be filled with anxious fear as though you were standing in the presence of the Judge, and remember that awesome day and hour. Merciless shall be the judgment for those who showed no mercy. Therefore, spare me, O Savior, for You alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O holy martyrs, God has made you spiritual torches. By the power of faith, you have dispersed the dark shadows of error; you made the lamp of your souls burn brightly, and in the company of the Bridegroom, you have entered the heavenly bridal chamber. Now we ask you to intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Mother of God, Gate of spiritual life, save from dangers those who run to you with confidence to glorify your holy birth-giving for the salvation of our souls.

Tuesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Like the harlot, I fall down before You, O Christ my God, seeking Your forgiveness. Instead of ointment, I offer tears from my heart. Take pity on me, O Savior, as You did on her, and grant me the remission of my sins. For like her, I cry out to You: "Deliver me from the shame of my deeds!"

v. O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not; chastise me not in Your wrath.

Keep in mind the awesome day of Christ's return, and be vigilant, my soul. Kindle your lamp and make it shine brightly with the oil of compassion. For You do not know when you will hear the cry, "Behold, the Bridegroom has come!" Be watchful, then, my soul, and do not sleep, lest you be left outside, knocking at the door like the five virgins. Be wakeful, and with the rich oil of mercy in your lamp, go out to meet Christ, your God! And may He admit you to the bright bridal chamber of His glory.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

Today the tabernacle of the heavens is illumined; in it, the heavenly armies rejoice, and the choirs of saints join them in their joy, at the memory of the victorious martyrs. By their prayers, O Christ, send peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Let us the faithful exalt with hymns of praise the Mother of God, the solid foundation of our faith, the precious gift to our souls: Hail, O Woman who contained in your womb the Rock of Life! Hail, O Hope of the whole world, and Helper of those who are in trouble! Hail, O Bride and Virgin forever!

Wednesday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

When the good Thief beheld the Author of Life hanging upon the Cross, he cried out in an act of faith: "If it were not God-made-flesh who is crucified with us, the sun would not have hidden its rays nor would the earth have quaked and trembled. Compassionate Lord, remember me in Your Kingdom!"

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy.

In the middle, between two thieves, Your Cross became a scales of righteousness on Calvary. For the one was carried down to Hades by the burden of his blasphemy; the other was lightened of his sins and brought to the knowledge of God. O Christ our God, glory to You!

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

O holy martyrs, you steadfastly trod the straight and narrow way; you endured the storm of temptations, and you have become fellow-citizens with the angels of God, as rocks of patience and foundations of the Faith. Intercede before Christ our God for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the Mother beheld upon the Cross the Lamb, the Shepherd, the Savior of the world, she exclaimed tearfully: "The world rejoices at the sight of its redemption, but my heart is afire as I see Your pain on the Cross, which You accept for the sake of all, O my Son and my God!"

Thursday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who have filled the fishermen with wisdom, by sending down the Holy Spirit upon them; and who through them have caught in Your nets the whole world: O Lover of Mankind, glory to You!

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

Let us sing the praises of the holy Apostles of our God. They are burning torches, guides to all the world, first-fruits of our salvation. They have caused the Light to shine on us in the darkness, and they have made the Sun of Glory known to all. They have destroyed the error odilatry, preaching God in the Trinity. Therefore, we entreat them: "O Apostles of our God, intercede for the forgiveness of our sins as we celebrate with love your holy memory!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel!

Running your race nobly, O holy martyrs, you resisted the tyrants; putting your bodies to death on earth, you received eternal life in heaven.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, O Woman who at the angel's greeting contained the Joy of the world! Hail, O you who gave birth to your Creator and Lord! Hail, O you who were made worthy to become the Mother of God!

Friday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

In the midst of Eden, a tree blossomed with the flower of death. In the midst of the earth, a tree blossomed with life. Eating from the first tree, we who were immortal fell into corruption. But through the second tree, incorruption is bestowed upon us once again. For by the Cross, O God, You save the human race.

v. Exalt the Lord our God; bow down before His footstool; He, the Lord, is holy!

In Paradise of old, the enemy stripped me bare; for by giving me the fruit of the tree to eat, he brought in death. But now the Tree of the Cross that clothes men with the garment of life has been set up on earth, and the whole world is filled with boundless joy. Beholding it exalted, let us cry out to the Lord with one accord: "Your temple is filled with Your glory!"

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

Through their self-discipline, the martyrs put to death the fiery impulses of passion. They received the grace to drive out disease from the sick and to work miracles, both when alive and after they were dead. O marvelous wonder! Their relics are a source of healing! Glory to God, the only wise Creator!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O holy Virgin, Christ took flesh from your pure womb and was born of you in ways past understanding. Seeing Him hang between two evildoers on the Cross, your heart was filled with anguish; and with a mother's grief, you cried out: Alas, my Son! What is this divine act of Your Providence, by which You lovingly restore Your creatures to life? I sing the praises of Your deep compassion!"

Friday evening at Vespers (when there is no Presanctified)

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. Your martyrs, O Lord, forgetting the things of this life, endured torments for the sake of the Kingdom to come; they have inherited it and now rejoice with the angels. By their prayers, grant Your people Your great mercy.

5. How can we fittingly praise the holy martyrs, for they bowed their necks to the sword for You who bowed the heavens and came down. They shed their blood for You who emptied Yourself and took the form of a servant. Imitating Your poverty, they humbled themselves to death. By their prayers, have mercy on us, O Lord, in Your great compassion.

4. When You sit upon the throne of Your glory as King of all, with Your holy angels standing in awe beside You, and all mankind appears before You, O Christ, to be judged: then, at the prayers of Your Mother, O Lord, deliver from torment all those who fell asleep in the Faith.

Three stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Out of His love for mankind, the King of heaven appeared on earth and dwelt with men, for He assumed a human body from the pure Virgin and was seen in the flesh He received from her. He is the One and only Son, having two natures but not two persons. Wherefore we profess and declare the truth: that Christ our God is perfect God and perfect Man. O Mother who knew not carnal union, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.


1. From the Triodion

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. O you martyrs of the Lord, we entreat you to pray to our God and ask great mercy for our souls and the forgiveness of our sins.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord.

3. You death, O Lord, has brought us immortality. For, had You not been laid in a tomb, Paradise would not have been opened. Therefore, grant rest to those who have been taken from us, since You are the Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I weep and lament when I consider death, and when I think of those who are laid in the grave. Where now is that moving beauty created in the likeness of God? Where is that glorious form? O wonder! What happened that we are now delivered up to corruption? How did death become our partner? Verily, as it is written, this is by the command of God, who grants rest to the departed.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Virgin, the gate of the Word and Mother of our God, pray that we may be saved.

Friday evening at Vespers with the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. From the Triodion

9. repeat the same sticheron from the Triodion

8. O martyrs of the Lord, you sanctify every place and heal all ills; we now ask you to pray for our souls to be delivered from the snares of the enemy.

7. O you martyrs of the Lord, we entreat you to pray....

6. Your martyrs, O Lord, forgetting the things of this....

5. How can we fittingly praise the holy martyrs.....

4., 3., 2., 1. - stichera to the saint of the day from the Menaion, doubling the first

Glory be to the Father...

I weep and lament when I consider...

Now and always...

Out of His love for mankind, the King....

Saturday morning at Orthros

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

O holy martyrs, God has made you spiritual torches. By the power of faith, you have dispersed the dark shadows of error; you made the lamp of your souls burn brightly, and in the company of the Bridegroom, you have entered the heavenly bridal chamber. Now we ask you to intercede for our souls.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

Suffering martyrdom with faith, O holy martyrs, you became bright stars giving light to the earth. Placing all your trust in the Lord, you made the lamps of your souls burn brightly with the oil of the Spirit. Pouring out your blood, you became a chalice that brings refreshment to the Church. Victorious martyrs, worthy of all praise, pray to Christ God that He grant the forgiveness of our sins as we celebrate with love your holy memory.

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

Through their self-discipline, the martyrs put to death the fiery impulses of passion. They received the grace to drive out diseases from the sick and to work miracles, both when alive and after they were dead. O marvelous wonder! Their relics are a source of healing! Glory to God, the only wise Creator!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unique Creator, Lord, who in the depth of Your wisdom and love for mankind direct us all, giving to each one what is good for salvation: grant rest to the souls of Your servants, for they have put their trust in You, our Creator, Maker and God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In you we have a wall and a haven, and an intercessor acceptable to the God to whom you gave birth, O Virgin Theotokos: you are the salvation of the faithful.


4. What shall we call you, O holy martyrs? Cherubim, because you are the throne of Christ? Seraphim, for you ceaselessly glorify Him? Angels, because you have renounced your bodies? Powers, for the miracles you accomplish? Mnay are your names, and many are your gifts. Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

3. O holy martyrs, you fought bravely: you endured the tortures of your persecutors with steadfastness, confessing Christ before kings. After departing this life, you now work miracles thorughout the world, healing from their passions those in sickness. Pray for the salvation of our souls.

2. Unconquered martyrs of Christ, you triumphed over falsehood by the power of the Cross, and gained eternal life as your reward. You were not frightened by the threat of the persecutors, and you rejoiced when you were tormented. Now your blood has become the healing of our souls. Pray for the salvation of our souls.

1. Putting on the breast-plate of the Faith and armed with the sign of the Cross, you became courageous fighters. You bravely resisted your persecutors and cast down the arrogance of the devil, and were rewarded with the crown of victors. Intercede before Christ for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Your death, O Lord, has brought us immortality. For, had You not been laid in a tomb, Paradise would not have been opened. Therefore, grant rest to those who have been taken from us, since You are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, your protection is a source of spiritual healing; taking refuge in it, we are delivered from the diseases of our souls.


1. With Your royal authority, O Master, You signed the charter of my salvation with the crimson of Your own blood. Now I ask You in faith; in Your compassion, grant rest to those who have gone to dwell with You. Number them with Your first-born and count them worthy to share in the joy of the just.

v. Blessed are those You have chosen and accepted to dwell in Your courts, O Lord!

2. Sacrificing as a priest, and immolated as a lamb, You redeemed mankind from corruption and offered it as an oblation to the Father. Now in Your love, make the departed dwell in the land of the living where the streams of joy flow with the fountain of everlasting life.

v. Their memory will remain forever and ever.

3. In the depths of Your wisdom, You set limits on life and know what is to pass; You take Your servants to another life. Lead beside the still waters of repose all those whom You have taken to Yourself; make them dwell in the radiance of Your saints, O Lord, where there is great rejoicing and praise.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Though You are the invisible Word of God, equal to the Father and the Spirit, You have appeared in the flesh as man for our sake. In Your mercy and love, O Giver of Life, shine upon all the departed with the splendor of Your majesty and beauty.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, since you conceived the eternal Word of the Father, with a mother's boldness pray fervently that He may place Your servants among the just in heaven, in a place of everlasting light, amid the joyful sounds of those who keep festival.



Forgiveness Vespers

We use the Sunday night Lenten format

At "O Lord, to You I call...", we sing ten stichera: four penitential stichera in the Tone of the week, then the following three from the Triodion:

Tone 2

6. As we set out on the course of the Fast, let us hasten to tame our flesh through abstinence. With prayer and tears, let us seek the Lord our Savior. In order that He may forget our evil deeds, let us say to Him, "We have sinned against You, O Christ our King! Save us as You saved the people of Niniveh of old. In Your compassion, grant us a share in Your heavenly Kingdom!"

5. When I think of my deeds, deserving every punishment, I despair of myself, O Lord. Behold, I have despised Your precious commandments and have wasted my life like the Prodigal. Therefore, I entreat You: cleanse me in the waters of repentance; and through prayer and fasting, make me shine with light, for You alone are merciful. Do not reject me, O Benefactor of all, whose goodness exceeds all measure.

4. Let us enter the season of the radiant Fast with joy, giving ourselves to the spiritual combat. Let us purify our soul and cleanse our body. As we fast from food, let us abstain also from every passion. Rejoicing in the virtues of the Spirit, may we persevere with love, so as to be worthy to see the solemn Passion of Christ our God, and with great spiritual gladness to behold His holy Passover.

Then, three stichera to the Saint of the day from the Menaion, with their Theotokion.

Entrance with the censer. "O Joyful Light."

Great Prokimenon

Tone 8

Turn not your face away from your servant for I am in distress! Hear me speedily, listen to my soul and deliver me.

v. I am poor and in pain, O God; let Your power save me!

v. Let the poor see and rejoice.

v. Seek the Lord and your souls shall find life.


Tone 4

1. O Lord, the light of Your grace has risen and shines upon our souls. Behold: now is the acceptable time: the season of repentance is here. Let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light, that we may pass through the Great Fast as through a great sea, and reach the goal of the third-day Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and the Savior of our souls!

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who dwell in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. O Lord, the Light....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors and humiliation come to the proud.

3. You are glorified in the memory of Your saints, O Christ our God! They beg You to send down upon us Your great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The ranks of angels praise you, O spotless Virgin, for you gave birth to our God, coeternal to the Father and the Holy Spirit, by whose will the choirs of angels were created out of nothingness. Therefore, beseech Him to save our souls from corruption, for we praise you with true faith, O Mother of God.

After the Apolysis, but before "Through the prayers..", the ceremony of forgiveness is held. The choir softly sings the Paschal Aposticha, or the Hirmoi of the Paschal Canon, or (Greek use) the final hymn of Paraclisis. After all have been reconciled, the priest says "Through the prayers..." Normal tones are used until the Great Prokimenon. After it, the doors are closed, and the Lenten melody is used for the responses. Often the priest changes from light to dark vestments at the Prokimenon.

Gracious Virgin, victory will come to those who put their trust in the strength of your arm, for we sinners who stoop with the weight of our sins have none before God to plead for us but you.

O Mother of God most high, we bend our knee to you: deliver your faithful servants from every kind of trouble.

You are joy to the distressed, you are strength to the oppressed, you are food to those who sink into despair.

You console all the strangers, you support all the blind, and you come and visit all the sick. You are shelter to the weary, you are comfort to the crushed, you are heavenly assistance to the orphans.

You are the Mother of God most high, and so we pray to you: hasten, O immaculate one, and save your faithful servants!

In you is all my hope, O Mother of God: place me under the wings of your protection.

Stichera of the Resurrection

Fifth Tone

Let God arise and his enemies will scatter, and those who hate Him will flee before Him.

Our Passover, Christ the Redeemer is revealed to us today as a noble Passover. It is a new and holy Passover, a mystical Passover, a blameless Passover, a glorious Passover, a Passover for the faithful, a Passover that opens for us the gates of paradise, a Passover that sanctifies all believers.

2. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish away, and melt away as wax in the fire.

Come back from what you have seen, O women, heralds of good tidings, and say to Sion: "Accept from us the cheerful announcement of the resurrection of Christ. O Jerusalem, rejoice, exult, leap for joy: for You have seen Christ the King coming out of the tomb as fair as a bridegroom."

3. So do sinners perish before God, but let the just exult with joy before God.

When, early in the morning, the ointment-bearing women stood before the tomb of the Giver of Life, they saw an angel sitting on the stone and he spoke to them, saying: "Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? Why do you mourn as if the Incorruptible One had suffered corruption? Go to his disciples and proclaim the glad tidings that Christ is risen from the dead."

4. This is the day the Lord has made:

let us be glad and rejoice therein.

A glorious Passover has shone upon us, a Passover of the Lord, a Passover perfectly honorable: let us then embrace one another with joy. O what a Passover delivering from sorrow, for Christ coming out of the tomb as from a nuptial chamber fills the women with joy by telling them to bring this happy news to the disciples.

5. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Behold, today is the day of the resurrection: let us glory in the feast, let us embrace one another in joy and say: "O brothers and enemies too: we forgive everything on resurrection day. Let us all sing together:"

Christ is risen from the dead! He has crushed death by his death and bestowed life upon those who lay in the tomb (Three times).



The service begins somewhat later than usual, and Mesonyktikon is omitted today only.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

As God-given first-fruits of the Fast, let us acquire compunction of soul and cry out, "Accept our prayer as pure incense, O Christ our Master, for we beg You to deliver us from the stench of corruptioin and from fearful torment, for You alone are ready to forgive!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God, since you became a fountain of mercy, count us worthy of your compassion: look upon a people that has sinned, show forth your power as you always do. Because we have put our trust in you, we hail you as once did Gabriel, the captain of the angels.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

Let us joyfully begin the holy season of abstinence. Let us shine with the bright radiance of the holy commandments of Christ our God, with the brightness of love and the splendor of prayer, with the purity of holiness and the strength of good courage. Clothed in a garment of light, let us hasten to the holy third-day Resurrection that shines upon the world with the glory of eternal life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God, since you became a fountain of mercy, count us worthy of your compassion: look upon a people that has sinned, show forth your power as you always do. Because we have put our trust in you, we hail you as once did Gabriel, the captain of the angels.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

Let us joyfully begin the holy season of abstinence. Let us shine with the bright radiance of the holy commandments of Christ our God, with the brightness of love and the splendor of prayer, with the purity of holiness and the strength of good courage. Clothed in a garment of light, let us hasten to the holy third-day Resurrection that shines upon the world with the glory of eternal life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God, since you became a fountain of mercy, count us worthy of your compassion: look upon a people that has sinned, show forth your power as you always do. Because we have put our trust in you, we hail you as once did Gabriel, the captain of the angels.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

Let us joyfully begin the holy season of abstinence. Let us shine with the bright radiance of the holy commandments of Christ our God, with the brightness of love and the splendor of prayer, with the purity of holiness and the strength of good courage. Clothed in a garment of light, let us hasten to the holy third-day Resurrection that shines upon the world with the glory of eternal life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Having obtained your intercession, O Mother of God, I am freed from all afflictions. For you are always swift to help those who call out to you in faith, driving from them the darkness of many sins. Therefore, we gratefully cry out to you: "Accept our short thanksgiving, O Lady, and in all things be our helper!"


we use the Canon to the saint of the day from the Menaion, and the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first in Tone 2, by Joseph; the second in Tone 2, by Theodore.


Tone 2

Canticle 1


Come, all you people! Let us sing to Christ our God who divided the sea for the people whom He had rescued from slavery to the Egyptians, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

How shall I lament my fall? Where shall I begin the work of my salvation? I have lived like the Prodigal. O compassionate Lord, in the ways known to You alone, save me!

Behold, the appointed time! Behold, the day of salvation, the entrance to the Fast. O my soul, be watchful; close all the doors through which the passions enter, and look up toward the Lord.

Storm-tossed by the tempest of sin, I am dragged down into the depths of despair. But I flee to the wide sea of Your mercy. Save me, O Lord!

I alone have become a slave to sin. I alone have opened the door to the passions, O Word who are ready to forgive. But in Your tender mercy, turn me back and save me!

O Maiden, alone full of God's grace, you conceived the Source of dispassion: heal me, for I am wounded by the passions; and snatch me from eternal fire.

Come, all you people...

Come, all you people, and today let us accept the grace of the Fast as a gift from God and as a time for repentance, in which we can find mercy with the Savior.

The time for combat is at hand and has already begun; let all of us set forth eagerly upon the course of the Fast, offering our virtues as gifts to the Lord.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple Unity of threefold Light, sovereign Oneness, all-powerful and Source of all life, God and Lord, almighty Father, Son and Spirit: save those who honor You!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Let us sing the praises of the holy mountain of God, Mary undefiled. From her has shone forth upon those in darkness the Sun of Justice, Christ the Life of all!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Armed with fasting, Elijah the wonderful was taken up in a chariot of fire. Through fasting, Moses received a vision of hidden mysteries. And if we also fast, like them, we shall see Christ!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Adam ate the food and his greed banished him from Paradise. But may the keeping of the Fast lead us to true repentance, O Lord who love mankind!


Come, all you people...




Canticle 8


God descended into the furnace to come to the aid of the youths of the Hebrew people, and He changed the flame into a refeshing dew: all you, His works, sing to Him as Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

In the fire of reverence for You, O Christ, You have renewed the eyes of my soul that were inflamed and darkened by lust. Shine upon me with the light of salvation, that I may glorify You throughout the ages.

Hating the surfeit of the passions, O my humble soul, feast rather upon the rich food of God's blessings. Take your delight in the pleasures of the Fast; turn away from bitterness of lust, and you shall live throughout the ages.

Hardened in heart and darkened by the drunkeness of the passions, I cannot look at all upon You, the only God. Therefore, take pity on me, grant me light, and open to me the gates of repentance.

O pure Virgin, through you, our earthly and corruptible nature is made heavenly. With your fervent intercessions, bring our prayers and petitions before the King of all mankind.

In Babylon of old, God made nature change its ways. The fiery furnace scorched the Chaldaeans while it refreshed the three young men who sang with all their might, "Bless and exalt Him above all forever!"

O faithful, with joy let us enter upon the beginning of the Fast. Let us not have a gloomy countenance, but let us wash our faces in the water of dispassion; and let us bless and exalt Christ above all forever!

Let us anoint the head of our soul with the oil of loving compassion, and let us not use vain repetitions when praying to our Father in heaven; and let us bless and exalt Him above all forever.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

O faithful, let us sing in praise to the Father, eternal and without beginning, and to His coeternal Son, and to the Spirit that shines forth from the Father: three consubstantial Persons, but one Sovereign Power and Rule.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mary, called by God, truly you are the mercy seat for the faithful: for through you, forgiveness is freely bestowed upon all. Do not cease to intercede before your Son and Lord, gaining His gracious favor for us who sing your praise.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Fasting for the space of forty days, the Lord consecrated and made holy this present Fast. As we start upon it, brethren, we cry out: "Bless and exalt Christ above all forever!"


In Babylonh of old...

Canticle 9


The Word, true God from true God, who in His ineffable wisdom came to restore Adam after the fall of man brought about by sin, took flesh for us from a Virgin; with one heart, we the faithful magnify Him!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O my soul, may this first day of the Fast be for you a time of abstinence from sin, of turning toward God and drawing near to Him. Flee from all the pits of evil and seek only the paths that lead to the eternal rest of the Age to come.

I have fallen in my thoughts and sinned in the flesh. Groaning, I lament and cry aloud: "Save me, O Lord, for You alone are long-suffering! Save me, although deserve condemnation, and do not send me into the fire of Gehenna!"

Clothing ourselves in the radiant garment of the Fast, let us cast off the dark and hateful garment of drunkeness. Illumined by the divine virtues, we shall gaze with faith upon the radiance of the Savior's Passion.

O undefiled Lady, heal my miserable soul that is weakened by all the assaults of the evil demons. For you have given birth to Christ our Physician and Redeemer, and we acknowledge you, O Maiden, to be an inviolate Virgin.

O faithful, let us magnify the Mother of God who in a wondrous fashion conveived the Word springing eternally from the Father.

The season of the holy Fast is now at hand. Let us begin it with good deeds, for it is said, "Do not let your fast end in quarreling and fighting."

On Mount Horeb, Elijah was cleansed by fasting and saw God. Let us also cleanse our hearts by fasting and we shall see Christ.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I worship the one Essence, I sing the praises of the Three Persons: one God of all: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, eternal Sovereignty.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Though a pure Maiden, you bear a Child. Though a virgin, you nourish a Child at the breast. How can these things be found together? How do you give birth and yet remain a virgin? "It is God who has done this; do not ask me how!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

All mortal life is but one day to those who labor with love, it is said. There are forty days in the Fast: let us all keep them with joy!


O faithful...


Tone 5

1. The Fast has come, the mother of sobriety, accuser of sins, advocate of repentance, life of the angels, and salvation for men. Let us cry out, O faithful, "O God, have mercy on us!"

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. The Fast has come...

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us; and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. Blessed is the army of the heavenly King: the victorious martyrs were born on earth, yet they hastened to live with the angels, laying aside their bodies. Through their sufferings, they were given the honor of angels; at their prayers, O Lord, grant us great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We magnify you in song, O Mother of God and pure Virgin, more holy than the cherubim. We confess you to be the Theotokos in both body and soul, for in truth you have given birth to God in the flesh. All-pure Lady, intercede for the salvation of our souls.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 5

Lord, O Lord, at the presence of Your power, all things fear and tremble. We fall down before You, O Immortal One, and we pray to You, O Holy One: "Save our souls through the intercession of Your Saints!"


Tone 4

The Lord knows the way of the just, but the way of the wicked shall be lost.

v. Blessed the man who has not walked in the counsel of the wicked, and has not stood on the path of the sinful.


Isaiah 1:1-20


Tone 7

Serve the Lord with fear; exult in Him with trembling.

v. Why did the nations rage and the peoples meditate on empty things?



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 2

6. I have committed every sin. I have surpassed all men by my prodigal life. Even if I wish to repent, I have no tears. But if I continue to live indolently, I am liable to be condemned. Give me the spirit of amendment, O God, who alone are good, and have mercy on me.

5. Give me tears, O Christ, in these pleasing days of the Fast, that I may mourn and rinse away the stains of my lustful pleasures. Thus cleansed, may I contemplate You when You shall come from heaven judge all mankind, O only righteous Judge!

Tone 5

4. Taking the firm weapon of the Fast as a buckler, let us, O faithful, promptly abhor every method of the enemy's illusions. Let us not be charmed by the pleasures of the senses. Let us not lack courage in the face of fire and tribulation. For through them, Christ, the Lover of Mankind, will corwn us with the reward of our perseverance. Therefore, let us confidently ask God for the peace of the world and His great mercy for our souls.

Three stichera and Theotokion from the Menaion for the day


Tone 6

Deliverance is from the Lord. Upon Your people be Your blessing.

v. O Lord, why do so many taunt me? Many are those who rise up against me!


Genesis 1:1-13


Tone 5

The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him.

You have heard my supplication when I cried out to You, O Lord of my righteousness!

The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him.


Proverbs 1:1-20


Tone 3

1. Let us observe a Fast acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. True fasting is to put away all evil, to control the tongue, to forebear from anger, to abstain from lust, slander, falsehood and perjury. If we renounce these things, then our fasting is true and pleasing to God.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes o the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Let us observe a Fast....

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. Great is the power of Your martyrs, O Christ! Although they lies in the tombs, they cast out evil spirits. Through their Faith in the Trinity, they conquered the might of the enemy, doing heroic deeds in holiness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, the protector of all who ask your prayers, in you we trust, in you we boast, in you is all our hope: pray to your Son for your unprofitable servants.

If the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served, there are ten stichera at "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. Let us observe a Fast...

9. Let us observe a Fast...

8. Great is the power of Your martyrs...

7. I have committed every sin....

6. Give me tears, O Christ...

5. Taking the firm weapon...

then the three stichera from the Menaion, doubling the first, with the
Theotokion from the Menaion



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 3

10. Let us observe a Fast acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. True fasting is to put away all evil, to control the tongue, to forebear from anger, to abstain from lust, slander, falsehood and perjury. If we renounce these things, then our fasting is true and pleasing to God.

9. Let us observe a Fast acceptable....(Repeat)

8. Great is the power of Your martyrs, O Christ! Although they lie in the tombs, they cast out evil spirits. Through their faith in the Trinity, they conquered the might of the enemy, doing heroic deeds in holiness.

Tone 2

7. I have committed every sin. I have surpassed all men by my prodigal life. Even if I wish to repent, I have no tears. But if I continue to live ondolently, I am liable to be condemned. Give me the spirit of amendment, O God, who alone are good, and have mercy on me.

6. Give me tears, O Christ, in these pleasing days of the Fast, that I may mourn and rinse away the stains of my lustful pleasures. Thus cleansed, may I contemplate You when You shall come from heaven to judge all mankind, O only righteous Judge!

Tone 5

Taking the firm weapon of the Fast as a buckler, let us, O faithful, promptly abhor every method of the enemy's illusions. Let us not be charmed by the pleasures of the senses. Let us not lack courage in the face of fire and tribulation. For through them, Christ, the Lover of Mankind, will crown us with the reward of our perseverance. Therefore, let us confidently ask God for the peace of the world and His great mercy for our souls.

Four stichera (doubling the first) for the saint of the day from the Menaion, with its Theotokion.

Entrance with the Censer. "O Joyful Light"


Tone 6

Deliverance is from the Lord. Upon Your people be Your blessing!

v. O Lord, why do so many taunt me? Many are those who rise up against me!


Genesis 1:1-13


Tone 5

The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him.

You have heard my supplication when I cried out to You, O Lord of my righteousness!

The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him.


Proverbs 1:1-20

And the rest of the Presanctified Liturgy



We use the first section of the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete in Tone 6.


My strength and my courage has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O Christ, where shall I begin to mourn the deeds of my wretched life? Where shall I start this morning? Since You are compassionate, grant me the forgiveness of my sins.

O my wretched soul, come and confess to the Creator of all! From now on, abstain from your past wickedness, offering tears of repentance to God!

In my transgressions, I have rivalled Adame, the first-formed man. Because of my sins, I find myself stripped naked of God, of the eternal Kingdom, and of its joys.

Alas, my wretched soul! You are like Eve! You looked in wickedness and were grievously wounded; you touched the tree and tasted the deceptive food.

Instead of the visible Eve, I have the Eve of the mind: the passionate thoughts in my flesh which show me what apparently is sweet - but whenever I taste from it, I find it bitter.

Adam was justly banished from Eden because he disobeyed only one of Your commandments, O Savior. What then should I suffer, for I am always rejecting Your words of life?

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity beyond all being, worshipped in Unity, take from me the heavy yoke of sin; and in Your compassion, grant me tears of repentance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, hope and protection of those who praise you, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and accept me in repentance, O pure Lady!


Give ear, O heavens, while I speak; I will sing of Christ who was offered for my sins - offered in the flesh He had received from the Virgin.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

Give ear, O God my Savior; look upon me with Your eyes of mercy and accept my fervent confession.

I have sinned more than all men; I alone have sinned before You. But, as God, take pity on Your creation, O Savior.

With my lustful desires, I have formed within myself the deformity of the passions and have disfigured the beauty of my mind.

The storms of sin surround me, O compassionate Lord; but stretch out Yoiur hand to me as You once did to Peter in the sea!

I have stained the garment of my flesh, O Savior, and have defiled that which was made in Your image and likeness.

With the lusts of the passions, I have darkened the beautyof my soul, and have turned my whole mind to dust.

I have torn the first garment which the Master wove for me at the beginning, and now I lie naked.

I have clothed myself in the torn garment which the serpent wove for me by his advice, and I am ashamed.

O merciful Lord, I offer You the tears of the adulterous woman. Have mercy on me in Your great compassion.

I beheld the beauty of the tree and I was deceived; so now I lie naked and ashamed.

All the ruling passions have ploughed upon my back, and they have dug long furrows of wickedness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I sing Your praises, O God of all, One in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O most pure Virgin, Theotokos worthy of all praise, intercede with fervor for our salvation.


O Christ, make firm Your Church on the immoveable rock of Your commandments.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O my soul, at one time the Lord rained fire from above and burned the land of the Sodomites.

O my soul, like Lot, escape to the mountain; run ahead to Zoar and be saved before it is too late.

O my soul, run away from the blaze, from the flame of Sodom and destruction by the fire of God.

I alone have sinned against You; I have sinned more than all men. O Christ my Savior, do not reject me!

You are the Good Shepherd! Seek me, the lamb that has strayed, and do not forget me.

You are my beloved Jesus; You are my Creator: in You I shall be justified, O Savior.

I confess to You, my Savior: I have sinned against You without measure. But in Your compassion, absolve and forgive me!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O God, Trinity in Unity, save us from error, temptation and distress.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, O Womb that held God! Hail, Throne of the Lord! Hail, Mother of our Life!


The Prophet heard of Your coming, Lord, and he feared, for You chose to be born of a Virgin and be manifest to men; and he said, "I have heard Your renown and feared work!" Glory to Your power, O Lord!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O Righteous Judge and Lover of Mankind, do not abandon Your works, do not turn away from the one You created, even if I have sinned more than any other man. Since You are the Lord of All, You have the power to forgive sins.

The end draws near, my soul, the end draws near: yet you do not care nor prepare yourself. Time grows short; rise up; the Judge is close to the gates. The time of our life passes swiftly as a dream, as a flower. Why do we trouble ourselves in vain?

Awake my soul: consider your past deeds. Set them before your eyes and weep. With boldness, tell Christ of your thoughts and deeds, and thus be justified!

There has been no sin, no evil deed, no wickedness that I have not committed, O Savior! I have sinned as no one ever did before, in thought, word, intention, disposition, mind and act.

I am condemned in my misery; I am convicted by the verdict of my own conscience, which is more compelling than all else in the world. O my Judge and Redeemer, who know my heart, spare and deliver Your servant!

The ladder which the great Patriarch Jacob saw of old is an example, O my soul, of approach through action and of ascent through knowledge. If you wish to live rightly in action and knowledge and contemplation, then be renewed!

In poverty, the Patriarch Jacob endured the burning heat of day and the cold of night, making daily gains in sheep and cattle, shepherding, wrestling and serving, so as to win his two wives, Leah and Rachel.

By the two wives, understand action and knowledge in contemplation: Leah is action, for she had many children. Rachel is for knowledge, for she endured great toil. Without toil, O my soul, neither action nor contemplation will succeed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Undivided in Essence, unconfused in Persons, I confess You as God: Tribune Godhead, one in kingship and throne. To You I raise the great thrice-holy hymn that is sung on high.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You give birth and are a virgin; in both you remain inviolate by nature. He who is born makes new the laws of nature, and the womb conveives without conception. Whenever God wills, the natural order is overcome, for He does whatever He wishes.


My soul yearns for You in the night, O Lover of Mankind: give me light, I pray, and guide me in Your commandments; and teach me, O Savior, to do Your will!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

I have passed my whole life in night; for the night of sin has covered me with darkness and deep mist. But, O Savior, make me a son of the day!

In my misery, I have followed Reuben's example. Having devised a wicked and lawless plan against God Most High, I defiled my bed as he defiled his father's.

O Christ my King, I confess it to You: I have sinned against You, for I have sold the fruit of purity and chastity, as the brothers of Joseph sold him in olden times.

As a figure of the Lord, my soul, the righteous and gentle Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers; but you have sold yourself completely to sin.

O miserable and wicked soul, imitate the righteous and pure mind of Joseph; do not live in depravity, sinfully indulging your disordered desires.

Once Joseph was cast into a pit, O Lord and Master, as a figure of Your burial and Resurrection. But what offering such as this shall I ever make to You?

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify You, O Trinity, the One God. Holy, holy, holy are You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, simple Essence and Unity, worshipped forever!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin inviolate and Mother who knew not man, from you God the Creator of the ages has taken human flesh, uniting to Himself the nature of men.


With my whole heart I cried out to the all-compassionate God: from the midst of the nether world He heard my voice and brought my life up from the pity.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O Savior, I offer to You in purity the tears of my eyes and the groaning from the depth of my heart, crying, "O God, I have sinned against You! Be merciful to me!"

Like Dathan and Abiram, my soul, you have become a stranger to your Lord; but with all your heart cry out, "Save me!", that the earth may not open up and swallow you.

Raging like a maddened heifer, you have become like Ephraim, O my soul. Rescue your life like a bird from the nets, gaining wings through action and contemplation.

O my soul, the hand of Moses is a sign for us, proving that God can cleanse a life full of leprosy and make it white as snow. So do not despair of yourself, although you are leprous.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

"I am the Trinity, simple and undivided, yet divided in Persons; I am the Unity, one in Essence," says the Father and the Son and the Divine Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, your womb has borne God for our sake: He has become man like us. Since He is the Creator of All, implore Him that we may be justified by your intercession.


Tone 6

My soul, O my soul, arise! How long would you sleep? Your end is drawing near and you are about to be shaken. Awake, therefore, that Christ may have mercy on you: for God is everywhere present and filling all things.


We have sinned and transgressed by departing from You; and we have done every kind of evil. Your commandments we have not heeded or observed, nor have we done as You ordered us for our good. But do not deliver us up forever, O God of our fathers!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

I have sinned. I have offended. I have transgressed Your commandments. I have progressed in my sins, adding sores to my wounds. But in Your compassion, have mercy on me, O God of our fathers.

I have confessed the secrets of my heart to You, my Judge! See my abasement; see my grief, and attend to my judgment now. In Your compassion, have mercy on me, O God of our fathers.

When Saul once lost his father's asses, in searching for them, he found himself proclaimed as king. But watch, my soul, let unknown to yourself, you prefer your animal appetites to the Kingdom of Christ.

David, the ancestor of Christ God, once sinned doubly: pierced with the arrow of adultery and the spear of murder. But you are more sick than he, my soul, for worse than any deeds the lusts of your mind.

David once added sin to sin, joining adultery to murder; yet then he showed a double repentance. But you, my soul, have done worse things than he, yet you have not repented before God.

David once composed a hymn, setting forth, as in an image, the action he had done; and he condemned it, crying out, "Have mercy on me; it is You alone I have offended, O God of all. Wash me thoroughly!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple and undivided Trinity, O holy and consubstantial Unity: You are praised as Light and Lights, one Holy and three Holies. O my soul, sing and glorify Life and Lives, the God of all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, we bless you, we venerate you, O Theotokos: for you have given birth to One of the Holy Trinity, your Son and God; and you have opened the heavenly places to us on earth.


The Hosts of heaven glorify Him. Cherubim and Seraphim tremble before Him. Let everything that has breath and all creation praise, bless and exalt Him above all forever.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

I have sinned, O Savior; have mercy on me. Awaken my mind and turn me back. Accept me in repentance and take pity on me as I cry, "I have sinned against You! Save me! I have trespassed: have mercy on me!"

Riding in the chariot of the virtues, Elijah was lifted up to heaven, high above all earthly things. Reflect upon his ascent, O my soul!

Elisha once took up the mantle of Elijah and received a double portion of grace from the Lord; but through uncontrolled desires, O my soul, you have no share in this grace.

With the mantle of Elijah, Elisha made the streams of the Jordan stand still on either side. But through uncontrolled desires, O my soul, you have no share in this grace.

The Shunamite woman gladly entertained the righteous prophet; but in your house, O my soul, you have not welcomed any stranger or traveller. Thus you shall be cast out with lamenting from the bridal chamber.

O wretched soul, you have always copied the polluted thoughts of Gehazi. At least in old age, then, cast from you his love of money. Flee from the fire of hell; turn away from your wickedness.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Unbegotten Father, coeternal Son, and loving Comforter, the Spirit of righteousness; Begetter of the Word of God, Word of the eternal Father, Spirit living and creative: O Trinity in Unity, have mercy on me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

As from purple silk, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in your womb, O undefiled Theotokos. Therefore we honor you as the Mother of God in truth.


Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who never knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride of God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true Faith.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

My mind is wounded, my body has grown feeble, my spirit is sick, my speech has lost its power, my life is dead: the end is at the door. What shall you do, my wretched soul, when the Judge comes to examine your deeds?

My soul, I have put before you Moses' account of the creation of the world, and after that, all the recognized Scriptures that tell you of the righteous and the wicked. But you, my soul, have followed the latter - not the first - and have sinned before God.

The Law is powerless; the Gospel has no effect; all the Scriptures are ignored by you; the prophets and all the words of the righteous are useless. Your wounds, O my soul, have increased, and there is no physician to heal you.

O my soul, I bring you examples from the New Testament to lead you to repentance. Follow the examples of the righteous, turn away from the sinful. Through prayers and fasting, through chastity and reverence, win back Christ's mercy.

Christ became man, calling to repentance thieves and harlots. O my soul, repent, for the door of lthe Kingdom is already opened. Pharisees, Publicans and prostitutes enter before you, repenting.

Christ became man and shared my flesh; willingly, He performed all that belonged to my nature, only without sin. O my soul, He set before you a pattern and an image presenting His condescension.

Christ saved the Wise Men and shepherds; He revealed as martyrs a multitude of young children; He glorified the elder Simeon and the aged widow Anna. But you, my soul, have not followed their example and actions. Woe to you when you are judged!

The Lord fasted for forty days in the wilderness, then He was hungry, thus showing that He is a man. Do not be dismayed my soul: if the enemy attack you, through prayer and fasting drive him away.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us glorify the Father; let us exalt the Son; and with faith, let us worship the Spirit of God: undivided Trinity and Unity in essence. Let us adore Light and Lights, Life and Lives, giving light and life to the ends of the earth.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Watch over your City, O pure Mother of God. Through you, she reigns in faith; by you, she is made strong; by you, she is victorious, putting to flight every temptation, taking the enemy captive, and holds him subject.

v. Holy father Andrew, pray for us.

Venerable Andrew, thrice blessed father, Shepherd of Crete: ceaselessly interede for those who sing your praises, that we may be delivered from all danger and distress, from corruption and sin, as we honor your memory with faith.

Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who never knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride of God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true Faith.



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

Most blessed is the grace of the holy Fast: for through fasting, Moses was glorified, and he received the Law written upon tablets. Through fasting, the three youths were made stronger than the fire. Through fasting, then, let us quench the burning passions of the flesh, and let us cry to Christ the Savior: "Grant conversion to us all and deliver us from Gehenna!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The season of repentance is at hand: O my soul, show fruits of abstinence. Consider those who repented in the past, and cry aloud to Christ: "I have sinned! O save me, loving Master, as You saved the Publican who sighed with sorrow from his heart, for You alone are rich in mercy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Fervent advocate of Christians, always entreat your Son, O Theotokos, to deliver us from all the malice and cunning of the enemy, and to grant us in His tender mercy the forgiveness of our sins, at your intercessions, O Mother and Virgin.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 5

As we begin the second day of saving abstinence, we cry to You, O Lord: "Pierce the hearts of Your servatns with compunction and accpet the prayers we offer You in reverence. Grant that we may complete the course of the Fast without stumbling. Bestow upon us cleansing and great mercy!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Root that put forth the divine Flower, Tabernacle and lampstand and golden vessel fo Manna, holy table bearing the Bread of Life: with John the Forerunner, intercede before Him, since He is your Son and God, that He may grant mercy and salvation to all of us who confess you to be truly Theotokos.


we use the Canon of the saint of the day from the Menaion, then the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first in Tone 2, the second in Tone 5.


Canticle 2


Learn that I alone am God, who saved the people of Israel in the waves and satisfied their hunger in the wilderness. I made the waters flow from the rock for mankind. I clothed Myself in him who had fallen into corruption of old, that I might draw him to Myself through ineffable mercy.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Be sober, be vigilant, goan and weep, my soul. Through fasting, cast aside the whole burden of sin. By fervent repentance, escape from the fire. Through your mourning, tear in pieces the mourning-garment of the passions and put on the robe of God.

Through fasting, let us all ascend the mountain of virtuous action, forsaking the sensual temptations that creep about upon the ground. Let us enter into the darkness of holy visions. By the divine and mystical ascent, let us become god-like, and let us look only upon Christ, the Beloved, in His beauty!

Alas! What will become of me? What shall I do? I feel no pang of conscience when I sin, nor do I fear the Master. Because of this, even before the judgment comes, I stand condemned. O just and loving Judge, turn me back and save me, though I have provoked You more than any man.

O untilled earth, you have put forth Him who gives food to all, who opens His hand and in His own good pleasure fills every living thing with divine power. Strengthen with the Bread of Life our hearts that have grown weak through the excess of our hateful sins.

Learn that I alone am God: by My own will, I was clothed in the flesh to save from error Adam, who had fallen through the deceit of the serpent.

Come, let us enter the inner chamber of our soul, offering prayers to the Lord and crying aloud, "Our Father, who art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses, for You alone are compassionate!"

Showing joyfulness of soul in the Fast, let us not be glum; for the change in our way of life during these blessed days will help us to gain holiness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in Three Persons, without beginning, uncreated, Lord and King of the ages: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: the hosts of angels and all mortal men give You glory.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We sing your praises, O all-perfect glory of mankind, for through you, O Virgin, we have been made godlike. For our sake, you have given birth to Christ our God and our Savior, who has loosed us from the curse.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

What quenched the fire? What stopped the mouths of the wild beasts? It was fasting the delivered the young men from the furnace adn Daniel the Prophet from the jaws of the lions. Brethren, let us also fast like them.


Learn that I.....




Canticle 8


To Him who in a burning bush on mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O my soul, rouse yourself from the sleep of grievous laziness, and with zeal and vigilance, observe the divine commandments. The Bridegroom draws near; take your lamp and come out to greet Him.

I am gravely wounded by the sword of pleasure: heal me, O Word, with the ointment of Your merciful compassion, and I will glorify You with thanksgiving throughout all the ages.

O my soul, abstain from harmful passions, from envy and hatred and all malice. Feed upon the spiritual food that brings you heavenly joy.

O pure Mother of God, heal the wounds of my soul, the passions of my heart and the delusions of my mind. For you are the only help of sinners, our wall against the enemies that despoil us.

O people, sing to the Author of all creation, before whom the angels stand in trembling: exalt Him throughout all the ages!

Giving wings to our soul through abstinence, let us all offer acceptable prayers to the Lord in heaven.

In a spirit of compunction, let us weep for the deliverance of our souls and sing the praises of Christ throughout all the ages.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Consubstantial Trinity, uncreated Unity, the God of all, we exalt You throughout all the ages.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Intercede for those who sing your praises, O all-pure one, that they may be delivered from every danger and temptation.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Rejecting the pleasures of the rich man, come, let us fast with Lazarus, that we too may be comforted in the bosom of Abraham.


O people, sing to...

Canticle 9


What man could ever understand it? And who could ever have seen that a Virgin could conceive and bring her Child into the world without pain? But such is your wondrous mystery, O holy Mother of God: we magnify you!

v. Glory to YOu, O our God, glory to You!

What man could ever have slipped and provoked God to anger as I have done? Who has ever followed evil impulses and become a dwelling-place of sin as much as I in my wretchedness? But, O God, whose will it is to have mercy, take pity on me!

O godlike and angelic powers, entreat Him, for He is always ready to forgive: that He may save a soul lost in the sea of worldly pleasures, driven to and fro by the tempest of the passions, and in peril from the assaults of hostile spirits.

Come, my soul, and by fasting ascend to heaven on the wings of the virtues, rising above the sin that creeps on the ground. Take your delight in visions of glory that lead you to holiness, and through faith grow godlike.

Who shall make your praises heard in all the world, O Lady? For in ways past understanding, you have given birth to the Master and Lord, whom the leaders of the angelic hosts praise and exalt above all. Entreat Him for your people that has sinned, O Virgin inviolate.

Rejoice and be glad, Isaiah, for the Virgin has conveived and borne a Son who is Emmanuel, both God and Man. He shall be called "The East"; and because of Him, we call His Mother blessed.

Now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation! Let us offer to God gifts of virtue. As Paul commands, let us cast off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light, O brethren!

As the Lord overcame the enemy by fasting, so by fasting let us also break in pieces his arrows and his snares. And when he seeks to tempt us, let us each say, "Get out of my sight, you Satan!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O honored Trinity, consubstantial, without beginning, Source of Life: O undivided Unity, I sing Your praises: Father unbegotten, Word and Son begotten, and Holy Spirit: save us all who glorify You!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Beyond our understanding is your childbearing, O Mother of God. For without man, you have conceived, and in virginity you have given birth. The Child that you have born is God. We magnify Him and we call you blessed.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Through fasting, let us draw near to the mountain of prayer. With pure hearts, like Moses, let us look upon God, receiving inwardly the tablets of the commandments and shining with glory in the presence of God's love.


Rejoice and be glad....


Tone 3

1. Let us begin a blameless Fast, O people, for it is our soul's salvation. Let us serve the Lord with fear; let us anoint our heads with the oil of almsgiving, and let us wash our faces in the waters of purity. Let us not use vain repetitions in our prayers; but as we have been taught, let us cry out, "Our Father, who art in heaven, forgive us our trespasses in Your love for mankind!"

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. Let us begin a blameless Fast....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. The soldiers of Christ cas taside all fear of kings and persecutors. Boldly and with courage, they confessed Him as the Lord of all, their King and their God; and now they intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, the protection of all who ask your prayers: in you we trust, in you we hope, in you we boast: pray to your Son for your unprofitable servants.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 1

We are strangers upon earth, as all our fathers were. Brief is the span of our life. But, O our Savior, keep us free from sin and have mercy on us in Your love.


Tone 4

Be attentive to the voice of my appeal, O my King and my God!

Listen to my words, O Lord; attend to my complaint.


Isaiah 1:19-2:3


Tone 4

O Lord, in Your anger rebuke me not.

Have pity on me, O Lord, for I am weak!



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 2

6. Cast out of old from Paradise through eating forbidden food, let us make haste to enter there once more, abstaining from the passions and crying out to our God: "You stretched out Your hands on the Cross, drank vinegar and tasted gall, patiently enduring the pain of the nails. Uproot all forbidden pleasures from our souls, and in Your tender mercy, save Your servants!"

5. Once we were cast out of Paradise by eating from the tree. But through Your Cross, we are restored once again to Paradise. We offer this Cross to You in supplication, O Lord of many mercies, and we pray to You with faith: "Send down upon us in this time of abstinence fountains of tears to cleanse the filth of our passions and offenses, that we may call out fervently to You, 'Glory to You, O Lord!'"

4. As You once gave Paradise to Adam, so now grant me the joy of abstinence, O Word, that I may taste from all Your commandments, O God, yet never eat the forbidden fruit of sin. Thus, with gladness I shall come to Your life-giving Passion on the Cross!

Three stichera and the Stavrotheotokion from the Menaion of the day


Tone 5

O Lord, my God, I have hoped in You!

v. Save me from all my persecutors and deliver me.

Reading: Genesis 1:14-23


Tone 5

O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful Your name in all the earth!

v. For Your excellence is exalted above the heavens.





Tone 8

1. Let us keep the Fast not only by refraining from food, but by becoming strangers to all the bodily passions; that we who are enslaved to thetyranny of the flesh may become worthy to partake of the Lamb, the Son of God, slain by His own will for the sake of the world, and spiritually may celebrate the feast of the Savior's Resurrection from the dead. Thus we shall be raised on high in the glory of the virtues; and through our righteous actions, we shall give joy to the Lord who loves mankind.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters and the eyes of the maid-servatns to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Let us keep the Fast...

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame; our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors and humiliation come to the proud.

3. Your martyrs, O Lord, forgetting the things of this life, endured torments for the sake of the Kingdom to come: they have inherited it and now rejoice with the angels. By their prayers, grant Your people Your great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

"O marvellous wonder! O strange mystery! O awesome sight!" said the Virgin as she looked on You, whom she had born with no pain, hanging between two thieves on the Cross; and lamenting, she said, "Alas, my beloved Son, how has this wicked and ungrateful people nailed You on the Cross?"



We use the second section of the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete, in Tone 6.


My strength and my courage has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

I have walked in the footsteps of bloody Cain, by deliberate choice, killing conscience of my soul, bringing the flesh to life, and making way upon the soul by my evil actions.

O Jesus, I have not resembled Abel in his righteousness. I have never offered You acceptable gifts nor holy deeds, a pure sacrifice or an unblemished life.

O wretched soul, like Cain, we have offered defiled actions, a polluted sacrifice and a worthless life to the Creator of all; for this, we stand condemned.

As the potter molds the clay, so You fashioned me, giving me flesh and bones, breath and life. But accept me in repentance, O my Creator, Redeemer and Judge!

O Savior, I confess to You the sins I have committed: the wounds of soul and body, inflicted upon me by murderous thoughts, like thieves within me.

Though I have sinned, O Savior, I know that You are the Lover of Mankind: Your chastisement is merciful and Your compassion is fervent. You see me weeping, and You run to meet me like the Father calling back the Prodigal Son.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity beyond all being, worshipped in Unity, take from me the heavy yoke of sin; and in Your compassion, grant me tears of repentance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, hope and protection of those who praise you, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and accept me in repentance, O pure Lady.


Give ear, O heavens, while I speak; I will sing of Christ who was offered for my sins - offered in the flesh He had received from the Virgin.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

Sin has stripped me of the robe which God once wove for me, and it has sewed for me leather garments of skin.

I am clothed with a garment of shame as with fig leaves, in condemnation of my self-willed passions.

I wear a garment of shame as with fig leaves, in condemnation of my self-willed passions.

I wear a garment that is defiled and shamefully blood-stained by a life of passion and self-indulgence.

I have sunk beneath the painful burden of passions and the corruption of amterial things; and the enemy now assails me.

Instead of freedom from possessions, O Savior, I have pursued a life in love with material possessions; and now I wear a heavy yoke.

I have adorned the idol of my flesh with a many-colored coat of shameful thoughts, and I am condemned.

I have cared only for outward adornment, neglecting that which is within - the tabernacle fashioned by God.

With my lustful desires, I have formed within myself the deformity of the passions, and I have disfigured the beauty of my mind.

By passions, I have discolored the first beauty of the image, O Savior. But seek me as You once searched for the lost coin, and find me!

Like the adulterous woman, I cry out to You: "It is You alone I have offended!" Accept my tears also, O Savior, as a sweet ointment.

Like the Publican, I cry out to You: "Be merciful to me, O Savior, be merciful to me!" For no child of Adam has sinned against You as I have sinned!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O God of all, I praise You as One in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O most pure Virgin, Theotokos worthy of all praise, intercede with fervor for our salvation.


O Christ, make firm Your Church on the immoveable rock of Your commandments!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

For me, You are the Fountain of Life and Destroyer of death. I cry to You from my heart before the end: "I have sinned; be merciful to me and save me!"

I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against You; be merciful to me. There is no sinner whom I have not surpassed in my offenses.

O Savior, I have followed the example of those who lived in wantoness in the days of Noah. Like them, I am condemned to drown in the flood.

O my soul, you have followed Ham, who mocked his father. You have not hidden your neighbor's shame, walking backward with an averted face.

O my soul, flee like Lot from the fire of sin; flee from Sodom and Gomorrah; flee from the flame of every inordinate lust.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me, when You come with Your angels to render every man his due return for his deeds, I cry out to You.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple Unity praised in a Trinity of Persons, uncreated Essence without beginning: save us who worship Your might with faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, without knowing man, you have given birth in time to the Son who was begotten of the Father outside time. O strange wonder! You nurse a child while still remaining a virgin!


The Prophet heard of Your coming, Lord, and he feared, for You chose to be born of a virgin and be manifest to men: and he said, "I have heard Your renown and feared Your work!" Glory to Your power, O Lord!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

Be watchful, O my soul; be full of courage like Jacob, the great Patriarch, that you may acquire action with knowledge, and be named "Israel", "the mind that sees God". Thus you shall reach the innermost darkness by contemplation and gain a great profit.

The great Patriarch had the twelve partriarchs for children; and so, my soul, he mystically established for you a ladder of ascent through action, in his wisdom setting his sons as steps by which you can climb upward.

You have rivalled the hateful Esau, O my soul, and have given the birthright of your original beauty to the supplanter. You have lost your father's blessing, and in your wretchedness, you have been twice supplanted: in action and in knowledge. Therefore, repent now!

Esau was called Edom because of his raging lust for women. Always burning with unrestrained desires and stained with sensual pleasure, he was named "Edom", which means the red heat of a soul that loves sin.

O my soul, you have heard of Job who was justified as he sat on a dung-hill; but you have not imitated his fortitude. In all your experiences, trials and temptations, you have not kept firmly to your resolve, but have been inconstant.

Once he sat upon a throne - now he sits upon a dung-hill, naked and covered with sores. Once he was blessed with many children and admired by all - but suddenly he is childless and homeless. He counted the dung - hill as a place, and his sores as pearls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Undivided Essence, unconfused in Persons, I confess You as God: Tribune Godhead, one in Kingship and Throne. To You I raise the great thrice-holy hymn that is sung on high.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You give birth and are a virgin; in both you remain inviolate by nature, and the womb conceives without conception. Whenever God wills, the natural order is overcome, for He does whatever He wishes.


My soul yearns for You in the night, O Lover of Mankind: give me light, I pray, and guide me in Your commandments; and teach me, O Savior, to do Your will!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercyon me! between the Troparia

O my soul, you have heard of the basket of Moses: how he was carried on the waves of the river as though in a shrine; thus he avoided the bitter execution of Pharaoh's decree.

O wretched soul, since you have heard of the midwives who killed the male infants of self-control, then, like the great Moses, be nourished on wisdom.

O miserable soul, you have not struck and killed Egyptian mind, as did the great Moses. Tell me, then, how will you go to dwell through repentance in the wilderness empty of passions?

Moses, the great, went to dwell in the desert. Come, my soul: seek to follow his way fo life, that through contemplation you may attain the vision of God in the bush.

O my soul, remember the rod of Moses striking the sea and making the depths solid by the sign of the Holy Cross. Through the Cross, you too can do great things.

Aaron offered to God the fire that was blameless and undefiled; but Hophni and Phineas, like you, my soul, brought Him strange fire and a polluted life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify You, O Trinity, the One God. Holy, holy, holy are You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, simple Essence and Unity, worshipped forever!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin inviolate and Mother who knew not man, from you God the Creator of the Ages has taken human flesh, uniting to Himself the nature of men.


With my whole heart I cried out to the all-compassionate God: from the midst of the nether world He heard my voice and brought my life up from the pit.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O my Savior, the waves of my sins have returned and suddenly engulfed me, as the waters of the Red Sea engulfed the Egyptians of old and their charioteers.

O my soul, like Israel in times past, you have made a foolish choice: instead of the divine manna, you have senselessly preserved the sensual gluttony of the passions.

O my soul, you have valued the wells of the Chanaanite thoughts more than the spiritual Rock, Jesus, the Fountain of wisdom, from whom flow the rivers of divine knowledge.

O my soul, you have preferred swines' meat, the flesh-pots and food of Egypt rather than the food of heaven, just as did the ungrateful people of old in the desert.

When Your servant Moses struck the rock with his rod, O Savior, he prefigured Your life-giving side, from which we all the waters of life.

Like Joshua, the son of Nun, seek and know the land of your inheritance, O my soul, and take up your dwelling in it through obedience to the Law.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

"I am the Trinity, simple and undivided, yet divided in Persons; I am the unity, one in Essence," says the Father and the Son and the Divine Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, your womb has borne God for our sake: He has become man like us. Since He is the Creator of All, implore Him that we maybe justified by your intercession.


Tone 6

My soul, O my soul, arise! How long would you sleep? Your end is drawing near, and you are about to be shaken. Awake, therefore, that Christ may have mercy on you; for God is everywhere present and filling all things!


We have sinned and transgressed by departing from You; and we hav edone every kind of evil. Your commandments we have not heeded or observed, nor have we done as You ordered us for our good. But do not deliver us up forever, O God of our fathers!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

When the Ark was being carried in a cart and the ox stumbled, Uzziah did no more than touch it, but the wrath of God struck him down. O my soul, flee form his presumption and respect with reverence the things of God.

You have heard of Absalom, and how he rebelled against nature: you know of the unholy deeds with which he defiled his father David's bed. Yet you have followed him in his passionate and lustful desires.

O my soul, you have surrendered your freedom and dignity to your body; for you have found in the enemy another Ahithophel, and you agreed to all his advice. But Christ Himself has brought them to nothing and saved you from them all.

Solomon the wonderful, who was full of the grace of wisdom, once did evil in the sight of heaven and turned away from God. You have become like him, my wretched soul, by your wicked life.

Carried away by lustful passions, he defiled himself; and the lover of wisdom became a lover of harlots and a stranger to God. O my soul, you have imitated him in your mind by your shameful desires.

O my soul, you have rivalled Rehoboam, who paid no attention to his father's counsellors, and Jeroboam, the evil servant and rebel of old. But flee from their example and cry to God: "I have sinned; take pity on me!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple and undivided Trinity, O holy and consubstantial Unity: You are praised as Light and Lights, one Holy and three Holies. O my soul, sing and glorify Life and Lives, the God of All!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, we bless you, we venerate you, O Theotokos: for you have given birth to One of the Holy Trinity, your Son and God; and you have opened the heavenly places to us on earth.


The hosts of heaven glorify Him. Cheubim and Seraphim tremble before Him. Let everything that has breath and all creation praise, bless and exalt Him above all forever.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

O my soul, you have followed Uzziah, and you have his leprosy in double form: for your thoughts are wicked and your acts unlawful. Leave what you have, and hasten to repentance.

O my soul, you have heard how the men of Niniveh repented in sack-cloth and ashes. Yet you have not followed them, but are more wicked than all who sinned before the Law and after.

O my soul, you have heard how Jeremiah in the muddy pit cried out with lamentations for the city of Zion and asked to be given tears. Follow his life of lamentation and be saved.

Jonah fled to Tarshish when he foresaw the conversion of the men of Nineveh. As a prophet, he knew the loving-kindness of God; but he was jealous that his prophesy should not be proved false.

O my soul, you have heard how Daniel stopped the mouths of the beasts in the lions' den; and you know how the young men with Azariah extinguished the flames of the fiery furnace by their faith.

O my soul, I have set before you all the names of the Old Testament as an example: imitate the holy acts of the just; and flee from the sins of the wicked.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Unbegotten Father, coeternal Son, and loving Comforter, the Spirit of righteousness; Begetter of theWord of God, Word of the eternal Father, Spirit living and creative: O Trinity in Unity, have mercy on me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

As from purple silk, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in your womb, O undefiled Theotokos. Therefore, we honor you as the Mother of God in truth.


Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who never knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride of God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true Faith.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! between the Troparia

Christ was tempted. The devil tempted Him, showing Him the stones that they might be turned into bread; he led Him up into a mountain, to see in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. O my soul, look with awe upon that scene; watch and pray constantly to God.

The wilderness-loving Dove, the voice crying out, the Lamp of Christ, was heard, preaching repentence; but Herod sinned with Herodias. O my soul, see that you are not trapped in the snares of the transgressors, but embrace repentance.

The Forerunner of grace went to dwell in the desert, and Judaea and all Samaria ran out to hear him; they confessed their sins and were baptized eagerly. But you, my soul, have not imitated them.

Marriage is honorable and the marriage-bed undefiled; for Christ gave His blessing to both, eating in the flesh at the wedding of Cana, turning water into wine and revealing His first miracle, to bring you to repentance, O my soul!

Christ gave strength to the paralytic, and he took up his bed; He raised from the dead the young man, the son of the widow, and the servant of the Centurion. He appeared to the Samaritan woman and spoke to you, O my soul, of worship in spirit.

By a touch of the hem of His garment, the Lord healed the woman with the flow of blood; He cleansed lepers, gave sight to the blind and made the lame walk; by His word, He cured the deaf and the dumb and the badly stooped woman, incapable of standing erect - all to bring you to salvation, O wretched soul!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity one in Essence, Unity in three Persons, we sing Your praises. We glorify the Father, we magnify the Son, we worship the Spirit, truly one God by nature, Life and Lives, Kingdom without end.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Watch over your City, O pure Mother of God. Through you, she reigns in faith; by you, she is made strong; by you, she is victorious, putting to flight every temptation, taking the enemy captive, and holds him subject.

v. Holy father Andrew, intercede for us.

O venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed father, shepherd of Crete: do not cease to intercede for us who sing your praises, that we may be delivered from all danger and distress, from corruption and innumerable sins, as we honor your memory with faith.

Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who nevr knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride of God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true Faith.



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

O loving Lord, through Your Passion You have given to all men freedom from the passions, putting to death the passions of my flesh by Your Cross. Count me worthy, then, to see Your divine Passion: that having been well-pleasing to Your glory through the Fast, I may receive Your great and abundant mercy!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Christ, beholding You stretched out on the tree dead, Your Mother cried aloud with bitter tears: "O my Son, what is this awesome mystery? How can You, who give eternal life to all, willingly suffer a shameful death upon the Cross?"

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

O Lord, You have consecrated and granted us this life-giving season of abstinence. Enable all of us to pass through it in compunction and sincerity, living in peace by the power of Your Cross, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Guarded by the Cross of Your Son, O pure Lady and Theotokos, we easily turn aside all the assaults of the adversary. Therefore, as is right, we call you blessed, for you are the Mother of the Light and the only hope of our souls.


we use the Canon of the saint of the day from the Menaion, then the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion, both in Tone 3


Tone 2

Canticle 3


The Church of the Gentiles was like a desert; but by Your coming, O Lord, it has blossomed like a flower in the field. In this, my heart finds strength!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us crucify our bodies through abstinence; let us be vigilant in prayer, as it is written, and let us live after the example of Him who suffered, and by His Passion put to death the passions.

Rejecting the bitter food of sin, let us seek to please Christ, who of His own will tasted gall and by the Cross cast down the author of evil.

Sin has become a habit for me, and it drags me down to complete perdition. But, by Your Cross, deliver me from my sinfulness, O compassionate Lord of many mercies.

Queen of all creation, O Lady who gave birth to the Master: set me free from bondage to the deceitful enemy.

O Lord, who took away our sins on the Cross, strengthen our hearts in Your love and implant a reverence for Your name in the hearts of those who praise You.

The flower of abstinence grows for all the world from the tree of the Cross. Let us then accept the Fast with love and take pleasure in the fruit of Christ's divine commandments.

Abstaining from the passions, let us crucify our flesh for the sake of the Lord; by our life in Christ,let us all show that the pride of the flesh is dead.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I glorify Three Persons in One Essence: Father, Son and Spirit: the one Power of the Godhead, one Kingdom over all, and one Radiance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Lady, your childbearing fills our hearts with awe: for it is God who has become man, begotten outside time from the Father, and in these latter days brought forth by you in a virgin birth.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

I praise Your Crucifixion, O Christ, and the piercing of Your divine side, from which I draw each day an immortal drink, and I am sanctified.


O Lord, who took away our sins...




Canticle 8


In Babylon of old, God made nature change its ways. The fiery furnace scorched the Chaldaeans while it refreshed the three young men who sang with all their might: "Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The furnace of the passions burns up my soul! But with the dew of Your mercy, quench its flames. For in Your loving self-abasement, O Benefactor, at Your Crucifixion, You made a fountain of dispassion flow from Your side!

Lifted up on Your Cross, O Christ, You have raised us up after we had fallen into evil. I have slipped into the pit of sin: bring me out and set me firmly on the rock of salvation that I may glorify Your power!

Through the lance that pierced Your side, O Christ, You have cleansed my heart from the corruption of the passions. I have been wounded by the poisonous bite of the serpent: heal me in every part, and make me walk unwaveringly upon the paths of God.

All of us honor you, O undefiled Virgin, as the shining lamp and candlestick in which the Fire of the Godhead came to dwell, bringing light to those held fast in the dark night of corruption; and we bless your childbearing, O blessed among women.

To Him who in a burning bush on Mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

Let us praise Him who was crucified upon the Tree between the thieves, and whose life-giving side was pierced by the lance: To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!"

O Judge of the whole world, You stood before the judgment-seat of Pilate. You were struck on the cheeks, mocked and hung upon the Cross, delivering me forever from the corruption of the ancient sin.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

O Godhead, One in Trinity, undivided in Essence yet divided in Persons, Power that shall never be destroyed: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: we sing Your praises throughout all the ages!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Mother of God, Gate of Heaven, Door of salvation, accept the prayer of all Christians who call you blessed throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Cross of Christ, you brought the thief to faith, and me to the season of the Fast. Count me worthy to venerate you at the coming Festival, and to be filled with life.


To Him who in a burning bush...

Canticle 9


The Son of the eternal Father, both God and Lord, has come to us in the flesh taken from the Virgin. He brings light to those in darkness adn gathers together those who were scattered. O Mother of God, worhty of all praise, we magnify you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Fast shines upon all of us more brightly than the sun, bringing us the light of grace and proclaiming the good news of the Cross, of the precious Passion and the saving day of the Resurrection.

Let us love chastity, let us flee from fornication, let us gird our loins with temperance, that we may appear in purity before the Savior of our souls, who alone is pure and desires the purification of us all.

O Christ, nail my flesh with fear of You. You nailed the sin of Adam to the Cross: loosen from me the bonds of wickedness, shatter the arrows of the evil one with Your lance, O Master, and deliver me from all his mischief.

O Virgin Maiden who have born Christ the Lord, the just Judge who alone is always ready to forgive, deliver me from the condemnation, from the fire and torment, that I deserve to suffer because of my delight in sin.

Virgin Mother pure and undefiled: with our songs in faith and true devotion, we magnify you as Theotokos.

How great is Your compassion! For You have endured the Cross, the nails and lance, O Lord, for my sake who am condemned to corruption. Therefore I sing Your praises, O Christ!

With all Your people, we worship Your life-giving Passion, the Cross, the nails and lance, O Lord, for my sake who am condemned to corruption. Therefore I sing Your praises, O Christ!

With all Your people, we worship Your life-giving Passion, the Cross, the reed, thenails, the lance; and with our songs, we magnify You, O Christ!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Unity of three co-equal Persons, undivided Trinity, sovereign Essence: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: save us all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, O Theotokos, mercy-seat of the world: always fleeing to you for refuge, we sinners gain reconciliation with God.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Through Your Cross, O loving Lord, You have given me strength: enable me to complete the period of the Fast with good courage.


Virgin Mother pure and undefiled...


Tone 8

1. By fasting, let us bring into bondage the passions of the mind, and let us gain spiritual wings for ourselves. Passing lightly through the storm raised against us by the enemy, may we be counted worthy to venerate the Cross of the Son of God, slain by His own will for the sake of the world. May we spiritually keep the feast of the Savior's Resurrection from the dead. Going up on to the mountain with the disciples, may we glorify the Son who loves mankind, for He has received all power and dominion from the Father.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. By fasting, let us bring....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us; and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. Unconquered martyrs of Christ, you triumphed over falsehood by the power of the Cross, and gained eternal life as your reward. You were not frightened by the threat of the persecutors, and you rejoiced when you were tormented. Now your blood has become the healing of our souls. Pray for the salvation of our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

"What is the dread sight before my eyes, O Master? How are You, who uphold all creation, nailed to the wood? How can You, who give life to all, be killed?" cried the most pure Theotokos in tears, when she beheld upon the Cross the Child that she had born in ways surpassing speech, who is both God and Man.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 4

O Lord who love mankind, You know our created nature; You know our weakness. Though we have sinned, we have not forsaken You, our God, nor stretched out our hands to an alien god. O merciful Savior, spare us in Your love!


Tone 4

I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with all my heart.

v. I will be glad and exult in You.


Isaiah 2:3-11


Tone 6

The Lord is just; He loves just deeds; the upright shall see His face.

v. In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to me, "Flee to the mountain like a bird?"



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 8

10. While fasting with the body, brethren, let us also fast in spirit. Let us loosen every bond of iniquity; let us undo the knots of every contract made by violence; let us tear up all unjust agreements; let us give bread to the hungry and welcome to our homes the poor who have no roof to cover them, that we may receive great mercy from Christ our God!

9. While fasting with the body....

8. How can we fittingly praise the holy martyrs, for they bowed their necks to the sword for You who bowed the heavens and came down. They shed their blood for You who emptied Yourself and took the form of a servant. Imitating Your poverty, they humbled themselves to death. By their prayers, have mercy on us, O Lord, in Your great compassion!

Tone 2

7. Jesus, the true spiritually radiant Sun, has sent you into the world as shining flashes of lightning, O apostles. By the rays of your divine teachings, O witnesses of God, the error of darkness was swept away, giving light to those who were held in the evil gloom of ignorance. Beg Him to grant us enlightenment and great mercy.

6. Elijah, glorified by fasting, ascended in the divine chariot of his virtues; he was carried to the heights of heaven in glory. Strive as he did, my humble soul: fast and throw off all evil, malice, envy and corrupting luxury, so that you may be delivered from the eternal pain of death and cry out to Christ, "O Lord, glory to You!"

Tone 5

5. O divine Apostles, fervent intercessors for the world and defenders of the faithful, you received from Christ our God the boldness to intercede for us. We beseech You that we may pass this solemn time of Lent untroubled and receive the grace of the consubstantial Trinity. O great and glorious preachers, pray for our souls!

Four stichera of the saint of the day (doubling the first) from the Menaion, with their Theotokion

Entrance with censer. "O Joyful Light"


Tone 5

You, O Lord, will keep us and preserve us always from this generation.

v. Help, O Lord! For no one now is dutiful.


Genesis 1:24 - 2:3


Tone 6

Look, answer me, O Lord my God!

v. How long, O Lord, will You utterly forget me? How long will You hide Your face from me?


Proverbs 2:1-22


When there is no Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts:

At "O Lord...", use 6 stichera: 7, 6, 5 and the three from the Menaion with their Theotokion. At the Aposticha: 10 (twice), 9, and the Theotokion of the Aposticha of the day and Tone from the Octoechos.



We sing the Third Section of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, in Tone 6.


My strength and my courage has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

From my youth, O Savior, I have rejected Your commandments. Ruled by the passions, I have passed my whole life in carelessness and sloth. So even now at the ned, O Savior, I cry to You: Save me!

I lie as an outcast before Your gates, O Savior. In my old age, do not cast me down empty into Hades. Before the end comes, O Lover of Mankind, grant me the forgiveness of my sins.

Like the Prodigal, O Savior, I have squandered the wealth of my soul on dissolute living, and I am barren of the fruits of virtue. In my hunger, I cry out: O compassionate Father, come out to meet me and take pity on me!

I am like the man who fell among thieves, who are my own thoughts. They covered me with wounds, and I lie battered and bruised. Come to me and heal me, O Christ my Savior!

The priest saw me and passed by on the other side; the Levite looked on my distress, but despised my nakedness. O Jesus, Son of Mary, come to me and have pity on me.

v. Holy Mother Mary, intercede for us.

Give me the light of grace from God's Providence on high, that I may flee from the darkness of the passions and fervently sing the joyful story of your life of conversion, O Mary.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity beyond all being, worshipped in Unity, take from me the heavy yoke of sin; and in Your compassion, grant me tears of repentance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, hope and protection of those who praise you, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and accept me in repentance, O pure Lady.


Give ear, O heavens, while I speak; I will sing of Christ who was offered for my sins - offered in the flesh He had received from the Virgin.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Like David, I have fallen into lust and am covered with filth. But wash me thoroughly, O Savior, by my tears.

I have neither tears, nor repentance, nor contrition; but as God, bestow them on me, O Savior.

I have lost the beauty and glory with which I was first created, and now I ie naked and ashamed.

Lord, Lord, at the Last Day, do not shut Your door against me; but open it to me, for I repent before You.

Give ear to the groaning of my soul; accept the tears that fall from my eyes, O Savior, and save me.

O Lover of Mankind, who will that all be saved, in Your goodness, call me back to You and accept me in repentance.

O most pure Virgin, Theotokos, worthy of all praise, intercede with fervor for our salvation.

Second Hirmos

See now that I am God, who rained down manna in days of old and made springs of water flow from the rock for My people in the wilderness, by My right hand and My power alone.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

See now that I am God! Give ear, O my soul, to the Lord as He cries to you. Renounce your former sin, and reverence Him as your Judge and your God.

To whom shall I compare you, O soul of many sins? Alas, to Cain and to Lamech. You have stoned your body to death with your evil deeds, and have killed your mind with your inordinate longings.

O my soul, call to mind all those who lived before the Law! You have not been like Seth, nor followed Enosh nor Enoch, who was taken up into heaven, nor Noah. But you are destitute, without a share in the life of the righteous.

You alone, my soul, have opened the windows of the wrath of your God and have flooded your flesh, your deeds and your life, like the earth; and you have remained outside the ark of salvation.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

With all eagerness and love, you ran to Christ, turning from your former path of sin. You found nourishment in the trackless wilderness and in purity fulfilled the commands of God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity uncreated and without beginning, O undivided Unity: accept me in repentance and save me, a sinner. I am Your creation; do not reject me, but spare me and deliver me from the fire of judgment.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Most pure Lady, Mother of God, hope of those who run to you and harbor for the storm-tossed: pray to the merciful God, your Creator and Son, that He may grant His mercy also to me.


O Lord, make my wavering heart firm upon the rock of Your commandments, for You alone are holy and Lord.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

O wretched soul, you have not inherited the blessings of Shem, nor have you received, like Japhet, an expanded land in the domain of forgiveness.

O my soul, depart from sin, from the land of Haran, and come to the land which Abraham inherited, which flows with incorruption and eternal life.

O my soul, you have heard how Abraham, who in ancient times left the land of his fathers, became a wanderer: follow him in his choice.

At the Oak of Mamre, the Patriarch gave hospitality to the Angels; and in his old age, he inherited the reward of the promise.

O my miserable soul, you know how Isaac was offered as a new and mystical sacrifice to the Lord: follow him in his choice.

Be watchful, O my soul! You have heard how Ishmael was driven out as the son of a slave. Take heed, lest you suffer the same fate because of your lust.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us.

O Mother, I am held fast in the storms and waves of sin. Keep me safe and lead me to the harbor of divine repentance.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us.

O holy Mary, offer your intercessory prayer to the compassionate Theotokos; and by your pleas, open to me the door that leads to God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple Unity praised in a Trinity of Persons, uncreated Essence without beginning: save us who worship Your might with faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, without knowing man, you have given birth in time to the Son who was begotten of the Father outside time. O stange wonder! You nurse a Child while still remaining a virgin.


The Prophet heard of Your coming, Lord, and he feared, for You chose to be born of a Virgin and be manifest to me; and he said, "I have heard Your renown and feared Your work!" Glory to Your power, O Lord!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

I have defiled my body; I have stained my spirit; I am completely covered by wounds. As a Physician, O Christ, heal both my body and my spirit through repentance. Wash, purify and cleanse me, O my Savior, and make me whiter than snow.

At Your Crucifixion, O Word, You offered Your Body and Blood for the sake of all: Your Body to renew me and Your Blood to wash me clean. And You handed over the Spirit, O Christ, to bring me to the Father.

You have brought about salvation in the midst of the earth, O Creator; You were willingly crucified upon the Tree that we may be saved; and Eden, closed then, was opened. The creatures above and below, the creation and all peoples have been saved, and they worship You.

May the Blood from Your side be a cleansing Fount for me, and may the water that flows with it be a drink of forgiveness. O Word, may I be purified, anointed and refreshed by both, having Your words of ife as my chrism and drink.

O my Savior, the Church has been granted Your life-giving side as a chalice, from which there flows down to us a two-fold stream of forgiveness and knowledge, representing the two covenants: the Old and New Testaments.

I am deprived of the bridal chamber; I am deprived of the Wedding and the Supper! My lamp has gone out for lack of oil; while I slept, the door was closed to me; the supper has been eaten. I am bound hand and foot and cast out.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Undivided Essence, unconfused in Persons, I confess You as God: Triune Godhead, one in Kingship and Throne. To You I raise the great thrice-holy hymn that is sung on high.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You give birth and are a virgin; in both you remain inviolate by nature. He who is born makes new the laws of nature, and the womb conceives without conception. Whenever God wills, the natural order is overcome, for He does whatever He wishes.


My soul yearns for You in the night, O Lover of Mankind: give me light, I pray, and guide me in Your commandments: and teach me, O Savior, to do Your will.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

O Master, in my soul and body I have become like Jannes and Jambres, the magicians who were a load on the will of the bitter Pharaoh; my will is heavy and my mind is submerged; but come to my aid!

Alas, I have defiled my mind with filth. Cleanse me, O Master, in the waters of my tears and make the garment of my flesh white as snow.

When I examine my actions, O Lord, I see that I have exceeded all men in sin, for I knew and understood what I did; I was not sinning in ognorance.

Spare, O Lord, spare the works of Your hands. I have sinned; forgive me! You alone are pure by nature, and no one but You is free from defilement.

O Savior, You who are God, took my nature for my sake. You worked miracles, healing lepers, giving strength to the paralyzed, and stoppig the flow of blood when the woman touched the hem of Your garment.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

Crossing the streams of the Jordan, you found peace, escaping from the deadening pleasures of the flesh. Deliver us also from them by your intercessions, O holy Mary.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify You, O Trinity, the One God. Holy, holy, holy are You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, simple Essence and Unity, worshipped forever.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin inviolate and Mother who knew not man, from you God the Creator of the Ages has taken human flesh, uniting to Himself the nature of men.


With my whole heart I cried out to the all-compassionate God: from th midst of the nether world He heard my voice and brought my life up from the pit.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Rise up and make war against the passions of the flesh, as Joshua did against Amalek, gaining the victory over the Gibeonites, your deceitful thoughts.

O my soul, pass through the flowing waters of time, like the Ark of old, and take possesion of the Promised Land, for God commands you.

O Savior, just as You once saved Peter when he cried out, "Save me!", so come now before it is too late and save me from the beast. Stretch out Your hand and draw me up out of the depth of sin.

I know You to be a calm harbor, O Lord, Lord Christ: come now, before it is too late, and deliver me from the lowest depths of sin and despair.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

"I am the Trinity, simple and undivided, yet divided in Persons; I am the unity, one in Essence," says the Father and the Son and the Divine Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, your womb has borne God for our sake: He has become man like us. Since He is the Creator of All, implore Him that we may be justified by your intercession.


Tone 6

My soul, O my soul, arise! How long would you sleep? Your end is drawing near, and you are about to be shaken. Awake, therefore, that Christ may have mercy on you: for God is everywhere present and filling all things.


We have sinned and transgressed by departing from You; and we have done every kind of evil. Your commandments we have not heeded or observed, nor have we done as You ordered us for our good. But do not deliver us up forever, O God of our Fathers.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

O my soul, by deliberate choice, you have incurred the guilt of Manasseh, by setting up the passions as idols and multiplying your iniquities. But now fervently imitate his repentance and acquire compunction.

Alas, my soul! You have rivalled Ahab in guilt! You have become the dwelling-place of fleshly defilements and a shameful vessel of the passions. But groan from the depths of your heart, and confess your sins to God.

Heaven is closed to you, O my soul, and you have been seized by a famine from God: for you have been disobedient, as Ahab was to the words of Elijah the Tishbite. But imitate the widow of Zarephtah and nourish the prophet's soul.

Elijah once destroyed with fire twice-fifty of Jezabel's servants, and he slew the prophets of shame, as a rebuke to Ahab. But flee the example of both of them, my sou, and gain strenth.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple and undivided Trinity, O holy and consubstantial Unity: You are praised as Light and Lights, one Holy and three Holies. O my soul, sing and glorify Life and Lives, the God of all.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, we bless you, we venerate you, O Theotokos: for you have given birth to One of the Holy Trinity, your Son and God; and you have opened teh heavenly places to us on earth.


The Hosts of heaven glorify Him. Cherubim and Seraphim tremble before Him. Let everything that has breath and all creation praise, bless and exalt Him above all forever.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

O righteous Judge and Savior, have mercy on me and deliver me from the threatening fire and from the punishment I deserve to suffer at the Judgment. Before the end comes, grant me forgiveness through virtues and repentance.

Like the Thief, I cry out to You, "Remember me!"; like Peter, I weep bitterly; like the Publican, I call out, "Forgive me, Savior!"; like the adultress, I shed tears. Accept my lamentation as You once accepted the entreaties of the Chanaanite woman.

O Savior, heal the putrefaction of my humbled soul, for You are the only Physician. Apply medicine, pour in wine and oil: works of repentance and compunction with tears.

Like the Chanaanite woman, I cry out to You: "Have mercy on me, O Son of David!" Like the woman with the flow of blood, I touch thehem of Your garment. I weep, as Mary and Martha wept for Lazarus.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Unbegotten Father, coeternal Son, and loving Comforter, the Spirit of righteousness; Begetter of the Word of God, Word of the Eternal Father, Spirit living and creative: O Trinity in Unity, have mercy on me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

As from purple silk, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in your womb, O undefiled Theotokos. Therefore, we honor you as the Mother of God in truth.


Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who never knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride and God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true faith.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Healing sickness, Christ the Word preached the good news to the poor. He cured the crippled, ate with publicans and conversed with sinners. With the touch of His hand, He restored life to the departed daughter of Jairus.

The Publican was saved and the Harlot turned to chastity, but the boasting Pharisee was condemned: for the one cried, "Be merciful!", and the other, "Have mercy on me!" But the latter boasted, "I thank You, O God!", and other words of madness.

Zaccheus was a publican, yet he was saved; but Simon the Pharisee was lost, while the harlot received forgiveness and release from Him who has the power to remit sins. O my soul, gain His mercy.

O wretched soul, you have not imitated the harlot, who took the alabaster flask of myrrh and anointed the feet of the Savior with tears, drying them with her hair. And He cancelled for her the bond of her former sins.

O my soul, you know the cities of Chorazin and Bethesda, to which Christ preached the Gospel, were cursed. Fear their example, lest you become like them; for the Master compared them to Sodom and condemned them to hell.

O my soul, do not give in despair: you have heard the faith of the Chanaanite woman, and how through it, her daughter was healed by the Word of God. Cry out from the depths of your heart as she once did to Christ, "Save me, O Son of David!"

v. Holy father Andrew, intercede for us!

O venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed father, shepherd of Crete, do not cease to intercede for us who sing your praises, that we may be delivered from all danger and distress, from corruption adn innumerable sins, as we honor your memory with faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity one in Essence, Unity in Three Persons, we sing Your praises. We glorify the Father, we magnify the Son, we worship the Spirit, truly one God by nature, Life and Lives, Kingdom without end.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Watch over your city, O pure Mother of God. Through you, she reigns in faith; by you, she is made strong; by you, she is victorious, putting to flight every temptation, taking the enemy captive, and holds him subject.



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

O Word of God, You have made Your disciples like stars; and by their preaching, they have illumined the ends of the earth. Enlighten our hearts with the light of the virtues and cleanse us through fasting. Grant Your servants repentance and conversion, that we may glorify You, O Savior, who are supreme in love.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I need your help, O Theotokos: do not despise me, for my soul trusts in you: have mercy on me!

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 5

We entreat you, O twelve Apostles: intercede for us that we may practice abstinence in peace, the most glorious of virtues, that has its dwelling-place in heaven. Thus may we gain the fruits of salvation; for you are in truth a strong support to us on earth and a refuge for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Confessing you to be truly more and holy than the cherubim and higher than the heavens, O Theotokos, worthy of all praise, we sinners gain salvation. When tempted, we find protection. Cease not to intercede on our behalf, for you a strong support and a refuge for our souls.


we use the Canon of the Saint of the day from the Menaion, then the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first, by Joseph, in Tone 2; the second by Theodore, in Tone 5.


Canticle 4


It was not an angel nor an ambassador who came forth from the Virgin, but You Yourself, O Christ, made flesh and bringing me salvation. For this, I cry out to You, "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Receiving the shining rays of abstinence, O my soul, become like lightning, and flee from the darkness of sin: that through the divine Spirit, the light of forgiveness may illuminate you like the rising sun.

The deceiver enticed me with the hook of pleasure and made me captive. But, O Apostles, who by your preaching have caught the whole world in your net, deliver me from his malice!

O glorious Apostles, you shine like rays of glory from the Sun of Justice, dispelling the eclipse of error. Let your light also fall upon me, for I am darkened by every evil.

In my affliction, I cry out to you night and day. Fenced round by your help and strength, O Virgin, I shall be saved and shall leap over the wall of sensual pleasure.

O Lord, the works of Your divine Economy filled the prophet Habbakuk with awe for You came forth for the salvation of Your people; You have come to save those who are consecrated to You.

Shining with the radiance of the Sun of Righteousness, O Apostles, you give light to this earthly world and drive away the gloom of error.

O Apostles, you are the Savior's lyre, on which the Spirit plays. Preaching all over the earth, you sing a song of melodious notes, converting the world to God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us glorify the Trinity in Unity of Essence; let us sing the praises of the one Lord God: the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten, and the Spirit of life.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

A Virgin has conceived, O Lord, and has given birth to You who are Emmanuel: for You have come to bring salvation to Your people and to save all Your anointed ones in Your love for mankind.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O divine and honored company of the twelve Apostles, we entreat you: pray to Christ on our behalf that we may pass with firm resolve through this period of forty days.


O Lord, the works...




Canticle 8


For having despised the command of the tyrant, the three young men were thrown into the furnace; but they sang, giving glory to God, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us abstain from every pleasure; through fasting, let us enrich our powers of perception, and gladly let us drink from the cup of compunction as we sing, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

O Apostles, when you sit with Christ to judge mortal men, though I deserve condemnation for my many sins, intercede for me that I may be granted a place at His right hand.

Cleansed by the Fast, let us go up into the chariot of the divine virtues; let us make our mind ascend on wings to the height of heaven, as we sing, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

O Virgin, you have born the Fire of the Godhead and yet remained unconsumed. Burn up the passions of our souls, for in faith we call upon you with the salutation of the angel, O you who alone bring us joy.

The holy youths sang Your praises, O Christ, in the furnace; and they said, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

We praise the trumpets of the Spirit, the disciples of Christ; and we cry aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

We praise the disciples of Christ who offer intercession for the world and drive away all error; and we cry aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We praise the all-holy Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit; and we sing, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

With all mankind, we sing the praises of your ineffable childbearing, and with true devotion, we cry aloud, pure Virgin: "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Apostles, pray for us that we may complete in peace these days of propitiation, as we cry aloud, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"


The holy youths sang...

Canticle 9


O Virgin Mother of God, we sing to you whose womb was able to contain the infinite God, and who gave birth for us to the Joy of the universe!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Cast into the yawning abyss of sensual pleasure, I call upon the depth of Your tender mercies: O Helmsman, save me!

O Fountain of compassion, give me compunction and cries of sorrow, that I may lament the endless ocean of my evil deeds.

At the holy prayers of Your disciples, O Jesus, allow me to venerate Your divine Passion and Your awesome Resurrection.

O Virgin undefiled, you have made our earthly nature heavenly, for God took up His dwelling in your womb: deliver us from all danger!

O Christ, we magnify Your all-blameless and all-pure Mother: for in ways past nature, she bore in the flesh You who have delivered us from all error and corruption.

From the fountain of the Savior, the Apostles prophetically drew the water of immortality; and they always give drink to the thirsty from the teachings of life.

O Apostles, princes of King of Heaven, you have subdued the whole inhabited earth, so that it honors Him alone, and glorifies and worships Him as God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity, undivided Unity, all-creative and all-powerful: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: You are my God, my Lord, and my Light! I sing Yor praises and I worship You!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We and all generations call you blessed, O pure Virgin Mother, for you are the mercy-seat of the world, who have ineffably given birth to the Savior and Creator!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O choir of Apostles, keep safe those who praise you; and grant that they may pass with contrite hearts through all the days of the light-giving Fast.


O Christ, we magnify....


Tone 3

1. O Lord, You have set up penance for me, a sinner, wishing in Your boundless mercy to save me, unworhty as I am. I fall down before You and pray: "Humble my soul through fasting, for I fly to You for refuge, for You alone are rich in mercy!"

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. O Lord, You have set up....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may he prosper the works of our hands.

3. O holy martyrs, you have fought the good fight, and you shine after death as the lights of the world. Pray with boldness to Christ our God for mercy on us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, the protection of all who ask your prayers: in you we trust; in you we boast; in you is all our hope! Pray to your Son for your unprofitable servants!


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 1

Deliver us, O Lord, from our invisible enemies; let not the heathen say, "Where is their God?" Let them know, O Master, that You forgive the sins of Your people who repent!


Tone 1

When the Lord restores the well-being of His people, then shall Jacob exult and Israel be glad.

v. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."


Tone 4

O Lord, who shall sojourn in Your tent? Who shall dwell on Your holy mountain?

v. He who walks blamelessly and does justice.



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 2

6. I have been darkened by the deception of the enemy. O Christ, who darknened the sun as You hung upon the Cross and who illumine the faithful with the true light of forgiveness, illumine me, that walking in the light of Your commandments, I may arrive purified at the light of Your Resurrection.

5. Hanging on the Cross, O Savior, like a vine, You poured forth the wine of immortality upon the ends of the earth. Therefore I cry out to You: "I have been darkened by the drunkeness of sin. Make me drunk with the sweetness of true repentance, and give me the power to abstain from my desires, O Savior, for You are good and the Lover of Mankind!"

4. Great is the power of Your Cross! It has made the flower of abstinence grow within the Church. It has stripped bare and uprooted the sinful greed that Adam showed in Eden. Adam's greed brought death to men, but the Cross brings immortality and incorruption to the world. As though from some new river in Paradise, there flows forth from it the life-giving stream of Your blood mingled with water, restoring all to life. Through Your Cross, make the Fast sweet for us. O God of Israel, great in mercy!

Three stichera and their Stavrotheotokion of the saint of the day from the Menaion


Tone 4

I bless the Lord who cousels me.

v. Keep me, O God, for in You I take refuge.





Tone 4

Keep me as the apple of Your eye.

v. Hear, O Lord, a just suit!


Proverbs 3:1-18


Tone 4

1. If we desire to partake of the divine Passover that comes not from Egypt, but from Zion, let us through repentance put away the leaven of sin. Let us gird our loins through mortification of sensual pleasure; let us make our feet beautiful with shoes that keep us from straying into evil paths; and let us take as our support the staff of Faith. Let us not imitate the enemies of the Master's Cross, whose god is their belly. But let us follow the Savior of our souls, who by fasting showed us how to gain the victory over the devil.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. If we desire to partake...

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. You are glorified, O Christ God, in the memory of Your saints. They beg You to send down Your great mercy upon us.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the Ewe-lamb, Your Mother, saw You nailed to the Cross, O Lord, she cried out in dismay, "O my beloved Son, what is this I see? Though they delighted in Your many miracles, such is the rewarad that the lawless and disobedient people has given You in return! Glory to Your ineffable self-abasement, O Lord!"



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 4

10. If we desire to partake of the divine Passover that comes not from Egypt, but from Zion, let us through repentance put away the laven of sin. Let us gird our loins through mortification of sensual pleasure; let us make our feet beautiful with shoes that keep us from straying into evil paths; and let us take as our support the staff of faith. Let us not imitate the enemies of the Master's Cross, whose god is their belly. But let us follow the Savior of our souls, who by fasting showed us how to gain the victory over the devil.

9. If we desire to partake...

8. You are glorified, O Christ God, in the memory of Your saints. They beg You to send down Your great mercy upon us.

Tone 2

7. I have been darkened by the deception of the enemy. O Christ, who darkened the sun as You hung upon the Cross, and who illumine the faithful with the true light of forgiveness, illumine me, that walking in the light of Your commandments, I may arrive purified at the light of Your Resurrection.

6. Hanging on the Cross, O Savior, like a vine, You poured forth the wine of immortality upon the ends of the earth. Therefore, I cry out to You: "I have been darkened by the drunkeness of sin. Make me drunk with the sweetness of true repentance, and give me the power to abstain from my desires, O Savior, for You are good and the Lover of Mankind.

5. Great is the power of Your Cross! It has made the flower of abstinence grow within the Church. It has stripped bare and uprooted the sinful greed that Adam showed in Eden. Adam's greed brought death to men, but the Cross brings immortality and incorruption to the world. As though from some new river in Paradise, there flows forth from it the life-giving stream of Your blood, mingled with water, restoring all to life. Through Your Cross, make the Fast sweet for us, O God of Israel, great in mercy.

Four stichera (doubling the first of the three given) and their Stavrotheotokion from the Menaion for the day)

Entrance. "O Joyful Light"


Tone 4

I bless the Lord who counsels me.

v. Keep me, O God, for in You I take refuge.


Genesis 2:4-19

Blessing with the light


Tone 4

Keep me as the apple of Your eye.

v. Hear, O Lord, a just suit.


Proverbs 3:1-18

And the rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts



We use the Fourth Section of the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete, in Tone 6


My strength and my courage has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

O Lamb of God, who take away the sins of all, take from me the heavy yoke of sin. In Your compassion, grant me the forgiveness of my sins.

O Jesus, I fall down at Your feet. I have sinned against You; have mercy on me! Remove from me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Your compassion, grant me tears of repentance.

Enter not into judgment with me, bringing before me my actions, examining my words and correcting my impulses. But in Your mercy, overlook my sins and save me. O all-powerful Lord!"

It is time for repentance, I come to You, my Creator. Remove my heavy yoke of sin, and in Your compassion, grant me the forgiveness of my sins.

Like the Prodigal, O Savior, I have squandered the wealth of my soul on dissolute living, and I am barren of the fruits of virtue. In my hunger, I cry out: "O compassionate Father, come out to meet me and take pity on me!"

v. Holy Mother Mary, intercede for us!

Bowing before the divine laws of Christ, you drew near to Him, renouncing the unbridled lusts of sensual pleasure; and with reverence for God, you gained all the virtues as though they were one.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity beyond all being, worshipped in Unity, take from me the heavy yoke of sin; and in Your compassion, grant me tears of repentance.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, hope and protection of those who praise you, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and accept me in repentance, O pure Lady.


See now that I am God, who rained down manna in days of old and made springs of water flow from the rock for My people in the wilderness, by My right hand and My power alone!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

"I have killed a man for wounding me, a boy for bruising me," said Lamech, and he lamented. Should yoiu not tremble then, my soul, for you have defiled your flesh and polluted your mind!

You schemed to build a tower, O my soul, and establish a fortress for your lusts; but the Creator confounded your plans and cast your plotting to the ground.

Behold, I have imitated Lamach, the murderer of old, by killing my soul like a man and my mind as though it were a boy. With sensual longings, I have killed my body, just as Cain, the murderer, killed his brother.

Roused to anger by their sins, the Lord rained down fire from heaven and burned up Sodom. O my soul, you have enkindled the fire of Gehenna; and there, to your bitter sorrow, you shall burn.

I am wounded and battered: behold the enemy's arrows which have pierced my soul and body. Behold the wounds, the open sores and the injuries. I cry out to You: behold the wounds of my self-willed passions.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

Sinking in the depths of wickedness, O Mary, you lifted up your hands to the merciful God. As He did for Peter, He stretched out His hand to you in His loving-kindness, helping you toward conversion.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity uncreated and without beginning, O unidivided Unity: accept me in repentance and save me, a sinner. I am Your creation: do not reject me, but spare me and deliver me from the fire of judgment.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Most pure Lady, Mother of God, hope and those who run to you and harbor for the storm-tossed: pray to the merciful God, your Creator and Son, that He may grant His mercy also to me.


O Lord, make my wavering heart firm upon the rock of Your commandments, for You alone are holy and Lord.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

O my soul, you have become like Hagar the Egyptian: your free will has been enslaved, and you have given birth to a new Ishamel - your stubborn self-will.

O my soul, you know of Jacob's ladder, which appeared reaching from heaven to earth. Why have you not provided a firm foundation for it by your holy deeds?

Follow the example of Melchizedek, the priest of God, the wise king set apart, who was an image of the life of Christ among men in the world.

O my wretched soul, repent and lament before the feast of life comes to an end, and before the Lord locks the door of the bridal chamber.

O my soul, do not look back and be turned into a pillar of salt! Fear the example of the people of Sodom, and seek refuge in Zoar.

O Lord, do not reject the prayer of those who sing Your praises. O Lover of Mankind, have mercy and grant forgiveness to those who ask with faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple Unity praised in a Trinity of Persons, uncreated Essence without beginning: save us who worship Your might with faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, without knowing man, you have given birth in time to the Son who was begotten of the Father outside time. O strange wonder! You nurse a Child while still remaining a virgin.


The Prophet heard of Your coming, O Lord, and he feared, for You chose to be born of a Virgin and be manifest to me; and he said, "I have heard Your renown and feared Your work!" Glory to Your power, O Lord!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

The time of my life is short, filled with trouble and evil. But accept me in repentance and call me back to understanding. Let me not be the plunder and food of the enemy. O Savior, take pity on me!

A man of great wealth and righteous, abounding riches in cattle, clothed in royal dignity, in crown and purple robe, Job suddenly became a beggar, stripped of wealth, glory and kingship.

If he who was righteous and blameless, more than all men, did not escape the snares and pits of the deceiver, what will you do, O my wretched and sin-loving soul, when some sudden misfortune falls upon you?

Boastfully bragging, I am now hard of heart, sinless and vain, O righteous Judge, who alone are compassionate, do not condemn me with the Pharisee; but grant me the humility of the Publican and number me with him.

I have made an idol of myself, utterly defiling my soul by my passions, O compassionate Lord. But accept me in repentance and call me back to understanding. Let me not be the plunder and food of the enemy. O Savior, take pity on me.

O compassionate Lord, I know that I have sinned and have violated the vessel of my flesh. But accept me in repentance and bring me back to understanding. Let me not be the plunder and food of the enemy. O Savior, take pity on me.

I have not listened to Your voice; I have not heeded Your Scriptures, O Giver of the Law. But accept me in repentance and bring me back to understanding. Let me not be the plunder and food of the enemy. O Savior, take pity on me.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us.

You were brought down into a great abyss of iniquity yet you were not held fast in it. With better intentions, you mounted through action to the heights of virtue. The angelic powers were amazed at you, O Mary.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Undivided Essence, unconfused in Persons, I confess You as God: Triune Godhead, one in Kingship and Throne. To You I raise the great thrice-holy hymn that is sung on high.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You gave birth and are a virgin; in both, you remain inviolate by nature. He who is born makes new the laws of nature, and the womb conceives without conception. Whenever God wills, the natural order is overcome, for He does whatever He wishes.


My soul yearns for You in the night, O Lover of Mankind: give me light, I pray, and guide me in Your commandments: and teach me, O Savior, to do Your will.

v. Have mecy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

O my soul, imitate the woman with the flow of blood: run quickly, grasp the hem of Christ's garment; thus you shall be healed of your affliction and hear Him say, "Your faith has saved you!"

You are a deep well, O Master: make springs gush forth for me from Your pure veins, that like the Samaritan woman, I may drink and thirst no more; for with You is the fountain of life.

O Master and Lord, may my tears be like Siloam for me: that I, too, may wash the eyes of my soul, and with my mind see You, the Light before all ages.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

O blessed one, with a love beyond compare, you longed to venerate the Wood of Life, and your desire was granted. Make me also worthy to attain the glory on high.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify You, O Trinity, the One God. Holy, holy, holy are You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, simple Essence and Unity, worshipped forever.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin inviolte and Mother who knew not man, from you God the Creator of the Ages has taken human flesh, uniting to Himself the nature of men.


With my whole heart I cried out to the all-compassionate God: from the midst of the nether world He heard my voice and brought my life up from the pit.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

O Savior, I am the coin bearing the King's image, which You lost of old. But, O Word, light Your lamp, the Forerunner, and seek out and find Your image.

Rise up and make war against the passions of the flesh, as Joshua did against Amalek, gaining the victory over the Gibeonites, your deceitful thoughts.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

Your soul on fire, O Mary, you continually shed tears in streams to quench the burning flames of passion. Grant the grace of your tears also to me, your servant.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

Through the perfection of your earthly life, O Mother, you gained a heavenly freedom of dispassion. By your intercessions, ask that this same freedom be given to those who sing your praises.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

"I am the Trinity, simple and undivided, yet divided in Persons; I am the unity, one in Essence," says the Father and the Son and the Divine Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, your womb has borne God for our sake: He has become man like us. Since He is the Creator of all, implore Him taht we may be justified by your intercession.


Tone 6

My soul, O my soul, arise! How long would you sleep? Your end is drawing near, and you are about to be shaken. Awake, therefore, that Christ may have mercy on you: for God is everywhere present and filling all things.


We have sinned and transgressed by departing from You; and we have done every kind of evil. Your commandments we have not heeded or observed, nor have we done as You ordered us for our good. But do not deliver us up forever, O God of our Fathers!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

My days have vanished, like the dream of one awakening. Thus, like Hezekiah, I weep on my bed, that years may be added to my life. But what Isaiah will come to you, my soul, except the God of all?

I fall down before You and offer You my words as tears: I have sinned more than the adultress woman sinned; I have transgressed more than anyone on earth. But take pity on Your creature, O Master, and call me back.

I have stained Your image and broken Your commandments. All my beauty is destroyed and my lamp is extinguished by the passions, O Savior. But take pity on me, as David sings, and restore to me the joy.

Turn back, repent, uncover all the hidden things. Call out to God, to whom all things are known: You alone know my secrets, O Savior; have mercy on me, as David sings, in the abundance of Your mercy!

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us.

Having cried out to the pure Mother of God, you drove back the fury of the passions that violently assaulted you, and you put to shame the enemy who tried to make you stumble. But now grant help in afflictions to me, your servant.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

O Mother, He whom you loved, whom you desired, in whose footsteps you followed: He it was who found you and brought you to repentance, for Heis the God of compassion. Pray to Him unceasingly that we may be delivered from passion and distress.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O simple and undivided Trinity, O holy and consubstantial Unity: You are praised as Light and Lights, one Holy and three Holies. O my soul, sing and glorify Life and Lives, the God of all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We praise you, we bless you, we venerate you, O Theotokos: for you have given birth to One of the Holy Trinity, your Son and God; and you have opened the heavenly places to us on earth.


The hosts of heaven glorify Him. Cherubim and Seraphim tremble before Him. Let everything that has breath and all creation praise, bless and exalt Him above all forever!

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

As myrrh, O Savior, I pour out on Your head the alabaster flask of my tears. Like the adultress, I cry out to You, seeking mercy: I bring my prayer and ask to receive forgiveness.

No one has sinned against You as I have. Yet accept me, O compassionate Savior, for I repent in fear and cry with longing: "It is You alone I have offended: have mercy on me!"

Spare the works of Your hands, O Savior; and as a Shepherd, seek the lost sheep that has gone astray. Snatch me from the wolf, and make me a lamb in the pasture of Your own flock.

When You sit upon Your throne, O merciful Judge, and reveal Your awesome glory, O Christ, what dread there shall then be! When the furnace burns with fire, all shall shrink back in terror from Your judgment-seat!

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

Holy Zossima was filled with amazement as he beheld a new and strange wonder in you, O Mother. He saw an angel in the flesh, and was filled with awe, praising Christ forever.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unbegotten Father, coeternal Son, and loving Comforter, the Spirit of righteousness; Begetter of the Word of God, Word of the Eternal Father, Spirit living and creative: O Trinity in Unity, have mercy on me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

As from purple silk, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in your womb, O undefiled Theotokos. Therefore, we honor you as the Mothr of God in truth.


Conception without seed; nativity past understanding, from a Mother who never knew man; childbearing undefiled. For the birth of God renews both natures. Therefore, as Bride of God and Mother of God, all generations magnify you with true faith.

v. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! - between the Troparia

O Son of David, by Your word, You healed the possessed: take pity on me, save me and have mercy! Let me hear Your compassionate voice speak to me as to the Thief, "I assure you, you will be with Me in Paradise, when I come in My glory!"

A thief accused You, a Thief confessed Your Divinity: for both were hanging at Your side on the Cross. O Lord of many mercies, open to me also the door of Your glorious Kingdom, as it once was opened to Your faithful Thief who confessed You to be God with faith.

The creation was in anguish, seeing You crucified. Mountains and rocks were split with fear; the earth quaked, and Hades was despoiled. The light grew dark in daytime, beholding You nailed in the flesh, O Jesus.

Do not demand from me worthy fruits of repentance, for my strength has failed me. Grant me a crushed and humbled heart and poverty of spirit, that I may bring them to You as an acceptable sacrifice, O only Savior.

O my Judge, who know me, when You come again with the angels to judge the whole world, look upon me with Your eyes of compassion and spare me; take pity on me, O Jesus, for I have sinned more than any man.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

By your wondrous way of life, you amazed both the choirs of angels and the assemblies of mankind;for you surpassed nature and lived as though you were no longer in the body. Like a bodiless angel, you walked upon the Jordan with your feet, O Mary, and crossed over it.

v. Holy mother Mary, intercede for us!

O holy Mother, call down the gracious mercy of the Creator upon us who sing your praises, that we may be delivered from the sufferings and afflictions that assail us. Then, set free from all temptation, we may ceaselessly mangify the Lord who has glorified you.

v. Holy father Andrew, intercede for us!

O venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed Father, shepherd of Crete, do not cease to intercede for us who sing your praises, that we may be delivered from all danger and distress, from corruption and innumerable sins, as we honor your memory with faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Trinity one in Essence, Unity in Three Persons, we sing Your praises. We glorify the Father, we magnify the Son, we worship the Spirit, truly one God by nature, Life and Lives, Kingdom without end.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Watch over your city, O pure Mother of God. Through you, she reigns in faith; by you, she is made strong; by you, she is victorious, putting flight every temptation, taking the enemy captive, and holds him subject.



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

You have put to death the passions of my flesh by Your divine Cross; and by Your Passion, You have given all men freedom from the passions. Count me worthy also, O Lord, to see Your holy Resurrection, that I may receive Your great and abundant mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Guarded by the precious Cross of your Son, O Lady and pure Theotokos, we easily turn aside all the assaults of the adversary. Therefore, as is right, we always call you blessed, for you are the Mother of God and only hope of our souls.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 2

O merciful Lord, who are the source and fountain of purity, preserve us in the Fast. Look upon us as we fall down before You: be attentive to the lifting up of our hands, O You who stretched out Your hands upon the Tree and were crucified for the sake of all those born on earth, the only Lord of the angelic powers!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Beholding You, O Christ, stretched dead upon the Tree, Your Virgin Mother cried aloud with bitter tears, "O my Son, what is this awesome mystery? How can You, who give eternal life to all, willingly suffer a shameful death upon the Cross?"


we use the Canon of the saint of the day from the Menaion, and the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion, both in Tone 2.


Tone 2

Canticle 5


O Light of those who find themselves in darkness, O Christ the Savior, salvation of those without hope, I keep watch for You, O Prince of Peace: enlighten me with Your radiance; I know no other God but You!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Seeing sin in me, the deceitful enemy urges me on to sin and works with me: for truly he rejoices over my perdition. But, O Savior, I entreat You: grant me amendment of life that I may destroy him.

By Your Cross, You have triumphed over the powers of darkness. Deliver me from their wickedness, for I have fallen into a depth of sin and a pit of iniquity; but I hope to be saved by Your mercy.

You hung dead upon the Cross; restore life to my soul, deadened by sin, O Christ, and count me worthy to reach Your holy Resurrection in peace, obediently fulfilling Your commandments.

O pure Maiden, you are a light to me in my infirmity and the salvation of my darkened soul. Save me, O save me, for I perish. Clothe me in the garment of incorruption, for I have been corrupted by my grievous sins.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand, and the Light has shone upon the world. Therefore, the rank of angels sing Your praises, and they glorify You, O Lord!

You alone are immortal; yet You willed to be crucified in the flesh at the Place of the Skull, O Lord, giving immortality to men and re-creating them.

When the creation saw the outrage of Your Passion, O Lord, it was changed in every part, lamenting the murder committed by the Jews. But You patiently bore these things to save the world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

All-holy Trinity, we worship You: You are our refuge and our strength! We sing Your praises in Unity of Essence: send down upon us the forgiveness of our sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, O Theotokos, Maiden of many names: Tabernacle, Vessel of Manna, Table, lampstand that bears the Light, burning bush, overshadowed mountain of God!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Bidding farewell to the world and all that is in it, let us now be crucified with Christ; let us endure the outrage, mockery and other sufferings, that we may be glorified with Him.


The night is far spent...




Canticle 8


God descended into the furnace to come to the aid of the youths of the Hebrew people, and He changed the flame into a refreshing dew: all you, His works, sing to Him as Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

In Your compassion, You humbled Yourself and were lifted up on the Cross, raising up with You him who had fallen of old through eating from the Tree. Therefore, You are glorified as Lord, and exalted throughout all the ages.

Through heedlessness, I have fallen into the heavy sleep of sin. But, my Christ, who for my sake fell asleep on the Cross, awaken me, that the night of death may not come upon me.

Blinded by sensual pleasures, I bear within me a darkened soul; and the crafty enemy laughs when he sees me. But give me light, O Christ, and deliver me forever from his malice.

I have ceaselessly wasted my life, and my soul is heavy with the drowsiness of sin. I fly to your unsleeping intercession, all-pure Virgin: do not let me slumber in the sleep of death!

To Him who in a burning bush on Mount Sinai prefigured to Moses the wondrous mystery of the Virgin, let us sing a hymn of blessing: "To Him be the highest glory throughout all the ages!

Crowned with thorns, O Christ, and clothed in a scarlet robe, You have shone with glory and surpassed in beauty all the sons of men.

You have drunk gall and vinegar, and from Your divine side You poured out a double stream of life and incorruption upon those who praise and glorify You in faith throughout all ages!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

O Godhead, one in Trinity, undivided in Essence, yet divided in Persons, Power that shall never be destroyed, Fahter, Son and Spirit: we sing Your praises throughout all the ages!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure Mother of God, gate of heaven, Door of Salvation: accept the prayer of all Christians who call you blessed throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Cross, scepter of Christ, strength of the Church, victory of kings, guardian of Christians: you are my light, you are my boast throughout all the ages!


To Him who in a burning bush...

Canticle 9


The divine Star which rose before the daystar from your virginal womb and dwelt bodily among us, you ineffably provided with a body: O blessed Virgin and Mother of God, we magnify you!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Hateful thoughts have covered my soul with leprosy; cleanse it, O Word of God, with the sprinkling of Your blood; O Christ, who for my sake suffered the shameful crucifixion, make me a partaker in Your glory!

I am bowed down to the earth, O Christ, by the burden of my sinful acts; and in dark discouragement I cry out to You who love mankind: "By Your precious Blood, heal the incurable wounds of my soul, that I may sing the praises of Your Divinity!"

I have made iniquity my food and heedlessness my drink, and I continue utterly incorrigible. All to no purpose do I take pleasure in abstinence from food: for such is not the fast that the Lord has chosen.

You have destroyed the sentence of condemnation passed on mankind of old; you are the restoration of our first mother Eve, the cause of our reconciliation to God, our bridge to the Creator: O Theotokos, we magnify you!

Virgin Mother, undefiled and pure, with our songs in faith and true devotion, we magnify you as Theotokos!

When You were crucified on the Tree, all creation quaked; You who are God, in Your tender mercy have suffered in the flesh for our salvation.

Great is the power of Your Cross, O Lord: for when we sign ourselves with it, we drive away at once the power of the demons.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Unity in three co-equal Persons, undivided Trinity, sovereign Nature: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: save us all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Hail, Theotokos, mercy-seat of the world: always fleeing to you for refuge, all we sinners gain reconciliation with God.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By the divine power of Your Cross, O Lord, give me strength to offer You this time of blameless and pure fasting!


Virgin Mother undefiled....


Tone 8

1. With great gladness, let us receive the proclamation of the Fast: for if Adam, our forefather had fasted, we would not have suffered banishment from Eden. The fruit that brought death upon me was pleasant to the eyes and good for food. Then let us not be taken prisoner by our eyes; let not our tongue delight in costly foods, for once they have been eaten, they are worthless. Let us shun all greed: then we shall not become slaves to the passions which follow an excess of food and drink. Let us sign ourselves with the blood of Him who for our sakes willingly was led to death, and the destroying angel will not touch us. Then we may eat the Holy Passover of Christ for the salvation of our souls!

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. With great gladness....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us; and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. What shall we call you, O holy martyrs? Cherubim, because you are the throne of Christ? Seraphim, for you ceaselessly glorify Him? Angels, because you have renounced your bodies? Powers, for the miracles you accomplish? Many are your names, and many are your gifts. Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son adn to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Unable to endure the sight, the whole creation was changed, and it quaked and trembled when it beheld You, O Savior, crucified in the Place of the Skull. The Virgin, Your Mother, cried out to You in lamentation: "Alas, my Child, my sweetest Savior! What is this strange and marvelous sight?"


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 5

Our lives are full of sin and empty of repentance. In Your mercy, Lord, come swiftly to our help. We know no other but You as ruler over life and death: save us in Your love for mankind.


Tone 7

I will love You, Lord, my strength; the Lord is my fortress, my refuge and my deliverance.

v. My God is the rock where I take refuge.


Isaiah 3:1-14


Tone 6

O Lord, my rock and my redeemer!

v. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament proclaims His handiwork.




At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10. Come, O faithful, and let us do the works of God while it is light. Let us walk honestly as in the day. Let us cast away every unjust accusation against our neighbor, not placing any stumbling block that he fall on his way. Let us lay aside the pleasures of the flesh and increase the spiritual gifts of our souls. Let us give bread to those in need, and let us draw near to Christ, crying out in repentance, "O our God, have mercy on us!"

9. Come, O faithful.....

8., 7., 6.5. Stichera to the martyrs for Friday evening in the Tone of the week, doubling the first one.

Tone 2

4. Come, all you who love the martyrs: let us rejoice in spirit and keep festival. For today Theodore the martyr has set before us a table laden with mystic food, bringing joy to all of us who gladly celebrate his memory. Unto him we cry, "Hail, O you who gave your body of clay over to torment for the sake of Christ our God! Hail, O you who have shown yourself in manifold tribulations as a tested warrior of the heavenly host, O glory of the martyrs, we entreat you to pray for our souls!"

3. The God-given grace of your miracles, O Theodore, O holy martyr, you give to all who turn to you in faith. We therefore praise you, saying: "You deliver captives and heal the sick! You give riches to the poor and guard those who sail the seas! You restrain slaves from useless flight and show robbers what their punishment will be. You teach soldiers to abstain from plunder! In your loving compassion, you grant the prayers of children, and you are the fervent protector of all who honor your memory. With them, we also sing the praises of your martyrdom, O saint of God: pray to Christ that He may show us great mercy!"

2. O martyr Theodore, you are a matchless gift from God! For after death as during your lifetime, you grant the petitions of those who turn to you. Once the son of a poor widow was carried off by soldiers of another faith, and she came weeping to your shrine. Mounted upon a white horse, in loving compassion you defended her child with your invisible protection. Now, as then, you never cease to work wonders: pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls!

1. O thrice-blessed Theodore, I honor you: you are rightly named "Gift of God": for you have been shown to us an unfading light, reflecting the divine light and illuminating all creation with your wonders. You are more vivid than fire, as you extinguished fires. You crushed the head of the deceitful serpent. Therefore, in the midst of your sufferings, Christ came and set a crown upon your holy head. O great martyr, who have boldness before God, fervently intercede for our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

The enemy tried to pollute the people who were keeping the Fast, by employing as his tool the apostate Emperor Julian, who used food offered to idols. You defeated his his play by a more skillful design: you revealed the plot to the Archbishop in a dream. We therefore offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving, O Theodore, on your annual memorial, and ask to be saved by your prayers from the evil one!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two Persons; He blessed woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls!



Tone 5

The Lord answer you in time of distress!

v. The name of the God of Jacob defend you.


Genesis 2:20 - 3:20


Tone 6

Be extolled, O Lord, in Your strength! We will sing, chant the praise of Your might!

v. O Lord, in Your strength the King is glad.


Proverbs 3:19-34

The rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

3 stichera of the martyrs in the Tone of the week

3 stichera to Theodore, as above

Glory, "The enemy..."

Now, "Who would not..."

Prokimena and Readings as above

At the Aposticha:

1. "Come, O faithful.. (From the Lamplighting stichera above, and the rest from the Tone of the week for Friday evening

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 2

Faith can accomplish great things: because of its power, through it the holy Great-Martyr Theodore rejoiced in the midst of the flames as if he had been in refreshing water. Burned by the flames, he was offered to the Holy Trinity as delightful bread. Through his intercession, O Christ God, save our souls!


Tone 2

O Mother of God, your mysteries surpass understanding: they are beyond all glory, for while remaining pure and virginal, you became a true mother, giving birth to the true God. Intercede with Him that He may save our souls!


Kolyva is placed beside an analogion on which rests the ikon of the saint of the day, the Great Martyr Theodore. After the prayer behind the ambon at the end of the Liturgy of the Presanctified, the priest says:

Blessed is our God at all times, now and always and forever and ever.

The reader: Amen.

Come, let us worship God, our King, and bow down before Him (Reverence). Come, let us worship Christ-God, our King, and bow down before Him (Reverence). Come, let us worship Christ, our King and our God and bow down before Him (Reverence).

Psalm 142

Confidence in the Lord

O Lord, listen to my prayer; in your truth give heed to my request and in your justice hear me,

And enter not into judgment with your servant since of all the living none is just before You.

The enemy has pursued my soul, he has crushed my life into the ground;

He has forced me to dwell in darkness like those long dead.

My spirit was overwhelmed with grief and within me my heart was troubled.

Remembering the days of old, I meditated on all your deeds, I thought of the works of your hands.

I stretched out my hands to You; like a parched land my soul longed for You.

Listen to me without delay, O Lord: my spirit has failed me;

Turn not your face away from me nor let me sink in the pit like the others.

Grant that I may hear your love at dawn for I have placed my hope in You.

O Lord, let me know which way I shall go, for I have lifted up my soul to You.

Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies: it is to You that I have fled.

Teach me to do your will, for You are my God; may your good Spirit lead me over level ground.

For the sake of your name, O Lord, You will keep me alive;

In your saving bounty, you will deliver my soul from oppression,

And in your loving kindness, you will destroy my enemies,

And bring to naught all those who grieve my soul, for I am your servant.

Tone 2

The Lord is God and has appeared to us, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

The reader: Give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name.

R/. The Lord is God, and He has appeared to us...

The reader: All the nations encompassed me: in the name of the Lord, I crushed them.

R/. The Lord is God, and He has appeared to us...

The reader: This was done by the Lord: it is wonderful in our eyes.


The Lord is God and has appeared to us, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 2

Faith can accomplish great things: because of its power, through it, the holy great martyr Theodore rejoiced in the midst of flames as if he had been in refreshing water. Burned by the flames, he was offered to the Holy Trinity as delightful bread. Through his intercession, O Christ God, save our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 2

All your mysteries, O Theotokos, are beyond understanding and most glorious. Sealed by purity and preserved by virginity, you have indeed been acknowledged as the Mother who gave birth to the true God. Intercede with Him to save our souls.

Then we read Psalm 50, and the priest censes teh kolyva.

Psalm 50

Prayer of Repentance

O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of your love;

in the abundance of your tender mercies wipe out my offense.

Wash me thoroughly from malice and cleanse me from sin,

For I am well aware of my malice and my sins are before me always.

It is You alone I have offended, I have done what is evil in your sight;

Wherefore You are just in your deeds and triumphant in your judgment.

Behold, I was born in iniquities and in sins my mother conceived me.

But You are the Lover of Truth: You have shown me the depths and secrets of your wisdom.

Wash me with hyssop and I shall be pure, cleanse me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Let me hear sounds of joy and feasting: the bones that were afflicted shall rejoice.

Turn your face away from my offenses and wipe off all my sins.

A spotless heart create in me, O God; renew a steadfast spirit in my breast.

Cast me not afar from your face, take not your blessed Spirit out of me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and let your guiding Spirit dwell in me.

I will teach your ways to the sinners and the wicked shall return to You.

Deliver me from blood-guilt, O God, my saving God, and my tongue will joyfully sing your justice.

O Lord, You shall open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.

Had You desired sacrifice, I would have offered it, but You will not be satisfied with the whole-burnt offerings.

Sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit: a crushed and humbled heart God will not spurn.

In your kindness, O Lord, be bountiful to Sion; may the walls of Jerusalem be restored.

Then will You delight in just oblation, in sacrifice and whole-burnt offerings.

Then shall they offer calves upon your altar.

Then we sing the Canon to St. Theodore (in Tone 8), written by St. John of Damascus.



Passing through the water on foot as though on dry land, Israel escaped villainous Egypt and cried out, "Let us sing to our Redeemer and God!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

I know the desire for God which filled your heart, O Theodore, and I am filled with ardent love for you. I dedicate to you my soul and body, and these words of praise.

A decree was published, abominbale in the sight of the Lord, that sacrifice should be offered to idols and not to the living God. But refusing to obey, O victorious martyr, you offered yourself to God in sacrifice.

Attracted by love for God, O martyr Theodore, you served as a soldier of the only-begotten Son of the Most High God, and were rewarded for your service.

The hosts of angels and ranks of mortal men ceaselessly praise you, O Virgin Mother: for you have carried their Creator as a baby in your arms.


You are the strength of those who run to You, O Lord, You are the Light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings Your praise!

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

I offer a hymn from my lips, and a prayer from the affliction of my soul: take pity on them, O victorious martyr Theodore.

You subjected your flesh to the dominion of your mind, O glorious martyr; and with both of them, you serve the Creator.

O pure Virgin, at all times you are a refuge and defense for us and for all Christians, and with never-silent voices we glorify you.


O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation; I have perceived Your works, and I glorify Your divinity.

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

Initiated into the divine mysteries, O martyr Theodore, you bore witness to our true redemption through the birth of God in the flesh.

Because they were enslaved to their passions, they thought that God Himself is subject to the passions. Enlightened by the Spirit, O victorious Theodore, you proved them wrong.

As we sing your praises, we entreat you, blessed Theodore: through your intercessions, deliver us from all passion and distress.

Unplowed field which bore the Ear of wheat that gives life to the world, O Theotokos, save those who sing your praises.


Rising early in the morning, we call out to You, O Lord: "Save us, for You are our God, and we know no other!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

"Love the Lord who loves you," you cried out to the others who suffered martyrdom with you, O martyr Theodore.

Your heart on fire with zeal, O victorious holy one, you burnt up the idol of the false goddess together with the pagan temple.

O victorious Theodore, with your invincible power, destroy my passions and the arrogant boldness of the enemy.

O Theotokos, we praise you as a virgin after childbirth, for you have brought into the world God the Word made flesh.


From my transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

How weak and ineffective is the arrogance of the false gods! They need men to defend them, and they are overcome by the fortitude of the martyrs, who reject all error and proclaim the truth.

O blessed Theodore, glory of martyrs, strengthened by the power of God, you looked upon the tortures of the wicked as though they were arrows shot by children, for you saw the eternal Glory of the age to come.

May we be delivered from our grievous transgressions by your prayers, O pure Mother of God; and may we dwell in the divine glory of the Son of God, who ineffably took flesh from you.


Tone 8

Your faith in Christ was like a breastplate on your heart; through it, you overcame the enemies' power; wherefore you are crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.


The young men who came from Judaea to Babylon long ago, by faith in the Trinity trampled the flames of the furnace beneath their feet, singing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

Your body was scourged for the sake of God the Word, scourged in the flesh for our sake. Rejoicing, O victorious martyr Theodore, you cried aloud to Him with thanksgiving, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

The Redeemer of all was laid in the tomb and voluntarily enclosed. In the same way, O victorious martyr Theodore, you were enclosed in the prison, and there you cried aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

You have slain the passions and renounced the desires of the flesh, O victorious martyr. Nourished not by food, but by love of God, you sang out, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

One of the undivided Trinity appeared to you in prison, O victorious martyr, as He had once appeared to the young men in the furnace; and He gave you strength to cry aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

Since it was Your will, O Savior, to grant us salvation, You took up Your dwelling in the Virgin's womb; and You made her the protector of the world. Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!


In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

Your body was scourged for the sake of God the Word, scourged in the flesh for our sake. Rejoicing, O victorious martyr Theodore, you cried aloud to Him with thanksgiving, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

The Redeemer of all was laid in the tomb and voluntarily enclosed. In the same way, O victorious martyr Theodore, you were enclosed in the prison, and there you cried aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

You have slain the passions and renounced the desires of flesh, O victorious martyr. Nourished not by food, but by love of God, you sang out, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

One of the undivided Trinity appeared to you in prison, O victorious martyr, as he had once appeared to the young men in the furnace; and He gave you strenth to cry aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

Since it was Your will, O Savior, to grant us salvation, You took up Your dwelling in the Virgin's womb; and You made her the protector of the world. Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!


In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless Your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

Blinded in his understanding, the governor of the lawless people impiously rebuked you for your faith in God: "Why do you foolishly put your trust in a man who was put to death?" But you cried aloud, "Bless Christ, O young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!'"

Resisting courageously, you boldly accused the tyrant and said, "Why are you so insane as to order me to renounce the Creator and falsely worship created things? But I cry aloud, 'Bless Christ, O young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

Through visible signs, through dark figures and symbols, Moses and the prophets foretold your marvellous childbearing in ways transcending nature, O Virgin. With true faith and joy, then, we sing your praises and exalt Christ throughout all the ages.


O Mother of God and unwedded Virgin, you have ineffably conceived the true God by your word; by our ceaseless hymns, we magnify you as higher in honor than the spotless powers.

v. Holy great-martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

It was your love for God that led you to martyrdom. Your body was consumed by the material fire, and you departed with rejoicing to the divine Fire, O victorious martyr Theodore, servant of God.

All-honored holy one, you were not destroyed by the fire, but rather you burned up error and falsehood. You stand in God's presence, alive and rejoicing in Him with the joy of a martyr, O victorious martyr Theodore, servant of God.

We acknowledge You, O Christ, to be One of the Holy Trinity, in two perfect natures. At the prayers of Your martyr Theodore, save Your people whom You have redeemed by Your precious blood.

You have carried in your arms the invisible God, who is praised in the heavens by all the angelic powers. At all times, He grants us salvation through you, and in our distress we magnify you.

And the reader recites the Thrice Holy Hymn and its doxology.

Holy God... Glory be to the Father... All-Holy Trinity... Lord, have mercy... Glory be to the Father... Our Father...

The priest: For thine is the kingdom...

The reader: Amen.

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 2

Faith can accomplish great things: because of its great power, through it, the holy great-martyr Theodore rejoiced in the midst of flames as if he had been in refreshing water. Burned by the flames, he was offered to the Holy Trinity as delightful bread. Through his intercession, O Christ God, save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion of Theodore

Tone 8

Your faith in Christ was like a breastplate on your heart; through it, you overcame the enemies' power, wherefore you are crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.


Tone 8

In our sinfulness, we all have your fervent help as our protection and defense, O most pure Mary, Virgin and Mother, the salvation of Christians. Never cease to intercede for us before the Savior that we may receive the forgiveness of our sins.

Then the priest blesses the kolyva:

Let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

O God, who have brought all things to perfection through Your word, and have commanded the earth to bring forth all manner of fruits for our enjoyment and food: through grain and vegetables, You made the three young men and Daniel fairer than the Babylonians who lived in luxury. All-loving King, bless + this grain and fruit, and sanctify those who partake of them: for they have been offered by Your servants to Your glory, in honor and memory of the holy and great-martyr Theodore the Recruit, and for a memorial to those who have fallen asleep in the Orthodox Faith. Grant, O gracious Lord, to those who have prepared this offering and who keep this memorial, all their petitions that are for their salvation; and count them worthy to rejoice in Your eternal blessings. At the prayers of our most pure Lady, the Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, of the holy and great-martyr Theodore, whose memory we keep, and of all Your saints. For it is You who bless and sanctify all things, O Christ our God, and to You do we render glory, with the eternal Father and Your most holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Then we sing Blessed be the Name of the Lord..., and we read Psalm 33, followed usually by the Dismissal.



In the modern Greek use, the Akathistos Hymn is sung at Small Compline on the first four Fridays of the Lent. After reading the office as usual as far as Truly it is right to call thee blessed..., we sing I shall open my mouth and the Spirit will inspire it..., with the rest of the Canon to the Mother of God then to thee, our leader in battle..., and we say Holy God..., etc., the Lord's Prayer, the kontakion of St. Theodore, and the rest of Small Compline. After All my hope I set in thee..., the priest reads the Gospel (John 15: 1-7); then come the Dismissal, the litany Let us pray for the peace of the world..., the sessional hymn Gabriel stood amazed..., and so the priest ends by saying At the prayers of our holy fathers....




I shall open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy other wonders. Most holy Theotokos, save us!


The reader: As the Archangel beheld you, immaculate one, a living scroll of Christ which the Spirit had sealed, he cried out to you: "Hail, vessel of joy, in whom the curse of Eve is lifted!"
R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O Virgin, bride of God, restoration of Adam and destruction of Hades! Hail, all-blameless one, unique palace of our King! Hail, fiery throne of the Almighty!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Hail, O you who alone gave rise to the unfading Rose! Hail, O you who bore the fragrant Apple in such perfume as to be pleasing to the King of All! Hail, salvation of the world, O you, the ever-Virgin!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: Hail, treasury of purity who raised us from our fall! Hail, O Lady, fragrant lily perfuming all the faithful, sweetscented incense and ointment of great price!



O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen those who applaud you in this spiritual gathering; and in your holy feast make them worthy of crowns of glory.

Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, mystical earth, who without plowing have given forth a Wheat divine! Hail, living table who support the Bread of life! Hail, O Lady, unfailing fountain of the living Water!

R/. O Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O Maiden who have borne a Child unto the faithful and yet remained immaculate! Hail, O You who have borne unto the world the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world! Hail, O fervent intercessor for the remission of sins!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Hail, O radiant dawn who alone have borne Christ the Sun, Source of Light! Hail, O dwelling-place of Light! Hail, dispeller of darkness and terror of the demons of gloom!

Now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

The reader: Hail, O Lady, unique gateway through whom the Lord alone has passed! Hail, O you who, through your maternity, have shattered the locks of Hades! Hail, divine access towards salvation for the saved, O you so perfectly worthy of our praise!



He who sits in glory upon the throne of divinity: Jesus the supreme God, came down on an ethereal cloud and with his pure hand redeemed those who cry out to him: Glory to your power, O Christ!


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: With faith, we raise our voices in melodious hymns to you who are worthy of all praise: Hail, fertile mountain raised aloft by the Spirit! Hail, lighthouse! Hail, vessel containing the Manna, O you so sweet to the taste of pious men!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, immaculate Lady who have brought pardon to the world! Hail, O ladder who through grace have lifted us from the earth! Hail, O bridge who in truth do lead from death to life all those who sing your praise!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O pure one, more lofty than the heavens! Hail, for without pain you have borne within your womb the Foundation of the earth! Hail, O murex shell, who with your blood have dyed a robe of purple for the King of Hosts!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Hail, O Lady, true Mother of the Lawgiver who granted pardon to those who broke his Law! Hail, O Lady, unfathomable depth, inaccessible summit, O ever-Virgin through whom we have been made divine!

Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The reader: We sing a hymn of thanksgiving to you who have plaited for the world a crown no other hand can fashion, and we cry out to you: O Virgin, hail! O fortress and protection, shelter and blessed haven unto all!



The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, have borne in your womb the God of all and have given birth to an eternal Son, who grants salvation to those who praise you.


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, all-blameless one who have borne the Way of Life, and have saved the world from the flood of sin! Hail, immaculate one! Hail, betrothed of God to whom was spoken an awesome mystery! Hail, O dwelling-place of the Master of creation!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, immaculate one, strength and fortress of mankind! Hail, temple of glory and destruction of Hades, light of every bride and joy of every angel! Hail, assistance of those who pray to you with faith!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O Lady, fiery chariot of the Word, living paradise holding in your midst the Tree of Life, the Lord Himself! The Lord whose sweetness revives the sinners who partake of Him with faith!

Glory to the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Strengthened through your power, we cry out to you with faith: Hail, city of the King of the Universe, of whom songs of praise and glory have been sung and are worth hearing! Hail, O mountain unhewn and depth never fathomed!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: Hail, immaculate Mother of God, spacious tent of the Word! Hail, O wondrous shell from whom came forth the Pearl divine! Hail, O you who are all-magnificent, and who have reconciled with God all those who bless your name, O Mother of God!



Come, divinely inspired, let us clap our hands and celebrate this holy and most honorable feast of the Mother of God and glorify who was born of her.


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O perfect purity, immaculate bridal-chamber of the Word, cause of the deification of us all, sweet-sounding echo of the voice of the prophets! Hail, O glory of the apostles!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: From you, O Virgin, came forth the dew through which the flame of paganism was made to die, and so we cry out to you: Hail, O Virgin, dewy fleece whom Gideion in olden times had seen.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Behold, we cry out Hail to you! Be unto us a haven and a shelter, for we are tossed by heavy seas; be a refuge in the ocean of our troubles, save us from the snares of our enemy!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: O cause of our joy, be gracious to us: enlighten our minds, so that we may cry out to you: Hail, O burning and unconsumed bush, all-brilliant cloud spread out above the faithful!



The three young men divinely inspired, refused to worship creatures instead of the Creator. But with courage they trampled upon the threatening fire and sang joyfully: Blessed are you, O all praised Lord, the God of our fathers!


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: We praise you and cry out to you: Hail, mystical chariot of the living Sun! True vine who have given forth a full-grown Cluster, dripping with spiritual wine to fill with joy those who faithfully sing your praise!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Hail, O spouse of God who have borne the Healer of mankind! O mystical rod on whom there came to blossom a Flower that never fades! Hail, O our Lady: in you we find the fullness of Joy; through you, we inherit eternal Life!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: O Lady, the most brilliant speakers fall short when they sing your praise, for youa re set above the Seraphim for having given birth to Christ the King! Oh, beg Him to deliver from every snare all those who come with faith to bow before you.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: The extremities of the earth bless you and sing your praise: in their love, they cry out to you: Hail, immaculate one, holy book in whom the Word is written by the hand of the Father. O Mother of God, pray him to write the names of your servants in the Book of Life!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: We your servants implore you, O immaculate one: we bow before you and surrender our hearts to you. Be kind to us, and save us who are drowning in countless sorrows: protect your flock against the snares of the enemy.



The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing: O works of the Lord, praise and exalt him forever.


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Immaculate one, you have received in your womb the Word Himself, and have borne the Sustainer of the universe; you have fed with your milk the Nourisher of creation! To Him therefore we sing: "O works of the Lord, praise Him and exalt Him forever!"

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: O holy and all-immaculate Virgin, Moses foresaw in the burning bush the mystery of your tremendous maternity; and the three young men foretold it and described it in clear words as they stood unscathed in the midst of the flames. Therefore we praise you forevermore.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Through you, the dead are returned to life, for you have given birth to the Author of life! Through you, the dumb are made eloquent, the lepers whole; sicknesses are driven away, and the multitude of evil spirits that roam around the world are vanquished, O Virgin, salvation of mankind!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: O you who have given to the world the salvation through whom we have been lifted from the earth: Hail! blessed and immaculate one, our protection and our strength, refuge and shelter of those who cry out: "O works of the Lord, praise the Lord and bless Him forever!"



Let every human being take up a torch and let him dance in spirit, and let the immaterial spirits celebrate this holy feast of the Mother of God and cry out: Rejoice, O all blessed and pure and ever virgin Theotokos.


Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: O Maiden, deliver us who through you have become partakers of the eternal joy, so that we may be worthy to hail you: deliver us from all temptations, from cruel assaults, and from all miseries that threaten us because of our many sins!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: You are for us an illumination and a safeguard, and so we cry out to you: Hail, unwaning star, heralding the great Sun unto the world! Hail, immaculate one who have opened the gates of Eden! Hail, heavenly pillar guiding mankind towards the life of heaven!

R/. O most holy Theotokos, save us!

The reader: Let us reverently stand in the house of God, and let us sing: Hail, Queen of the universe! Hail, Mary, the Lady of us all! Hail, only immaculate one, most beautiful among women! Hail, vessel who have contained the everlasting perfume that was poured into you!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The reader: Hail, eternal Virgin, dove in whom Mercy was born! Hail, pride of eveery saint, and crown of every martyr! Hail, divine beauty of the just, salvation unto all of us the faithful!

Now and always and forever and ever, amen.

The reader: O Lord, spare your inheritance and dismiss our sins; O Christ, accept the supplication of the Woman who, without seed, conceived You in her womb, when in your great mercy you deigned to assume a human form.


Triumphant Leader, to you belongs our prize of victory! And since you saved us from adversity we offer you our thanks: we are your people, O Mother of God! So, as you have tht invincible power, continue to deliver us from danger that we may cry out to you: Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!



To be recited during the First Week.

The First Part describes the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the blessed virgin Mary, her conversation with him and her submission to God's will; her charitable visit to her cousin Elizabeth; Joseph's doubts, and his joy when an angel told him that the Virgin had conceived through the action of the Holy Spirit.


The priest begins:

An Archangel was sent from heaven to greet the Mother of God. And as he saw you taking a body, O Lord, at the sound of his bodiless voice, he stood rapt in amazement and cried out to her in these words:

Hail, O you through whom joy will shine forth;
hail, O you through whom the curse will disappear!

Hail, O Restoration of the fallen Adam;
hail, O Redemption of the tears of Eve!

Hail, O Peak above the reach of human thought;
hail, O Depth even beyond the sight of angels!

Hail, O you who have become a kingly throne;
hail, O you who carry Him who carries all!

Hail, O Star who manifest the Sun,
hail O Womb of the divine Incarnation!

Hail, O you through whom creation is renewed;
hail, O you though whom the Creator becomes a Babe!

Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!

Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


Knowing that she was a virgin, the blessed one courageously answered the angel: "Your surprising expression seems hard for my mind to accept. How can you speak of a birth that is to come from a conception without seed? And why do you cry, Alleluia?"

Allelu! Alleluia.


Trying to grasp the meaning of this mystery, the Virgin asked the holy messenger: "How is it possible that a son be born from a virginal womb? Tell me." And he answered her with awe, crying out in these words:

Hail, O hidden Sense of the ineffable Plan!
hail, O Belief in Silence that must be!

Hail, O Forecast of the marvels of Christ;
hail, O Fountainhead of truths concerning Him!

Hail, celestial Ladder by whom God came down;
hail, O Bridge leading earthly ones to heaven!

Hail, O Wonder, ever-thrilling to the angels;
hail, O Wound, ever-hurting to the demons!

Hail, O you who gave birth to Light ineffably;
hail, O you who told no one how it was done!

Hail, O you who surpass the wisdom of the wise;
hail, O you who enlighten faithful minds!

Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


When the power of the Most High overshadowed the one who had never known the nuptial bed, her fruitful womb conceived, and she became for all a delicious field: for those who wished to reap salvation by singing: Alleluia!


Allelu! Alleluia.


Pregnant with God, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth: and her unborn child rejoiced, immediately knowing her embrace. Bouncing and singing, he cried out to the Mother of God.

Hail, O Tendril whose Bud shall not wilt;
hail, O Soil whose Fruit shall not perish!

Hail, O Tender of mankind's loving Tender;
hail, O Gardener of the Gardener of Life!

Hail, O Earth who yielded abundant mercies;
hail, O Table full-laden with appeasement.

Hail, for you have greened anew the pastures of delight;
hail, for you have prepared a haven for the souls.

Hail, acceptable Incense of prayer;
hail, Expiation of the whole universe!

Hail, O you Favor of God to mortal men;
hail, O you Trust of mortals before God!

Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


Filled with a storm of contradictory thoughts, the wise Joseph was greatly disturbed: until then, he had seen you a virgin, and now he suspected you of secret guilt, all-blameless one! Learning that your conception was of the Holy Spirit, he cried out: Alleluia!


Allelu! Alleluia.

We repeat the Kondakion of the Annunciation.

Triumphant Leader, to you belongs our prize of victory! And since you saved us from adversity we offer you our thanks: we are your people, O Mother of God! So, as you have that invincible power, continue to deliver us from danger that we may cry out to you: Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!

and we say Holy God..., etc., the Lord's Prayer, the kontakion of St. Theodore,


Your faith in Christ was like a breastplate on your heart; through it, you overcame the enemies' power, wherefore you are crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.

and the rest of Small Compline.

After All my hope I set in thee..., the priest reads the Gospel (John 15: 1-7); then come the Dismissal, the litany Let us pray for the peace of the world..., the sessional hymn Gabriel stood amazed..., and so the priest ends by saying At the prayers of our holy fathers....

At the magnificence of your virginity and your exceedingly splendorous purity Gabriel stood amazed and cried out to you, O Theotokos: What praise may I offer you that is worthy of your beauty? By what name shall I call you? I am lost and bewildered! But I shall greet you as I was commanded: Hail! Hail, O full of grace!


Use the Festal Format (for 4th Class Feasts) as on days outside Lent

After "The Lord is God..."

Tone 2

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 2

Faith can accomplish great things? because of its power, through it the Holy Great Martyr Theodore rejoiced in the midst of the flames as if he had been in refreshing water. Burned by the flames, he was offered to the Holy Trinity as delightful bread. Through his intercession, O Christ God, save our souls!

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 2

All Your mysteries, O Theotokos, are beyond understanding and most glorious, sealed by purity and preserved by virginity, you have indeed been acknowledged as the Mother who gave birth to the true God. Intercede with Him to save our souls.

After the First Reading from the Psalter: Sessional Hymns to the Martyrs in the Tone of the week

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 3

Burning with orthodoxy of faith, you quenched the error of false teaching and destroyed the godless worship of idols. Sacrificed as a burnt offering to God, with your miracles you bring joy to the ends of the earth. O glorious martyr, pray to Christ our God that we may receive great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The Lord, who strengthened you in your sufferings, has granted you to the whole world as a "gift of God" of salvation. You heal the diseases of our soul and put to flight the passions of our body. O martyr Theodore, pray to Christ our God that we may receive great mercy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

In your womb, O Virgin undefiled, you have conceived God whom nothing can contain, the Hypostatic Word and consubstantial Son, who shone forth changelessly before all ages from the Father. With the prophets and martyrs, with the holy monks, the ascetics and the just, entreat Him that we may be granted the remission of our sins!


O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen those who applaud you in this spiritual gathering; and in your holy feast make them worthy of crowns of glory.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

O Lady, the people of Christ long to see the day of your Son. In preparation, they now celebrate this present feast, honoring you and the victorious martyr.

The greatest among martyrs has turned the sadness of this present season into joy, granting us relief from the strictness of the holy Fast.

Fitting and appropriate is the gift which you give us through your prayers, O martyr: for you call us to dwell with you in Paradise; and joyfully we offer you our gift of praise.

You laid a good foundation through your victory, O glorious martyr. With a courage surpassing nature, you have overthrown the destroying beast that breathed out fire and murder.

Raging as fiercely as the devil who apostatized of old, the new apostate sprinkled blood from pagan sacrifices on the flood in the markets, polluting it as though with poison. But he failed miserably in his plan, outwitted by the martyr.

O Virgin, the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord who came forth into the world through you; and great is the grace of the divine martyrs who have confirmed the truth through their lives.

No one is as holy as You, O Lord my God. You lift up the lot of Your faithful, O gracious Lord. You establish us firmly on the rock of faith.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

Of old, the devil whispered craftily into the ears of Eve, through her beguiling Adam with deceit. And now he has again poured out the deceitful poison of his wickedness.

The lawless enemy was seized with fury when he saw our first father and mother in the joy of Paradise; deceitfully he sought an opportunity to show his hatred against them.

We have now entered the beginning of the holy Fast, when every Christian purifies himself by great abstinence.

Most holy Virgin, firm hope of the world, our protection and defense, in your goodness, neglect not the prayer of your servants, who lovingly call you blessed at all times.


O Theotokos, living...

Little Litany

Sessional Hymns

Tone 8

Putting on the armor of God, you overthrew false idols and caused the angels to glorify your sufferings. Your mind on fire with love for God, you bravely scroned death in the flames. You are truly named "Gift of God", for you grant divine gifts and the grace of healings to all who ask. O victorious martyr Theodore, intercede with Christ our God that we who celebrate your holy memory with love may receive remission of our sins.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You were not weakened by the flattery of Maximin. Endued with courage by the words of Christ, you reduced to ashes the temple of the idols. You bravely overcame the adversary, passing through fire as though it had been water, as the Psalmist says. Therefore, as a just reward for all your sufferings, you have become a source of healing for those who pray to you with faith, O victorious martyr Theodore. Intercede with Christ our God, that we who celebrate your holy memory with love may receive remission of our sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are the undefiled Bride of the Creator, the Virgin Mother of the Redeemer, the Tabernacle of the Most High. I am the shameful dwelling-place of sin, and in full knowledge have become the playground of demons. O hasten to deliver me from their wickedness, making me through virtue a temple of glory. O pure Receiver of the Light, drive away the dark cloud of the passions, and bestow on me the brightness from on high, the pure radiance of your light that knows no setting.


He who sits in glory upon the throne of divinity: Jesus the supreme God, came down on an ethereal cloud and with his pure hand redeemed those who cry out to him: Glory to your power, O Christ!

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

O strange and marvelous union and intermingling! At His birth, the God-Man has united virginity with childbearing; and honoring His martyr, He unites a day of gladness with these days of mourning.

See how Christ's soldier loved his Master! For in his zeal he consumed the enemies of Christ with fire, and as his final feat, eagerly he offered himself as an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord.

Triumphant in sufferings, in speech scornful of torture, the noble martyr of Christ astonished and confounded his onlookers; and he became a strange and marvelous spectacle to the whole creation.

O divine forbearance! My God and Master suffered even after death, yet not one of His bones was broken. So it was also with His soldier: the fire and the wheel did not touch his corpse.

Dying with the Master, the servants of life are raised with Him from the dead, and now live with Him eternally. Together with the Son, they glorify the Mother, blessing Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Church sings, "Christ is my power, my Lord and my God!" With a beautiful hymn, she celebrates God in the integrity of her Faith.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

Dreadful was the plot devised by the ungodly ruler: for in his wretchedness, he planned to defile the people of Christ with unclean food.

This unlawful design he put into effect: giving orders that all clean food should be taken away and replaced with food that he had polluted with the blood from pagan sacrifices.

His wicked act became known to all Christians; and when they learned of it, they gathered in the holy Temple of the Lord.

O Christ, begotten of the Father before all ages: as our intercessor, with faith we bring before You the Mother that gave you birth. Hearken to her prayers and be gracious to Your servants.


He who sits...


The universe was amazed at your divine glory, for you, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, have borne in your womb the God of all and have given birth to an eternal Son, who grants salvation to those who praise you.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

Today the forecourt of grace is opened; and this present time of relief prefigures the coming feast of the Resurrection. With its radiance and joy, it honors the Queen of Light and the glorious martyr.

On those who love the Appearance of His beloved Son, God bestows a glorious gift-Theodore, performer of miracles, worker of acts of divine power.

O enemy of man's salvation, useless are your shafts and arrows against the martyr. Though put to death, he is alive and ever-watchful. Opposing all your evil works, he preserves every Orthodox Christian.

Strange was the miracle that came to pass in God's Handmaiden. Confirmed by the sufferings of the victorious martyrs, it is accepted with undoubting faith by all of us, and it remains forever the cause of man's wonder and worship.

Illumine with love the souls of those who offer this morning prayer toYou by Your divine Light. Give them knowledge of Yourself, O true God, O Word of God. You call us out of the darkness of sin.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

With amazement, the Archbishop learned of the plan of ungodly emperor. Celebrating an all-night vigil, he prayed to God not to abandon utterly the people of His inheritance.

In truth, God comes quickly to the aid of all who invoke Him with a sincere and fervent prayer. He did not neglect them, but quickly gave them a solution to their trouble.

With all speed, a helper from on high was sent to earth: the victorious martyr Theodore. He appeared in a dream to the Chief Shepherd and told him how to defeat the purpose of the lawless ruler.

No one who runs fervently to you for help, O Lady, is ever put to shame: but his prayer is answered more quickly than it is made; and the gift for which he asks is granted, in the way that will best help him.


The universe...


Come, divinely inspired, let us clap our hands and celebrate this holy and most honorable feast of the Mother of God and glorify God who was born of her.

Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

The friends and children of the bridal chamber cannot fast, O Savior: for they have You, the Bridegroom, in their midst together with Your Mother and Theodore, Your friend. They welcome You as a guest and minister to You!

The emperor of evil memory fell away from the God of salvation. He fell away from wisdom. Lasping into madness, he rebelled against the Faith; but his designs were defeated by the illustrious martyr of Christ.

Through his sufferings, the martyr became more wise, through his actions more courageous. Resisting tyrants, he gained the victory, and even after death he did not cease from his feats.

This day, O Lady, through your watchful care we have been delivered from soul-destroying peril by the miracle of your victorious martyr; and we give thanks alike to him and to you.

I see the sea of life raging in a storm of temptation. I rush to Your quiet harbor. I call out to You: "Save my life from ruin, since You are so merciful!"

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

Amazed by this strange vision in which you appeared to him, the Archbishop said, "Who are you, my lord, that speak to me? Show me how to find help quickly!"

Theodore replied, "I am the martyr. Listen to me: boil wheat, and distribute it among the people; and you shall thus be saved from the polluted food of the avenger."

Great is the wonder you performed, O Theodore, and marvelous is your help! Taking courage, then, with undivided heart we turn to you for refuge, and we pray, "Save your servants!"

At the good pleasure of the Father, and through the descent of the Holy Spirit upon you, you were made the dwelling-place of the Light, the pure Tabernacle of the Word! Guide me by your light.


Come, divinely inspired...

Little Litany

Kontakion of Theodore

Tone 8

Your faith in Christ was like a breastplate on your heart. Through it, you overcame the enemies' power; wherefore, you are crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.


O You who are seated on a throne of light, with faith and thankfulness we sing Your praise. For You have granted us a "Gift of God": Theodore, courageous in his martyrdom, thrice-blessed in his life, the champion of the truth. With firm devotion, he held fast to Christ and proved to be a mighty victor over the deceitful enemy, wherefore he was crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.


After the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we add:

On this day, the Saturday of the first week of the Great Fast, we celebrate the splendid miracle which was performed by the glorious among the martyrs, Theodore the Recruit, through the boiled wheat.

By the eating of the boiled wheat, Theodore has recruited the city of the Tyrians, annuling the deception of the unclean food, and frustrating the cunning of the heathen.

Wherefore, at his prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


The three young men divinely inspired, refused to worship creatures instead of the Creator. But with courage they trampled upon the threatening fire and sang joyfully: Blessed are you, O all praised Lord, the God of our fathers!

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

O just Master, You have said that Your just servants are not bound by the Law. So Your own Mother and Your servant Theodore, worker of many miracles, with the joy of their memorial release us today from the laws of fasting.

How glad, how great and joyful is this feast, which the greatest and most glorious of the martyrs has established for us, through a single wonder keeping the people of Christ pure from defilement.

With songs of triumph and garlands of praise, let us honor the holy martyr: for he withstood the evil serpent and prevailed against the enemy that destroys our souls and does mischief to our body.

The ancestors of all mankind, though forewarned, did not avoid the food that brings destruction to the soul. But your faithful people, O Lady, instructed by the martyr, turned away from the food of death. With him, they offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving for their salvation.

The angel truly made the furnace a place of dew for the holy young men. When God's command inflamed the Chaldaeans, it made the torturer sing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

You have come, O glorious saint, as a cloud quenching by its moisture the flames of despair; and you have preserved from the furnace of the tyrant all the faithful who cry out, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

O lawless king, in shame let your lips be sealed, which devised a wicked scheme against us; for your strength has been destroyed by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Foolish Julian, your heart was altogether filled with evil and worked deceitfully against us; but our wise God gave us healing remedies to save us from your poison, for He grants His grace to those who call upon Him.

Your conceiving is beyond all words, O undefiled Virgin, and your childbearing beyond all understanding: for you have given birth in the flesh to God who saves all men from corruption. Therefore, blessed Theotokos, we glorify you.


The three young men...


The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing: O works of the Lord, praise and exalt him forever.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

By your childbearing, you have filled heaven and earth with joy. Now, in this dark season, you give us a moment of gladness, keeping festival in honor of the triumphant martyr.

Brethren, let us keep the Sabbath today, resting from the labors of the past week: for at the beginning, God blessed this day by resting on it from His labors; and now He has blessed it also with the solemn feast of the martyr.

Truly this is the first among Sabbaths, the Sabbath of Sabbaths: it is filled with the grace of the martyr and the power of God, for we celebrate the memorial of a great deliverance.

With the holy food of God the King, the pure martyr saved us from the lawless emperor's polluted food; so, by a strange and marvelous wonder, eh sanctified the seventh day of the week.

The voluntary death of the martyr confirms the mystery brought to pass in you, O Maiden. For they put their trust in God incarnate, who of His own will accepted suffering, and the martyr bravely offered himself in sacrifice.

You showered the holy young men with dew in the fire. You burned the water-soaked sacrifice of Elijah. You do whatever You will, O Christ, for You can do all things. We praise You forever.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

You were delivered from the flames by divine power, O martyr Theodore; and now by your holy protection, you have saved us from the wicked devices of the transgressor.

Your servants wept and lamented in the evening because of the evil snare of the apostate. But joy shone forth in the morning through your fervent aid, O martyr patient in suffering.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

When fallen into danger, we find in you a deliverer to save us from the devices of the enemy, O Theodore, victorious martyr of Christ, and we glorify you forever.

The mind of man is powerless to express the mystery of your childbearing, O pure Virgin; therefore, with reverent faith we honor you as the Theotokos and we praise you forever.


The maternity...

Canticle of Mary


Let every human being take up a torch and let him dance in spirit, and let the immaterial spirits celebrate this holy feast of the Mother of God and cry out: Rejoice, O all blessed adn pure and ever virgin Theotokos.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

A multitude from every place runs to the Ark of the Covenant: we magnify the Queen of all, and we honor the indwelling grace of God bestowed on him who outshines in glory all the other martyrs.

O Church of Christ, be strong and of good courage in the face of those who fight in vain against you. For, during life and after death, the friends of Christ care for you, as did the holy martyr whose feast you now keep with thanksgiving.

Though he was thought to be long dead, his deeds prove that even after death he is alive and protects the faith with the same zeal as before. Enriched by him, we magnify him as our benefactor.

O sealed book of God, I set you as a divine seal on my hymn: I offer you my praises, O Virgin, thereby giving geater glory to your martyr.

Men cannot see God. Angel armies dare not gaze upon Him. God was shone to man by incarnation through you, most pure Lady. We glorify Him and with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed.

v. Holy and great martyr Theodore, intercede for us!

O glorious martyr, you have proved to be a faithful champion and a strong defense for us. We honor your holy and venerated memory, the victorious feats of your suffering and martyrdom, and the divine protection you have brought us.

O blessed Theodore, the ever-blessed wonder which you have performed is praised throughout the world. Therefore, gathering at this yearly festival, we give glory to Christ who has glorified you.

Seeing the love of those who sing your praises, O martyr of Christ, grant them increasing grace in return. You know how great is our faith, O glorified saint: do not cease to be a fervent intercessor with God on our behalf, a witness and a mediator.

We shall not cease to sing your praises, O Virgin: you are our helper and our protector, our swift succor, our defender who is never put to shame. Keep your suppliants from all harm, and deliver them at all times from every device of the evil one.


Let every human...


Saint of God, crowned and victorious, you stand now with the angels before the judgment seat of Christ. Filled with the light of heaven, pray without ceasing, O Theodore, for peace in the world and for our salvation, who with true devotion celebrate your joyful feast, O blessed and glorified martyr.

Wishing to restore the fallen world from corruption, the Lord came to dwell within your womb, O Theotokos, in a way that He alone understands. And all of us who have found salvation cry aloud to you with the greeting of the angel: "Hail, blessed among women: for you have brought forth joy for the whole inhabited earth.


Tone 1

4. O faithful, let us join with one accord and praise in mystical hymns the champion of the heavenly army, the strong warrior of our holy Faith. Let us say, "O martyr of Jesus, worthy of our wonder, pray for us who honor you!"

3. O thrice-blessed Theodore, truly you are named "Gift of God", for you have been given as a source of gladness to all those in affliction. For everyone who in sincerity draws near your shrine receives with joy the reward of your miracles and worships Christ.

2. By your sufferings and labors, you have treasured up for yourself the riches and glory of holiness. You have offered all your strength as a gift acceptable to God; and by your martyrdom, you have eagerly fulfilled the promise of your God-given name.

1. Let us rejoice on this radiant festival of the divine martyr. Let all of us who love to keep feasts make glad in faith, as we honor the joyful celebration of his death. Let us sing in praise of Jesus, who has glorified his memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

You are a gift of holiness, O Theodore, in your wisdom bringing to the world the riches of the divine life. Christ has glorified your memory. Rejoicing in the feast with one accord, we the faithful praise your labors and your sufferings.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore, we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls!

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Saint. Litanies and Dismissal.

First Kathisma of the Psalter: Blessed the man

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10 stichera: 6 of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week, then:

For the Sunday of Orthodoxy

Tone 6

4. O Lord who surpass understanding, You have given forth light from the Father since all eternity, even before the Morning Star. The prophets inspired by the Holy Spirit foretold Your Incarnation and Your receiving the form of a Child from the one who was to remain a virgin so that You could live among men and be see by those who are in the flesh. Wherefore, O compassionate One, through the intercession of these same prophets, make us worthy to receive light from You, for we sing a hymn of praise to Your glorious Resurrection.

3. Truly did the prophets bear fruits of eternal life as they announced God, preaching You by their words and honoring You by their deeds. O Master and Creator, they would not worship creation instead of You, but renounced the world as the Gospels command and suffered Your very passion they had prophesied. Through their intercession, make us ready to pass without blame over the battlefield of Lent, O You who alone are most merciful!

2. O Master, infinite in Your divine nature, You condescended in these latter days to become incarnate and finite: for in assuming our body, You accepted all its properties. Wherefore, we represent Your likeness and embrace it with the Model in mind. We go up to Your love, and, following the divine tradition set by the Apostles, we draw from it the grace of healing.

1. Truly has the Church of Christ received honorable adornment: the noble and hallowed icons of Christ the Savior, of the Theotokos and of all the saints. We lift them up with joy and gladness as the Church exults in grace, happily glorifying her God, the Lover of Mankind who patiently suffered for her sake.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

The grace of truth has shone forth and the predictions of old have been clearly fulfilled: for, behold, the Church has put on the incarnate likeness of Christ, the new world of icons transcending adornment. As the tabernacle of the Covenant held the presence of God, so do the icons show forth the presence of the One we worship and revere. By venerating them, we never go astray. It is a glory for us to kneel in true worship of the incarnate Christ: O believers, let us then embrace His icon and cry out, "O God, save Your people and bless Your inheritance!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Theotokion/Dogmaticon of the Tone of the Week


the stichera of the patron saint of the Church, then:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

Rejoice, O honored prophets, who rightly proclaimed the Law of the Lord: you are firm and unshakeable pillars of the Faith. You served as mediators of the New Covenant of Christ: and now that you have gone to dwell in heaven, pray to Him for peace in the world and for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Theotokion/Dogmaticon of the Tone of the Week


the stichera of the patron saint of the Church, then

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

Rejoice, O honored prophets, who rightly proclaimed the Law of the Lord: you are firm and unshakeable pillars of the Faith. You served as mediators of the New Covenant of Christ: and now that you have gone to dwell in heaven, pray to Him for peace in the world and for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos, keep me under the wings of your protection.

Aposticha of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2

We have renounced the darkness of impiety and have been illumined by the light of knowledge. With psalms of acclamation, let us sing. May our praise and thanksgiving rise to God. With reverence, let us prostrate before the holy icons of Christ, the Mother of God and all the saints, rejecting the impiety of those who deny the True Faith. For as holy Basil says, "The honor shown the icon passes to the prototype it represents." At the prayers of Your all-pure Mother and at the intercession of all the Saints, we entreat You, O Christ, to grant us great mercy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O wondrous event exceeding every miracle that ever happened! Who ever heard that a mother could conceive without a man, and that she would hold in her arms the One who contains the whole universe? This was the will of the One who was born of you. O Woman most pure, never cease to intercede for us who honor you, together with the One you carried in your arms as a Child. You have the power of a Mother: therefore, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on us and save our souls.

Troparion of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week.

Troparion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy

Tone 2

Before your most pure Image we bow in worship, O Good Lord, begging forgiveness of our sins, O Christ God: Because You chose of your own free will to ascend upon the Cross in the flesh in order to deliver from the enemy's bondage those You had created. For this reason we cry out to You in thanksgiving: "You have filled all things with joy, O our Saviour, when You came to save the world.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 2


Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the week. After Psalm 50, we sing the Idiomela of the Triodion, rather than the usual Idiomela.


we use the Canon of the Resurrection and the Theotokos in the Tone of the week, then the Canon of the Triodion. The Katavasias of the Hypapanty, if this Sunday falls before February 2 or during the Afterfeast; other wise the Katavasias given in the Triodion.


Tone 4


After crossing the Red Sea with their feet dryshod, Israel routed Amalek's army in the desert when Moses spread his arms in the form of a Cross.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You! between the Troparia

Leaping with joy, O faithful, let us sing today: "How wondrous are Your works, O Christ! How great is Your power, Lord! You have restored harmony among us!"

Come, let us celebrate this day with joy and divine enthusiasm: heaven and earth rejoice, the choirs of angels and the assemblies of mankind respond with festal melodies.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Come, O faithful, let us clap our hands at the sight of this great blessing! The separated members of Christ have recovered their unity! Let us praise the Lord who grants us peace!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The sword of heresy has disappeared and we experience a holy joy, O spotless Virgin, as we see your whole Temple reverently adorned with the holy icons.


After crossing...


The Church finds her delight in You and cries out to You, O Christ: "You are my strength, O Lord, my refuge and my firm support!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You! between the Troparia

The impious heretics no longer exalt themselves with pride, for the power of God has brought about the triumph of Orthodoxy.

Today, as once before, let the clouds pour down a life-giving dew, at the restoration of the Faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let the mystical trumpet of the Apostle of Christ sound forth, announcing the restoration of the holy icons.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We the faithful entreat you, O spotless Virgin, within your sanctuary: make your light shine upon us!


The Church finds her delight...

Little Litany

Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week

Sessional Hymns

Tone 1

Representing Your divine face on the icons, O Christ, we openly sing of Your Nativity, Your radiant miracles and Your freely accepted Crucifixion. The demons are cast out and terrified, while the impious lament.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, be the rampart and firm protection of those who venerate your holy icon with love and confess you to be truly the Mother of God, faithfully prostrating before you.


The Church saw You, the Sun of Justice, suspended on the Cross, and she cried out as she stood in battle array: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!" between the Troparia

By the visitation of the Paraclete, sanctify the Temple which is consecrated to You; and by His coming, drive away all error and heresy, O Word of God, so rich in mercy.

You have saved the people who belong to You, from the violence of the impious; grant that now, in the fervor of their piety, they may sing to You in faith, "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In the holy configuration of the icons of Christ and the Mother of God, we see brilliantly represented the havenly dwelling-places; and we exult with a holy joy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O full of grace, who gave birth in the flesh to the Word of God, you have appeared as a sanctuary worthy of Him; thus we make your temple shine with a new radiance.


The Church saw You...


You dawned upon the world, O Lord, that in the storm of heresies, she may remain unshaken throughout the ages of ages.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Grant strength to Your Church, O Lord, that in the storm of heresies, she may remain unshaken throughout the ages of ages.

The joy which the faithful have received from on high, and the protection of God, have shone forth over all the earth.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O only Good Lord and Source all good, O Christ, exalt the heads of the Orthodox Christians who venerate Your holy icon.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Renew our former majesty for us, O all-pure Mother of God; and sanctify your house by your grace.


You dawned....


The merciful stream of blood that flowed from Your side, O Lord, purified Your Church of the blood offered to demons. Now she cries aloud to You: "I will offer You the sacrifice of praise, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You! between the Troparia

The image of the Savior is represented, honored and venerated in faith; and gaining new confidence, the Church reverently glorifies the Lord.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The sorrow and darkness of heresy have come to an end for the Church of Christ; she puts on a robe of gladness and is surrounded by the grace and light of God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

He who once gave directions for the tabernacle in the wilderness, has taken up His dwelling in you, as in a spiritual tabernacle; and the Lord, who alone is glorified, has glorified your sacred temple, O Virgin.


The merciful stream...

Little Litany


Tone 8

The infinite Word of God became circumscribed when He was incarnate in you, O Mother of God. He restored our corrupt image by joining it to His divine beauty. Wherefore, we confess our salvation in word and in deed, and we restore our likeness to God.


The mystery of our salvation was once announced by the divinely-inspired prophets. They foretold this illumination for us who have arrived at the last days. By it, we receive knowledge of God, the one God and Lord, glorified in Three Persons; and we serve Him alone. Having one faith and one baptism, we have put on Christ. Wherefore, we confess our salvation in word and in deed, and we restore our likeness to God.


after the Synaxarion of the day

On this day, the First Sunday of Lent, we commemorate the restoration of the holy icons, which came about in the reign of Michael, Emperor of Constantinople, and his mother Theodore, of eternal memory; and under the pontificate of the holy Patriarch and confessor Methodios.

The icons had once been banished; I exult as I see their veneration restored.

By the prayers of Your confessing saints, O Christ, immutable Icon of the Father, take pity on us. Amen.


The love burning in the hearts of the sons of Abraham as they stood in the midst of the Persian flames was more ardent than the heat of the fire around them. Therefore, they sang out, "Blessed are You, O Lord, in the temple of Your glory!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You! between the Troparia

The hosts of angels in heaven keep feast with the Church; they rejoice and sing to God, "Blessed are You, O Lord, in the temple of Your glory!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The Church of the first-born rejoices now at seeing the people of God singing with one heart, "Blessed are You, O Lord, in the temple of Your glory!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are elevated beyond the choirs of heaven, O all-holy Mother of the Creator; and we sing to you with joy, "Blessed are you among all women, O spotless Virgin!"


The love burning...


Daniel shut the lions' mouth in the den when he raised his hands in prayer. The three young men in their love for God quenched the rage of the fire by their virtue. They raised this song aloud, "Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Following the tradition of our holy fathers, we paint images; and with lips, heart and spirit, we venerate the icons of Christ and all the Saints, crying out, "Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Following the teachings of the holy doctors, the veneration and homage we render to the icon is clearly carried to its prototype; and we sing to Christ in faith, "Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Illumined by the radiance of spiritual light, your holy temple overshadows us with the cloud of the Spirit, O Mother of God, and sanctifies the faithful who sing together with one voice, "Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord!"


Daniel shut.....


Ode 9

You are the virgin mountain from which Christ, the Cornerstone, was quarried without the help of human hands, O Theotokos. In joy, we celebrate Him for uniting two separate natures in Himself. For this, we magnify You.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Contemplating the Church adorned again with the holy icons, we reverently hasten to cry out with joy, "O thrice-holy Lord, we magnify You!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

As an outstanding honor, the Church possesses Your precious Cross and the venerable icons of the Saints, Lord; and with a joyful heart, it magnifies You.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The curse of our first mother has been wiped away, O holy Mother of God, for you have ineffably given birth to the Master of all; we now venerate His image in our icons.


You are the virgin mountain...


we sing the first part of the appointed Exapostilarion of the Resurrection, then

Exult with joy, clap your hands, and let us sing with gladness: "How wonderful are Your works, O Christ! Who can speak of Your power, O Lord? For You have united Your Church in concord and harmony!"

The sword of heresy has disappeared! The memory of it has vanished! O Mother of God, as we see your temple completely adorned with the grace of the holy icons, we are all filled with happiness and joy!


Begin intercalating the stichera at the verse marked for 8. Use five stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, then the following four, with their verses as indicated below:

3. O Lord, Lover of Mankind, the Church now rejoices in You, her Bridegroom and her Creator. By Your divine will, You saved her from the error of idolatry in order to her to Yourself through Your precious blood. Joyfully receiving the restoration of the holy icons, Your Church sings Your praise and glorifies Your Name.

v. I shall praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart and shall proclaim all Your mighty deeds.

2. O Lord, by exposing Your bodily image for veneration, we proclaim the great mystery of Your saving Economy. O Christ, You have manifested Yourself to our eyes, not by a pure appearance, as the Manicheans wrongfully believe, but in the reality of the flesh, whose nature leads us to love for You.

v. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your Name, Most High.

1. Today is a day of happiness and joy, for the teaching of the True Faith shines forth. The Church of Christ is radiant with the light of the holy icons, and unity of mind reigns among believers.

v. Arise, O Lord my God, lift Your mighty hand and never forget Your poor.

Tone 6

At a time of fasting, Moses received the Law. By fasting, Elijah closed the heavens. The three sons of Abraham triumphed over the wicked tyrant by their fasting. Count us worthy also, O Christ, through fasting, to attain to the Feast of Your Resurrection, as we sing, "Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

At a Time of fasting...Repeat

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You are truly most blessed...Repeat

Great Doxology. Troparion of Resurrection.



Liturgy of St. Basil. Proper Antiphons. Entrance of Sunday. Troparia: Resurrection (occuring Tone), Triodion, Patron, Glory, Kontakion of Triodion, Now, "Triumphant Leader". "In you, O full of grace" Sunday Kinonikon.


FIRST ANTIPHON (Ps. 92 : 1; Ps. 105 : 2; Ps. 106 : 2)

1. The Lord is King, in splendor robed; robed is the Lord and girt about with strength.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us!

2. Who can tell the might deeds of the Lord, or proclaim all his praises?

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us!

3. Thus let the redeemed of the Lord say, those whom He has redeemed from the hand of the foe.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us!

SECOND ANTIPHON (Ps. 106 : 8; Ps. 106 : 32; Ps. 32 : 18)

1. Let the people of the Lord give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds to the children of men.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

2. Let them extol Him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

3. The eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him, upon those who hope for his kindness.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us!

SECOND ANTIPHON (Ps. 106 : 8; Ps. 106 : 32; Ps. 32 : 18)

1. Let the people of the Lord give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds to the children of men.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

2. Let them extol Him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

3. The eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him, upon those who hope for his kindness.

R/. O Son of God who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

R/. Only-begotten Son and Word of God... (See Ordinary.)


(Ps. 68 : 35; Ps. 117 : 24; Ps. 29 : 13)

1. Let the heavens and the earth praise Him, the seas and whatever moves in them.

R/. (Troparion of the Feast - Second Tone) Before your most pure image, we bow in worship. O Good One, begging forgiveness of our stumblings, Christ God: because You chose of your own free will to ascend upon the cross in the flesh in order to deliver from the enemy's yoke those You had created. For this reason we cry out to You in thanksgiving: "You our Saviour have Filled all things with Joy when You came to save the world".

2. This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice therein.

R/. Troparion of the Feast.

3. O Lord my God, forever will I give You thanks!

R/. Troparion of the Feast.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

R/. Troparion of the Feast.


Troparion, 2nd T.

Before your most pure Image we bow in worship, O Good Lord, begging forgiveness of our sins, O Christ God: Because You chose of your own free will to ascend upon the Cross in the flesh in order to deliver from the enemy's bondage those You had created. For this reason we cry out to You in thanksgiving: "You have filled all things with joy, O our Saviour, when You came to save the world.


Eighth Tone

The infinite word of God became circuscribed when He was incarnate in you, O Mother of God. He restored our corrupt image to its former beauty by joining it to the divine splendor. Wherefore we now proclaim our salvation and make it known by word and deed.


Eighth Tone

Triumphant Leader, to you belongs our prize of victory! And since you saved us from adversity-we offer you our thanks: we are your people, O Mother of God! So, as you have that invincible power, continue to deliver us from danger that we may cry out to you: Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!


In you, O Full of grace, all creation rejoices: the orders of angels, and the human race as well. O sanctified Temple, spiritual Paradise and glory of virgins, from whom our God who exists before all eternity, took flesh and became a little Child. He has taken your womb as his throne making it more spacious than the heavens! Therefore, O Full of grace, in you all creation rejoices. Glory to you!


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord from the heavens! Praise Him in the highest. Alleluia!


This office shall be said before the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, after the Hours have been read, or before the Dismissal of the Liturgy. The priest in his vestments proceeds with the deacon from the altar to the customary place before the Solea. Two other priests bear the Icons of the Saviour and the Theotokos and lay them upon Analogions in the center of the church. Servers stand on either side of the Icons holding ripidia.

Deacon: Bless, Master!

Priest: Blessed is our God at all times, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Choir: Heavenly King, Consoler, Spirit of Truth, present in all places and filling all things, the Treasury of blessings and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, cleanse us of all stain, and save our souls, O Good One.

Reader: Holy God: Holy Mighty One: Holy Immortal One: Have mercy on us. (3X)

All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, forgive us our sins, Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon us and heal our infirmities for your name's sake!

Lord, have mercy. (3X)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Priest: For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (12X)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Come, let us worship God, our king, and bow down before Him. (Reverence)

Come, let us worship Christ God, our King, and bow down before Him. (Reverence)

Come, let us worship Christ, our King and our God, and bow down before Him. (Reverence)

Psalm 74

We give you thanks, O God, we give thanks, and we invoke your name; we declare your wondrous deeds.

When I seize the appointed time, I will judge with equity.

Though the earth and all who dwell in it quake, I have set firm its pillars.

I say to the boastful: Boast not; and to the wicked: Lift not up your horns.

Lift not up your horns against the Most High; speak not haughtily against the Rock.

For neither from the east nor from the west, neither from the desert nor from the mountains.

But God is the judge; one he brings low; another he lifts up.

For a cup is in the Lord's hand, full of spiced and foaming wine.

And he pours out from it; even to the dregs they shall drain it; all the wicked of the earth shall drink.

But as for me, I will exult forever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob.

And I will break off the horns of all the wicked; the horns of the just shall be lifted up.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Glory to You, O God! (3X, with a reverence each time). - Glory to You, O God!


Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For peace from on high and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For peace in the whole world, the well-being of the holy Churches of God and the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For our most reverend Archbishop N., the reverend priests, the deacons in Christ, and for all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For our public servants, for the government and for our armed forces, that they may be upheld and strengthened in every good deed, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For this city, for every city and country place and the faithful dwelling in them, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For favorable weather, an abundance of the fruits of the arth and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For the travelers by sea, air and land, for the sick, the suffering, for those in prison, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

That he look upon his holy Church with a merciful eye and preserve her unharmed and unvanquished by heresies and sperstitions, and encompassed by his peace, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

That her dissensions be quieted and all apostates be converted by the power of the Holy Spirit to the knowledge of the Truth, and conjoined to his chosen Flock, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

That minds obscured by unbelief be enlightened by the light of his Divine understanding; that his faithful flock be strengthened and kept steadfast in the true Faith, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and need, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, O God, by your grace.

R/. Lord, have mercy.

Let us remember the all-holy, spotless, most highly blessed and glorious Lady the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary with all the saints, and commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ God.

R/. To You, O Lord.


For all glory, honor and worship, are your due, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Theos Kyrios


The Lord is God, and He has appeared to us. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

v. Give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name.

The Lord is God...

v. All the nations encompassed me: in the name of the Lord, I crushed them.

The Lord is God...

v. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

The Lord is God...

v. The stone which the builders refused, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and is marvelous in our eyes.



We, your unworthy servants, O Lord, grateful for your great benefits bestowed upon us, do glorify, praise, bless, give thanks, sing and magnify your loving-kindness, and with great love cry out toYou: O Benefactor, Our Saviour, glory to You.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Master who has freely given your benefactions and gifts to us your unprofitable servants who turn to You, we offer you thanks according to our strength and glorify you as our Benefactor and Creator, crying: Glory to You, O God most bountiful.

Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Since with the magnificence of the firmament above and that below, You have shown the beauty of the holy dwelling of your glory, O Lord, confirm this for ever and ever and receive our supplication unceasingly offered to You through the Mother of God. O You who are the Life and Resurrection of all.

Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Priest: Peace be to all!

Choir: And to your spirit!

Deacon: Wisdom!

Reader: Such as be planted in the House of the Lord, shall flourish in the
courts of our God.

Choir: (Repeat)

Reader: The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall put his trust in

Choir: Such as be planted...

Reader: Such as be planted in the House of the Lord.

Choir: Shall flourish in the courts of the Lord.

Deacon: Wisdom!

Reader: The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the

Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Reader: Brethren: I beseech you to watch those who create dissensions and difficulties, in opposition to the doctine which you have been taught, and avoid them. For such do not serve Jesus Christ our Lord, but their own belly, and by pleasing and flattering
words they deceive the hearts of the innocent! For while your
obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, I would
have you wise as to what is good and guileless as to what is evil.
But the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen.

Priest: Peace be to you, O reader!

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Deacon: Wisdom! Let us stand and listen to the holy Gospel.

Priest: Peace be to all.

Choir: And to your spirit.

Deacon: A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew the Evangelist.

Choir: Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You!

Priest: Let us be attentive!

Deacon: The Lord said: See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you, their angels in heaven always behold the face of my father in heaven. For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost. What do you think? If a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he happen to find it, Amen I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. So it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones should perish. If your brother should sin against you, go and rebuke him between yourself and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take with you one or two others, that every word may be confirmed by the mouths of two or three witnesses. And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church; but if he refuses to listen even to the Church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a publican. Amen I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be lost in heaven.

Choir: Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You!


Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, in your great mercy; we pray to You, hear us and have mercy!

R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

Again, we pray for our most reverend Archbishop N., and for his reverend clergy.

R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

For our public servants, for the government and for our armed forces, that they may be upheld and strengthened in every good deed, let us pray to the Lord.

R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

O You who desire not the death of sinners, but await rather their conversion and repentance, convert all apostates to your holy Church, we beseech you, O compassionate Lord, hearken, and have mercy.

R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

O You who have ordered this world for your glory, so arrange that those adverse to your Word may be converted and together with all those faithful to the true faith and piety, may glorify you, our God, we beseech You, O Omnipotent Creator, hearken, and have mercy.

R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

O You who have given us your commandment to love you, our
God, and our neighbor, grant that hate, enemities, corruption, breach of oaths and other wickedness cease, but that true love may reign in our hearts; we beseech You, our Saviour, hearken, and graciously have mercy. R/. Lord, have mercy. (3X)

Priest: Hear us, O God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea; and show mercy, show mercy. O Master, upon us sinners let your eyes rest, and be merciful unto us: For You are a merciful God and You love mankind, and unto You we render glory, to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: O most high God, the Master and fashioner of all creation, who fill all things with your majesty and uphold them by your power! We, who are unworthy, offer thanks to you, our most generous Lord, because you do not turn away from us because of our iniquities, but rather forewarn us with your bounties. You have sent your only-begotten Son for our deliverance and did declare your immeasurable condescension to the race of men, that with desire You await our conversion and salvation. In consescending to the infirmities of our nature, you did strengthen us with the omnipotent grace of your Holy Spirit; did comfort us with faith and the perfect hope of eternal goodness; and, guiding your elect to the Sion on high, keep them, as the gem of your eye. We confess, O Lord, your great incomparable love for mankind. But seeing our manifold stumblings, we earnestly beseech you, O all-gracious Lord: Look upon your Church and behold, that though we have joyfully received your Gospel of salvation, yet the thorns of vanity and passion have allowed it to bear little fruit in some, and to be fruitless in others; and, following the increase of iniquity, some by heresies, others through schism oppose your evangelic truth, abandon your heritage, reject your grace, and submit themselves to the judgment of your all-holy Word. O most compassionate and omnipotent Lord, who is not wrathful to the end: your Church, representing You, the author and finisher of our Salvation, Jesus Christ, beseeches You, be merciful, be merciful to us; establish us in the right faith by your power; illumine the rational eyes of the wandering with your divine light, that they may comprehend your truth; soften their bitterness and open their hearing, that they may recognize your voice and turn to You, our Saviour. Correct, O Lord, the perverseness and lives of those dissonant with Christian piety; grant that we may all live a holy and blameless life; and that saving faith shall take root and remain fruitful in our hearts. Do not turn away your face from us, O Lord, show us the joy of our salvation; grant, O Lord, to the pastors of your Church both a holy zeal and solicitude for the salvation and conversion of the wandering, temper them with the spirit of the Gospel; that all being guided by You, may arrive where the perfection of faith, the fullness of hope and true love abound, and there with the choirs of the purest heavenly Hosts may glorify you, our Lord; the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

After this the deacon standing on a platform and facing west shall sing.

Deacon: Who is so great a God as our God? You alone are the God who does wonders! (3X) Let us Orthodox people, now celebrating the Day of Orthodoxy, especially glorify God the author of all goodness, he that is blessed forever.

This is our God, who acquired and established his beloved heritage, Holy Church, the foundations whereof he laid even in paradise, comforting by his infallible Word our forefathers fallen through disobedience. This is our God, who directing us to his promise, did not leave himself without a witness; but first foretold the future salvation through the forefathers and prophets, and by manifold means gave lively descriptions thereof.
This is our God, who at various times and in diverse manners spoke in antiquity unto the fathers by the prophets, and in these latter days spoke to us by his Son, with whom he created the ages; who declared his good-will towards us, disclosed the heavenly mysteries, assured us the truth of the Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit; sent his Apostles to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the world, and confirmed it by various powers and miracles.

Following this revelation and holding this Gospel:

We believe in one God, Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man; who was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried; who rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is enthroned at the right hand of the Father; who will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; and of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father, who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

This is the apostolic faith, this is the faith of the fathers, this is the Orthodox faith, this faith has confirmed the universe.

Furthermore, we receive and confirm the councils of the holy fathers and their traditions and writings which are agreeable to Divine Revelation.

And though there are enemies of Orthodoxy, and adversaries to the providential and salutary revelation of the Lord towards us, yet the Lord has considered the reproaches of his servants; for he has covered the blasphemers of his glory with shame, and shown the perverters and enemies of Orthodoxy as frightened fugitives.

Therefore we bless and praise those who have submitted their reason to the obedience of Divine Revelation, and have contended for it; so following the sacred scriptures, and holding the traditions of the primitive Church, we reject and anathematize all those who oppose his truth, if while awaiting their conversion and repentance, they refuse to repent to the Lord.

To those who deny the existence of God, and assert that the world is self-existing, and that all things in it are made by chance, without the providence of God. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who say that God is not a Spirit, but flesh: or that he is not just, merciful, wise, omniscent and utter similar blasphemies, Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who dare to say that the Son of God and likewise the Holy Spirit are not one in essence and of equal honor with the Father; and confess that the Father, and are the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not one God. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who foolishly say that the coming of the Son of God into the world in the Flesh, and his voluntary passion, Death and Resurrection were not necessary for our salvation and the expiation of sin. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who reject the grace of redemption preached by the Gospel as the only means of our justification before God. Anathema!

All: To those who dare to say that the all-pure Virgin Mary was not a Virgin before her child-birth, during her child-birth, and after her child-birth. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who do not believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the prophets and Apostles, and by them instructed us in the true way to eternal salvation, and confirmed the same by miracles, and now dwells in the hearts of all faithful and true Christians, and guides them in all truth. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who reject the immortality of the soul, the world's end, the future judgment, and eternal reward for virtues in heaven, and condemnation for sins. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who reject all the Holy Sacraments held by the Church of Christ. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who renounce the Councils of the holy fathers, and their Traditions which are agreeable to Divine Revelation, and piously preserved by the Orthodox Catholic Church. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

To those who insult and blaspheme the Holy Icons which the Holy Church receives, in remembrance of the works of God and of those pleasing to him, to inspire their beholders with piety, and to incite them to imitate their examples, and to those who say that they are idols. Anathema!

All: Anathema! (3X)

But to all who have contended for Orthodoxy, by their writings, by their sufferings and religious life, as unto the protectors and defenders of it, the Church of Christ commemorates annually and proclaims:

To the holy fathers, great hierarchs and teachers of the Church Athanasius and Cyril, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, and all the other Pastors of the Church. Memory Eternal!

All: Memory Eternal! (3X)

To the holy and most religious emperor Constantine Equal-to- the-Apostles, and to his mother Helena; to the Orthodox emperors, Theodosius the Great, Theodosius the Younger, Justinian; and all other Orthodox emperors and empresses, and to all other religious princes, princesses, and leaders. Memory Eternal!

All: Memory Eternal! (3X)

To the most holy patriarchs of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem; and to tell all the other most holy Orthodox patriarchs and most reverend Orthodox Archbishops, Metropolitans, and Bishops. Memory Eternal!

All: To all who have suffered and fallen in various battles in defense of the Orthodox faith, and of their country; and to all Orthodox Christians deceased in the true faith and piety, and in the hope of the Resurrection. Memory Eternal!

All: Memory Eternal! (3X)

The Orthodox Church of Christ thus triumphantly commemorates those who in times past have contended in piety, thereby to excite all her Christian children to follow their examples, does also have the duty to extol those who now labor for Orthodoxy and by salutary faith and virtue prepare themselves for eternal beatitude.

To the most holy Orthodox Patriarchs, the most reverend Archbishop of Newton, and the most reverend Orthodox Archbishops, Metropolitans, and Bishops, and to all the sacred ministry, Grant O Lord, a prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, in all things and preserve them for many years!

To all those in Civil Authority, grant, O Lord, happiness and peace, and health and salvation, prosperity in all their undertakings, victory over all their enemies, and preserve them for many years!

To all Orthodox Christians holding rightly the salutary faith, and living in obedience to the Church of Christ, grant, O Lord, peace, quiet, prosperity and abundance of the fruits of the earth, and many years!

Glorify all these, O Holy Trinity, and confirm them in the right faith even to the end: and convert the corrupters and blasphemers of the Orthodox Faith and Christ's Church, who are disobedient that they may come to the knowledge of your eternal truth, through the intercessions of our most holy Lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, and of all the saints. Amen.

Priest: Glory to You, O God our Benefactor, for ever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

The the choir shall sing the Hymn of St. Abrose during which the priests and people shall venerate the Holy Icons lying upon the Analogians.

Choir: We praise You, O God; we acknowledge You to be the Lord.

You, the Father everlasting, all the earth worships.

To You all the angels, to You the heavens, and all the powers.

To You the cherubim and seraphim cry out without ceasing;

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts.

Full are the heavens and the earth of the majesty of Your glory.

You, the glorious choir of the apostles.

You, the admirable company of the prophets,

You, the white-robed army of martyrs praises.

You, the holy Church throughout the world confesses.

The Father of incomprehensible majesty,

Your adorable, true, and only Son,

And the Holy Spirit the Paraclete,

You, O Christ, are the King of glory.

You are the everlasting Son of the Father.

You, having taken upon yourself to deliver man, did not disdain
the Virgin's womb.

You, having overcome the sting of death, have opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.

You sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.

You, we believe, are the Judge to come.

We beseech You, therefore, to help Your servants, whom You have redeemed with Your precious blood.

Make them to be numbered with Your saints in glory everlasting.

O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance.

And govern them, and exalt them for ever.

Day by day we bless You.

And we praise Your name for ever; yes, for ever and ever.

O Lord, keep us this day without sin.

Have mercy on us, O Lord; have mercy on us.

Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us; as we have trusted in You.

In You, O Lord have I trusted: let me not be confounded for ever. Amen.


Priest: Glory to You, O Christ our God and our hope, glory to You.

Choir: Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (3X)

Give the blessing, Master.

Priest: May he who arose from the dead, Christ our true God, through the intercessions of his all-immaculate Mother; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles; of Saint (of the church); of Saint (of the day); of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Ann; and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, forasmuch as he is good and loves mankind.

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us.


Contrary to the decision of the seventh Ecumenical Synod (787), the Emperors, from 813 up to 842 were against the images. Empress Theodora, the widow of Theophilus (829-842), summoned a Synod to Constantinople on the first Sunday of Lent in 843, (March 11). This Synod decided that the decision of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod should prevail; the images were brought back to teh churches with pomp and ceremony, and a yearly festival of this commemoration, called Sunday of Orthodoxy, was inaugurated. On this particular day, every year the triumph of the Faith of Orthodoxy at large is celebrated. The Icon of Jesus Christ, according to John of Damascus, is a distinct affirmation and a reminder of the fact of His Incarnation, which has a vital significance for the salvation of the faithful, an affirmation which prevails to this day in the Orthodox Church. The Incarnation and the "Substance" of Jesus Christ were the subject matter of practically all controversies of the past. Also they were the reasons that the Ecumenical Synods were convened and formulated the Truths of the Orthodox faith in God.



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

We sing ten stichera: four penitential stichera in the Tone of the week, then the following three stichera from the Triodion.

Tone 4

6. My soul has sunk into the depths of the passions and is separated from You, O King of all, to the point of having no hope. Grant me compunction and estrangement from evil, that I may find integrity and amendment. In Your immense goodness, save me, wretched sinner that I am, O all-powerful Lord and Savior of our souls.

5. Purified by fasting, the divine prophet Moses contemplated the God for whom he longed. Make haste to imitate him, O my poor soul, purifying yourself from all evil in this time of fasting, that you too may see the Lord who grants you forgiveness. He is good and the Lover of Mankind, the all-powerful Lord.

Tone 6

3. Let us now joyfully begin this second week of the Fast. Let us exercise ourselves from day to day, my brothers, like the prophet Elijah the Tishbite. May the four cardinal virtues become our fiery chariot. Let us lift up our minds by putting down the passions. Let us arm ourselves with purity against the flesh, that we may put the enemy to flight and gain the victory.

Three stichera to the saint of the day with their Theotokion, from the Menaion.

Entrance. O Joyful Light.

Great Prokimenon

Tone 8

You give me the inheritance of those who fear Your name.

v. From the ends of the earth, I call to You.

v. Let me dwell forever in Your tent and hide in the shelter of Your wings.

v. Then I will sing to Your Name without end.


Tone 8

1. Come, let us purify ourselves by sharing with the poor, without sounding a trumpet or making a show of our charity. Let our left hand not know what our right hand is doing, lest vainglory scatter the fruits of our almsgiving. But in secret, let us call upon Him who knows all secrets: "Our Father, forgive us our trespasses, in Your love for mankind.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold, the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maidservants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Come, let us purify...(Repeat)

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. O martyrs of the Lord, you sanctify every place and heal all ills; we now ask you to pray for our souls to be delivered from the snares of the enemy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The heavens sing of your grace, O unwedded Mother, and we glorify your ineffable childbearing; O Mother of God, intercede for the salvation of our souls!


Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

O Christ, in Your compassion, I entreat You through fasting and repentance to restore my soul, slain by the fruit of disobedience. Grant me ever to walk in the straight path of Your holy commandments; that so, in the company of all who love You, I may share in Your divine glory and praise Your goodness toward all men, O Jesus.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tossed about in the storm of the passions, deaf to the voice of my conscience, I call fervently upon you, O pure Virgin. Do not allow me to perish in my wretchedness, for You have borne the Lord whose mercy has no limit. I have no other hope but you; I place all my trust in you. Let not my enemies triumph over me and mock me. You have the power to do whatever you wish, for you are the Mother of God of all.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 6

As we set out upon the second week of the Fast, direct our steps, O Lord: shine upon us with the sanctifying light of Your commandments, and make us worthy to offer on bended knees a prayer acceptable to You. For You are our Father, and we are Your children. With awe, we sing Your praises and call upon Your name.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Gabriel's message to the Virgin was the beginning of salvation; for she heard his greeting, "Hail", and did not reject the salutation. She did not doubt like Sarah in the tent, but she replied, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to your word!"


we use the Canon of the Saint of the day from the Menaion, and the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first in Tone 4 by Joseph, the second in Tone 6 by Theodore. The Katavasias are the Hirmoi of the Second Canon of the Triodion.


Canticle 1


You were born of the Virgin: I beg You, the thrice-holy Captain of my soul, to drown me - like the chariots of Pharaoh - in the depths of freedom from passions, that I may sing a song of triumph to You as on the timbrel, in the dying of the body.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

You alone are full of love, the fountain of mercy, the Lamb of God, who in Your divine power take away the sins of the world: save me, for I am sinking in the waves of sin, and guide me to the harbor of repentance.

As Christ has taught us in the Scriptures, a pure Fast means the putting away of sin, the rejection of the passions, love for God, attentiveness in prayer, tears of compunction, and works of mercy for the poor.

My soul has been wounded by the sword of sin and disfigured by the stain of many evils. O Physician of our souls, heal it in Your mercy and apply the remedy of Your wise commandments, for You love mankind!

O most holy Virgin, tabernacle undefiled: with the fountain of your mercy wash me clean from the defilement of evil passions; destroy the sin that lies deep within me, O Lady, and grant me tears of compunction.

My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my Savior. He is my God, I praise Him; the God of my father, I extol Him, for He is gloriously triumphant.

Brethren, let us enter with eagerness upon the second week of the light-giving Fast; and rejoicing in the feast we kept yesterday, with holy gladness let us sing in praise of Christ!

Having come to the season of fasting and compunction, let us weep bitterly and groan aloud. Let us stretch out our hands to the only Redeemer, that He may save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in Three Persons, sovereign Lord of all, Source of perfection, God without beginning: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, save us!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who has ever begotten a Son not sown by a father according to the law of nature? Yet such a Son the Father begets without a mother. Most strange and marvelous wonder! For you, O Virgin, have at the same time born both God and man.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O my Christ, how shall I bear Your anger when You come as Judge? And what shall I say then, for I have not obeyed Your will, O Christ? But before the end, forgive me!

Kontakion, Ikos, Synaxarion

Canticle 8


Almighty Redeemer of all, You came down in the midst of the furnace and covered the young men with dew, teaching them to sing, "All you His works, praise and bless the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Journeying upon the uncertain path of life, I have fallen among thieves, and am despoiled by my own thoughts. My wounds stink and are corrupt. O Physician of the sick, at the prayers of all Your Saints, give me Your hand.

The waves of grievous sin confuse my understanding: save me, O Jesus, as once You saved Peter, for I sing to You: "All you His works, praise and bless the Lord!"

Let us kill the passions by abstinence, and through fasting let us make our spirit mount on wings to heaven; and let us cry with contrite hearts: "We have sinned against You, O God; in Your compassion, forgive us!"

Coming to dwell within your womb, the Most High made you more spacious than the heavens. He has appointed you, O Virgin, as an invincible protection for those who cry aloud, "All you His works, praise and bless the Lord!"

He whom all the angels glorify, before whom tremble the cherubim and seraphim: let everything that lives and breathes, and all creation, praise Him, bless Him and exalt Him above all forever!

Deliver my soul from enslavement to the tyranny of the passions, O Lord, that I may freely do Your will and with rejoicing glorify Your power forever.

O my soul, hate the incontinence of Esau and imitate the virtues of Jacob. Catch Beelzebub by the heel and throw him down. Through abstinence, grow rich in divine things and sing the praises of God forever.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I honor God, one in essence; I sing the praises of the three Persons, distinct from one another, yet not differing in Nature, for there is one Godhead and one Power in the three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

From your womb, filled with radiance, Christ has come forth as a Bridegroom from His chamber; and as a great Light, He has illumined those in darkness. Like lightning has the Sun of Justice shone forth, O pure Virgin, and given light to the world.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

No man became foolish through drinking water; but you, O Noah, exposed your nakedness after tasting wine. And because of drunkeness, Lot sowed seeds of evil. Flee, my soul, from their example, and sing in praise of Christ!

Canticle 9


By her disobedience and sin, Eve brought about the curse. But you, O Virgin Theotokos, have made a blessing flower for the world through the Fruit of your womb. We all magnify you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us fast from the rage of the passions; let us delight in unfeigned love; let us feed the poor with bread. Nourished by the grace of God, with weeping let us quench the tears of future punishment.

O wretched soul, groan aloud! Be of sad countenance and give proof of your repentance, for the day is now at hand. With all severity, the Judge will sit upon His throne and render to each the due reward of his actions, as it is written.

I have acquired no good deeds, but have stained the robe with which I was clothed in holy Baptism. I walk in the darkness of ignorance: raise me up from despair, O Lord, and guide me on the way by the light of Your countenance.

O Virgin Mary, Queen of all, I am enslaved by every kind of sin: set me free, for in ways past undertanding, you have given birth to the Lord who saves our souls, the true and living Goodness.

Without seed, you have conceived; ineffable is your childbearing, O unwedded Mother; in a virginal manner, God is incarnate and renewed the laws of nature; and in keeping with the the true Faith, O Virgin Mother of God, we magnify you from age to age!

As soldiers of Christ, let us now suffer hardships; for quickly will the time pass by, and on those who have fought bravely, Christ will bestow crowns of victory, when He comes in glory upon earth to judge all the world.

I am completely wounded, O my Christ; I am all covered with sores: heal the wounds inflicted on me by my passions, heal the sores and gangrene of my sins; and like the leper, may I hear You say, "I will it; be made clean!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Father, only Begetter of the Only-begotten Son: O only Light and Radiance from the one and only Light: and You, one and only Holy Spirit from the One God, true Lord from the Lord: O holy Three in One, save me as I tell of Your Divinity!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The marvel of your childbearing fills me with wonder, O all-blameless Lady. How have you conceived without seed Him whom none can comprehend? How have you remained a virgin and yet become a Mother? "Accept the miracle in faith and worship the Child who is born: for all that He wills, He has the power to do!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O my soul, because of fasting, Moses looked upon God; because of fasting, Elijah rode in the chariot of fire, and Paul was taken up into heaven. Therefore, let us fast from evil and we also shall be taken up on high, gaining freedom from the passions.


Tone 5

1. Prayer and fasting are a marvelous weapon. Throught them, Moses became a writer of the Law, and Elijah a fiery enemy of false worship. Let us persevere in them, O faithful, and cry out to the Savior: "It is You alone we have offended; have mercy on us!"

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love, that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. Prayer and fasting are a marvelous.....

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands!

3. Blessed is the army of the heavenly King: the victorious martyrs were born on earth, yet they hastened to live with the angels, laying aside their bodies. Through their sufferings, they were given the honor of angels. At their prayers, O Lord, grant us great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O blessed among women, we entreat you as the Mother of God: pray for the salvation of our souls!



Tone 5

You alone have created our hearts: remember that we are only dust. Do not condemn us to the lowest pits of the earth, O sinless Lord!


Tone 4

You who fear the Lord, praise Him! All you descendants of Jacob, give glory to Him!

v. My God, my God, why have You foresaken me?


Isaiah 4:2 - 5:7


Tone 6

Your rod and Your staff give me courage. You spread the table before me.

v. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 3

10. Let us keep a spiritual Fast: let us loose every bond; let us avoid the stumbling blocks of sin; let us forgive our brothers their trespasses, that we too may be forgiven our transgressions. Then we shall be able to cry aloud to God, "Let our prayer come like incense before You, O Lord!"

9. Let us keep a spiritual...(Repeat)

8. The prophets, the apostles of Christ and the martyrs have taught us to sing the praises of the consubstantial Trinity. They have given light to the nations that had gone astray; and they have made the sons of men become fellow-citizens with the angels.

Tone 8

7. Unfortunate and frivolous soul who have never done any good, but always loved to linger in evil: what can profit you now? Judgment is at the door! Repent with fasting and purify yourself with prayer, crying out to your Master: "I have sinned against You! Show Your compassion and forgive me!"

6. Dry up the fountain of my evil sins, grant repentance to my heart, O sinless Christ God, since You are the fountain of goodness. Take away the sea of my transgressions so that I may sing and glorify Your ineffable compassion, O long-suffering Benefactor of our souls!

5. O God, who have led us to complete this all-glorious Fast and to enter this second week of its holy course: make us worthy, O Lord, to properly complete it. Pardon and strengthen us, so that, bravely completing the course, we may all joyfully arrive at the sublime day of Your Resurrection; and wearing our crowns, may ceaselessly praise You in song.

Four stichera to the Saint of the day (doubling the first given in the Menaion) with its Theotokion

Entrance with the censer. "O Joyful Light"


Tone 1

The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, mighty in battle.

v. The Lord's are the earth and its fulness.


Genesis 3:21-4:7


Tone 6

Look toward me, and have pity on me, for I am alone and afflicted.

v. To You I lift up my soul, O Lord.


Proverbs 3:34-4:22

And the rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 8

6. Unfortunate and frivolous soul who have never done any good, but always loved to linger in evil, what can profit you now? Judgment is at the door. Repent with fasting and purify yourself with prayer, crying out to your Master: I have sinned against You! Show Your compassion and forgive me!

5. Dry up the fountain of my evil sins, grant repentance to my heart, O sinless Christ God, since You are a fountain of goodness. Take away the sea of my transgressions so that I may sing and glorify Your ineffable compassion, O long-suffering Benefactor of our souls.

4. O God, who have led us to complete this all-glorious Fast and to enter this second week of its holy course, make us worthy, O Lord, to properly complete it. Pardon and strengthen us so that, bravely completing the course, we all may joyfully arrive at the sublime day of Your Resurrection, and wearing our crowns, may ceaselessly praise You in song.

Three stichera and Theotokion for the Saint of the day from the Menaion


Tone 1

The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, mighty in Battle.

v. The Lord's are the earth and its fulness.


Genesis 3:21-4:22


Tone 3

1. Let us keep a spiritual Fast: let us loose every bond; let us avoid the stumbling-blocks of sin; let us forgive our brothers their trespasses, that we too may be forgiven our transgressions. Then we shall be able to cry aloud to God, "Let our prayer come like incense before You, O Lord!"

2. Let us keep a spiritual Fast......(Repeat)

3. The prophets, the apostles of Christ and the martyrs have taught us to sing the praises of the consubstantial Trinity. They have given light to the nations that had gone astray, and they have made the sons of men become fellow-citizens with the angels.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Do not forget your people in their poverty, O Lady; but deliver us from present harm and future trouble through your intercessions, O Theotokos, and save your servants from the wrath of the Lord.



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

Restraining the passions with the bridle of pure fasting, let us all strive to raise our minds in perfect faith to holy contemplation. Let us reject the pleasures of this earthly life, that we may gain the heavenly life and divine illumination.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the great number of my wicked an unlawful acts, I have fallen into the troubled waters of despair. I am utterly perplexed and held captive by despondency. O sovereign Lady Theotokos, save and help me: for through you, sinners receive atonement, cleansing and salvation.

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

Setting before us a mystic table, the Fast invites us all to take our fill. Our food shall be the everlasting gifts of the Spirit; our drink, divinely flowing streams of tears. Let us make glad, and without ceasing offer praise to God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Save us, most holy virgin, from all threats and wickedness of men. For to you and to your Son our God, we flee for refuge, O Theotokos. You are our guardian and protector. Pray to Him that we may be delivered from dangers and distress.


We use the Canon of the saint of the day from the Menaion, and the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first by Joseph, in Tone 8; the second by Theodore, in the same Tone 8.


Canticle 2


Recognize that I am your God, begotten of the Fahter before all ages and conceived without man by the Virgin in these last days. I have destroyed the sin of Adam, the forefather, in My love for mankind!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Groan and weep, my soul! Turn back and repent! The day is at hand; the Judge is at the door. Prepare your answer and cry aloud, "I have sinned against You, O merciful Lord, compassionate and loving: take pity on me!"

O my soul, hate the destructive excesses of sin, and rejoice in the strict observance of the Fast. Take as your food the commandments of salvation, which will enable you through faith to enjoy eternal blessings.

O angels, powers and principalities, archangels, dominions and thrones, rulers, cherubim and seraphim: pray to God, the Giver of all good, that we may be granted remission of our sins and release from the passions.

O all-blameless Lady, you alone bore the eternal Word. He took flesh from you, yet without changing He continued as He was before. You did not know man, but have remained a virgin after bearing a Child. Pray for us all that our life may be delivered from corruption.

Recognize that I am your God, begotten....

We have seen and we know that, out of love for us, You have appointed this season to bring us to repentance. Receive, O merciful God, the prayers which we offer in the Fast: may they be set forth in Your sight as fragrant incense and an acceptable sacrifice.

I tremble and am full of fear when I reflect how greatly I have sinned! How shall I meet You? How shall I appear in Your presence, O awesome God? And how shall I stand before Your judgment seat, where there is no respect of persons? Spare me, then, O merciful Lord, in the hour when You shall come to judge all the earth!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Unity in Three Persons, supreme in Godhead and surpassing all perfection: Father unbegotten, Son only-begotten, Spirit proceeding from the Father and made manifest through the Son: single in Essence and Nature, one Lordship and one Kingdom: save us all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The wonder of your conceiving is past speech, O Mother and Virgin: for how have you given birth and yet remained undefiled? How did you bear a Child without knowing man? "All this is understood by the Word of God, who was born from me in a new way, surpassing nature!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

When the men of Niniveh repented and fasted, You delivered them from the wrath that threatened them: but You consumed with fire the men of Sodom in their wanton shamelessness. Deliver me, O Christ, from the punishment they suffered!


Recognize that I am your God....




Canticle 8


In the furnace, the young men trampled upon the flames as they praised God; in their fervor, they sang: "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

You justified the Publican who groaned aloud and took pity on the adultress woman who wept from her heart. O Savior, take pity on the souls of those who sing Your praises.

By fasting, let us bring to the Lord the fruit of our virtuous deeds. Let us refrain from harmful thoughts, that we may share in perfect joy.

The choirs of angels, the company of the apostles, and the army of martyrs entreat You, O Jesus, to grant Your people pardon.

With all the faithful, let us bless the Virgin: for she is the mountain not quarried by the hand of man, the lampstand that bore the Light, the ladder easy to climb, the dwelling-place of God!

He who was glorified on the holy mountain and revealed to Moses in the burning bush the mystery of the ever-Virgin Mother, is the Lord: sing to Him and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

On this solemn day of abstinence, let us all blow the trumpet and sing hymns: and keeping festival with holy joy, let us sing to the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

Of old, in the book of Kings, a man of God was led astray by the serpent and ate food in disobedience, and he was devoured by a lion. Be watchful, then, my soul! Do not allow the serpent of gluttony to deceive you!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

As Unity in Essence, I sing Your praises! As Trinity of Persons, I venerate You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The power of Your Kingdom that knows no beginning, I glorify throughout all the ages!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, you have become the mountain of God in which Christ came to dwell; and He has made into divine temples all those who sing, "Praise the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Come, O people, let us greet the Fast with love, for it is the guardian of purity and the mother of dispassion; and let us sing to the Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!


He who was glorified...

Canticle 9


With ceaseless hymns, let us magnify Him who, in the burning bush on the mountain, revealed to Moses the Lawgiver the mystery of the maternity of the ever-Virgin for our salvation!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The holy Fast enriches our hearts, and by the power of God, it makes them increase in virtue, like full ears of wheat. Let us therefore fast with gladness in these hoy days, and so receive sanctification.

I am defiled by many sins, wounded and under condemnation. Look upon me in Your mercy, O compassionate Lord: take pity on me and save me by the prayers of Your saints.

Woe to you, most miserable soul: what answer shall you make? What response can you offer? What fear will seize you when the Judge is seated on His throne and ten thousand angels stand at His side! Make haste, then, and repent before the end!

O chariot of the King, cloud of light, overshadowed mountain, hill flowing with milk: we entreat you, O Virgin who have not known marriage: heal the passions of our souls!

With ceaseless hymns, let us magnify Him...

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory toYou!

Let us keep a true Fast before the Lord: let us abstain not only from food, but from angry speech and lying, and from every other passion, that we may behold Pascha with purity!

Fasting bore Samuel as fruit; through fasting, Samson grew up brave and strong; through fasting, priests and prophets were made perfect; and through the holy Fast, may we too be sanctified!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Lord, the threefold brightness of Your single Power shines on our mind with the light of revelation: it turns us from the error that divides and brings us to the divine life that unites!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos, you are our armor and rampart; you are the defense of those who run to you. And now we implore your intercessions, that we may be delivered from our enemies.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The Holy Spirit calls us to the rich banquet of the Fast: with gladness, let us take our fill of His gifts of grace and sing His praises as God.


With ceaseless hymns, let us magnify....



1. In your laziness, O my soul, why have you become a slave to sin? In your sickness, why do you not run to the Physician? Behold, now is the acceptable time! Behold, now is the day of salvation! Rise up and wash your face with tears of repentance, and make your lamp burn brightly with the oil of good deeds, so that Christ our God may grant you cleansing and great mercy!

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children!

2. In your laziness, O my soul....(Repeat)

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may he prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands!

3. Your victorious martyrs, O Lord, imitated the life of the angelic hosts; with patience they endured the tortures as though they had no body, setting all their hope in the blessings You have promised. At their prayers, O Christ our God, grant peace to Your world and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

We call you blessed, O Virgin Theotokos, and with all the faithful we give you glory, as is right. You are the city that never shall be shaken, the rampart that the enemy shall never overcome, the sure protection and refuge of our souls!



Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 6

We cannot sing Your praises as we should, but as suppliants we entreat You: "Do not destroy us in our iniquities, O Lord, for You are always ready to forgive!"


Tone 4

O Lord, I love the house in which You dwell, the tenting-place of Your glory.

v. Do me justice, O Lord, for I have walked in integrity.


Isaiah 5:7-16


Tone 3

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?

v. The Lord is my life's refuge; of whom should I be afraid?



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 1

6. You stretched out Your all-pure hands on the Cross, O Christ, and thereby united the ends of the earth. Therefore I cry out to You: "Gather my scattered senses, dispersed by the passions; completely purify me through abstinence, and make me a sharer in Your sufferings.

5. Fasting gave strength to the young men in Babylon of old and made them mightier than the flames of fire, as it is written. Fast, therefore, O my humble soul. Kindle in yourself love towards the Master. Thus you will be able to avoid the future Gehenna and burn up the destroying passions.

Tone 3

4. The season of the Fast is a time of gladness. With radiant purity and pure charity, filled with the light of prayer and all good deeds, let us sing with joy, "Most holy Cross of Christ that has brought us life and joy, count us all worthy to venerate you with pure hearts, and grant us forgiveness and great mercy!"

Three stichera and Stavrotheotokion of the saint of the day from the Menaion


Tone 6

O Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance!

v. To You, O Lord, I call.


Genesis 4:8-15


Tone 7

May the Lord give strength to His people; may the Lord bless His people with peace.

v. Give to the Lord, you sons of God, give to the Lord glory and praise!


Proverbs 5:1-15


Tone 3

1. When You were crucified in the flesh, O Lord, You crucified our fallen nature with Yourself. When Your side was pierced by the spear, You pierced the serpent that destroyed mankind. Nail my flesh with fear of You and wound my soul with Your love, that gazing on Your Passion, in abstinence I may pass through the appointed time of the Fast, governing not only my mouth to the entrance of food, but also the doors of all sin. For my past transgressions, I will offer You a contrite spirit and a broken heart. Deliver me from my offenses in Your love for mankind!

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. When You were crucified in the flesh...

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. The prophets, apostles of Christ, and the martyrs have taught us to sing the praises of the consubstantial Trinity. They have given light to the nations that had gone astray, and they have made the sons of men become fellow-citizens with the angels.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Seeing Your Son hanging upon the Tree, O undefiled Virgin, you cried out in lamentation: "Where has Your light-giving beauty gone, with which You adorned man's nature, O my beloved Son?"



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

Stretched out and slain upon the Cross, O Christ, You have slain the serpent, our enemy, the source of evil. You have restored to life those who were killed by his sting. Therefore I entreat You, O Savior: give life to my deadened soul, for to You I turn in prayer and fasting!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the Ewe saw her Lamb hanging upon the Cross between two criminals, she cried aloud, weeping and lamenting bitterly: "O dearest Child, my Christ, what is this wonder that I see?" And You replied, O Lord, "O most pure Mother, this wonder will bring life to the world!"

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 3

As we pass through the solemn time of abstinence, let us blow the trumpet and loudly cry: "Through the Fast, life has blossomed in the world, and the death that comes from self-indulgence is destroyed. By the power of Your Cross, O Christ the Word, guard Your servants in the Fast!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O compassionate Christ, by Your own free choice, You have endured a shameful death upon the Cross. When Your Mother saw You, she was wounded in her heart; and beating her breast with a mother's sorrow, she lamented. At her prayers, in Your tender mercy, have pity on the world and save it, for You take away its sin.


we use the Canon to the saint of the day from the Menaion, then the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first by Joseph in Tone 1; the second by Theodore, in Tone 3.


Canticle 3


Let my heart be strengthened in Your will, O Christ our God, as You strengthened the second heaven above the waters and established the world on a firm foundation, O all-powerful Lord!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Word of God, supreme in love, You have stretched out Your hands upon the Cross; and in Your mercy, You have slain the sin of Adam, who once stretched out his hands to the tree of knowledge.

Firmly establish my understanding, for it has been shaken through the envy of the serpent. By Your Passion, subdue the assaults of the passions, for through Your sufferings, You have granted freedom from the passions to the faithful.

The grace of the Fast shines upon us, driving out the darkness of sinful self-infulgence. Behold, now is the acceptable time and the day of salvation! Let us bring forth fruits of repentance, and we shall live!

I have fallen from the cliff of lust, and through my griveous sins I have plunged into the abyss. O pure Virgin, restoration of the fallen, raise me up and lead me back to life.

Firmly establish our hearts, O Lord, and give us light that we may sing Your praise and glorify You forever, O Savior!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By Your Cross, O Lord, firmly establish our hearts, that we may not turn away from You to evil thoughts of wicked deeds.

When they beheld Your Passion, O Master, heaven and earth were altered visibly, and bore witness that You are in truth the King of all!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O most Holy Trinity, equal in honor and without beginning; O Unity, Creator of life and Giver of light: Father, Son and Holy Spirit: save me!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Theotokos who have not known man, you alone have borne God, yet have not lost the incorruption of your pure virginity; but you have remained inviolate, as you were before childbirth.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

I venerate and praise Your scarlet robe, O Jesus, the nails and the Cross, the sponge and the lance, that have given life to the world.


Firmly establish our hearts.




Canticle 8


He who protected the young men in the furnace and transformed the burning flame into refreshing dew, Christ our God: let us praise and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

In the abundance of Your mercy, You have accepted to be numbered among the transgressors! Blot out my sins, that in faith I may exalt You throughout all the ages!

With the lance that pierced Your side, tear up the record of my sins, O Lord, and heal the agony of my heart that is pierced by evil demons with the arrow of wickedness.

With the blood that flowed from Your side, wash clean my heart, darkened by the defilement of sin, that I may exalt You throughout all the ages!

O Virgin, unhusbanded you have born the heavenly ear of wheat who feeds all things in His divine power; fill my hungry and humiliated soul!

O priests, bless the Lord who was manifested in the fiery furnace, coming down in the midst of the Hebrew youths: exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Hail, O Cross! By your power, the thief in a single moment acknowledged Christ's Divinity, crying, "Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!" Make us also sharers in that Kingdom!

Pierced with a spear, O Christ, You have turned back the sword of fire and opened Paradise again to mortal men. Let us enter there and rejoice forever in the immortal life that comes from You.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

With the Father, we worship the Son and the Holy Spirit in unity in Essence; and from our mouths of clay, we cry out without ceasing: "Glory in the highest to God in Trinity!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You alone, O full of grace, have given birth while still remaining virgin. O great mystery, awesome and marvelous! For you have borne God made flesh, the Savior of the world!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Cross of Christ, the hope of the ends of the earth: grant that through your piloting, we may pass calmly over the sea of the holy Fast; and save us from the storm of sin.


O priests, bless the Lord...

Canticle 9


O faithful, let us magnify the radiant cloud in which the Master of all descended from heaven like dew upon the fleece and was incarnate for us; He, the infinite God, was made a man like us in her, the holy Mother of God!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

As it is written, after fasting, Elisha brought the dead child back to life; let us also fast, killing our carnal thoughts, that in the Age to Come, we may receive eternal life.

Woe to you, my soul! Fearful is the judgment hall, and terrible the sentence of the Judge! Make haste, repent, be reconciled to Christ, who for your sake was nailed on the Cross and has delivered the faithful from condemnation.

O Christ, who at Your crucifixion granted the thief a swift and easy entrance into Paradise, open to me the gates of repentance and close within me the doors through which the passions enter, that I may glorify Your love.

I am cast into the deep waters of sin; I am tossed to and fro by adverse thoughts. I have become obedient to demons and the slave of pleasure. Help me, O pure Virgin Mother, and guide me to the path of salvation!

On Mount Sinai, Moses recognized in the burning bush you who bore the Fire of the Divinity in your womb without being consumed. Daniel saw you as an inviolate mountain. Isaiah saw you as the mystic branch which blossomed from the root of Jesse.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By Your own will, You were handed over, and You surrendered Yourself to Your murderers. Standing before the judgment seat, You were struck by the hands which You Yourself had made. You were crucified and mocked and pierced by the lance, O Lord. You suffered in the body, enduring all things in Your tender love so as to save us.

The hosts of angels trembled when they saw You on the Cross. The lights of heaven hid their brightness; the earth quaked; and all things were shaken at the outrage done to You, O Lord! By Your divine sufferings, O God, you have brought about our salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity, supreme in Godhead, is by Essence an undivided Unity. Though single in nature, it is distinguished in Persons. Though undivided, it is divided. Though One, it is Three: Father, Son and Spirit of Life, together guarding all things.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who has ever heard of a virgin who bore a child, and a mother that knew not man? O Mary, you have accomplished this miracle - but tell me how? "Do not inquire into the mystery of my childbearing; it is altogether true, but beyond man's understanding!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

By Your wounds, we have all been healed from the passions of sin: for, raised upon the Cross, You struck down the enemy, the source of evil. Count us worthy to pass through the time of the Fast without condemnation, and so reach the Resurrection.


On Mount Sinai, Moses recognized...


Tone 7

1. Through Your Cross, O Lord, You have destroyed death that came into the world when Adam ate from the forbidden tree in Paradise. Through this present Fast, deliver us from every pleasure that corrupts the soul. We entreat You: make us worthy to labor for the food which endures unto eternal life, that we may obtain crowns of everlasting joy, which You have prepared for those who truly fast.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let You work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children!

2. Through Your Cross, O Lord...

v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may He prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands!

3. O victorious martyrs worthy of all praise, shining as the lights of heaven upon the inhabited earth, you cry aloud to Christ, "O Lord, glory to You!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When she saw You nailed by Your own will upon the Cross, the all-pure Virgin lamented and sang the praises of Your power.



Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 6

O God Most High, who dwell in heaven, who have created everything that has breath: save us, for we have put our hope in You, our Savior!


Tone 5

To You, O Lord, I cried out; with the Lord, I pleaded.

v. I will extol You, O Lord, for You drew me clear.


Isaiah 5:16-25


Tone 6

In You, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame.

v. In Your justice, rescue me; make haste to deliver me.



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 1

10. Keeping a spiritual Fast, O brethren, let us speak no lies with our tongue nor give our brothers cause for scandral. But through repentance, let us make the lamp of our soul burn brightly, and let us cry with tears to Christ: "Forgive us our trespasses in Your love for mankind."

9. Keeping a spiritual Fast, O brethren......(Repeat)

8. O martyrs worthy of all praise, your bodies were not buried in the earth, yet heaven has received you. The gates of Paradise were opened to you, and entering within. You have eaten from the Tree of Life. Pray to Christ that He may grant peace and mercy to our souls.

Tone 3

7. At the prayers of Your divine Apostles, grant in Your love, O merciful Lord, that we may spend the time of the Fast with truly contrite minds: so may we all be saved and glorify You.

6. Mighty and terrible shall be Your Coming, O Lord, when You shall sit in righteous judgment. Though I deserve punishment, condemn me not, but accept the prayers of Your apostles and spare me, O God.

Tone 6

5. O apostles of Christ, who shine your light on earth, treasures of worldly wealth and of all-wise knowledge of our God: by your holy prayers deliver us who sing your praises from temptation. Guide us through the season of the Fast, watchfully guarding our lives in peace. So shall our prayers be acceptable to Christ as we celebrate His Passion, and with boldness we shall offer glory to our God.

Four stichera of the Saint of the day (doubling the first) from the Menaion, with their Theotokion.

Entrance with the Censer. "O Joyful Light"


Tone 6

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you just; exult, all you upright of heart.

v. Happy is he whose fault is taken away.


Genesis 4:16-26


Tone 1

May Your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have put our hope in You.

v. Exult, you just, in the Lord: praise from the upright is fitting.


Proverbs 5:15 - 6:3

And the rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

When there is no Presanctified Liturgy

At "O Lord...", 6 stichera: 7, 6, 5 and the three from the Menaion with their Theotokion. At the Aposticha: 10(twice), 9, and the Theotokion of the Aposticha of the day and Tone from the Octoechos



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 3

Christ the Vine bore you as a cluster of grapes, and you give to the earth the new wine of salvation, O God-bearing Apostles. I entreat you, therefore, to deliver me from the drunkeness of sensual pleasures. Grant to my soul tears of compunction on this holy day of the Fast, that I may gain salvation and life.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I call to mind the measureless riches of your compassion and the unconquerable strength of your power, and I run to you for protection. Oppressed by troubles and utterly perplexed, with tears I cry from the depths of my heart: "O Virgin Theotokos, help me, for you are the only guardian of the world!"

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

Be merciful to us, O Lord, in this holy season. Give us the grace to always weep before You from our hearts, washing away the defilement of our souls, and growing ever more obedient to Your holy commandments, that in our fasting we may truly please You. Grant that we may all see Your holy Passion, at the prayers of Your Apostles who brought salvation to the world. Glory to You!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O pure and holy Theotokos, Virgin and Mother, cause the fountain of your compassion to flow abundantly upon us, and grant us the remission of our faults; for You are our guardian and protection.


we use the Canon to the saint of the day from the Menaion; with it, we use the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first by Joseph, in Tone 3; the second by Theodore, in Tone 6.


Canticle 4


Is it against the waves that You enkindle Your anger, Lord? Is it against the sea that You stir up Your wrath?

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Let us cease from the drunkeness of soul-destroying pleasures, and by fasting let us drink deeply from the cup of compunction.

O my soul, fast from all excesses in food, and take your delight in the contemplation of what is good; and you shall eat at the heavenly table.

O divine apostles of the Savior, blazing coals of spiritual fire: burn up the grossness of my passions.

O pure Virgin, Mother of God, from your own flesh you have given flesh to Christ. Put to death the passions of my flesh!

O Lord, the Prophet heard of Your coming and was filled with trembling, for You willed to be born of a Virgin to manifest Yourself among men, and he said: "I have heard Your renown, and feared: glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Twelve Apostles: Peter, Paul, James and John, Andrew, Bartholomew, Philip, Thomas and Matthew, James with Simon and Jude: pray to Christ for our salvation.

O holy Apostles, you once let down your net and caught one hundred and fifty-three fish. Now you have let down the net of your teachings into the sea of life, and mystically you have caught the nations of the earth, bringing them as an offering to the Lord.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

I glorify the Son and the Spirit who come from the Father as Light and Ray from the Sun: the One begotten as Offspring, the Other proceeding and sent forth: divine and coeternal Trinity, adored by all creation.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O honored Virgin, who have given birth yet kept your purity, you have borne both God and man, a single Person with a two-fold nature. This is your miracle, O Virgin Theotokos; and it fills every ear and mind with wonder.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Through the radiance of your preaching, you have become the light of the world, as Christ said to you. O Apostles, pray for us that with good courage we may complete the time of abstinence and venerate the Resurrection of the Lord.


O Lord, the prophet heard...




Canticle 8


O priests, bless the Lord who was manifested in the fiery furnace, coming down in the midst of the Hebrew youths; exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Slain by many sins, I bear in life a soul that is dead. Take pity n me and help me with your life-giving intercessions, O disciples of the Savior and eye-witnesses of God!

Encompassed by a mist of sin, I have in very truth drawn near to the hell of despair. Therefore, give me light O mystic rays of the sun of Glory and eye-witnesses of God!

Encompassed by a mist of sin, I have in very truth drawn near to the hell of despair. Therefore, give me light, O mystic rays of the sun of Glory and eye-witnesses of God.

O miserable soul, abstain from the passions and be saved. For abstinence from food is not acceptable as a fast, unless we also correct our faults.

In prophecy, Moses foresaw you, O Virgin Theotokos, as the burning bush: quench the burning furnace of my passions, snatch me from the fire of Gehenna, and save me!

He whom all the Angels glorify, before Whom tremble the Cherubim and Seraphim: let everything that lives and breathes, and all creation, praise Him, bless Him and exalt Him above all forever!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

As the twelve tribes came from Jacob, so has the company of the twelve apostles gone forth from You, O Christ, into the world. Through their preaching, all the faithful have been born again, and they sing Your praises forever!

You have overthrown the chariots of the invisible Pharaoh as in the Red Sea, O apostles, and you have led the Lord's people into the promised land of the knowledge of God; and they sing your praises forever.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I honor God, One in Essence; I sing the praises of the three Persons, distinct from one another, yet not differing in nature, for there is one Godhead and one power in the Three: Father, Son and Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

From your womb filled with radiance, Christ has come forth as a Bridegroom from His chamber; and as a great Light, He has illumined those in darkness. As lightning flashes, so has the Sun of Justice shone forth, O pure one, and given light to the world.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

You were initiated by Christ into the mysteries; and now you are enthroned with Him on high, at all times making fervent intercession on behalf of us sinners. Pray for us, that we may complete the Fast with sincerity of heart.


He whom all the Angels...

Canticle 9


On Mount Sinai, Moses recognized in the burning bush you who bore the Fire of the Divinity in your womb without being consumed; Daniel saw you as an inviolate mountain; Isaiah saw you as the mystic branch which blossomed from the root of Jesse!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

O Apostles, you are rivers flowing from the spiritual Fountain and supplying living water to the pure in heart: through your prayers, dry up the stream of my sin and lead me to the path of salvation.

My miserable soul is tossed about in the tempest of sin. O good Pilot, stretch out Your right hand to me as You once did to Peter; let not the deep waters of despair cover me, and let me not become food for the monster that devours our souls, O most merciful Christ.

The choir of Apostles prays to You, O Jesus, King of all, and the ranks of the angels entreat You: in the abundance of Your mercies, grant to Your people deliverance from evil, amendment of life, and a place in Your Kingdom.

O pure Virgin Mother, Ark of holiness: in you, virginity and childbearing are combined in ways surpassing nature. Therefore, I cry out to you in faith: sanctify me completely, and deliver me from every operation of the passions which afflict me!

Without seed, you have conceived: ineffable is your childbearing, O unwedded Mother. In a virginal manner, God is incarnate and renewed the laws of nature; and in keeping with the true Faith, O Virgin Mother of God, we magnify you from age to age!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Living in the world as though you had no body, you were like angels in the flesh, O all-blessed apostles. You carried in your hearts the Word alone, and drew the nations to the one Faith in Christ. By your knowledge, you have proved the wise and eloquent to be fools.

O Peter, rock and foundation stone of the Faith: O Paul, herald and teacher of the Gentiles: O sons of Zebedee, with the other eight Apostles: pray fervently to Christ on our behalf, that we may complete the remainder of the Fast with all our strength.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O Father, single only Begetter on the only-begotten Son; O only Light and Brightness from the one and only Light; and You, one and only Holy Spirit from the one God, true Lord from the Lord: O holy Three in One, save me as I sing of Your Divinity.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The manner of your childbearing fills me with wonder, O all-blameless Lady. How have you conceived without seed Him whom none can comprehend? How have you remained a virgin and yet become a mother? "Accept the miracle with faith and worship the Child that is born; for all that He wills, He has the power to do!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

In the power of the Spirit, you went out to kings and rulers, fearing neither fire nor the sword. As the Lord's chief captains, you have put to flight all error and brought salvation to mankind, O all-blameless apostles.


Without seed....


Tone 8

1. In this season of repentance, let us stretch out our hands in works of mercy. Then the ascetic struggles of the Fast will bring us to eternal life. For nothing saves the soul so much as generosity to those in need; and almsgiving combined with fasting will deliver a man from death. Let us do all this with gladness, for there is no better way, and it will bring salvation to our souls.

v. In the morning, fill us with Your love that we may rejoice and be glad in all our days. Repay us in joy the times You did afflict us, the many years when disgrace was our lot. Let Your work be manifest to Your servants, and Your glory to their children.

2. In this season of repentance...


v. And may the brightness of the Lord our God shine upon us, and may he prosper the works of our hands for us, may He prosper the works of our hands.

3. Putting on the breastplate of faith and armed with the sign of the Cross, you showed yourselves to be courageous fighters. Bravely you resisted tyrants and cast down the delusions of the devil. You were rewarded with the victors' crowns. Intercede with Christ on our behalf, for the salvation of our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I run to your protection, O holy Virgin Theotokos, and I know that I shall find salvation: for you, pure Lady, have the power to help me.


Troparion of the Prophecy

Tone 1

Raise us up, for we are fallen; turn us back, for we have turned away from You, O God who love mankind and who hold in unity the ends of the earth.


Tone 6

I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

v. I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be ever in my mouth.


Isaiah 6:1-12


Tone 6

Awake and be vigilant in my defense; in my cause, my God and my Lord.

v. Fight, O Lord, against those who fight me; war against those who make war upon me.



At "O Lord..."

Tone 5

10. Our first parents did not fast from the tree of knowledge, as the Creator had commanded them. Because of their disobedience, they harvested the fruit of death, being banished from the Tree of Life and the delight of Paradise. Therefore, O faithful, let us fast from food that perishes and from the passions that destroy us, that we may reap life from the divine Cross, returning with the Good Thief to our ancient fatherland and receiving great mercy from Christ our God.

9. Our first parents....(Repeat)

8. Caring nothing for the things of earth, bravely enduring tortures, you attained the blessedness which you sought, and were made heirs of the Kingdom of heaven, O martyrs worthy of all praise. Since you have boldness before God who loves mankind, pray that peace be given to the world and great mercy to our souls.

Tone 4

7. Hanging on the Tree with Your side pierced, You poured forth life upon me, who through the evil of the serpent had been put to death by the food taken from the tree. Therefore, I call out to You, O Christ, and flee to Your compassion. Grant that I may finish the course of the Fast in repentance, and thereby worship Your Passion and Resurrection.

6. The fruit of the tree brought sorrow to the first-formed man, for You banished him from Paradise. But, nailed upon the Tree as man, O Savior, You led him back to Paradise again. Therefore, I cry out to You, O Redeemer: "Set me free from all my sorrows, cleansing me by fasting, tears and repentance, O most loving Jesus, the Savior of our souls!"

Tone 5

5. O Lord, we praise Your life-giving Cross, for by it, life has blossomed forth in the world when it slew death. We offer it to You in intercession. In these holy days, strengthen us as we fast, fortifying us to deal with the passions. In the fulness of Your mercy, bestow on us the victory of peace, O Lover of Mankind!

Then, four stichera (doubling the first of the three given there) from the Menaion, with their Stavrotheotokion.

Entrance. "O Joyful Light.."


Tone 4

O Lord, Your kindness reaches to heaven; Your faithfulness to the clouds.

v. Your justice is like the mountains of God.


Genesis 5:1-24


Tone 6

Wait for the Lord, and keep His way; He will promote you to ownership of the land.

v. Be not vexed over evildoers.


Proverbs 6:3-20

And the rest of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts



At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 4

6. Hanging on the Tree with Your side pierced, You poured forth life on me, who through the evil of the serpent had been put to death by the food taken from the tree. Therefore, I call out to You, O Christ, and flee to Your compassion. Grant that I may finish the course of the Fast in repentance, and thereby worship Your Passion and Resurrection!

5. The fruit of the tree brought sorrow to the first-formed man, for You banished him from Paradise. But, nailed upon the Tree as man, O Savior, You led him back to Paradise again. Therefore, I cry out to You, O Redeemer: "Set me free from all my sorrows, cleansing me by fasting, tears and repentance, O most loving Jesus, the Savior of our souls!"

Tone 5

4. O Lord, we praise Your life-giving Cross, for by it life has blossomed forth in the world when it slew death. We offer it to You in intercession. In these holy days, strengthen us as we fast, fortifying us to deal with our desires. In the fulness of Your mercy, bestow on us the victory of peace, O Lover of Mankind!

Three stichera from the Menaion, with their Stavrotheotokion


Tone 4

O Lord, Your kindness reaches to heaven; Your faithfulness to the clouds.

v. Your justice is like the mountains of God.


Genesis 5:1-24


Tone 6

Wait for the Lord, and keep His way; He will promote you to ownership of the land.

v. Be not vexed over evildoers.


Proverbs 6:3-20


Tone 5

1. Our first parents did not fast from the tree of knowledge, as the Creator had commanded them. Because of their disobedience, they harvested the fruit of death, being banished from the Tree of Life and the delight of Paradise. Therefore, O faithful, let us fast from food that perishes and from the passions that destroy us, that we may reap life from the divine Cross, returning with the Good Thief to our ancient fatherland and receiving great mercy from Christ our God.

v. To You I have lifted up my eyes, to You who live in heaven. Behold: the eyes of the servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of the maid-servants to the hands of their mistresses: thus do our eyes watch the Lord our God until He takes pity on us.

2. Our first parents did not fast...(Repeat)

v. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have been filled with shame: our soul has been filled to overflowing. May scorn befall detractors, and humiliation come to the proud.

3. Caring nothing for the things of the earth, bravely enduring tortures, you attained the blessedness which you sought, and were made heirs of the Kingdom of heaven, O martyrs worthy of all praise. Since you have boldness before God who loves mankind, pray that peace be given to the world and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the Mother saw her Lamb hastening toward the slaughter, she followed Him eagerly and cried out: "Where are You going, O my sweet Son? For whose sake are You running this course without resting, O long-suffering Christ, O most beloved Jesus, O sinless and merciful Lord? Speak a word to Your handmaid, O my Son! O compassionate One, do not pass me by in silence, for I gave birth to You, O all-compassionate God, who grant great mercy to the world!"



Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

Fasting raises us up above the passions that creep upon the earth; let us exalt the Lord who was exalted on the Cross and has raised up the world! With full awareness, let us drink the cup of repentance; and let us call to mind the day and hour when we shall stand before the eternal Judge.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When Your Virgin Mother saw You on the Cross, she poured out tears and said in grief, "What is this strange wonder, O my Son? How can this ungrateful people nail You to a Cross, for You are the Life of all and the Light of my eyes!"

Sessional Hymns after the Third Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8

O Lord, the grace of Your Cross shines as lightning upon all the inhabited earth. It utterly destroys the power of devils; and in its strength, we shall complete the Fast with ease.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

When the Mother who bore You without pain beheld You lifted up on the Cross, she wept, lamenting, and cried out, "Alas, my sweetest Son! Now I am wounded in the heart, seeing You nailed upon the Cross as an evildoer between two criminals!"


we use the Canon of the saint(s) of the day from the Menaion, then the two three-oded Canons from the Triodion: the first by Joseph in Tone 4; the second by Theodore in Tone 5.


Canticle 5


The impious did not see Your glory, O Christ; but we sho keep watch at dawn before You, O only Son and divine image of the Father's Splendor, celebrate You as the Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Of Your own will, O Master, You were exalted on the Cross and have cast down the enemy. Of Your own will, then, raise me up in Your compassion, for I am cast down into the pit of sensual pleasure.

When You were stretched out on the Cross, O Jesus, You darkened the sun and gave light to the whole inhabited earth in its fulness. My soul is darkened by corrupting passions; guide me to the light.

Still the troubled waters of my mind, O Christ, granting me a peaceful voyage across the sea of the Fast; and make me come to anchor in the harbor of Your Resurrection.

With pure minds, let us honor the pure Lady, the beauty and splendor of jacob. Gaining spiritual beauty by our obedience to the divine will, let us praise her with reverence as the Mother of our God!

Have mercy, O Christ, on those who worship You at dawn, and give them peace: for Your commandments are light and healing to Your servants, O Lord who love mankind!

Crucified, You release me from corruption. Pierced by a lance, You make me immortal. I glorify Your ineffable mercy, O Christ, for You have come to save me.

Stretching out Your hands upon the Cross, O Lord, You have killed the invisible Amalek and rescued Your people. Therefore, we sing the praises of Your power.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us praise the Godhead in three Persons, one Sovereignty above all essence: Father without beginning, Son and Holy Spirit.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Him whom heaven could not contain, you have conceived within your womb and borne as a Child. O awesome wonder beyond all speech! Therefore, we all sing in praise of you, O Virgin undefiled.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

For my sake, You have endured crucifixion, drunk vinegar, and cried out, "It is consummated!" Help me to finish the course of the Fast and grant that I may see Your rising!


Have mercy, O Christ, on those....




Canticle 8


The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured, but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Nailed to the Cross in Your compassion, You opened Paradise to the Thief. I have fallen among thieves through the cunning of the devil: my soul and my whole body have been wounded. Heal me; and in Your love for mankind, open to me the gates of repentance.

Through fasting, let us glorify our flesh and enrich our souls with virtues. Let us feed the poor, and thus acquire unfailing wealth in heaven; and let us cry, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

O Savior supreme in love, at Your Passion, the creation shook with fear, seeing You nailed upon the Cross. My mind is always shaken by the assaults of the serpent: I pray You, merciful Lord, establish it firmly on the unbroken rock of Your own will!

You are the sealed gate of God, through which the Lord alone has passed: direct me on the paths of God and open to me the gates of salvation, O Virgin full of grace. You are the only protection of mankind, and to you I flee for refuge.

O people, sing to the Author of all creation, before whom the angels stand in trembling: exalt Him throughout all the ages!

I sing the praises of the holy Wood on which You, my Christ, were crucified; and I exalt You throughout all the ages!

The transgressors crucified and killed You on Golgotha, O Christ: but You live and save us throughout all the ages!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In a strange manner, the Trinity is divided, while yet remaining undivided as God: we praise and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Intercede for those who sing your praises, O all-pure one, that they may be delivered from every danger and temptation.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

Strengthening me by the power of Your Cross, O Lord, grant me with good courage to complete the course of the Fast.


O people, sing to the Author...

Canticle 9


You are the virgin mountain from which Christ the Cornerstone was quarried without the help of human hands, O Theotokos. In joy, we celebrate Him for uniting two separate natures in Himself. For this, we magnify you.

v. Glory to You, O our God, glory to You!

The prophet saw You, O Savior, as a stone cut from the mountain of the Virgin; and at Your Crucifixion, You rent the rocks. I am weighed down by the stone of insensitivity: O Lord all-merciful, set me free!

O my soul, fast from wickedness and take your delight in divine love. Open wide the door to every thought of good; and by fasting and prayer, guard the entrance against all evil.

O my Master and Savior, through Your Cross, You have condemned the separation that made man an enemy of God. Save me, who am condemned; and though I am defiled by passions and darkened by sin, send me not to the punishment of Gehenna!

When You shall come in glory to judge the world, spare me, O Christ! At the prayers of Your Mother, destroy the dark mist of my wickedness and make me an heir of Your heavenly Kingdom.

Rejoice and be glad, Isaiah, for the Virgin has conceived and borne a Son who is Emmanuel, both God and Man. He shall be called "The East"; and because of Him, we call His Mother blessed.

Through Your crucifixion, You open Paradise again and deliver me from the eternal death of disobedience. With rejoicing, I partake of life; and I magnify You as my God, O Lover of Mankind!