February Menaion

February Menaion

Copyright © 1997 by Sophia Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, and any retrieval system, without the written permission of Sophia Press, PO Box 248, Newton Centre, MA 02159. Printed in the United States of America.

In preparing this translation, we gratefully acknowledge the French works of Deacon Denis Guillaume, which were extensively consulted, and Byzantine Daily Worship, from which several Troparia and Stichera are taken, with permission. All texts from Byzantine Daily Worship are used with permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


(Service Books of the Byzantine Churches; 1-)

Contents: v. 1 September v. 2 October v. 3 November v. 4 December v. 5 January v. 6 February v. 7 March 10. June v. 11. July 12.August.

1. Divine office - Texts. 2. Catholic Church - Byzantine Rite, Melkite - Liturgy - Texts. I. Melkite-Greek Catholic Eparchy of Newton (Mass.) II. Title. III. Series: Service Books of the Byzantine Churches; 3, etc.

BX4711.365.M56 1984 264'.015 83-26559

February 1

Preparation for Hypapanty; Holy Martyr Tryphon

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Preparation
Tone 4
6. The holy Church is preparing to receive the Lord as an infant. He comes with His graces to bring joy mystically to the God-loving assemblies of the faithful, who lift up their voices and proclaim, "You are my glory, my praise, the crown of my fulfillment, O Word! For my sake, You have become a little Child in the flesh!"

5. The bright bridal chamber, the most precious tabernacle, the holy temple more spacious than the heavens is bringing the Lord into the interior of the Temple. She gives Him to the holy Church as a Bridegroom, interceding that those who rightly glorify her as the Theotokos may be delivered from death and danger.

4. O holy elder Simeon, come to the Temple to behold Christ, whose consolation you awaited. Receive Him into your arms and say to the Savior, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant." Summon the holy prophetess, that with her, you may glorify the Benefactor who has wondrously become a little Child in the flesh.

For Tryphon
Tone 1
3. O blessed martyr, you truly enjoy the pure delights of heaven forever, for you fought the good fight as a witness to the truth. Entreat Christ to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

2. O blessed martyr, you have become radiant in the rays of the eternal Light. You shattered the shadows of error and, by grace, overthrew the dark princes of this world. Entreat Christ to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

1. O blessed martyr, you are worthy to share the happiness of the angels and their joy: for you renounced all the pleasures of life. In the strength of your spirit, you counted them all as nothing. With courage, you bore witness to the end. Intercede now for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 2
Renouncing the things below, O blessed Tryphon, you courageously set forth for the arena. In your bloody struggle as a martyr, you skillfully overcame the proud one and received the crown of victory. Never cease to entreat Christ our God, O victorious martyr, for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Today Simeon receives in his arms the Lord of Glory, whom Moses once saw in shadows when he received the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai. It is He who spoke through the prophets and is the Author of the Law. It is He whom David announced, who is awesome to all, yet rich in mercy and love.

Tone 6
1. The Light of Triple Radiance which has dawned from the Virgin, ineffably enlightens the whole universe with the rays of His radiant divinity.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Since the disobedience of Adam, mankind was weakened by the fall. Christ raised us up when, without undergoing change, He was born of the Virgin and became a Child.

v. A light of the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. Fulfilling the Law contained the Scripture, the Lord and Author of the Law is now carried by the Virgin Mary into the temple of the Law as a divine new-born Child.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 2
The holy Virgin brings the sacred Child to the holy man in the holy place. Stretching out his arms, Simeon receives Him with joy and cries aloud: "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Master, according to Your word in peace, O Lord."

Troparion of Tryphon
Tone 4
Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

3. Fulfilling the Law contained the Scripture, the Lord and Author of the Law is now carried by the Virgin Mary into the temple of the Law as a divine new-born Child.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 2
The holy Virgin brings the sacred Child to the holy man in the holy place. Stretching out his arms, Simeon receives Him with joy and cries aloud: "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Master, according to Your word in peace, O Lord."

Troparion of Tryphon
Tone 4
Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of the Preparation
Tone 1
The host of angels look down from the balconies of heaven to behold upon earth the First-Fruits of all creation carried to the temple, a suckling babe in the arms of a Mother all-pure. Together with us, they sing with joy a hymn in preparation for the feast.


Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter
Tone 1
He who is enthroned with the Father has come to earth and was born of the Virgin. The Infinite, the Timeless One, becomes a newborn Child. Simeon, filled with joy, received Him in his arms and said to Him, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in joy, O merciful Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

He who is enthroned... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymn after the Second Reading from the Psalter
Tone 4
You carried Christ our God, who was born as a Child in the flesh form the unwedded Mother, in your aged hands, O Simeon. You gloriously received both the announcement of your departure and the inexhaustible grace of miracles. Thus we all rightly glorify you.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You carried... (Repeat)

Kontakion of Tryphon
Tone 8
Tryphon worthy of all praise, through the power of the Holy Trinity, you wiped out the might of pagan gods and increased in honor before God. You vanquished your persecutors through the power of Christ the Savior, deserving the God-given grace of healing the sick as an unconquered martyr.

The assembly of the faithful keep festival on this day which carries signs of the forefeast: the Lord is carried in the arms of a holy elder forty days after His birth from the Virgin; and it carries the memorial of the victorious athlete, that we may celebrate the unconquered martyr.

On February first, we commemorate the holy martyr Tryphon.
Tryphon, what was your fate? "Under the blow of a sword, I found death." When did you depart? "At the new moon." In February, Tryphon was enrolled as the first.
By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.
Tone 3
In the marvelous and divine blessedness which fills you, O holy one, you have become a companion of the holy angels, though you once shepherded sheep in the valleys. O holy and great martyr Tryphon, you have received from God the power to heal the sick, and to drive away weakness and infirmity from mankind.

Having presented her Child, the all-spotless Virgin fulfills the prescriptions of the Law in the sanctuary. When the just Simeon received Him in his arms, he said to the Virgin: "Behold, He is destined to be the downfall and the rise of many, and a sign of contradiction!"

Tone 2
1. Without stain, Christ came forth from the Virgin, just as He was begotten of the Father before the daystar without being diminished, as the Son by whom Adam was redeemed.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your world in peace.

2. Open wide, O gates of heaven: for Christ is carried as an infant by His Mother, the spotless Virgin, to the divine Father in the Temple.

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. O Simeon, receive Christ, the Lord of Glory, whom the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Today the Creator of heaven and earth is carried in the arms of the holy elder Simeon. Moved by the Holy Spirit, he declares, "Behold, my deliverance: for my eyes have seen my Savior!"
After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Preparation.

February 2


(2nd Class)


First Kathisma: "Blessed the man..."

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

Tone 1
6. Tell us, Simeon, who is it you bear in your arms and bring into the Temple so joyfully? To whom do you say, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, because my eyes have seen my Savior?" Behold the Child born of the Virgin! Behold the Word, God of God! O Lord, who for our sake were incarnate and saved mankind, to You we bow in worship!

5. Tell us, Simeon... (Repeat)

4. Simeon, receive now the One whom Moses the Lawgiver had foreseen through the cloud on Sinai, becoming a Child and submitting Himself to the Law, He whom the Law had described and the prophets foretold. O Lord, who for our sake were incarnate and saved mankind, to You we bow in worship!

3. Simeon, receive now... (Repeat)

2. Come, O faithful, let us welcome Christ and receive Him with canticles of praise and glory. He is the Salvation Simeon has seen; He is the One David has foretold and of whom the prophets have spoken. O Lord, who for our sake were incarnate and inspired the Law, to You we bow in worship!

1. Come, O faithful... (Repeat)

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today the gate of heaven swings open, for the Word of the Father who has no beginning, has had a beginning in time without any loss to His Divinity: He is offered by a Virgin Mother as a child of forty days to the Temple of the Law. The elder Simeon has received Him in his arms, and the servant has cried out to his Master: "Dismiss me, for my eyes have seen Your salvation!" O Lord who came into the world to save mankind, glory to You!

Entrance. "O Joyful Light..." Prokimenon of the day.

Readings: 1) Exodus 12:51; 13:1-3, 10-12, 14-16; 22:29; Lv. 12:3-4,6,8; Nb. 8:16-17

2) Isaiah 6:1-12

3) Isaiah 19:1, 3-5, 12, 16, 19-21


Tone 1
The Ancient of Days, who once gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, appears today as a newborn Child. The Maker of the Law is brought into the Temple according to the Law in order to fulfill His own Law. He is given to the elder, and the just Simeon receives Him. He sees the fulfillment of the divine promise and cries aloud in joy, "My eyes have seen fulfilled in these latter days the mystery which was hidden from all eternity: it is the Light which scatters the dark lack of faith of the Gentiles; it is the Glory of the new chosen people of Israel. Therefore, let Your servant depart the bonds of this flesh to go to eternal youth, to the wondrous eternal life, O Lord who grant great mercy to the world!"

Today, He who once gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, submits to the precepts of the Law. He has become one of us in the compassion of His heart. Now, the Most Pure God has opened the pure womb of His Mother as a holy Child; and, as God, He is brought as an offering to Himself, to grant light to our souls and deliver us from the curse of the Law.

Tone 2
He whom the angels serve in heaven, entreating Him with trembling, is now received here below in the earthly arms of Simeon, who announces that God has united Himself to mankind. Seeing the heavenly God as a mortal man, he prepares to leave the earth, and he cries aloud with joy, "Glory to You, O Lord, who have revealed to those in darkness the Light that knows no setting!"

Today Simeon receives in his arms the Lord of Glory, whom Moses once saw in shadows when he received the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai. It is He who spoke through the prophets and is the Author of the Law. It is He whom David announced, who is awesome to all, yet rich in mercy and love.

The holy Virgin brings the sacred Child to the holy man in the holy place. Stretching out his arms, Simeon receives Him with joy and cries aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Master, according to Your word in peace, O Lord!"

Today the Creator of heaven and earth is carried in the arms of the holy elder Simeon. Moved by the Holy Spirit, he declares, "Behold, my deliverance: for my eyes have seen my Savior!"

Today the elder Simeon enters into the temple with joy to receive in his arms Him who once gave the Law to Moses and now fulfills it. Moses was once counted worthy to see God through darkness and unclear sounds, but with his face covered. He reproached the Hebrews for their unbelieving hearts. But Simeon carried the pre-eternal God, the incarnate Word of the Father. He revealed the Light for the Gentiles, the Cross and the Resurrection. Ann, the prophetess, announced the Savior who delivers Israel. Let us sing to Him, "O Christ our God, through the intercession of Your Mother, take pity on us!"

Tone 4
Today, the holy Mother, who is more honorable than the holy temple, has come into the temple to reveal to the world the Giver and Author of the Law. Receiving Him in his arms, the elder Simeon cries out with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, for I have seen You, the Savior of our souls!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 5
"Search the Scriptures," said Christ our God in His Gospel. There we shall see our God being born, and wrapped in swaddling clothes; we shall find Him feeding on milk, being circumcised, being carried in Simeon's arms, appearing in the world as a real Man-no imagination or dream, but solid reality. Wherefore, we cry out to Him and say, "O God who exist from eternity, glory to You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Ancient of Days, a young child in the flesh, is pre<->sented to the Temple by the Virgin Mother, to fulfill the precept of the Law which He had given. Simeon received Him and cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace: because my eyes have seen Your salvation!"


Tone 7
1. Adorn your bridal chamber, O Sion, and receive Christ your King! Welcome with an embrace Mary, the Gate of Heaven. She has appeared as a cherubic throne on which the King of Glory is seated. Indeed, the Virgin has become a cloud of light, bearing in her womb a Son who exists before the Morning Star. When Simeon received Him in his arms, he proclaimed Him to the peoples of the earth as being the Master of Life and Death, and the Savior of the world.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. The One who comes forth from the Father in all eternity, and from a Virgin's womb in time, is carried to the Temple by His Mother all-pure. The Lawmaker of Mount Sinai, submitting to the Law, is presented to the elderly and holy Simeon, to whom it had been revealed that he would see Christ the Lord. When Simeon received Him in his arms, he leaped for joy and said, "This is God, One in eternity with the Father, the Savior of our souls!"

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. Mary, the Mother of God, carries in her arms the Lord who rides the chariot of the Cherubim and is praised with the hymns of the Seraphim. He was incarnate of her without human seed. To Simeon, the elderly priest, she offered the Maker of the Law and its Fulfillment. And while Simeon was holding Life in Person, he asked Him to be delivered of his present life and said, "Now dismiss me, O Master, that I may tell Adam how my eyes have seen the eternal God made man without undergoing change, and bringing about the salvation of the world!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 8
He who rides on the Cherubim and is praised by the Seraphim is presented today to the holy Temple according to the Law. He lies in the arms of an old man and receives the offerings due to God: a pair of turtledoves, a symbol of the Church and of the new people chosen from among the Gentiles. The two doves indicate that He is the Head of both the Old and of the New Testaments. As for Simeon, when he saw what had been revealed to come to pass, he received the Child and blessed the Virgin Mother of God, pointing out to her the pains she would suffer. He asked the Lord to be dismissed, and said, "Now You shall dismiss me, O Lord, as You have promised: for my eyes have seen You, Eternal Light, God, the Savior of the people called Christians!"

Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


Use the Festal Format, for Second Class Feasts.

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter
Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = Let the choir of angels in heaven be struck by wonder, and let us on earth raise our voices to sing a hymn to the Lord, as we behold the ineffable condescension of God: The One before whom the heavenly powers tremble in awe is now carried in the arms of an old man, for He is the Lover of Mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let the choirs of angels... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned with the Father has come to earth and was born of the Virgin. The Infinite, the Timeless One, becomes a newborn Child. Simeon, filled with joy, received Him in his arms and said to Him, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in joy, O merciful Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = For my sake, the Ancient of Days has become a little Child. The Most Pure God submits to the rites of purification, that He may confirm that He has taken my flesh from the Virgin. Initiated into this mystery, Simeon recognizes Him as God made manifest in the flesh. The elder greeted Him as Life and cried out with rejoicing, "Let me depart, for I have seen You, O Lord, who give life to all!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = For my sake, the Ancient... (Repeat)


Tone 4
They shall remember Your name from age to age. v. My heart has uttered a good word; I declare my works to the King.

Gospel. Psalm 50.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, wipe out the multitude of our sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful... (Repeat)

v. O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

Tone 6
Today the gate of heaven swings open, for the Word of the Father who has no beginning, has had a beginning in time without any loss to His Divinity: He is offered by a Virgin Mother as a child of forty days to the Temple of the Law. The elder Simeon has received Him in his arms, and the servant has cried out to his Master: "Dismiss me, for my eyes have seen Your salvation!" O Lord who came into the world to save mankind, glory to You!"

Canon of the Feast, by the Monk Cosmas, in Tone 3, written in the acrostic: "The old man carries Christ in his arms with joy." The hirmos of each Ode serves also as the Katavasia.


Ode 1 The sun once shone on dry land born from the ocean depth; the water congealed into two walls on either side for the people who crossed, singing to God: "Let us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously triumphant!"

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

Let the clouds drop down rain, for the Sun is being carried on a light cloud: it is Christ who has come to the Temple as a Child in the arms of the spotless Virgin. O faithful, let us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Be strengthened, O trembling hands of Simeon, weakened by age! O feeble legs of the elder, go out to meet Christ! Forming a choir with the bodiless Angels, let us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Exult, O heavens, stretched out in wisdom! Be joyful, all you earth! For Christ, Your Maker, who came forth from the bosom of God, and who as God existed before all things, is offered to the divine Father as a Child by His Virgin Mother. Let us sing to Him, for He is glori<->ously triumphant!


The sun once shown on dry land born from the ocean depth; the water congealed into two walls on either side for the people who crossed, singing to God: "Let us sing to the Lord, for He is gloriously triumphant!"

Ode 3 O Support of those who put their trust in You: strengthen Your Church, O Lord, which You have acquired at the price of Your own blood!

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The First-born of the Father, begotten before all ages, has appeared as a first-born Child of the spotless Virgin, extending His hand to Adam, the first-father.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through beguilement, Adam had become childish in his mind; By appearing as a Child, the Word of God leads him back to reason.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Having become a young Child without undergoing change, the Creator has reshaped according to the form of His Divinity our nature, taken from the earth and destined to return to the earth once more.


O Support of those who put their trust in You: strengthen Your Church, O Lord, which You have acquired at the price of Your own blood!

Little Litany.

Sessional Hymn

Tone 4
In days of old on Mount Sinai, Moses saw the back parts of God and was counted worthy in darkness and a storm of wind faintly to hear the divine voice. But now Simeon has taken in his arms, God, who for our sakes took flesh without changing; and he has joyfully hastened to depart to eternal life. Therefore he cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, in peace!"

Ode 4 Your power, O Christ, has covered the heavens and the earth is filled with Your praise, for You came forth from the spotless Mother as from the Ark of Your holiness; and as a Child carried in her arms, You appeared in the Temple of Your Glory!

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The Theotokos cried aloud, "O Simeon, initiate in the divine mysteries, take into your arms Christ, who was revealed to you by the Holy Spirit, the Word who became a little Child without words! And with joy, sing to Him, 'The earth is filled with Your praise!'"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

With joy, O Simeon, receive Christ, in age a baby, the Consolation of Israel, the Object of your hope, the Author and Master of the Law: for He has come to fulfill its precepts. Sing to Him, "The earth is filled with Your praise!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Simeon was amazed when he saw the bodiless Word bearing our flesh, carried by the Virgin as on the throne of the Cherubim, as a baby, although He has given existence to all things. And he cried aloud to Him, "The earth is filled with Your praise!"


Your power, O Christ, has covered the heavens and the earth is filled with Your praise, for You came forth from the spotless Mother as from the Ark of Your holiness; and as a Child carried in her arms, You appeared in the Temple of Your Glory!

Ode 5 In an image, Isaiah saw on a n elevated throne the God of glory, escorted by Angels, and he cried aloud, "I am lost, for I have seen God incarnate, the never-setting Light and the true Prince of Peace!"

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

The aged servant of God, seeing before Him the Word held in the arms of His Mother, understood that this was the Glory made manifest of old to the Prophet; and he cried aloud, "Hail, O pure Virgin! For, as a throne, you carry our God, the never-setting Light and the true Prince of Peace!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The elder bent down and reverently touched the footprints of the spotless Theotokos, and he said to her: "O Virgin, you are carrying the divine Fire. I am afraid to take into my arms God as an infant, the never-setting Light and the true Prince of Peace!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The elder said to the Mother of God, "Isaiah was purified by a coal which he received from the seraphim. But you fill me with light as you entrust to me Him whom you carry in your arms as with tongs: the never-setting Light and the true Prince of Peace!"


In an image, Isaiah saw on a n elevated throne the God of glory, escorted by Angels, and he cried aloud, "I am lost, for I have seen God incarnate, the never-setting Light and the true Prince of Peace!"

Ode 6
The old man, having seen with his own eyes the salvation which You had prepared before the face of all peoples, cried out, "O Christ, You are my God!"

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

You have been set up on Sion as a stumbling-stone and a rock that will be opposed for the disobedient; but for the faithful, You are the rock of our salvation!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You faithfully bear the image of the One who begot You before all ages; now, in mercy, You have put on the weakness of mortal man.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I prostrate before You, O God and Son of the Most High, who have become the little Child of the Virgin: now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace!


The old man, having seen with his own eyes the salvation which You had prepared before the face of all peoples, cried out, "O Christ, You are my God!"

Little Litany.

Kontakion of the Feast

Tone 1
O Christ our God who, through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb and have blessed the arms of Simeon, You have come today to save us. When wars prevail keep your people in peace and strengthen our Public Authorities in every good deed, for You alone are the Lover of mankind.


Let us run to the Theotokos, in order to see her Son being presented to Simeon. The bodiless Angels, seeing Him from on high, were amazed and they said, "Now we behold wondrous and most marvelous things, past understanding and beyond telling! He who once created Adam is now carried as a baby! He who cannot be compassed is now compassed about by the arms of the elder! He who is unlimited in His Divinity in the bosom of the Father, is now limited by the flesh, for He alone is the Lover of Mankind!"


On February 2, we celebrate the Hypapanty, or Encounter of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He was received in the arms of the just Simeon.
The arms of Simeon, carrying Christ Jesus, resemble the bosom of the Father, where He is enthroned above. Simeon receives Him within the Temple on the second.

All glory and power to our God throughout all the ages. Amen.

Ode 7 In the furnace, You covered the young men with dew as they blessed the Lord, and You chose the spotless Virgin as Your dwelling-place; we praise You as the Word, and we sing, "Blessed are You, Lord, God of our Fathers!

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

Simeon cried aloud, "I depart to announce the Good News to Adam, abiding in Hades, and to inform Eve, the mother of the living!" Exulting with the prophets, he said, "Blessed are You, Lord, God of our Fathers!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

To deliver mankind, our God will go down even to Hades. He will give freedom to the captives and sight to the blind, and will enable the dumb to cry aloud, "Blessed are You, Lord, God of our Fathers!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Simeon foretold to the Theotokos: "You yourself shall be pierced with a sword, O all-pure Virgin, when you shall see upon the Cross your Son, to whom we cry aloud, 'Blessed are You, Lord, God of our Fathers!"


In the furnace, You covered the young men with dew as they blessed the Lord, and You chose the spotless Virgin as Your dwelling-place; we praise You as the Word, and we sing, "Blessed are You, Lord, God of our Fathers!

Ode 8 In the raging fire, the three young men stood with one heart. The flames had no power to harm them; and they raised a sacred hymn to You: "Bless the Lord, all you, His works, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

v. Most holy Theotokos, save us!

O people of Israel, behold Emmanuel, your Glory, offered before the Ark of God as a child born of the Virgin. Dance and sing, "Bless the Lord, all you, His works, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Simeon cried aloud, "Behold, this is He who is both God and a little Child, who shall become a sign that is opposed! Let us sing to Him with faith, "Bless the Lord, all you, His works, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

This Child, being Life, God the Word, shall be for the downfall of the disobedient and the rise of all those who sing with faith, "Bless the Lord, all you, His works, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"


In the raging fire, the three young men stood with one heart. The flames had no power to harm them; and they raised a sacred hymn to You: "Bless the Lord, all you, His works, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

We do not sing the Canticle of Mary.

Ode 9 O Mother of our God, Hope and strength of all Christians, Watch over those who place Their Hope in You, O Most Pure. Let us, O Faithful, glorify the First-Born, the Eternal Word of God, born of the Virgin All-Pure, for we have seen beyond the shadow and the letter of the Law, a sign of Christ in these words: "Every male opening the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord." Let us, O Faithful, glorify the First-Born, the Eternal Word of God, born of the Virgin All-Pure, for we have seen beyond the shadow and the letter of the Law, a sign of Christ in these words: "Every male opening the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord."

Wishing to save Adam, the Creator took up His dwelling in your pure and virgin womb!

Of old, the people offered a pair of turtle-doves and two young pigeons. In their stead, the holy elder and Anna the prophetess, sober in spirit, ministered and glorified the Child born of the Virgin as He brought into the Temple. They praised God, magnifying Him as the only-begotten Son of the Father.

All mankind blesses you, O pure Virgin, and glorifies you in faith as the Theotokos!

Of old, the people... (Repeat)

Come and behold Christ, the Master of all, whom Simeon carries today in the Temple!

Of old, the people... (Repeat)

"You look upon the earth and make it tremble! How can I, aged and weary, hold You in my arms?"

Of old, the people... (Repeat)

Simeon had lived for many years when he beheld Christ, and he cried aloud to Him, "Now I seek my release!"

Simeon cried aloud, "O Christ, You have granted me the joy of my salvation! Your servant has rested in the obscure shadows and types of the Law. Grant that, as a new initiate in grace, I may become Your preacher forever, and be able to praise and magnify You!"

"O Mary, you are the mystic tongs, who have conceived in your womb Christ, the living Coal!"

Simeon cried aloud... (Repeat)

Simeon, the priest, received the Lord of all, who had come down from heaven!

Simeon cried aloud... (Repeat)

Illumine my soul and enlighten my senses that I may see You in purity: and I will proclaim that You are God!

Anna the prophetess, who had lived chastely for countless years, reverently gave thanks to the Lord in the Temple openly. Speaking of the Savior to all who were there, she magnified the holy Theotokos.

"I now seek release from You, the Creator: for my eyes have seen You, O Christ, my salvation and my light!"

Anna the prophetess... (Repeat)

You are One in Essence, yet Three in Persons: watch over Your servants who put their faith in You.

Anna the prophetess... (Repeat)

O Theotokos, hope of all Christians: watch over and protect all those who put their hope in you!

Anna the prophetess... (Repeat)


O Mother of our God, Hope and strength of all Christians, Watch over those who place Their Hope in You, O Most Pure. Let us, O Faithful, glorify the First-Born, the Eternal Word of God, born of the Virgin All-Pure, for we have seen beyond the shadow and the letter of the Law, a sign of Christ in these words: "Every male opening the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord.


Brought to the Temple by the Spirit, the elder Simeon received in his arms the lord who had given the Law. He cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss me in peace, delivering me from the bonds of the flesh: for my eyes have seen the light of revelation for the Gentiles and the salvation prepared for Israel!"


4. Fulfilling the letter of the Law, the Lover of Mankind is presented in the Temple today. The elder Simeon receives Him in his trembling arms and cries aloud, "Now let me depart to the blessedness of the world to come, O Lord: for my eyes have seen You, the Master of Life and Death, wrapped in mortal flesh!"

3. Fulfilling the letter... (Repeat)

2. O Lord, Light scattering the darkness of the Gentiles, You have come as the Sun of Justice upon a light cloud, to put an end to the shadows of the Law and to reveal the beginning of the new grace. Thus, seeing You, Simeon cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss me, for my eyes have seen You today!"

1. Not separated in Your Divinity from the bosom of the Father, You willed to take flesh. Carried in the arms of the ever-Virgin Mary, You were entrusted to the hands of Simeon, O God who hold all things in Your hands. Therefore, he cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant peace, O Lover of Mankind, for my eyes have seen You today!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 6

Today You have deigned to rest in the arms of Simeon, as upon the chariot of the Cherubim, O Christ our God: grant that all of us who sing to Your name, may be delivered from the tyranny of the passions. Draw us to Yourself and save our souls.

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Feast. Litanies and Dismissal.


At the Divine Liturgy:

Antiphons and Little Entrance Hymn of the Presentation. Troparion of the Presentation, three times. Kontakion, Epistle, Gospel, Hirmos and Kinonikon of the Presentation. After Communion, instead of "We have seen...," the Troparion of the Presentation. At the Apolysis, "... who for our salvation were carried in the arms of Seraphim the Just..."

If it is the Saturday of the Dead, the commemoration of the Dead is transferred to January 26, the Saturday of the Prodigal Son.

If it is a Sunday of the Triodion: Antiphons of Sunday, but at the Second Antiphon, "...who were carried in the arms of Simeon..." Little Entrance Hymn of the Presentation, ending "...who are risen from the dead..." Troparion of the Resurrection, once, and of the Presentation, twice. Kontakion and Epistle of the Presentation. Gospel of the Triodion. Hirmos of the Presentation. After Communion, Troparion of the Presentation.

If Easter is on March 22, and it is the First Monday of Lent, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and Service of the Presentation.


First Antiphon (Ps. 44:2,3)

1. My heart overflows with a goodly theme as I sing my ode to the King.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

2. My tongue is nimble as the pen of a skillful scribe.
R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

3. Grace is poured out upon your lips: thus God has blessed you forever.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

R/. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

Second Antiphon (Ps. 44:4,5,6)

1. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O Mighty One!

R/. O Son of God who were carried in the arms of Simeon the Just, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

2. In your splendor and majesty, ride triumphant in the cause of truth and for the sake of justice.

R/. O Son of God who were carried in the arms of Simeon the Just, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

3. Your arrows are sharp; peoples are subject to You; the king's enemies lose heart. A tampered rod is your royal scepter.
R/. O Son of God who were carried in the arms of Simeon the Just, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

R/. Only-begotten Son and Word of God... (See Ordinary)

Third Antiphon (Ps. 44:11,13,18)

1. Hear, O daughter, and see; turn your ear, forget your people and your father's house.

R/. (Troparion of the Feast-First Tone) Hail O Woman full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God: from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, just Elder Simeon, rejoice, for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, our Resurrection.

2. The City of Tyre is here with gifts; the rich among the people seek your favors.

R/. (Troparion of the Feast)

3. I will make your name memorable through all generations.

R/. (Troparion of the Feast)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.

R/. (Troparion of the Feast)

Little Entrance.

The Lord has made His Salvation known in the sight of all the nations. O Son of God, who were carried in the arms of Simeon the Just, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.


Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


O Christ our God who, through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb and have blessed the arms of Simeon, You have come today to save us. When wars prevail keep your people in peace and strengthen our Public Authorities in every good deed, for You alone are the Lover of mankind.

Hirmos to the Mother of God

Tone 3
O Mother of our God, Hope and strength of all Christians, Watch over those who place Their Hope in You, O Most Pure. Let us, O Faithful, glorify the First-Born, the Eternal Word of God, born of the Virgin All-Pure, for we have seen beyond the shadow and the letter of the Law, a sign of Christ in these words: "Every male opening the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord.


@TONE # = (Psalm 115:13)

I will take the chalice of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia!


Ordinary Occurrence (outside a Sunday of the Triodion)


At "O Lord, to You I call...," there are 10 stichera: 6 of the Resurrection, and 4 of the Encounter (taken from the Vespers of the occurring day, doubling the first. If there are none given on that day, we use those of the Feast itself. At "Glory be..." we use the following:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = "Search the Scriptures," said Christ our God in His Gospel. There we shall see our God being born, and wrapped in swaddling clothes; we shall find Him feeding on milk, being circumcised, being carried in Simeon's arms, appearing in the world as a real Man-no imagination or dreams, but solid reality. Wherefore, we cry out to Him and say, "O God who exist from eternity, glory to You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Of the Resurrection, in the Tone of the week.

Aposticha of the Resurrection, with the following:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The Ancient of Days, a young child in the flesh, is presented to the Temple by the Virgin Mother, to fulfill the precept of the Law which He had given. Simeon received Him and cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace: because my eyes have seen Your salvation!"

Troparion of the Resurrection, Glory, Now, Troparion of the Feast.

February 3

Second Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of the Holy Simeon the Just who received the Lord, and of Anna the Prophetess

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Feast

Tone 1
6. The Creator of all and our Redeemer was presented in the Temple by the Virgin Mary. Receiving Him with joy, the elder cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, according to Your good will, O God of all goodness!"

5. Simeon, receiving in his arms from the Virgin the Savior, the One who had been begotten before all ages, cried aloud, "Today the ends of the earth have seen Your glory enlightening them! Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen You, the God of all goodness!"

4. Carrying in his arms the Savior who was born in these latter times for the salvation of mankind, Simeon cried aloud with joy, "I have seen the Light of the Gentiles and the Glory of Israel! Now let me depart from this world to You, according to Your word, O Lord!"

For the Saints

Tone 4
3. Being just and pious, worthy of praise and divinely-inspired, you received in your hands the perfect God, the incarnate Word who came into this world to justify it. You took leave of your body as you said to Him, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, O Lover of Mankind, for my eyes have seen You today!"

2. Young in spirit, but elderly in body, O Simeon, you knew by divine revelation that you would not due until you had seen the Creator of all, the God who existed before all ages, yet who humbled Himself in the flesh as a newborn Child. Seeing Him, you exulted and asked to be delivered from the flesh, that you might pass with joy to the heavenly abodes.

1. The holy Anna and blessed Simeon were radiant with prophetic inspiration. They were both perfect in the eyes of the Law. They beheld the Lawgiver appear as a Child for our sake, and they worshipped Him. Today let us joyfully celebrate their holy memory, as we glorify Jesus, the Lover of mankind.

Outside of Lent

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = The Ancient of Days, a young Child in the flesh, is presented to the Temple by the Virgin Mother, to fulfill the precept of the Law which He had given. Simeon received Him and cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace: because my eyes have seen Your salvation!"

During Lent

Tone 4
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

= Theotokion

@AFTR TONE IND = O spotless Virgin Mary, grant strength and power to my weak and lazy soul, that with fear and love it may fulfill the commandments of your divine Son. Thus may I escape the devouring fire, and through you, may I receive the inheritance of heaven and endless life in eternal joy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR TONE IND = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified and His side pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one cried aloud in tears: "O my Son, is this what You received from an ungrateful people in exchange for all Your benefits? Will You leave me childless? O God of compassion, my Beloved, I am struck with amazement at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

Outside of Lent


Tone 2
1. Today the Savior is presented as an infant in the Temple of the Lord, and Simeon receives Him in his aged arms.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. In a wondrous manner, He who existed before all ages is seen in the flesh as a newborn Child; and today the Lord is presented to the Temple.

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. The all-pure one cried aloud, "O Simeon, receive in your arms as a Child, the Lord of Glory, Christ, from whom the world awaits salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The Ancient of Days, who once gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, appears today as a newborn Child. The Maker of the Law is brought into the Temple according to the Law in order to fulfill His own Law. He is given to the elder, and the just Simeon receives Him. He sees the fulfillment of the divine promise and cries aloud in joy, "My eyes have seen fulfilled in these latter days the mystery which was hidden from all eternity: it is the Light which scatters the dark lack of faith of the Gentiles; it is the Glory of the new chosen people of Israel. Therefore, let Your servant depart the bonds of this flesh to go to eternal youth, to the wondrous eternal life, O Lord who grant great mercy to the world!"

Troparion of Simeon

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Elderly Simeon is filled with happiness today, for he receives the Eternal God as an infant in his arms. He begs to be released from the bonds of the flesh, for his eyes have seen the Salvation of the world.

Troparion of the Feast

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = You were offered in the temple, O Life of All; and for my sake, You became an infant subject to the Law, O You who once engraved the tablets on Mount Sinai, in order to deliver us from bondage to the ancient Law. Glory to the compassion of Your heart! Glory to Your Kingdom, O Savior! Glory to Your Economy, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = You were offered in the temple, O Life of all... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 5
@AFTR SESSIONL = You, the Creator, Master and Author of the Law, were presented to the temple according to the custom of the Law; and You were carried in the flesh in the arms of Simeon, although You embrace the whole creation and receive worship from all beings. Thus, You revealed Your light to us, O compassionate Lord!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = You, the Creator... (Repeat)

The Canon of the Feast, then that of the Saint, by Joseph.


Tone 4

@ODE TEXT = I shall open my mouth, and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her wonders.

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

Filled with joy, you dwell in the courts of the just, O Simeon. Entreat the Lord, the Sun of Justice, to justify those who celebrate your passing to God, O blessed one.

O holy elder who offered sacrifice according to the Law, you have seen as an infant Him whom the Law foretold; Dying in accordance with the Law of nature, O God-receiver, you joyfully passed to immortal life.

You have seen held in the hands of the Virgin the One who holds the ends of the earth in His hands. Taking Him into your hands, you were seen to be greater than Moses, O blessed one.

@ODE TEXT = God, who existed before all ages, enters time; the Word takes on the reality of the flesh; the Creator permits Himself to be fashioned; the Infinite becomes finite in assuming a body in your womb, O full of grace!

Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = The Church of the Gentiles has given birth in her barrenness, and the synagogue of many children has grown weak; let us sing to Him who has done wonders: "Holy are You, O Lord our God!"

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

You were exalted by your holy deeds, O Prophet; you are seen to be a pillar of light, strengthened by the Holy Spirit: thus, we acclaim you!

Simeon, you were able to discern the Author of the Law incarnate in that Infant who opened the Virgin's womb; by His birth, He has brought about redemption for all mankind.

In your own hands, you held in the flesh the Creator who formed man by His own hand; He sanctified you, O blessed one, and let you depart to the life to come, as you had asked.

@ODE TEXT = When he saw that you were the mystic tongs holding the Coal of the Godhead who had wondrously taken flesh in your womb, O all-pure one, Simeon called you blessed in his joy.


Sessional Hymn

Tone 3
@AFTR SESSIONL = After Your birth from the Virgin, O Christ, Simeon received You with joy as he cried aloud, "Now let Your servant depart, O Lord!" The glorious Anna, the blameless prophetess, offered You a hymn of thanksgiving. As for us, O Giver of Life, we sing to You: "Glory to You, O Lord, who find in this Your good pleasure; glory to You!"

In Lent, we add to the above:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Our spirit cannot comprehend the awesome and great mystery which has taken place in you, O full of grace: for having conceived the Infinite God in your pure womb, you gave birth to Him in the finiteness of the flesh. O pure Virgin, ceaselessly entreat Him as your Son to great mercy to our souls!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Seeing Your body hanging on the Cross, O Christ, Your pure and Virgin Mother cried out in tears as a mother: "Is this the reward You receive from a thankless people whom have enjoyed Your blessings? O my Son, I sing of Your divine condescension!"

Ode 4

@ODE TEXT = He who sits in glory upon the throne of divinity, Jesus, the supreme God, came down on an ethereal cloud; and with His pure hand redeemed those who cry out to Him: "Glory to Your power, O Christ!"

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

Old age had burdened you with years, O Simeon, but you remained young in faith. You wished to see as a Newborn infant the perfect God who renews the world which had grown old under the assaults of the ancient enemy.

With one voice, let us bless Simeon, who merited the blessedness of seeing our God, the supreme Blessed One, bearing flesh in order to restore blessedness to us who had been wretched.

Simeon cried aloud, "In You, I recognize the Author of the Law, who have taken flesh beyond the law of nature in order to give a new Law! O only Lord, now dismiss me, that I may go to eternal life!"

@ODE TEXT = He who carries all things in His hand allows Himself to be carried in the arms of the ever-Virgin, making her higher in honor than the Cherubim and Seraphim, for she is His Mother. Let us sing to her in faith, calling her blessed!

Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = The universe was amazed at your divine glory: for you, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, have borne in your womb the God of all, and have given birth to an eternal Son, who grants salvation to those who praise you.

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

Serving the all-powerful God in the purity of your spirit like an angel, O blessed one, you purified the people of Israel with bloody sacrifices, clearly prefiguring the Blood which would save us.

By your holy deeds, you yourself became a holy temple; thus, in the temple you saw God, bearing flesh as an infant; and He made you pass from this world to the temple of heaven.

With spiritual hymns, let us sing today of godly Simeon and holy Anna: for these two divine prophets beheld God, who became a little Child for our sake.

@ODE TEXT = Without consuming your womb in the Fire of His Divinity, the One who is changeless by nature changed, taking flesh and being born as a man of you, in order to save those who had been exiled, O divine Mother, all-pure one who are more holy than the Cherubim.

Ode 6

@ODE TEXT = The Prophet Jonah praying in the belly of the whale prefigured the three days in the tomb, as he cried out, "Bring my life up from the pit, O Jesus, Lord of Powers and my King!"

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

When you saw the Lord, you cried out: "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, according to Your word, that I may go to those in Hades to announce Your divine incarnation, O Lord!"

You shone with beauty more than Moses, O elder Simeon, when you held in your arms the most beautiful of the sons of men, the Lord, who became a small Child for us.

Gorged with divine streams, you departed to the gorge of Hades, O Simeon. Seeing you, those long held captive in the underworld were filled with a divine dew.

The evil one daily seeks to ensnare me, O Lady. I entreat you: snatch me form his nets; keep me safe under the wings of your protection.


Kontakion of the Encounter

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Christ our God who, through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb and have blessed the arms of Simeon, You have come today to save us. When wars prevail keep your people in peace and strengthen our Public Authorities in every good deed, for You alone are the Lover of mankind.


@AFTR IKOS = Let us run to the Theotokos, in order to see her Son being presented to Simeon. The bodiless angels, seeing Him from on high, were amazed, and they said, "Now we behold wondrous and most marvelous things, past understanding and beyond telling! He who created Adam is now carried as a baby! He who cannot be compassed is now compassed about by the arms of the elder! He who is unlimited in His Divinity in the bosom of the Father, is now limited by the flesh, for He alone is the Lover of Mankind!"


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 3, we commemorate the holy and just Simeon, who received the Lord, and Anna the Prophetess. (Their synaxis is celebrated in the sanctuary of the holy apostle James, the brother of the Lord, which is found in the venerable temple of the all-holy Theotokos, near the most holy Great Church.)

@SYNAX INDENT = O elder, announce to the dead, "The Word, whom I have seen made man like us, shall come to you!" O daughter of Phanuel, you did not leave the earth until you had seen the saving coming of our God. Simeon, seeing God and finding the bonds of this life too confining, took leave on the third.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your Saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Ode 7

@ODE TEXT = The three young men, divinely inspired, refused to worship creatures instead of the Creator. But with courage, they trampled upon the threatening fire and sang joyfully: "Blessed are You, O all-praised Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

You loyally served the all-powerful Lord and were just in truth, irreproachable in the keeping of the Law, O blessed one; and you sing, "Blessed are You, O all-praised Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

"The joy of the afflicted, the redemption of Israel has come and is seen in His temple as a Child, who has dismissed me to go to the life to come!" Thus spoke Simeon with joy!

"In the compassion of Your heart, dismiss Your servant, exhausted by the letter of the Law and weighed down by the burden of years," cried out Simeon; "For I have seen You in the flesh upon earth, O Savior!"

@ODE TEXT = Without leaving the bosom of the Father, He who fills the universe found a place as a Child in your womb, O spotless Virgin; there He sat, in order to enthrone with Himself in the place He had prepared all those whom He willed to resemble.

Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured; but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!)

Anna, the illustrious widow, was adorned with the grace of prophecy in order to point out the most high God who came to lead to the marriage banquet of the Lamb the world which was widowed from the glory of God; she glorified Him in the presence of all, and showed them the coming redemption.

You offered bloody sacrifices which prefigured the saving blood to be poured out in ineffable love by the Lamb; you carried Him bodily, O Simeon, and thus were glorified more than Moses and all the prophets.

Seeing the Object of your desire, you took leave of your body; and like a ripe ear of wheat, you were gathered to your fathers, O wondrous Simeon, after a blessed old age, filled with days; thus we joyfully celebrate your festal memorial.

@ODE TEXT = The Word, the Most High God, found you to be like a lily, a fragrant rose, a sweetly-perfumed flower, O divine Bride, all-pure one; and He took up His dwelling in your womb in order to perfume our nature, removing the foul odor of sin.

Canticle of Mary

Ode 9

@ODE TEXT = By her fault and transgression, Eve brought about the curse; but you, O Virgin Mother of God, have made the blessing sprout forth for the world through the fruit of your womb; and we all magnify you.

v. Holy Simeon, intercede for us!

Truly holy are the hands with which you touched the divine limbs of Him who touched the mountains and they smoked, as holy David sang, O Receiver of God. Truly blessed are you, and thus we magnify you.

Healing flows forth from your relics for the faithful; blessed is your memory, shining more brightly than the sun, enlightening the souls of all and leading them to the light of the knowledge of God, O venerable initiate.

Anna, the chaste prophetess of Christ, and the illustrious elder Simeon shine like the sun and moon, shedding light on all; O Lord and Lover of mankind, through them, deliver us from the darkness of sin.

@ODE TEXT = When he recognized you, O Mother of God, the elder cried aloud in prophecy: "O Lady, your Son is set for the rise and fall of many, as a sign to be contradicted!"


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Without seed, and without change to His nature, the Word was united to our flesh in you, O divine Theotokos, and He became a Child. Carrying Him in your arms as a cherubic throne, you came to present Him to God the Father. In his old age, Simeon received Him, full of glory.

Outside of Lent:


Tone 6
1. O Simeon, receive in your hands the Creator of all. O holy elder, take into your arms Christ, whom the Virgin bore without seed for the joy of all mankind.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Come, let us all sing to the Author of the Law, our God, whom the angels serve with trembling, the one Benefactor who has given us His Law for the salvation of our souls.

v. A light of revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.

3. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace, delivering me from the bonds of the flesh: for my eyes have seen You, O Christ, the Light existing from before all ages, which scatters the darkness of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The holy Virgin brings the sacred Child to the holy man in the holy place. Stretching out his arms, Simeon receives Him with joy and cries aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Master, according to Your word in peace, O Lord!"

After the final Trisagion, only the Troparion of the Feast.

@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Re<->deemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.

February 4

Third Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of our Holy Father Isidore of Pelusium

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Feast

Tone 1
6. Let us now celebrate the saving grace of the ineffable Theophany: for Christ our God, is presented today in the Temple to God His Father, by His Mother, as an infant born of the Virgin without undergoing change. Having received Him, Simeon takes Him in his arms.

5. In the sayings of the prophets long ago, O Jesus, You manifested Yourself insofar as You could be seen. But now, O Christ, Word of God, You willed to be seen by the whole world in the flesh which You received from the Virgin Mary. You did this, O Lover of Mankind, that Your salvation might be revealed to all mankind.

4. You once promulgated the Law on Mount Sinai, O Christ. Now, in order to fulfill it in the city of Sion, You allow Yourself to be carried bodily to the Temple as a newborn Babe in the arms of the Theotokos, together with the offerings with the offerings prescribed by the Law. And Simeon receives You in his arms.

For Isidore

Tone 4
3. Lifting yourself up to God by contemplation and the practice of the virtues, O blessed one, you led a holy life, approaching the vision of God by the ladder of your works and cherishing the supreme Object of all your desires. Now, possessing forever that which you desired, you enjoy the blessedness and the light of the Triple Radiance.

2. O holy father, by the streams of grace and the rain of your sacred words, you refresh all the faithful in the Lord. Approaching the cup of Wisdom from on high, you drank from it in abundance, as from a well. By your writings, your admonishing, and your teachings, you spread your radiant doctrine everywhere, O father worthy of our praise.

1. By temperance, you mortified the arrogance of the flesh, as you clothed yourself in the life-giving crucifixion. Expanding the dispositions of your soul, O blessed one, you have been able to receive the graces of the Holy Spirit; and you have become a repository of divinely-inspired doctrine, a treasury of wisdom which surpasses our understanding.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 7
@AFTR TONE LFT = From heaven, You came to earth, O Savior, as a light scattering the darkness of the Gentiles. Born of the Virgin, You rest in the arms of the holy and just Simeon. You have indeed become the Giver of Life for all, revealing Yourself to the elder and manifesting Yourself to Him. For in Your great mercy, You have kept Your word, and have come to allow him to depart to You in peace.

During Lent:

Tone 4
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

= Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Cover my soul with the dew of the Holy Spirit, O all-pure Virgin who bore Christ, the living Water, to drown the immense iniquity of mankind in His love. Dry up the wellspring of my passions; and by your prayers, make me worthy to drink from the torrent of eternal delights, O spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing the Lamb and Shepherd on the Tree, the Ewe Lamb who bore You be put on this Cross, O long-suffering Lord? How can Your hands and feet be nailed by the impious, O Word? How can You pour blood, O divine Master?"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. O Simeon, receive Christ, the Lord of Glory, whom the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Indeed, He is now among us.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servants, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Today the pure and spotless Virgin enters into the Temple, carrying in her arms as a newborn Child the Creator and Master of all.

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today Simeon receives in his arms the Lord of Glory, whom Moses once saw in shadows when he received the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai. It is He who spoke through the prophets and is the Author of the Law. It is He whom David announced, who is awesome to all, yet rich in mercy and love.

Troparion of Isidore

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = In you, O Father Isidore, was restored the likeness of God, for you carried your cross and followed Christ, you taught by your deeds how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to value the soul for it is immortal. Wherefore, your soul is forever in happiness with the angels.

Troparion of the Feast

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned with the Father has come to earth and was born of the Virgin. The Infinite, the Timeless One, becomes a newborn Child. Simeon, filled with joy, re<->ceived Him in his arms and said to Him, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in joy, O merciful Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = You carried Christ our God, who was born as a Child in the flesh form the unwedded Mother, in your aged hands, O Simeon. You gloriously received both the announcement of your departure and the inexhaustible stream of miracles. Thus we all rightly glorify you.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = You carried Christ our God... (Repeat)

Kontakion of Isidore

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O glorious Isidore, the Church has found in you another Morning Star that enlightened it with the clarity of your teachings. And it cries out to you: "Joy to you, Isidore, most blessed, whose spiritual intelligence is so high!"

Kontakion of the Encounter

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Christ our God who, through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb and have blessed the arms of Simeon, You have come today to save us. When wars prevail keep your people in peace and strengthen our Public Authori<->ties in every good deed, for You alone are the Lover of mankind.


@AFTR IKOS = Let us run to the Theotokos, in order to see her Son being presented to Simeon. The bodiless Angels, seeing Him from on high, were amazed, and they said, "Now we behold wondrous and most marvelous things, past understanding and beyond telling! He who once created Adam is now carried as a Baby! He who cannot be compassed is now compassed about by the arms of the elder! He who is unlimited in His Divinity in the bosom of the Father, is now limited by the flesh, for He alone is the Lover of Mankind!"


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 4, we commemorate our venerable father Isidore of Pelusium.

@SYNAX INDENT = Hail! Rejoice, O Pelusian who have laid aside your earthly wraps! Nothing can ever exclude you from the gift of joy in heaven! On the fourth, Isidore falls asleep in death.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = By the sweat of asceticism, O God-bearing father, you extinguished the flames of the passions. Rising to the heights of dispassion, you exult forever before the throne of Christ, O holy Isidore, interceding for us who celebrate your sacred memory.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Born ineffably of you, O Theotokos, in a manner that He alone understands, the Creator of heaven and earth is now carried as a Child into the Temple in your arms. Having received Him, Simeon cries aloud: "Lord, You are my God, my Savior, the Christ, the Redeemer of all mankind!"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. Without stain, Christ came forth from the Virgin, just as He was begotten of the Father before the daystar without being diminished, as the Son by whom Adam was redeemed.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Open wide, O gates of heaven: for Christ is carried as an infant by His Mother, the spotless Virgin, to the divine Father in the Temple.

v. A light of revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. Great and wondrous is the mystery before us: He who holds the universe and forms children in the womb, is carried in human arms as a newborn Child.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today the pure and spotless Virgin enters into the Temple, carrying in her arms as a newborn Child the Creator and Master of all.

After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Encounter.

February 5

Fourth Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of the Holy Woman Martyr Agatha

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Feast

Tone 4
6. Fulfilling the letter of the Law, the Lover of Mankind is presented in the Temple today. The elder Simeon receives Him in his trembling arms and cries aloud, "Now let me depart to the blessedness of the world to come, O Lord: for my eyes have seen You, the Master of Life and Death, wrapped in mortal flesh!"

5. O Lord, Light scattering the darkness of the Gentiles, You have come as the Sun of Justice upon a light cloud, to put an end to the shadows of the Law and to reveal the beginning of the new grace. Thus, seeing You, Simeon cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss me, for my eyes have seen You today!"

4. Not separated in Your Divinity from the bosom of the Father, you willed to take flesh. Carried in the arms of the ever-Virgin Mary, You were entrusted to the hands of Simeon, O God who hold all things in Your hands. Therefore, he cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, O Lover of Mankind, for my eyes have seen You today!"

For Agatha

Tone 4
3. O Agatha, bride of God, you kept your body spotless in virginal splendor for Christ, your Bridegroom. Radiant with the light of martyrdom, you entered into the bridal chamber of our God. Thus we celebrate your feast throughout the world as we glorify the Savior who glorifies you.

2. O illustrious martyr, you endured the cutting off of your breasts, burning by fire and the dismemberment of your body. You kept the gaze of your heart fixed on the eternal reward, the blessedness of the Age to come, and the unfading crown. Since you fought the good fight for Christ, you have received it from Him in heaven.

1. Because you are good, as your name indicates, you stopped the unyielding flow of fire form Etna by your prayers, and you saved your sacred city which venerates your relics, which pour forth streams of healing in the Holy Spirit. In it, you humbled the enemy by your struggles, and there you received the crown of victory.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = A wondrous miracle occurred when the illustrious Agatha, the martyr of Christ our God, suffered her passion: it makes her equal to Moses; for, on the mountain, he received the tablets on which were engraved the divine writings, in order to give the Law to mankind. But here, an angel from heaven brought a tablet on which was written, "O virginal spirit who have freely chosen the honor of God, you gained the deliverance of your homeland!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = He who rides on the Cherubim and is praised by the Seraphim is presented toddy to the holy Temple according to the Law. He lies in the arms of an old man and receives the offerings due to God: a pair of turtle<->doves, a symbol of the Church and of the new people chosen from among the Gentiles. The two doves indicate that He is the Head of both the Old and the New Testaments. As for Simeon, when he saw what had been revealed come to pass, he received the Child and blessed the Virgin Mother of God, pointing out to her the pains she would suffer. He asked the Lord to be dismissed, and said, "Now You shall dismiss me, O Lord, as You have promised: for my eyes have seen You, Eternal Light, God, the Savior of the people called Christians!"

During Lent:

Tone 4
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O spotless Virgin Mary, grant strength and power to my weak and lazy soul, that with fear and love it may fulfill the commandments of your divine Son. Thus may I escape the devouring fire, and through you, may I receive the inheritance of heaven and endless life in eternal joy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified and His side pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one cried aloud in tears: "O my Son, is this what You received from an ungrateful people in exchange for all Your benefits? Will You leave me childless? O God of compassion, my Beloved, I am struck with amazement at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 1
1. The dwelling of God, His pure and radiant ark, carrying Christ, the propitiatory, brings Him into the temple today; and she reverently places Him in the arms of the wise Simeon; thus the Holy of Holies is sanctified, and it exults with the Lord, the only Holy One.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Today Simeon, who received Christ as a burning Coal, is glorified. He embraces Him; his lips are purified, and he recognizes Him. Filled with joy, he asks to leave this life. Let us all call him blessed, and let us venerate him in our ceaseless hymns. v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. Today the pure Virgin, the living Gate, brings into the Temple the King, the Lord whom she bore in her womb. And as the Scriptures say, He left that gate forever sealed. Exulting before the new Ark of God, we all acclaim her with reverent hymns. v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today, the holy Mother, who is more honorable than the holy temple, has come into the temple to reveal to the world the Giver and Author of the Law. Receiving Him in his arms, the elder Simeon cries out with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, for I have seen You, the Savior of our souls!"

Troparion of Agatha

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe-lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bride-groom, I long for You and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.

Troparion of the Feast

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = Let the choir of angels in heaven be struck by wonder, and let us on earth raise our voices to sing a hymn to the Lord, as we behold the ineffable condescension of God: The One before whom the heavenly powers tremble in awe is now carried in the arms of an old man, for He is the Lover of Mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let the choir of angels... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8
@AFTR SESSIONL = O Word who existed before all things began, You were born on earth and were presented to the Temple by Your Mother, although You remained the unapproachable God. Full of joy, the elder received You in his arms and cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, whom You have visited, according to Your word, O God who have willed to save mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Word, who existed... (Repeat)

Kontakion of Agatha

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = May the Church be robed today in a mantle of precious porphyry, made of the blood of the pure martyr Agatha, and cry out, "Joy to you, Agatha, pride of Sicily!"


@AFTR IKOS = Today I contemplate the assembly of chaste women, the spotless betrothals, the multitude of virgins, radiant in their beauty. The wedding is worthy of honor for those who have kept the marriage bed undefiled. Their bridal chamber is the adornment of heaven; and I run short of praises to describe its splendor. For I am a worm on the ground; I am bound to the earth: how can I enter into those sublime heights? Who can give me the wings of a dove, that I may be able to sing, "Joy to you, Agatha, pride of Sicily!"

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On February 5, we commemorate the holy martyr Agatha.

@SYNAX INDENT = In the dark dungeon, she at least had the fortune of not seeing the face of error in full daylight. On the fifth, the beautiful Agatha died in prison, since she would not deny the one, true God. @SYNAX LEFT = By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Sublimely named Agatha, pure spouse of Christ, splendid martyr, precious and divine beauty; remember those who venerate you with faith. Obtain the remission of sins for the faithful who joyfully celebrate your sacred memory, O holy virgin.

@AFTR EXAPOST = To carry out the ineffable work of salvation, O Lord, You offered in the temple by Your unwedded Mother. Seeing You, the elder cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, in peace: for You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, in peace: for You have come to save the whole world, O Jesus Christ, Image of the Father!"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. Holding the Master in his arms with reverence and joy, Simeon asked to be allowed to depart this life, and he sang of the Theotokos.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. "Now let me depart to the true life," cried Simeon; "for in You I have come to see the Light of the world, O Savior!"

v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. As a prophetess, Anna, the chaste servant of the Lord, has now recognized as God Him who took flesh from the Virgin to redeem all mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Hail, O Virgin who received Christ, the Giver of Life, the joy of all! You have brought an end to the grief of Eve, the Mother of the living.

After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Encounter.

February 6

Fifth Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of our Holy Father Bukolos, Bishop of Smyrna, and of our Father Among the Saints Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Feast

Tone 1
6. The Creator of all and our Redeemer was presented in the Temple by the Virgin Mary. Receiving Him with joy, the elder cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, according to Your good will, O God of all goodness!"

5. Simeon, receiving in his arms from the Virgin the Savior, the One who had been begotten before all ages, cried aloud, "Today the ends of the earth have seen Your glory enlightening them! Now You shall dismiss Your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen You, the God of all goodness!"

4. Carrying in his arms the Savior who was born in these latter times for the salvation of mankind, Simeon cried aloud with joy, "I have seen the Light of the Gentiles and the Glory of Israel! Now let me depart from this world to You, according to Your world, O Lord!"

For Photios

Tone 4
6. With inspired chants, let us acclaim the great Photios of holy fame, the all-lauded instrument of the grace of God, the godly harp of the Comforter, the steadfast and most divine pillar of the sacred Faith, the brave mirror and champion of the Orthodox, the great teacher and hierarch, the supremely blessed herald of true doctrine, the staff and boast of the Church of God.

5. With one voice, all you Orthodox, chant with sacred and hallowed hymns, praising blessed Photios, the most illustrious, the whole inhabited world's great light, the preacher of fiery breath, and famed hierarch of the Church, the most excellent man of God, the divine priest, the wise pastor and guide of Christ's flock, Constantinople's brilliant shepherd, the first in rank among patriarchs.

4. By a lawless decree, O saint, you were torn from your faithful flock and suffered grievously for the Faith. O radiant hierarch, most glorious, blessed Photios of great renown, firm foundation of the Church, steadfast pillar of piety. Hence, we honor you with all zeal, O initiate and teacher, wise in Orthodoxy's doctrine, and far-famed herald of grace and truth.

For Bukolos

Tone 6
3. You were radiant with the light of divine virtues, O holy father. As a lamp, you were mystically placed on the lampstand of the Church of God in order to give light to all by your sacred teaching.

2. The Holy Spirit has sanctified you, O God-bearing father Bukolos. Through you, He grants holiness, light and salvation to the faithful who draw near to you.

1. Preaching the extreme goodness of our God, you made the people pass from evil to good, leading them wisely to the Savior and Benefactor, as a sacred hierarch.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = Come, all you faithful, let us piously acclaim the most wondrous Photios, the hierarch and friend of the Lord. For, filled with apostolic teaching, and having proved a dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit through his virtuous life, he drove away the wolves far from the fold of the Catholic Church by his doctrine. Having set forth most clearly the Orthodox Faith, he has shone forth as a pillar and champion of godliness. Since, after death, he stands even nearer to Christ, he intercedes unceasingly for our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = "Search the Scriptures," said Christ our God in His Gospel. There we shall see our God being born, and wrapped in swaddling clothes; we shall find Him feeding on milk, being circumcised, being carried in Simeon's arms, appearing in the world as a real Man-no imagination or dream, but solid reality. Wherefore, we cry out to Him and say, "O God who exists from eternity, glory to You!"

During Lent:

Tone 6
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = The greatest blessing for all of us was truly the virginal birthgiving of the Theotokos: for it renewed our corrupt nature, in order to refashion the human race.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You hanging on the Cross, the all-holy Theo<->tokos cried out to You in tears: "O my Son and my God, O my beloved Child, how can You suffer this unjust Passion?"

Outside of Lent:

Aposticha of the Encounter

Tone 2
1. Today the pure and spotless Virgin enters into the Temple, carrying in her arms as a newborn Child the Creator and Master of all.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. O Simeon, receive Christ, the Lord of Glory, whom the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Indeed, He is now among us.

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. O God of all goodness, my eyes have now seen that which You promised; O Lover of Mankind, make haste to dismiss Your servant in peace.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = "Now let me depart to true life," cried Simeon; "for in You I have come to see the Light of the world, O Savior!"

or Aposticha of Photios

Tone 5
1. Rejoice, O all-lauded hierarch of Christ! Rejoice, adorn<->ment of the Fathers and Patriarchs! Both action and contemplation clothed your soul in their light, for you were a dwelling of unceasing prayer, a temple of gentleness, and blessed virtue's great treasury; a keeper of wisdom everlasting and a far-shining sun of discernment in the things of God, a mansion of peace and divine grace, the abode of a two-fold love for both your God and your neighbor, a delightful palace of humility. Entreat Christ the Savior that great mercy and forgiveness be granted to our souls.

v. My mouth speaks wisdom and my heart exults with understanding.

2. Rejoice, canon of true hierarchs and priests, the foremost teacher and instructor most glorious, the mouth of theologians of Christ God's one, holy Church; you were illustrious in words and doctrine, O shepherd of great renown, the Apostles' true peer in life, eloquent preacher cutting heresy's webs in half like a two-edged sword sharp with truth and the grace of God, instrument of sweet melody and mind truly heavenly, most steadfast pillar of Christ's Church, the strength and boast of the pious flock. Entreat Christ the Savior that great mercy and forgiveness be granted to our souls.

v. The just man's mouth utters wisdom.

3. Rejoice, venerable boast of all priests! Rejoice, O beauty of bishops and patriarchs, the Church's unshaken pillar and firm foundation and rock, hallowed spring of doctrine filling all with truth, exact rule of holy Faith, wise expounder of mysteries, Photios our father, blessed staff and support of the truth, man of excellence, bright with splendor most glorious, mortal attaining heaven's heights and angel dwelling on earth, light of the Orthodox faithful, ax hewing down grievous heresy. Cease not to entreat Christ on behalf of those who honor and praise your memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Before Lent:

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today Simeon takes in his arms the Lord of glory whom Moses saw of old in darkness, when on Mount Sinai he received the tablets of the Law. This is He whom David announced; He is awesome to all, yet rich in mercy and love. Before Lent:

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today Simeon takes in his arms the Lord of glory whom Moses saw of old in darkness, when on Mount Sinai he received the tablets of the Law. This is He who spoke through the prophets; He is the Creator of the Law. This is He whom David announced; He is awesome to all, yet rich in mercy and love. During Lent:

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O sovereign Lady, accept the prayers of your servants and deliver us from every want and need.

Troparion of Photios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Being like-minded to the Apostles and a teacher of the whole world, O Photios, intercede with the Master of all that He may grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

Troparion of Bukolos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Bukolos the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Encounter

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = You were offered in the Temple, O Life of all; and for my sake, You became an infant subject to the Law, O You who once engraved the tablets of Mount Sinai, in order to deliver us from bondage to the ancient Law. Glory to the compassion of Your heart! Glory to Your Kingdom, O Savior! Glory to Your Economy, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = You were offered... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 5
@AFTR SESSIONL = You, the Creator, Master and Author of the Law, were presented to the Temple according to the custom of the Law; and You were carried in the flesh in the arms of Simeon, although You embrace the whole creation and receive worship from all beings. Thus You revealed Your light to us, O compassionate Lord!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = You, the Creator... (Repeat)

Kontakion of Photios

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = With garlands of chants, let us now crown the far-shining star of the Church, the God-inspired guide of the Orthodox, the divinely-sounding harp of the Spirit, and the steadfast adversary of heresy; and let us cry to him, "Rejoice, O most venerable Photios!"

Kontakion of Bukolos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Radiant with the light of the priesthood, you enlightened the people, O shepherd. You destroyed the darkness of idolatry and you dispersed the clouds of passions by cures. You went before the unsettling Light, and now we ask you to pray for us who honor you, O blessed Bukolos!

Kontakion of the Encounter

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Christ our God who, through your birth have sanctified the virginal womb and have blessed the arms of Simeon, You have come today to save us. When wars prevail keep your people in peace and strengthen our Public Authori<->ties in every good deed, for You alone are the Lover of mankind.


@AFTR IKOS = Let us run to the Theotokos, in order to see her Son being presented to Simeon. The bodiless angels, seeing Him from on high, were amazed, and they said, "Now we behold wondrous and most marvelous things, past understanding and beyond telling! He who once created Adam is now carried as a baby! He who cannot be compassed is now compassed about by the arms of the elder! He who is unlimited in His Divinity in the bosom of the Father, is now limited by the flesh, for He alone is the Lover of Mankind!


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 6, we commemorate our venerable father Bukolos, Bishop of Smyrna.

@SYNAX INDENT = After his death, Bukolos, the great priest, remains a watchful shepherd for Smyrna, a protector for its flock. On the sixth, he set out for the original uncreated Light, leaving behind earthly illumination.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 2
@AFTR EXAPOST = As a shepherd, O wise hierarch, you led the flock of the Lord to the pastures of the Faith, driving off all heresies as wolves. Look down also upon us now from heaven, O blessed father, who stand together with the all-pure Theo<->tokos before the throne of God.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Without leaving the bosom of the Father, in His extreme goodness, the Word was ineffably born of the Virgin and became a Child. Simeon received Him in his arms. The prophetess and the elder recognized Him as the Lord, and they proclaimed Him in advance to all as the Savior of mankind.

Outside Lent


Tone 2
1. Today the Savior is presented as an infant in the Temple of the Lord, and Simeon receives Him in his aged hands.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. In a wondrous manner, He who exists before all time allows Himself to be seen in the flesh as a newborn Child. Today the Lord is presented in the Temple.

v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. The all-pure one cried aloud, "O Simeon, receive in your arms as a Child, the Lord of Glory, Christ, from whom the world awaits salvation."

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Great and wondrous is the mystery before us: He who holds the universe and forms children in the womb, is carried in human arms as a newborn Child!

After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Encounter.

February 7

Sixth Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of our Holy Father Parthenios, Bishop of Pampsacos, and of our venerable Father Luke of Hellas

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. The great Parthenios is the glory of Hellespont, the luminary of Lampsacus and the bright torch of won<->drous miracles. He invites us to celebrate a spiri<->tual festival in his memory as we sing to Christ our Savior!

5. Bearing God within you from early youth, you burned the hosts of demons in the fire of your prayers, O blessed one who directed the flock of Lampsacus as a wise shepherd. Casting down the altars of idols, you built yourself up as a new temple for God.

4. Your miracles preach your wondrous deeds: the fish which were cast up, the dead restored to life, the unfruitful cultivated land and barren vineyard which brought forth fruit, the needed rain, and the miracle on behalf of the dyers. Wonderful are your works, O holy father! Intercede for our salvation.

For Luke

Tone 6
3. Having followed the Lord totally from your youth, you renounced protection given by your parents as well as all consolation here below. You dwelt in the wilderness, practicing the ascetic life in all humility. In the fervor of your spirit, O venerable father, as a wise merchant you distributed all your wealth to the poor in order to acquire Christ, the pearl of great price, in whom you have found the objects of all your desires.

2. You endured beatings, mistreatment by your father and insults for the sake of the Lord whom you loved. Wounded by love for Him, you renounced all pleasures here below, even willing to be separated from the love of your mother. You put on the monastic habit, O holy father; but our God, the Lover of Mankind, made you appear indecisive, moved as He was by the prayers of your mother, O venerable and holy Luke.

1. Having finished your holy life, you became a miracle-worker: God gave you this grace as a reward for your labors. For the Judge granted you the immortal crown and endless glory. Entreat Him, then, O venerable Luke, to deliver from all misfortune the faithful who sing to you.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today You have deigned to rest in the arms of Simeon, as upon the chariot of the Cherubim, O Christ our God: grant that all of us who sing to Your name, may be delivered from the tyranny of the passions. Draw us to Yourself and save our souls!

During Lent:

Tone 6
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Wounded by demon-robbers and lying lifeless on the road of this passing life, I have need of your mercy, O all-spotless Virgin. Come quickly to visit me, pouring oil and wine into my incurable wounds. Restore me to health, that I may glorify you and sing fittingly with love of your great deeds, O all-pure and ever-virgin Mother.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = As Simeon foretold, O all-holy Lady, a sword pierced your heart when you beheld Him who had risen radiantly from your womb at an ineffable word, now being raised up on the Cross by the impious. They gave Him vinegar and gall to drink, pierced His side, and nailed His hands and feet. You wept as a mother, and in tears you said, "What is this strange mystery, O my beloved Son?"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. Open wide, O gates of heaven: for Christ is carried as an infant by His Mother, the spotless Virgin, to the divine Father in the Temple.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. The burning coal which the prophet Isaiah foresaw is Christ. Now He is entrusted to the elder Simeon by the arms of the Theotokos, as from tongs.

v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.

3. Holding the Master in his arms with reverence and joy, Simeon asked to be allowed to depart this life, and he sang of the Theotokos.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today the pure and spotless Virgin enters into the Temple, carrying in her arms as a newborn Child the Creator and Master of all.

Troparion of the Saints

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according to your compassion, Do not remove your mercy from us, but through their intercession direct our lives in peace.

@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned with the Father has come to earth and was born of the Virgin. The Infinite, the Timeless One, becomes a newborn Child. Simeon, filled with joy, received Him in his arms and said to Him, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant in joy, O merciful Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = He who is enthroned... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = For my sake, the Ancient of Days has become a little child. The Most Pure God submits to the rites of purification, that He may confirm that He has taken my flesh from the Virgin. Initiated into this mystery, Simeon recognizes Him as God made manifest in the flesh. The elder greeted Him as Life, and cried out with rejoicing, "Let me depart, for I have seen You, O Lord, who give life to all!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

For my sake... (Repeat)

Kontakion of Parthenios

Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = Holy Parthenios, you have shown the meaning of your name: for the purity of your life, you have received the dignity of a hierarch from the Creator. Intercede for the world, O venerable Parthenios!

Another Kontakion to Parthenios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = By your deeds, you have shown the meaning of your name: for the purity of your life, you have received the dignity of a hierarch from the Creator. Intercede for the world, O venerable Parthenios!


@AFTR IKOS = Light from Light, the Son and Word of God, begotten of the Father who exists before all began: You divinely enlighten the whole world. Enlighten my spirit, my mind and my thoughts, that I may sing today of the wondrous and radiant feast of the blessed and venerable Parthenios. The life he led on earth stirs up our admiration and compels us to cry aloud from a pure heart, "Intercede for the world, O venerable Parthenios!"

Kontakion of Luke

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = God chose you before you were even formed, that you might be acceptable in His sight, according to the judgments which He alone knows. Taking you under His pro<->tection from your mother's womb, He sanctified you and made you His servant, directing your footsteps toward Him, O holy Luke. And now you exult before the Lover of Mankind!


@AFTR IKOS = You are the flower of the fathers, their purest splendor, the adornment of ascetics and their jewel. You have fulfilled the precepts of Christ. How, then, can I sing of your life, O wondrous father, without possessing eloquence. Yet I will dare to begin: Hail, splendid glory of holy monks! Hail, lamp which shows the way to believers! Hail, delightful flower of the desert! Hail, light-house illumining the world! Hail, O you who renounced all that was passing and transitory! Hail, you who lived with the angels in heaven! Hail, diligent consoler of the troubled! Hail, welcome helper in distress! Hail, venerable temple of the Holy Spirit! Hail, wondrous dwelling of Christ! Hail, for grace has shone upon us through you! Hail, for our God was glorified by you! And now you exult before the Lover of Mankind!


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 7, we commemorate our venerable father Parthenios, Bishop of Lampsacus.

@SYNAX INDENT = Parthenios leaves his dust and fame to Lampsacus; and to our hearts, he leaves a great light. On February 7, that watchman awaiting the spiritual awakening of all, fell asleep.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father Luke of Hellas.

@SYNAX INDENT = Luke fills all Hellas with his miracles: for death could not diminish that wondrous power.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = Today let us venerate the sublime shepherd of Lampsacus, the holy Pharthenios, the resplendent wonder-working hierarch of the Church of Christ, the glory of Hellespont, the firm support of believers: for he made the grace of God descend upon the world.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having taken up your Cross and embraced the monastic life from your youth, you buried yourself in the desert, O light of holy monks! Having subjected the lower to the higher by total temperance, O holy Luke, divinely-inspired father, you were able to converse with the unapproachable Trinity.

@AFTR EXAPOST = To carry out the ineffable work of salvation, O Lord, You were offered in the Temple by Your unwedded Mother. Seeing You, the elder cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, in peace: for You have come to save the whole world, O Jesus Christ, Image of the Father!"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. O Simeon, receive Christ, the Lord of Glory, whom the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Indeed, He is now among us.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. O God of all goodness, my eyes have now seen that which You promised; O Lover of Mankind, make haste to dismiss Your servant in peace.

v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

3. Today the pure and spotless Virgin enters into the Temple, carrying in her arms as a newborn Child the Creator and Master of all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Hail, O Virgin who received Christ, the Giver of Life, the Joy of all! You have brought an end to the grief of Eve, the Mother of the living.

After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Encounter

February 8

Seventh Day of the Encounter; Commemoration of the Holy Great-Martyr Theodore (Stratilates) the Commander; and of the Holy Prophet Zecheriah


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Theodore

Tone 5
6. Hail, holy Theodore, soldier of Christ, who put to flight the battalions of the enemy by the arms of Faith. O support of the faithful believers, who won the Kingdom of Heaven at the cost of many torments, you exult there now, divinized in your communion with God and radiant in the most pure light. Remember those who venerate your wondrous memory today and prostrate in faith before your sacred relics. From them, for your faithful suppliants, there flow healing and great mercy.

5. Hail, venerable head of the martyr, outstanding relic, sacred treasure, beauty of the Church and destroyer of the enemy! You are truly a gift of God, as your name signifies, a light-house beaming miracles over all, a strong pillar which could not be shaken by the blows of cruel punishments. You slew the dragon with the lance of your patient endurance. O invincible soldier, entreat Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

4. O martyr, you destroyed the idols by means of the Cross. You endured scourging, O blessed one; and on the tree to which you were tied, you patiently bore slashing, beating and burning. You were lifted up on a Cross and pierced by arrows, which destroyed your eyes. Thus, we call you blessed, O Theodore, who fought the good fight and won the heavenly crown. Entreat Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

For Zecheriah

Tone 8
3. Resembling the angels in heaven by your life on earth, you lived in communion with them, O prophet. Through them, your spirit received lights which surpass understanding, the explanation of wondrous images, the revelation of great mysteries. You became a prophetic speaker and a source of spiritual renewal for all. Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

2. You appeared as an angel on earth, and had the heavenly spirits as your companions: you received visions from on high. You were a lamp, radiant with spiritual light. As the psalmist said, you were a fruitful olive tree, anointing believers with the oil of God's deeds. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

1. According to your desire, you now taste divinization as a true prophet of God. You experience the never-ending delights as you behold the inexpressible glory. Crowned in beauty, never cease to intercede for those who sing to you, for the salvation of our souls!

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today the venerable memory of the victorious athlete of Christ has shone forth more brightly than the dawn, ceaselessly enlightening the hearts of believers and driving away the clouds from our souls by the action and grace of the Spirit. O friends of the martyrs, let us say to him: "Hail, blessed Theodore, gift given by God to believers! You perform a multitude of miracles for those who have recourse to you. Ceaselessly intercede before Christ that the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory may obtain eternal good things!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = The Ancient of Days, a young Child in the flesh, is presented to the Temple by the Virgin Mother, to fulfill the precept of the Law which He had given. Simeon received Him and cried aloud with joy, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace: because my eyes have seen Your salvation!"

During Lent:

Tone 8
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Those whom God judged worthy to see Him incarnate have proclaimed you to be the Virgin Bride, worthy of the Father and His Divinity, O Mother of the Divine Word, Temple of the Holy Spirit. In you, O full of grace, the fullness of the Divinity took up His dwelling in a bodily fashion.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Lord, when the Virgin Ewe who bore You, beheld You nailed to the Cross, she covered her face and cried aloud in tears: "O my Son, how can You suffer this unjust immolation? Immortal One, how can You share the death of mortals? Answer me, my sweet Light! Behold Your Mother weeping! Glorify her by Your holy Resurrection!"

Outside of Lent:


Tone 6
1. O Simeon, receive in your hands the Creator of all. O holy elder, take into your arms Christ, whom the Virgin bore without seed for the joy of all mankind.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Come, let us all sing to the Author of the Law, our God, whom the angels serve with trembling, the one Benefactor who has given us His Law for the salvation of our souls!

v. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel!

3. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace, delivering me from the bonds of the flesh: for my eyes have seen You, O Christ, the Light existing from before all ages, which scatters the darkness of the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O faithful, let us praise Theodore, whose name means gift of God. He has inherited blessedness. Let us rightly bless him, the noble great-martyr, the defender of all: for he intercedes for our souls before Christ our God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = He who rides on the Cherubim and is praised by the Seraphim is presented today to the holy Temple according to the Law. He lies in the arms of an old man and receives the offerings due to God: a pair of turtledoves, a symbol of the Church and of the new people chosen from among the Gentiles. The two doves indicate that He is the Head of both the Old and of the New Testaments. As for Simeon, when he saw what had been revealed come to pass, he received the Child and blessed the Virgin Mother of God, pointing out to her the pains she would suffer. He asked the Lord to be dismissed, and said, "Now You shall dismiss me, O Lord, as You have promised: for my eyes have seen You, the eternal Light, God, the Savior of the people called Christians!"

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = You became a brilliant general in the real armies of the King of Heaven, O Theodore the Triumphant! You fought courageously with the weapons of faith and put the legions of demons to flight. Wherefore, we praise you with fervor at all times!

Troparion of Zecheriah

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = We celebrate the memory of your prophet Zecheriah, and through him we implore You, O Lord: save our souls.

Troparion of the Encounter

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail, O Full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God, from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, O just Elder Simeon, rejoice for you carried in your arms the Re<->deemer of our souls, who grant us resurrection.


Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = The victorious athlete of Christ, the far-famed martyr, the wondrous and glorious Theodore, is dear to angels and to men. Today he brings joy in the Holy Spirit to all the holy Churches under the sun, and he invites us to celebrate his memory with rejoicing.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = In days of old on Mount Sinai, Moses saw the back parts of God and was counted worthy in darkness and a storm of wind faintly to hear the divine voice. But now Simeon has taken in his arms, God, who for our sakes took flesh without changing; and he has joyfully hastened to depart to eternal life. Therefore he cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, in peace!"

Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = You were offered in the Temple, O Life of all; and for my sake, You became an infant subject to the Law, O You who once engraved the tablets on Mount Sinai, in order to deliver us from bondage to the ancient Law. Glory to the compassion of Your heart! Glory to Your Kingdom, O Savior! Glory to Your Economy, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

Kontakion of Theodore

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Theodore, pride of martyrs, you put on the armor of faith and took the Word of God as a spear to vanquish the enemy. In the company of the martyrs, do not cease to intercede with Christ God in behalf of us all.


@AFTR IKOS = Come, all you faithful: let us crown the splendid martyr Theodore with our hymns: for his brilliant miracles have pointed him out to the world as a great gift of God. Having triumphed over the hostile Belial by the power of Christ, he rained down a flood of healings by the blood he poured forth. He exults now with the martyrs, and does not cease to intercede with Christ God in behalf of us all.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 8, we commemorate the holy and illustrious great-martyr Theodore, General of the Armies.

@SYNAX INDENT = Having reached the rank of general, Theodore now reviews the ranks of the divine armies in heaven. Sacrificing glory and its illusions for the sake of Christ, he bends his neck on the eighth in his great love for God.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy prophet Zecheriah.

@SYNAX INDENT = The angels were seen as steeds by your eyes, O Zecheriah; and through them you mounted up to heaven.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone @AFTR EXAPOST = O illustrious and great-martyr, noble Theodore, commander of the army, divine pride of sacred athletes: ceaselessly seek victory for the Christian people, peace for the world, pardon of sins and salvation for the faithful celebrating your light-bearing memorial.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Brought to the Temple by the Spirit, the elder Simeon received in his arms the Lord who had given the Law. He cried aloud, "Now You shall dismiss me in peace, delivering me from the bonds of the flesh: for my eyes have seen the light of revelation for the Gentiles and the salvation prepared for Israel!"


For Theodore

Tone 4
4. In the Spirit, you showed yourself to be a generous athlete, an invincible soldier. You overthrew the enemy by the wisdom of your words and the endurance you showed in your struggle. Thus you received the crown of victory and joined the festive assembly in heaven, O Theodore, glory of martyrs!

3. In the Spirit... (Repeat)

2. Raised on a cross, stripped of your skin, you were wounded by sharp arrows. Stretched out on a tree and tormented by various tortures, you remained firm and invincible, even when beheaded by the sword, by the power of Him who was nailed to the Cross, O Theodore, glory of martyrs!

1. O blessed Theodore, you are a perfect image of the Faith: denying the false idols of the impious, were offered as a sacrifice, a pure victim acceptable to Him who was sacrificed for you. He glorifies your sacred memory and gives you as a treasury of miracles to the whole world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR PRAISES = Armed with courage of martyrs, O victorious witness of Christ, mystic champion of the new worship in the spirit, by His power you have reduced to nothing the impiety of idols and the cruelty of the tyrants, despising the torments and passing fire. O Theodore, gift of God both by name and by deeds, save those who celebrate your sacred memory form all misfortune by your prayers!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today the Creator of heaven and earth is carried in the arms of the holy elder Simeon. In the Holy Spirit, he declares, "I have been delivered, for my eyes have seen my Savior!"

Lesser Doxology

Outside of Lent:


Tone 2
1. He who holds the whole universe in His hands, since He is the Master and Creator, is carried into the Temple in the hands of the elder Simeon.

v. Now You shall dismiss Your servant, O Lord, according to Your word in peace.

2. Rejoice, Simeon! Exult, Anna! Behold, the Redeemer of the world is seen as Infant carried in arms.

v. A light of revelation for the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.

3. Behold your deliverance from this corruptible condition, O God-bearing Simeon: you hold in your hands Him who upholds the universe, and your eyes have seen your salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = In the arena of the martyrs, you fought courageously against error, O Theodore; and your fiery tongue confounded the cruel Licinius. As you exult with the angels, O blessed one, ask Christ our God to take pity on us the day of judgment.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 7)

@AFTR APOSTICA = From heaven, You came to earth, O Savior, as a light scattering the darkness of the Gentiles. Born of the Virgin, You rest in the arms of the holy and just Simeon. You have indeed become the Giver of Life for all, revealing Yourself to the elder and manifesting Yourself to him. For in Your great mercy, You have kept Your word, and have come to allow him to depart to You in peace.

After the final Trisagion prayers, only the Troparion of the Encounter

February 9

Leavetaking of the Feast of the Encounter; Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Nicephoros

(5th Class)


The date of the Leave-taking of the Feast depends on the date of Pascha:

If Pascha falls on March 22 or 23, the Leave-taking is celebrated on the same day as the Feast at Vespers.

If Pascha falls between March 24 and 28, the Leave-taking is celebrated on Cheesefare Sunday.

If Pascha falls on March 29 or 30, the Leave-taking is celebrated on Thursday of Cheesefare week.

If Pascha falls between March 31 and April 4, the Leave-taking is celebrated on Tuesday of Cheesefare Week.

If Pascha falls between April 5 and 8, the Leave-taking is celebrated on Thursday of Meatfare week.

If Pascha falls after April 8, the Leave-taking is celebrated on February 9, in which case the Office of Nicephoros, below, is celebrated at Compline or on the following day together with Charalampos.

At the Leave-taking, the whole Office of the Encounter is celebrated, except the readings and Lete at Vespers, and the Gospel and Polyeleos at Orthros.


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

@BOLD TITLE = For Nicephoros

Tone 2
3. O blessed martyr, you obeyed the precepts of the One who was incarnate on earth and suffered His Passion for our sake. You loved Him and your neighbor, which is the summary of the Law and the Prophets. Thus, O Nicephoros, you found your blessed end forever in the presence of Him who is the source of love.

2. You bowed your neck for the sake of God, before whom all knees bend. Beheaded and separated from your body, O wondrous martyr, you were united in all purity to Christ, the head of all things. Standing in His light forever, O Nicephoros, ask Him to illumine those who sing to you.

1. The streams of your blood, poured out for Christ, have sanctified the earth. Your spirit has joined the heavenly, bodiless spirits, as well as being united to the multitude of martyrs among whom you are counted as a noble soldier, O blessed one. O invincible witness, intercede for us before God!

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. @TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = O martyr Nicephoros, you have clearly shown that he who does not love his neighbor can not love the Lord. For you sincerely loved Sapricius, your companion in the service of God. You were lifted up on the wings of divine love and gave the gift of your life in confessing your faith in Christ. However, the infamous Sapricius, who would not surrender his implacable grudge against you, denied Christ, his Master. As you are in God's presence forever, intercede for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Wounded by demon-robbers and lying lifeless on the road of this passing life, I have need of your mercy, O all-spotless Virgin. Come quickly to visit me, pouring oil and wine into my incurable wounds. Restore me to health, that I may glorify you and sing fittingly with love of your great deeds, O all-pure and ever-virgin Mother.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = As Simeon foretold, O all-holy Lady, a sword pierced your heart when you beheld Him who had risen radiantly from your womb at an ineffable word, now being raised up on the Cross by the impious. They gave Him vinegar and gall to drink, pierced His side, and nailed His hands and feet. You wept as a mother, and in tears you said, "What is this strange mystery, O my beloved Son?"

During Lent:

Tone 2
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Accept the hymns of petition which we address to you, O Theotokos, for we are your people. O Lady, save us, for we are helpless; deliver form peril the sheep of your flock who bow down before you with faith within your holy temple. Having given birth to the Savior, you have a mother's power to intercede ceaselessly for our salvation.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When the spotless Ewe saw her Lamb willingly led as a mortal to the slaughter, she said to Him in tears: "O Christ, You are going to deprive me, Your Mother, of her Child! Why do You do this, O Redeemer of all? Nevertheless, O Lover of Mankind, I sing and glorify Your ineffable and supreme goodness!"

Troparion of Nicephoros

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.



Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = You bound yourself with the bonds of love and openly rejected the vice of hatred. Beheaded by the sword, you became a martyr for the incarnate God and Savior. O Nicepehoros, pray to Him for us who sing hymns to your glorious memory.


@AFTR IKOS = Cherishing the teachings of holy Paul, you planted them deeply in your heart as you cried aloud: "Love is never rude. Through it, the Creator became a perfect man for our sake. For love, He suffered His Passion, the nails, the Cross, the vinegar, the spittle, and the lance which pierced His side. From it, there flowed blood and water, which divinized us in its stream!" For love of Him, you were a conqueror, in keeping with the name you bear, as a soldier of Christ and initiate in His divine grace. Pray to Him for us who sing hymns to your glorious memory.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 9, we commemorate the holy martyr Nicephoros.

@SYNAX INDENT = He who bore the name of victory from infancy, became a true trophy-bearing victor in the eyes of God, but not in the sight of the executioner. On the ninth, Nicephoros bared his neck to the sword.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = You bear well the name of victory, O Nicephoros: by love of your neighbor and by witnessing as a martyr, you triumphed over tyrants. Thus, you have received from Your Master the crown of victory.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O pure Virgin, under your powerful protection, keep us unharmed from all snares of the enemy. All we servants have you as our only refuge in danger.

February 10

Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Charalampos

(5th Class)

At times, when the Leave-taking of the Encounter is celebrated on February 8, the service of Saint Nicephoros, from that day, may be joined to that of Holy Charalampos.


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Charalampos

Tone 6
3. Consecrated totally to the Lord from your youth, you cherished Him and followed in His footsteps. Purified from all stain of the passions, you received from God the power to heal and to work wondrous miracles. You bore witness, remaining unshaken under the blows and torments, through the power of Him who was immolated on the Cross. Ceaselessly intercede for our souls before Him.

2. The nails pierced your body, but you endured it patiently as an invincible athlete, O blessed Charalampos. Des<->pite the torments they showered upon your body, you kept your soul steadfast and your spirit inviolate. In the depths of your heart burned the love of God, which permitted you to withstand all types of punishment, O victorious martyr, who shared in the sufferings of Christ. With confidence, intercede for our souls before Him.

1. By the struggles of your martyrdom, you obtained inestimable glory, pure joy and eternal happiness, O holy priest, venerable athlete and courageous soldier. You drowned the hostile forces of the dragon in the streams of your own blood. By the grace of God, your prayers raised the dead: with confidence, intercede for our souls before Him.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Wounded by demons-robbers and lying lifeless on the road of this passing life, I have need of your mercy, O all-spotless Virgin. Come quickly to visit me, pouring oil and wine into my incurable wounds. Restore me to health, that I may glorify you and sing fittingly with love of your great deeds, O all-pure and ever-virgin Mother.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = As Simeon foretold, O all-holy Lady, a sword pierced your heart when you beheld Him who had risen valiantly from your womb at an ineffable word, now being raised up on the Cross by the impious. They gave Him vinegar and gall to drink, pierced His side and nailed His hands and feet. You wept as a Mother, and in tears you said, "What is this strange mystery, O my beloved Son?"

Troparion of Charalampos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

Another Troparion of Charalampos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Wise Charalampos, you became an unshakable column in the Church of Christ and a lamp of everlasting light to the world. Well-known to the world through your martyrdom, you dispelled the dark night of idolatry. Intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls.


Kontakion of Charalampos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Hieromartyr Charalampos, you rose from the East like a star and enlightened the faithful with the rays of your miracles. Wherefore, we honor your holy fight.


@AFTR IKOS = Together, let us all acclaim the soldier, the persevering warrior of Christ, the great martyr, the glorious Charalampos: for he fought the good fight for Christ and the truth. He clearly confessed the true Faith, overthrew idols and confounded the wicked emperor. He was filled with joy and happiness as they beheaded him. Thus, he received a crown from the hand of the Most High and became a fellow-citizen with the angels. Therefore, the assembly of believers venerates his precious head, bowing before it and crowning him with praises: for he has preserved them from countless ills. They exult with joy, glorifying the Creator as they honor his holy fight.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 10, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr Charalampos.

@SYNAX INDENT = By the sword, you merited the splendor a joy of the martyrs, which shines like a lamp. On February 10, you were beheaded for love of Christ, O holy martyr Charalampos!

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Divinely enkindled by love for the King of all, you valiantly cast down the arrogant dragon, O blessed Charalampos. You confounded Septimus Severus, that cruel and foolish tyrant. And you have received your reward from the Master of all!

@AFTR EXAPOST = You are the refuge and glory of Christians, O Mary! Protect your servants and defend them as a shelter from all evil. Preserve us from all danger as you intercede before your Son and our God. Deliver us from every misfortune, all we the faithful who sing to you with love!


Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sabastea

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

6. O holy Blaise, having rooted yourself firmly in the midst of ascetic labors, you flourished like a palm-tree in the glory of the priesthood, O blessed one. As fruits of your martyrdom, you offered God a widespread forsaking of idolatry and the reconciliation of many with Him.

5. O holy Blaise... (Repeat)

4. Outstanding as a shepherd, O hierarch of Christ and His witness, you also fought the good fight of martyrdom and received as a reward a crown doubly adorned with the deeds of both a priest and a martyr. Deign to intercede for our salvation.

3. Strengthened by divine zeal for the Faith, seven women and two children were also crowned for their beautiful witness and deeds. O wondrous marvel: for love of Christ, their Bridegroom and their Head, they submitted to beheading!

2. We sing of you, O Blaise, as a protector both for all the sheep of the mystical flock who are ill, as well as a healer of animals which suffer. As a servant of Christ, you are able to provide blessings, cures and abundant miracles, for you have received power from the Holy Spirit.

1. O blessed one, as the holy Apostle Paul taught, for you, to live was Christ-and to die was a gain in the faith. You gladly died for His sake, and you reign now with Him forever in that life that has no end.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = O holy Blaise, you were rooted in the practice of the divine virtues: as David said in the Psalms, you flourished like a palm-tree in the courts of the Lord; and by your just deeds, you grew like a cedar of Lebanon. You were a vine flourishing in the house of God. Pruned in your martyrdom by torments, you poured out over us the fruit of your struggles: a mystic wine that fills our hearts with joy. Together, with one voice, we acclaim you: calling you blessed as we keep the reverent memorial of your death, we ask through your intercession to receive peace and great mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = The God whom we have come to know, willed to take flesh from your womb, O Virgin Theotokos. Entreat Him to grant mercy to our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = The all-holy Theotokos saw You hanging upon the Cross, and she cried out in tears: "O my Son and my God, O my beloved Child, how can You suffer this unjust Passion?"

During Lent:

Tone 1
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = At all times, I have recourse to the compassion of your heart; and daily I take refuge in your mercy. I bless you and sing to you, O holy Bride of God, filled with wonder at the patience which your Son shows with regard to all my faults.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw her Lamb hanging on the Cross, the pure Virgin cried out in tears: "My sweet Son, what is this strange and new sight? How can He who holds the whole world in His hands, now be nailed through His hands upon the Tree?"

After the Aposticha

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = As a wondrous educator, as a teacher of piety, by the power of your holy words, you prepared the God-loving women for the struggles of their martyrdom, strengthening their weak nature in Christ. Having fought the good fight to the end, together with them, you shared their radiant happiness at the heavenly banquet, bearing a double crown. With them, you entreat our God to grant us peace and great mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Cover my soul with the dew of the Holy Spirit, O all-pure Virgin who bore Christ, the living Water, to drown the immense iniquity of mankind in His love. Dry up the wellspring of my passions; and by your prayers, make me worthy to drink from the torrent of eternal delights, O spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = When she saw You sent to the Cross, Lord, Your Virgin Mother was filled with awe; seeing You, she cried aloud, "Behold what You are offered by those who have enjoyed Your blessings! Do not leave me alone in this world, I entreat You: but arise quickly, that our first parents may rise with You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Blaise

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Sharer in the Apostle's way of life and successor on their thrones, inspired by God, you found ascetical effort as the means to contemplation. And so, dispensing rightly the word of truth, you fought for the faith unto the shedding of your blood, O Hieromartyr Blaise, Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Blaise

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = O God-bearing Blaise, holy plant, unfading flower, fertile vine in Christ's vineyard: fill with joy the hearts of those who celebrate your memory with fervor, and never cease to intercede for us all.


@AFTR IKOS = Consecrated by the chrism of God, the illustrious hierarch proves to be His servant by his divine deeds. Behold, he stands in the choir of martyrs as a victorious and crown-bearing athlete. He surpassed the sacrifice of Aaron, for he imitated that of Christ. Like the blood of Abel long ago, so his blood cries out to God in his own immolation. Standing with the angels before the throne of the Creator, he never ceases to intercede for us all.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 11, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr Blaise, Archbishop of Sebastea.

@SYNAX INDENT = Holy Blaise, the martyr slaughtered by the sword, visits the sick and heals those who suffer physical ailments in their throats. The iron cut your throat on the eleventh, O Blaise, and you died. @SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the two holy infants and the seven holy women, companions in martyrdom with holy Blaise, who perished under the sword.

@SYNAX INDENT = What courage those two infants showed in their martyrdom! They both hastened to see who would arrive first. The seven women believed in Christ. O sword, you split them asunder, but their courage was not diminished.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 2
@AFTR EXAPOST = Come, let us glorify Christ together today: for our God Himself has glorified holy Blaise, the hierarch and martyr, by wondrous signs and many miracles. Venerating his memory and celebrating his sacred feast, we are rescued from our sins by his prayers.

Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = You are the glory of priests and the joy of martyrs, O holy Blaise, blessed hierarch. Indeed, You offered yourself as a victim, immolated for Him who freely went to be sacrificed for you, in the designs of His goodness, which no tongue can express.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Searching for me, the sheep who was wandering because of the ancient transgression, the God who once fashioned me entered into your pure womb, O spotless Virgin. Taking me on His shoulders, He lifted me to heaven and seated me with the Father forever. I prostrate before His supreme compassion, and I glorify you as the Theotokos.

February 12

Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints Meletios, Archbishop of Constantinople

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Meletios

Tone 4
4. O blessed Meletios, you delighted in the Law of the Lord. As the Scriptures say, you became a tree planted near the runways of the waters of asceticism. You yielded the fruit of the virtues by the grace of the One who enlightened your holy soul and made it capable of receiving all the inspirations of the Spirit.

3. As said in the Song of Songs, O holy father, your cheeks are like doves, cherishing chastity and renouncing pleasures for the sake of the joys of the Age to Come. Christ has granted them to you as a gift, for He accepted your countless struggles and your flaming zeal, with which you confronted all dangers to the Faith.

2. O blessed Meletios, by temperance you halted the lusts of the flesh, mastering your passions and shining with the splendor of self-control. In innocence and purity, you served as a shepherd for the flock of Christ. Intercede with Him that the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory may be delivered from all danger and corruption.

1. You wisely taught that the Word, coeternal with the Father, and bodiless, was united to the flesh in His Person, without undergoing change or confusion. He may be contemplated in two natures and two energies, which may not be separated from one another, because of their real union.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

O all-pure one, protect me! Grant me a watchful spirit that I may cross over the sea of life, that I may walk secure, and that I may fall asleep in peace. Ask the Lord that I might do His will, so that on the day of judgment, I may find absolution for the deeds of my life: for I take refuge under your holy protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

Seeing the Lamb and Shepherd on the tree, the Ewe Lamb who gave You birth called out to You with a mother's tears: "O my beloved Son, how can You be nailed to the Cross? O long-suffering Lord, O Word, how can Your hands and feet be nailed by the impious? How can You pour out Your blood, O divine Master?"

Troparion of Meletios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Meletius, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


Kontakion of Meletios

Tone 6
@AFTR TROP/KON = Macedonius the Apostate feared your spiritual courage and fled. We, your servants, gather around you in order to obtain your intercession, Father Meletios, the equal of the angels, the fiery sword of Christ our God. We praise you as a star enlightening us all.


@AFTR IKOS = All we believers recognize you as a sharer in the Apostles' way of life, O holy father. But you are also the glory and the throne, the initiate and the worshipper of the All-Holy Trinity, the great teacher of the Church. You offered your life for its sake, consumed as you were by zeal and piety. With one voice, we sing to you, glorifying your holy dormition, O blessed Meletios, O star enlightening us all.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 12, we commemorate our father among the saints Meletios, Archbishop of Antioch the Great.

@SYNAX INDENT = To imitate Christ in His last words, Meletios lifted up his arms and said this prayer, "Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit!" On the twelfth, he was buried in the earth like a grain of wheat."

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = Behold, the brilliant solemnity of the hierarch: come, and let us sing with our whole heart to Christ, whom we admire in His Saints, our only Lord!

@AFTR EXAPOST = Hope of the hopeless and refuge of Christians: together with the Apostles, the Prophets and the Martyrs, entreat your Son on behalf of every believer who prostrates before you!

February 13

Commemoration of our Holy Father Matrinian

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Martinian

Tone 4
3. Having chosen asceticism and penance, you fled far to the caves and mountains, O blessed father. You purified your spirit, adorning it by your progress in the contemplation of God. Thus, O God-bearing and blessed father, you became the pride of monks and the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.

2. You were your own judge and executioner: you willingly condemned yourself to martyrdom. Tempted by the fire of an unchaste lust, you ignited a huge pyre and threw yourself into it to be burned. But the dew of the Holy Spirit came down from heaven to refresh you; and it reduced the raging fire to calm ash.

1. You dwelt on a rocky island in the midst of the sea, fleeing the plots of the serpent. But even there the enemy threatened you, in order to catch you in his net by means of a woman saved from shipwreck in the sea. You returned to the mainland, miraculously carried by dolphins, where you fought the good fight to the end in the loneliness of exile, O God-bearing and blessed father.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = Hail, O glory and honor of Palestine! You are worthy of praise, for you dawn upon us like a radiant sun. You delivered your body to the fire in order to consume the power of the enemy. He tempted you in many ways in the mountains, in the wilderness and on the islands of the sea. Finally, he sent a temptress to your desert. But, on an island in the sea, the temptress converted from tempting. O blessed father Martinian, never cease to intercede for us who celebrate your sacred memory with faith!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O all-pure Lady, you are the joy of the angels, the glory of mankind, the hope of believers and our protection. Taking refuge in you, we cry out with faith, "By your prayers, O holy Bride of God, may all of us who acclaim you be delivered from the snares of the enemy, deadly misfortune and every type of affliction!"

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When the Ewe Lamb saw her Lamb on the Cross, pierced by nails, she wept, filled with awe, and cried out in tears: "O my Son, what a horrible death You have chosen in order to tear up the debt of Adam and rescue mankind from death! Lord, Lover of Mankind, I glorify Your Economy!"

During Lent:

Tone 4
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son an to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O spotless Virgin Mary, grant strength and power to my weak and lazy soul, that with fear and love it may fulfill the commandments of your divine Son. Thus may I escape the devouring fire, and through you, may I receive the inheritance of heaven and endless life in eternal joy!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ sent to the Cross, His side pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure Lady cried out in tears: "O my Son, is this the return of a thankless people in exchange for all Your blessings? Are you going to leave me childless? O beloved God of compassion, I am filled with awe at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

After the Aposticha of the Octoechos

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Adorned with the beauty of purity, radiant through prayer to God, and bearing Christ, the Son of the Virgin, as through you were His dwelling, you were never taken captive by the beauty of a woman, nor did you ever surrender to the pleasures of the flesh. You entered resolutely into the fire, your fellow minister in the service of God, O you whose heart burned with love for God. In the material and passing fire, you consumed the fire of the passions in order to extinguish Gehenna and its fires. O blessed Martinian, continue to intercede that we also may be delivered from the eternal fire.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Turn your face to us, O all-pure one! At the prayers of your servants, grant us streams of tears wash away the stains of our sins and to extinguish the eternal fires. You hear the prayers of those who call upon you with their whole heart, O Mother of the Lord!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = "What goodness, O my Son! What infinite mercy! What patience and long-suffering!" cried out the Virgin in tears. "O eternal and immortal Word, how can You choose to die? Great is the mystery I see, and I can only prostrate before the Passion which You voluntarily suffer!"

Troparion of Martinian

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = Blessed Martinian, you appeased the flames of the passion with streams of tears; you calmed the waves of the sea and stopped the wild beasts' assault saying, "Glorified are You, o God almighty: You saved me from fire and storm!"


Kontakion of Martinian

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us praise with hymns the ever-blessed Martinian, the pious and experienced ascetic, the earnest defender of truth, the courageous dweller in the desert, who trod on the serpent!


@AFTR IKOS = The news of your struggles has gone forth through all the earth, and to the ends of the world the fame of your virtues. From youth, you wished to live in the wilderness, in order to ceaselessly praise Christ in hymns, psalms and prayer. Growing day and night like a palm-tree through your labors and asceticism, and watered by your tears, you brought your life to an end in purity. You shamed the prince of evil by your wisdom, for you trod on the serpent.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 13, we commemorate our venerable father Martinian.

@SYNAX INDENT = Martinian, you blew out the flame of the passions and did not give in to the woman's charms. Thus, after death, you escaped the unending flame. On the thirteenth, his soul was freed from the pull of the flesh.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@AFTR EXAPOST = You did violence to your nature, O Martinian, and voluntarily became a martyr. You put the woman on the straight path to virtue. With her, you triumphed over the enemy, and now you intercede for us before Christ.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Glorifying you with hymns of thanksgiving, O Virgin, we say to you together with the angel, "Hail, O Theotokos! Hail, O unwedded Mother of the King of Glory!"

February 14

Commemoration of our Holy Father Auxentios and the Holy Hermit Maron

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Auxentios

Tone 4
3. As you grew in asceticism, O Auxentios, you received from God increasing charisms to heal the sick and drive out demons as you called upon Christ with faith, O blessed father. The, filled with the power of the Spirit and divine grace, you attained the harbor of peace under His guidance.

2. Having purified your spirit, you received the grace of miracles and healing. Indeed, you had driven far from you the evil of the passions, the midst and storm of the flesh: you changed the climate of your soul to one of radiant calm. Thus, you shine in the assembly of the holy monks, where you entreat the Lover of Mankind on behalf of those who acclaim you.

1. You increased the talent which had been entrusted to you, O blessed one, and you multiplied it abundantly. Having sowed in tears, you now harvest with joy, receiving happiness a hundredfold. By the boldness which you possess before Christ, entreat the Master on behalf of those who sing to you, O God-bearing father Auxentios.

Outside of Lent:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = Auxentios, blessed and venerable father, the all-pure wisdom of the Holy Spirit made its dwelling in your purified heart. You became the scourge of evil spirits, and you were also able to heal hidden infirmities. By the boldness which you possess before God, and by your ceaseless prayer, deliver us from the passions of body and soul.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, pride of the angels and beauty of mankind! Hail, pure glory of the human race! Hail, divine gateway into the Kingdom of heaven! Hail, intercessor before God the Creator! Hail, for you brought an end to the ancient condemnation! We give thanks to you and sing a fitting hymns, all we who continually enjoy your blessings.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = The sun was frightened when it saw You stretched out on the Cross, O Jesus; the earth trembled and the rocks were split. The tombs opened in fear, the power of heaven were filled with amazement. Seeing You on the Cross, the Virgin cried aloud, O Lord: "Alas, what is this vision before my eyes!"

During Lent:

Tone 4
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O spotless Virgin Mary, grant strength and power to my weak and lazy soul, that with fear and love it may fulfill the commandments of your divine Son. Thus may I escape the devouring fire; and through you, may I receive the inheritance of heaven and endless life in eternal joy!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrothreotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified and His side pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one cried aloud in tears: " O my Son, is this what You received from an ungrateful people in exchange for all Your benefits? Will You leave me childless? O God of compassion, my Beloved, I am struck with amazement at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

Troparion of Auxentios

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = You appeared as a citizen of the wilderness, an angel in the flesh and a wonderworker, our God inspired Father Auxentios. By fasting, vigils and prayer, you received heavenly gifts; You cure the sick and the souls of those who run to you in faith. Glory to Him who gave you this power; Glory to Him who crowned you; Glory to Him who through you performs healings for all.

Troparion of Maron

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your abundant tears made the wilderness sprout and bloom, and your deep sighing made your labor fruitful a hundredfold. You became a star shining over the world with miracles, Holy Father Maron. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Auxentios

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = You found your paradise in asceticism and mastered your body's passions; you grew stronger in faith and blossomed as a flower in the midst of the Garden, O holy Auxentios.


@AFTR IKOS = Who could describe your struggles or your ascetic labors, O holy father? From infancy, you kept the Law of the Lord in order to be able to rejoice in God. You submitted to His precepts, and your achievements made you seem a second Job in our sight. You were an inhabitant of the earth, but you were a stranger to all that is worldly. Faithfully exercising yourself in fasting, you loved vigils and purity, O divinely-minded father, O holy Auxentios.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 14, we commemorate our venerable father Auxentios, who lived on Mount Skopa. @SYNAX INDENT = The mount was for Auxentios, what Carmel had been for the prophet Elijah. Imitating his career in all but final ascent, he left this life for heaven on the fourteenth.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = By growth in your ascetical labors, you increased the talent which the Master had entrusted to you. Bringing them to the Lord, you heard the words, "Good and faithful servant" and that which followed! As you stand now in His presence, O God-bearing father, ceaselessly remember the faithful who venerate you with their whole heart, O holy Auxentios.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O spotless Virgin, I honor your divine and all-pure image, before which I prostrate with love, faith and respect: for it pours forth healings of soul and body upon the faithful who celebrate your divine maternity.

February 15

Commemoration of the Holy Apostle Onesimos

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Onesimos

Tone 4
3. Paul, the preacher of grace, is a stream whose runlets gladden you, the city of God, O blessed one. He did this above all else by giving you the ineffable words of the One who on earth had allowed man to drink from the fountain of delights of Paradise. You became His diligent servant, hearing from Him the heavenly words which no man may speak.

2. You were radiant in the freedom of your spirit and the independence of your soul in the nobility of the Faith! You were freed from slavery here below in order to become a servant of God, bowing your head under the yoke of Christ. Now you hasten to free mankind from spiritual slavery, leading them to the true freedom of grace.

1. The Lord, the true Sun of this world, made you shine like a radiant beam, in order to pour forth the light of the preaching of the Gospel all over the world. In that light, the dark shadows of error disappear; and by your many miracles, O illustrious apostle, the souls of believers are illumined.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O all-holy Bride of God, deliver my wretched soul from the condemnation which it deserves for its sins. By your prayers, keep me from death; and on the day of judgment, grant that I may be justified with the assembly of all the saints. Before the end, purify me by repentance and streams of tears!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw You sent to the Cross, Lord, Your Virgin Mother was filled with awe; seeing You, she cried aloud, "Behold what You are offered by those who have enjoyed Your blessings! Do not leave me alone in this world, I entreat You: but arise quickly, that our first parents may rise with You!"

Troparion of Onesimos

Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostle Onesimus, intercede with the Merciful God that He may grant our souls the forgiveness of sins.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Onesimos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = You rose over the world as a moon reflecting light from Paul, the bright sun who illuminated the universe: wherefore, blessed Onesimos, we all give honor to you.


@AFTR IKOS = You were drawn to the Faith by the divine trumpet-call of holy Paul. Mystically illumined by the word of truth, you bore witness to it by the practice of the virtues and your constancy in the Faith. Who could ever worthily sing your praises or celebrate the hardships you endured to put an end to error? For, in being freed form slavery here below, you were consecrated as a hierarch in the Holy Spirit. You not only received the teaching of the apostles, but also shared in their crown and honors. Wherefore, blessed Onesimos, we all give honor to you!


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 15, we commemorate the holy apostle Onesimos, a disciple of holy Paul.

@SYNAX INDENT = In martyrdom, as an athlete, Onesimos stretched out on the ground his legs, which had been so prompt to run the race of holy Paul.,; and they shattered them with stones. On the fifteenth, he won the laurel wreath and victory hymn.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us save us. Amen.


Tone 2
@AFTR EXAPOST = As a disciple of Paul, that Chief Apostle, O blessed Onesimos, you went all over the world with him. By your word, you strengthened the hearts that had been broken by the deadly error of the evil one. At the end of your race, you stand with the angels in heaven before Christ. O holy apostle, intercede with Him for us all.

@AFTR EXAPOST = No angelic nor human mind can understand nor explain the wondrous marvel of your ineffable birth-giving, O Virgin: for you have given birth to the Most High God, who is praised by the whole creation as its Author, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. O Theotokos, make us worthy of His joy!

February 16

Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Pamphilos and His Companions

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Martyrs

Tone 4
3. O martyrs who fought the good fight, you were equal in number to the Apostles of Christ, and filled with a zeal like theirs. Moved by courage and steadfastness, you stood without fear before the cruelty of the tyrants. Having preached the Savior, you endured tortures in your bodies and harvested the blessedness for which you had hoped.

2. Having courageously vanquished the opposition of the godless, you withstood all types of torments. You received from the life-giving hand of Christ the merited crown and the imperishable inheritance which you now enjoy in the eternal tabernacles, O illustrious martyrs, who reign with the Savior and Master of all.

1. With sacred songs and hymns of praise, let us celebrate the noble and venerable martyrs: the divinely-minded Pamphilos, together with Valens, Paul and Seleucos, Prophyros, Theodulos and Julian, Elias, Daniel and Jeremiah, Isaiah and the wondrous Samuel!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Cover my soul with the dew of the Holy Spirit, O all-pure Virgin who bore Christ, the living Water, to drown the immense iniquity of mankind in His love. Dry up the well-springs of my passions; and by your prayers, make me worthy to drink from the torrent of eternal delights, O spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing the Lamb and Shepherd on the tree, the Ewe Lamb who gave you birth called out to You with a mother's tears: "O my beloved Son, how can You be nailed to this Cross? O long-suffering Lord, O Word, how can Your hands and feet be nailed by the impious? How can You pour out Your blood, O divine Master?"

Troparion of the Martyrs

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of the martyrs

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = The courageous martyrs of Christ went with joy and unbending determination to the frightful tortures prepared for them, and they obtained eternal glory. They are constantly interceding for us who praise their struggle.


@AFTR IKOS = Behold the dawning of the light, the divine memorial, the radiant solemnity of Pamphilos, that determined fighter, that spokesman for God! With its never-setting splendor, it illumines all hearts and countenances. O feast-lovers, come, let us hasten with joy to crown this holy day with hymns as a splendid yearly feast. Let us sing and bless the Lord, who has rightly crowned those who are constantly interceding for us who praise their struggles.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 16, we commemorate the holy martyrs Pamphilos, Valens, Paul, Seleucos, Porphyros, Theodulos, Julian, Elias, Jeremiah, Samuel, Isaiah and Daniel.

@SYNAX INDENT = Cherishing You above all things, O Word, Pamphilos voluntarily surrendered his head and died as the first in line. Like Paul, Seluecos and Valens joyfully suffered their decapitation. Burning with love for Christ in their souls, two proven witnesses are cast into the fire. The servants of error crucified on a tree Theodulos, the servant of the true God who had been sent to the Cross. By their beheading, five athletes joined the glory of martyrdom to their names taken from the prophets. By a sword, on the sixteenth, the unforgettable Pamphilos drew his last breath.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Exapostilaria, when needed, from the Octoechos.

February 17

Commemoration of the Holy Great-Martyr Theodore the Recruit (Tyro)

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Theodore

Tone 2
3. O Theodore, you were given to the world as a rich gift by Christ, the divine Benefactor. He accepted the precious gift of your blood poured out for Him, which you offered in your zeal for the Faith. O Theodore, holy martyr, you stand in His presence forever: save all those who have recourse to you.

2. You are the unbreachable fortress repelling the assaults of the enemy, the invincible defender of the faithful who acclaim you, their supreme refuge, their fervent protector, their common aid and their prompt deliverer. As a powerful advocate, O blessed Theodore, you are the champion of those who entreat you with faith.

1. You have found the compassionate Christ, the Torrent of Delights, the stream of pardon. You were His true witness, O blessed Theodore. Deliver me from the river of my evil deeds; calm their impetuous flow; bring peace to the storm of my temptations. Lead me, safe and sound, to the heavenly harbor of peace.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR TONE IND = O thrice-blessed Theodore, I honor you: you are rightly named "Gift of God": for you have been shown to us as an unfading light, reflecting the divine light and illuminating all creation with your wonders. You are more vivid than fire, as you extinguished fires. You crushed the head of the deceitful serpent. Therefore, in the midst of your sufferings, Christ, came and set a crown upon your holy head. O great martyr, who have boldness before God, fervently intercede for our souls!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Accept the hymns of petition which we address to you, O Theotokos, for we are your people. O Lady, save us, for we are helpless; deliver from peril the sheep of your flock who bow down before you with faith within your holy temple. Having given birth to the Savior, you have a mother's power to intercede ceaselessly for our salvation.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When the spotless Ewe saw her Lamb willingly led as a mortal to the slaughter, she said to Him in tears: "O Christ, You are going to deprive me, Your Mother, of her Child! Why do You do this, O Redeemer of all? Nevertheless, O Lover of Mankind, I sing and glorify Your ineffable and supreme goodness!"

After the Aposticha

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The God-given grace of your miracles, O Theodore, O holy martyr, you give to all who turn to you in faith. We therefore praise you, saying: "You deliver captives and heal the sick! You give riches to the poor and guard those who sail the seas! You restrain slaves from useless flight and show robbers what their punishment will be. You teach soldiers to abstain from plunder! In your loving compassion, you grant the prayers of children, and you are the fervent protector of all who honor your memory. With them, we also sing the praises of your martyrdom, O saint of God: pray to Christ, that He may show us great mercy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Those who see God in heaven see you as a New Heaven. They declare the glory of God who lifted you up form earth to heaven. Having the Son born from you as their firmament, the proclaim the work of His hands to the earth. O Virgin, the message of those who preached your maternity of all the nations has resounded to the ends of the world!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = When the Ewe Lamb saw her Lamb on the Cross, pierced by nails, she wept, filled with awe, and cried out in tears: "O my Son, what a horrible death You have chosen in order to tear up the debt of Adam and rescue mankind from death! Lord , Lover of mankind, I glorify Your Economy!

Troparion of Theodore

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = Faith can accomplish great things: because of its power, the holy Great-Martyr Theodore rejoiced in the midst of flames as if he had been in refreshing water. Burned by the flames, he was offered to the Holy Trinity as a delightful bread. Through his intercession, O Christ God, save our souls!


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Theodore

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your faith in Christ was like a beast-plate on your heart: through it, you overcame the enemy's power. Wherefore you are crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.


@AFTR IKOS = O You who are seated on the throne of light: with faith and thankfulness we sing Your praise. For You have granted us a divine gift: Theodore, courageous in his martyrdom, thrice-blessed in his life, the champion of the truth. With firm devotion, he held fast to Christ and proved to be a mighty victor over the deceitful enemy; wherefore he was crowned in eternity with a heavenly diadem.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 17, we commemorate the holy great-martyr Theodore the Recruit.

@SYNAX INDENT = Shortly after being recruited, the soldier Theodore was immediately burned for the sake of the One whom he worshipped. On the seventeenth, he became a sweet-smelling holocaust.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = O holy Theodore, you obtain the grace of healing in abundance for all. By the boldness which you possess before the Lord, O blessed martyr, you hasten to save those who call upon you with a fervent faith.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O pure Virgin, you carried in your hands the Lord who holds the whole universe in His all-pure hand. Entreat Him to deliver me form the clutches of the treacherous dragon who mercilessly draws my heart toward deadly pleasures. O holy Theotokos, He Himself has called you blessed.


For Theodore

Tone 1
4. Let us rejoice on this radiant festival of the divine martyr; and let us all who love to keep feasts, make glad in faith, as ewe honor the joyful celebration of his death. Let us sing in praise of Jesus, who has glorified his memory.

3. O thrice-blessed Theodore, truly you are named "The Gift of God": for you have been given as a source of gladness to all those in affliction., For everyone who in sincerity draws near your shrine receives with joy their reward of you miracles, and worship Christ.

2. O faithful, let us join with one accord and praise in mystical hymns the champion of the heavenly army, the strong warrior of our holy Faith. And let us say, "O martyr of Jesus, worthy of our wonder, pray for us who honor you!"

1. By your sufferings and labors, you have treasured up for yourself the riches and glory of holiness. You have offered all your strength as a gift acceptable to God; and by your martyrdom, you have eagerly fulfilled the promise of your God-given name!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = You are a gift of holiness, O Theodore, in your wisdom bringing to the world the riches of the divine life. Christ has glorified your memory; and rejoicing the feast with one accord, we faithful praise your labors and your sufferings.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Wounded by demon-robbers and lying lifeless on the road of this passing life, I have need of your mercy, O all-spotless Virgin. Come quickly to visit me, pouring oil and wine into my incurable wounds. Restore me to health, that I may glorify you and sing fittingly with love of your great deeds, O all-pure and ever-virgin Mother.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Long ago, the spotless and sovereign Lady saw her Son lifted up on a Cross. As a Mother, she exclaimed in wonder: "What is this new and glorious sight, my sweet Child! How can the graceless people give You over to Pilate's judgment and condemn the Life of all to death? I, however, sing a hymn of Your unspeakable compassion, O Word!"

After the Aposticha

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Armed with good courage through your sufferings, O victorious martyr of Christ, by His power you have invisibly defended the true Faith and worship. The impious idols and the cruel tyrant have been made powerless by you, scorning torments and the fire that burns but for a moment. Alike in name and reality, you are a gift from God: by your intercessions, save those who celebrate your memory!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Because my life is completely dissolute, my soul is weak, my body stained, and my heart is impure, as well as all my deeds. I am totally subject to judgment and worthy of condemnation! Where can I go? In whom can I find refuge, if not in you, O Theotokos? O Lady, have compassion and come to save me!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = "O unknown wonder! O strange and new mystery!" said the Virgin when she saw hanging on the Cross between two thieves the One whom she had born without travail. Mourning, she cried aloud in tears: "How can this cruel people nail You to a Cross in their ingratitude?"

February 18

Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints Leo, Pope of Rome

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Leo

Tone 1
3. Having made your spirit the absolute Master of your passions, you have restored the divine likeness in our soul by the virtues and the radiance of your life, O blessed father Leo. Thus we entreat you: as a hierarch and teacher, seek peace for the world.

2. Strengthened by the power of Christ, O blessed one, you did not fear the rage of the emperor Leo. On the contrary, o holy hierarch, you accused him of his inconstancy and ingratitude, his heresy concerning the divine nature of Christ, and his unfaithful conduct.

1. By faith, you have become the companion of the holy hierarchs and martyrs, O blessed bishop who showed yourself invincible in the midst of struggles. You are an indestructible fortress, an unshakable rampart, whose teaching was completely in accord with Orthodoxy, as you clearly spoke of the Nativity of the Lord.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Lady, we acknowledge that you are the source of eternal life. By your grace, give life now to my poor soul which is parched by the passions. Ceaselessly pour forth the streams of salvation. By your prayers, let them flow over me for the remission of my sins. I entreat you to purify me!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ hanging on the Cross, the Virgin said: "As the elder Simeon foretold, a sword has pierced my heart. But arise, O immortal Lord, and glorify Your Mother together with You, I pray!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Leo

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Leo, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock a s a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Leo

Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = O glorious Leo, when you rose to the episcopal see, you stopped the mouths of lions by exposing the true doctrine of the Holy Trinity: you enlightened your flock with the knowledge of God; wherefore you were glorified, O contemplator of things divine!


@AFTR IKOS = You preached the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Light of three-fold radiance, the thrice-holy Power, as being of one Essence, one single Divinity. Thus you finally closed the treacherous mouths of the heretics, O wise father Leo. Acknowledging the pure Mother of Christ to be truly Theotokos, you strongly crushed the pride of Nestorius. Wherefore, Rome and the whole world glorify you as the contemplator of things divine.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 18, we commemorate our father among the saints Leo, Pope of Rome.

@SYNAX INDENT = Leo peacefully commended his soul to the Lord, the hosts of demons roared with fear. On the eighteenth, he passed on to a better lot. @SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = You were a lion in your words and deeds; and you royally terrified the council of the impious by the roaring of your teachings. You frustrated the deadly intrigues of the foxes, while you filled with joy the assembly of the Fathers chosen by God.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The cunning serpent was jealous when he saw me as a dweller in Eden, and he conspired to have me banished form it. O holy Virgin, by your childbearing, I have once again been able to rise to my former glory and rejoice therein.

February 19

Commemoration of the Holy Apostle Archippos and of the Venerable Martyr Philothea of Athens

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Philothea

Tone 8
6. Through fasting, you dominated your bodily passions, O holy mother Philothea; and by your passion, you have slain the serpent, the enemy, astonishing both angels and men by your torments. All rejoice in remembering your sufferings, O adornment of ascetics, vessel of virginity! Pray that we may be saved and enlightened.

5. What shall we call you, O Philothea? A bride of Christ made illustrious through virginity? An elect daughter of the Jerusalem on high? A fellow-citizen with the angels? You are in the delights of heaven, O holy martyred mother: pray that we may be saved and enlightened.

4. You endured excruciating agony and torment at the hands of your persecutors; and now you look upon the face of your Bridegroom, OA Philothea. You are the Bride of Christ, a sharer in His Passion: pray that we may be saved and enlightened!

For Archippos

Tone 8
3. By the light of his words, Archippos illumined the nations and saved them from the darkness of error. Having fought the enemy and trampled him underfoot, he went up to the never-setting Light, where he rejoices forever with the angels. By his prayers, O Lord, grant great mercy to all mankind.

2. You were dragged along, pierced by arrows and chastised by al types of torments, O blessed one: but you never denied Christ nor worshipped the false gods. Thus, in your prayers, O blessed one, ask great mercy for all mankind.

1. O holy martyr with the streams of your own blood, you sanctified the earth; and by your bruises, you wounded the dark horde of demons. By the miracles you ceaselessly pour forth, you heal the most painful sufferings. Thus, in your prayers, o blessed one, ask great mercy for all mankind.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = The thoughts of my heart are impure, my lips are filed with insincerity, and the deeds of my life are shameful. What can I do? How can I stand before the Judge? O sovereign Virgin, entreat your Son, the Creator and Lord, that He accept the conversion of my heart in His great compassion. @BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = The Virgin Ewe saw her Lamb placed on the tree by the impious. In tears, she grieved and said, "Alas, O my beloved Son: is this what You receive from a thankless people in return for all Your blessings? They have taken You away from me, O my beloved Child!

Troparion of Archippos

Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostle Archippus, intercede with the Merciful God that he may grant our souls for the forgiveness of sins.

Troparion of Philothea

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe-lamb, O Jesus, cries our to You in a loud voice: "O my Bride-groom, I long for you and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.


Kontakion of Philothea

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your holy memorial, O Philothea, has dawned upon the world like a sun, proclaiming our life: for after having mastered the passions of the flesh by abstinence, you were betrothed to Christ in the blood of your martyrdom. Wherefore, deliver those who praise you from all evil, that we may cry out to you, "Hail, O holy mother Philothea!"


@AFTR IKOS = As you stand before God, O all-glorious and holy martyr, open your lips in intercession, that I may sing of your life, O blessed one, and worthily describe the sufferings you endured on earth in your fervent love as a martyr. By faith, you gave yourself to vigils, fasting and purity. Wherefore, deliver those who praise you from all evil, that we may cry out to you, "Hail, O holy mother Philothea!"

Kontakion of Archippos

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = The Church has acquired you, Archippos, as a major star; and it has been enlightened by the rays of your miracles. Wherefore it cries out to you: "Save those who fervently honor your memory!"


@AFTR IKOS = Paul, a chief Apostle, celebrated you as a faithful servant of Jesus Christ, O Archippos. He spoke of you with praises, mentioning you as a herald of the Word and a most wise preacher. Today we see you shining over the world like an enkindled lamp. In you, the holy Apphia recognized a bright torch receiving its light form the Original Light, in order to enlighten by your rays of the faithful who sing, "Save those who fervently honor your memory!"


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 19, we commemorate the holy apostles Archippos, Philemon and Apphia. @SYNAX INDENT = For love of his Master, who is the Corner-Stone, Archippos endured being stoned. Philemon was flayed by green branches for the sake of Him who led him into repose in green pastures. Apphia, that holy woman, was executed on the ground, while she lifted up the eyes of her soul to the heavens. Courageously suffering his passion on the nineteenth, Archippos was stoned to death for Christ.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

When exapostilaria are needed, they are taken from the Octoechos.

February 20

Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints Leo, Bishop of Catania

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Leo

Tone 8
3. By your ascetical labors and total purification, O Leo, blessed and Godly-minded father, you were united to your God and Creator in all purity. Filled with divine light, you received the power to heal incurable illnesses and to drive out unclean spirits by the strength of your prayers.

2. Having become a bishop, O Leo, truly blessed father, you were a true shepherd. With the staff of the Faith and the power of the Spirit, you led your flock into the green meadows of holiness and orthodoxy. By the wonders you worked for His sake, you have inherited a glory in the presence of God which shall never pass away.

1. Come, draw holy oil which flows from the precious relics of the great shepherd as from an inexhaustible well. Say to the God of all, "You are wonderful in Your Saints! By the prayers of holy Leo, save us in Your goodness, O compassionate Lord, for we celebrate his sacred memory."

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Come, my soul: grieve and weep! Pour out streams of tears from the depths of your heart; and cry out to the Mother of God: "O pure Virgin, I entreat you: in your great compassion, deliver me from the fearful and terrible punishment. Grant that I may dwell in a place of repose, where I may enjoy eternal happiness!"

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "My Child, the sun has grown dark; the moon has changed its light to a dark robe in which shadows are hidden. The earth trembles; the veil of the temple is torn in two. How can I not feel the piercing of my heart and eyes at seeing Your unjust death, O sweet Savior?" Thus spoke the Theotokos in tears. Troparion of Leo

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Leo, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


Kontakion of Leo

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us crown with hymns of praise Leo, consecrated to the Lord from his early childhood, who received grace when he was still in swaddling clothes. He is a star in the Church and its valiant defender: he is its staunch support.


@AFTR IKOS = Enlighten my tongue, O Lord: grant me eloquence, O my Christ, who give words and bestow life upon us, that I may praise the life of the divine hierarch. He lived on earth in the fire of love: from heaven, he received the gift of miracles, a veritable sea of them, as well as the power of teaching, from which the Church received its light; he is its staunch support.


@SYNAX LEFT = One February 20, we commemorate our venerable father Leo the Wonderworker, Bishop of Catania.

@SYNAX INDENT = Behold, the body of Leo! "Who is he?" you ask. And the response comes: "He is the Bishop of Catania, a holy hierarch, who was laid in the tomb on the twentieth of February."

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = In you, O blessed hierarch, the Church of Christ sees a luminary, a great bishop, a teacher: for, O venerable father, you have led its children into the meadows of salvation, and have driven off heretics like wild beasts, O holy Leo.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The radiant star which shone upon Catania, the wonder-working bishop Leo, that servant of the Holy Trinity, clearly preached that you are truly Theotokos, O Virgin who are pure in spirit, soul and body. And we also sing of the reality of your divine maternity.

February 21

Commemoration of our Holy Father Timothy the Symbolite and Eustathios, Archbishop of Antioch

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Timothy

Tone 8
6. O Timothy, divinely-minded father, by your strict abstinence and your constant prayer, you did away with the pull of the passions. Receiving the grace of impassability, you became a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. Thus, O blessed father, you drive away evil spirits at all times, for you remain alive even after death.

5. O Timothy, divinely-minded father, you were a true imitator of Abraham: for you showed hospitality to all those who came to you each day. In your trials, you were another Job. Having the gentleness of David, you lived your life like an angel on earth. You have attained your highest Desire: intercede now for us.

4. O Timothy, venerable and sacred father, you were a model of chastity, an example of temperance, a rule of piety, a fount of compunction, an unshakable stronghold of Orthodoxy, an inexhaustible stream of healings, a never-setting sun, a son of divine grace, and the treasure of holy monks!

For Eustathios

Tone 8
3. Heavenly was the life you led; and thus God raised you to the priesthood in order to offer Him worship in the purity of your spirit. You endured trials and sufferings because of your divine preaching, exposing error and supporting the truth, which you affirmed by your words, O blessed hierarch.

2. With the fire of your sacred words, you consumed like kindling the blasphemy of Arius, who refused to acknowledge the Son of God as being equal to the Father in honor. Thus, O holy Eustathios, you enlightened the hearts of the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory, and you confirm them in the Faith.

1. By the staff of your words, O holy shepherd, you have protected the spiritual flock of God from the ravages caused by wolves. Therefore, the Good Shepherd Himself has led you safely into His heavenly fold, together with the spirits of all the just and chosen ones, O Eustathios, holy and God-bearing father, blessed hierarch.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Because my life is completely dissolute, my soul is weak, my body stained, and my heart is impure, as well as all my deeds. I am totally subject to judgment and worthy of condemnation! Where can I go? In whom can I find refuge, if not in you, O Theotokos? O Lady, have compassion and come to save me!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "O unknown wonder! O strange and new mystery!" said the Virgin when she saw hanging on the Cross between two thieves the One whom she had born without travail. Mourning, she cried aloud in tears: "How can this cruel people nail You to a Cross in their ingratitude?"

Troparion of the Fathers

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according to your compassion, Do not remove your mercy from us, but through their intercession direct our lives in peace.
February 22

Discovery of the Venerable Remains of the Holy Martyrs of Evgenios

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Martyrs

Tone 4
3. Having stripped off the garments of death by means of all types of torments, O illustrious martyrs, you were clothed in robes of immortality. Now you ceaselessly shine in the heavens before the throne of our God. Thus, with faith, we celebrate your light-bearing memory, and we venerate the chest of your sacred relics.

2. Providing for the weakness of mankind, the power of God grants healing to all who approach. What a wonder! Through grace, the few ashes remaining form the bodies of the martyrs pour forth streams of wondrous miracles! Come, let us gain health of soul and body. With thanksgiving, let us sing to God: "O Savior of the world, they fought the good fight for Your sake: by their prayers, deliver us form all evil!"

1. Hidden under the ground for a long time, the victorious martyrs are now brought to light as a precious treasure which enriches the Queen of Cities. A wise hierarch bears them in his hands, carrying them into the holy temple. Those entreating them receive them as servants of God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I am going to confess my horrible offenses to you, O pure Theotokos. If I were to hide them, would they not be revealed on the day of judgment when all the books are opened? I have stained my eyes by haughty looks, my hands by unworthy deeds. Alas, I have corrupted my body and wounded my soul by my sins! O Lady, in your mercy, have compassion: by your prayers, grant that I may share the lot of the elect!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "O Mother, do not weep when you behold suspended on the Cross the Son and God who suspended the earth over the waterws and was the Author of all creation! For I shall arise and be glorified. In my divine power, I shall shatter the kingdom of hell. I shall bring an end to the power of Hades. I shall deliver all the captives from its cruelty, and I shall lead them to My Father in My compassion for them."

Troparion of the Martyrs

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality form You, O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished their persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.



Ode 1 @ODE TEXT = Long ago, the rod of Moses struck the sea and marked it with a Cross, drowning Pharaoh and his army, while the children of Israel crossed over on foot, singing a song to their saving God.

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us.

Martyrs adorned by grace through your witnessing and transfigured by love, you stand in the presence of the great Light: dispel the darkness in our souls and the winter of the passions by the grace of our God, the all-powerful Lord.

The assembly of the martyrs commended themselves to the providence of God; their souls were bound by His love; they broke the bonds of evil and always obtain remission of sins for those who call them blessed in faith.

Victorious martyrs, you are enkindled with the divine fire and your souls are strengthened by the power of the Spirit: you are coals consuming the idols of the polytheists and shedding upon the ends of the earth the light of Faith.

The martyrs brilliantly trampled down the evil one in the suffering of their torments. Through the jealousy of the devil, they were hidden for many years; but today, they have been found and are reverently carried in the hands of the hierarchy to bring salvation to the world.

@ODE TEXT = Deliver me from visible and invisible enemies, O Virgin Mother who visibly gave birth to the Word who is invisible as God. By your calm, bring an end to the storm of my passions, for you alone lift up men from their fall.

Ode 3 @ODE TEXT = When time began, O Christ, Your wisdom established the heavens, firmly setting the earth on the waters. So now confirm us on the rock which is Your Church, in Your goodness and love for mankind, for no one is holier than You!

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Burning with love for God, O martyrs, you extinguished the fires of the godless with the streams of your own blood; shining like radiant stars, you give light to the whole world.

The wondrous relics of the martyrs shine the light of healing upon those who draw near with faith; for they drew grace from the fountain of the Savior as they imitated His voluntary Passion..

The pillars of the faith, the martyrs sacrificed for Christ, lay hidden for a long time; but they have been brought to light and are now reverently carried in the hands of the holy hierarch.

Hail, O you who alone gave birth to the lord of all! Hail, O bringer of joy to mankind! Hail, overshadowed mountain, inviolate one, firm support for believers! Hail, all-spotless Virgin!


Sessional Hymns

Tone 1
@AFTR SESSIONL = Illustrious martyrs, you once struck down the error of the enemy, but remained hidden for countless years through his jealousy. But now you have been revealed to us, driving away passions from our souls and healing bodily sufferings, for the glory of our God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

= Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Govern my poor soul, O spotless Virgin, and take pitry on it, for I am cast down into the abyss by the weight of my sins. At the terrible hour of death, O holy Virgin, save me from the accusing demons and the awesme judgment seat.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure and spotless Virgin, your heart was pierced by a sword in truth when you beheld your Son lifted up on the Cross, O blessed Virgin, refuge of sinners, rampart and fortress for believers!

Ode 4 @ODE TEXT = Without leaving Your Father, You came to visit our poverty, O Lord, my power and my strength, my God and my exceeding joy! With Habakkuk the prophet, I therefore cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O You who love mankind!"

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

The choir of martyrs desired Your sacrifice and voluntary acceptance of death, O Giver of Life; having endured all types of torments, they have passed to a place where there is no pain, but only the joy in God. In thanksgiving they sing, "Glory to Your power, O You who love mankind!"

Protected by the armor of the Cross and preserved by love of God, the holy martyrs defeated the claws of the enemy, breaking their attacks by their faith as they eagerly sang, "Glory to Your power, O You who love mankind!"

Enlightened by the radiance of the virtues, you were clothed in the purple mantle of your own blood in martyrdom. Bearing the Cross as a scepter, you merited to reign with Christ in that blessedness for which you had hoped.

@ODE TEXT = All-pure and blessed Mother of God, divine treasure of the martyrs, you truly made our nature heavenly after it had been exiled because of following the advice of the serpent; save me form every fall in this life, and grant that I may be saved.

Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome me in my wretchedness, O Light that never fades. Bring me back to the path of Your commandments, O lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant light!

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Having kept the bones of Your holy ones carefully hidden for many years, O Word and Savior, You have now brought them to light for the salvation and sanctification of Your people, and tot he shame of the enemies who insult You.

The ardor of your faith has dispelled the cold of error; breaking the cunning snares of your many torments, you have been lifted up on the wings of love to that heavenly city where, filled with glory, you have found rest.

By their endurance under torment, the steadfast soldiers have over come the foolish arrogance of the enemy; tortured and hung, burned by fire, by grace they have consumed the stubble for the godless.

Virgin filled with the grace of God, you surpassed the power on high when you conceived the Word who created all things by His word, and when you gave birth to Him who had been begotten from before all ages in a bodiless manner by the Father, O all-pure one.

Ode 6 From my many transgressions I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up form the depth of sin: for to You do I call form the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Having blossomed like lilies in mystic valleys, O wondrous martyrs, you filled believers with the sweet fragrance of our God; you drive away all foul stench of evil form our souls, O victorious and praiseworthy athletes!

Having their limbs removed, tortured in many ways, the valiant martyrs who sing to You, O Word, have truly cut to pieces the enemy who knew you not by the sword of their perseverance.

The blood of the martyrs heals the wounds of our souls; for, as they shed it, they mortally wounded the enemy; and in the Holy Spirit, they have become free sources of healing for the faithful who fervently entreat them.

Obtain for us victory over the enemy as you intercede before the Savior, just as you once obtained protection form on high for the hierarch who had fervently carried your relics.

@ODE TEXT = Having taken flesh in your womb, our God was revealed to mankind; rich as He was, O all-pure Virgin, He received my poverty through you, in order to grant me access to immortality.

Litany Kontakion of the Martyrs

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Like so many stars, you rose form the East, dispelled the darkness of unbelievers and enlightened the faithful, O holy martyrs, champions of the Holy Trinity!


@AFTR IKOS = O glorious and holy martyrs, you made your sacred relics flowed like roses among the thorns; and you pored out over all the world the sweet fragrance of the true Faith. Renouncing earthly beauties, you beautifully endured torments. You spoke out boldly before unjust emperors as you proclaimed the Master and King of All. Since you now contemplate the beauty of heaven, ceaselessly intercede before the Lord for us who celebrate your sacred memoyr, O holy martyrs, champions of the Holy Trinity!


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 22, we commemorate the discovery of the remains of the holy martyrs in the district of Evgenios, at the time of the Emperor Arcadios.

@SYNAX INDENT = The martyrs who had lain hidden under the ground, now purify the face of the earth form all evil. Their remains were rescued from eternal oblivion on the twenty-second. Their memory shall never again be forgotten.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Ode 7 @ODE TEXT = Long ago, God shamed the scorching heat of Babylon. He made it cool, a refreshing dew, though the tyrant tried in vain to heat it all the more. And the three young men were so overwhelmed with joy, that they sang this song to their victor Lord: "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Your martyrdom was known for a while only to the Creator, since you had to be hidden for a time; but now you have been revealed, O holy martyrs, to us who sing, "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"

O faithful, drink from the fountain from which flows a saving stream of spiritual power because of the relics of the martyrs; and sing to Him who glorified them, "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"

By their many torments, they became vessels filled with light, but were then hidden in the dark for several years. But now, O Christ, Your martyrs have risen like stars form the inaccessible regions, and they pour out their light upon us.

@ODE TEXT = O Virgin, the prophets announce beforehand the depth of your mystery: for you conceived our God in your pure womb and have given birth to Him in two natures for our salvation and redemption.

Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant has his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving tree, he cried out, "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Your martyrdom was known for a while only to the Creator, since you had to be hidden for a time; but now you have been revealed, O holy martyrs, to us who sing, "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"

O faithful, drink from the fountain from which flows a saving stream of spiritual power because of the relics of the martyrs; and sing to Him who glorified them, "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"

By their many torments, they became vessels filled with light, but were then hidden in the dark for several years. But now, O Christ, Your martyrs have risen like stars from the inaccessible regions, and they pour out their light upon us.

@ODE TEXT = O Virgin, the prophets announced beforehand the depth of your mystery: for you conceived our God in your pure womb and have given birth to Him in two natures for our salvation for our salvation and redemption.

Ode 8 @ODE TEXT = In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out, "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

As branches on the mystical Vine, the martyrs have produced for us the grapes of the knowledge of God, pouring out upon us the wine of immortality that takes away the drunkenness of evil from our souls. Now they sing, "Praise Christ, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

With the streams of their blood, the glorious athletes of Christ dried up the streams of idolatry; and like a pyre, they reduced godlessness to ashes; now they abundantly refresh all the hearts of the faithful who sing, "Praise Christ, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

In a solemn procession, the patriarch transferred your relics, O blessed ones; and each year, he celibates your feast, singing with the whole assembly of priests, "Bless Christ, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, o people, throughout all the ages!"

Sanctified by the Spirit, O all-spotless Mother of God, you conceived the Holy One who rests among the holy, the one divine Benefactor who sanctifies the faithful who sing, "Bless our God, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

Canticle of Mary

Ode 9 @ODE TEXT = The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was awed: that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb became more spacious than the heavens. And so, all ranks of angels and men praise you, O Mother of God.

v. Holy martyrs, intercede for us!

Encouraging one another on towards life, and exhorting each other to courage, the athletes endured the blows as they sang, "Behold, this is the acceptable time! Let us stand firm and we shall triumph over the enemy! For as the Judge of combats, Christ, who freely suffered for our sake, extends to us the crowns!"

O Word of God, You were lifted up on the Tree and drew to Yourself an assembly of martyrs who imitated your Passion, the sacrifice which You willingly suffered in Your love for us. The valiant soldiers were immolated as victims for love of you.

O wondrous and victorious martyrs who have merited the joy of reigning with Christ forever: entreat Him to grant victory to the Christian people, as well spiritual salvation for our hierarchs and for all the faithful who acclaim you today.

@ODE TEXT = O cloud holding the mystic Sun, drive away all clouds from my soul, I entreat you; open to me the gates of justice, O Gate of God. Deliver me from the many obstacles raised by the evil one, O sovereign Lady, and lead me to a good end.

Exapostilaria and aposticha of the Octoechos.

February 23

Commemoration of the Holy Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Polycarp

Tone 2
3. When the Fruit of the Virgin's womb, the Seed of life, was planted in the earth, He made you sprout up like wheat, bearing fruit in abundance. He did this to nourish the faithful through your holy words and teachings, and to sanctify them through your blood in martyrdom, O Polycarp, sacred hierarch.

2. You have passed from this world to God, bearing the glorious passed from this world to God, bearing the glorious radiance of martyrdom. You attained the Object of your desires, O venerable father, filled with a blessed splendor. Always intercede that all the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory may share in it, O Polycarp!

1. You have passed... (Repeat)

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of the Most High, you are the joy of the oppressed, the protesters of those who suffer unjustly, the nourisher of the hungry, the consolation of wanderers, the haven for tormented hearts, the one who visits the sick, the help and protection of those who are broken by pain, and the staff of the blind. O pure Virgin, we entreat you: make haste to save your servants!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When you saw the Creator of all suffering countless insults and sent to the Cross, O all-pure one, you wept and said: "O Lord worthy of our hymns, O my Son and my God, you wish to honor Your creation. How can You endure dishonor in Your flesh? O Lover of Mankind, I glorify Your infinite condescension and mercy!"

Troparion of Polycarp

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Sharer in the Apostle's way of life and successor on their thrones, inspired by God, you found ascetical effort as the means to contemplation. And so, dispensing rightly the word of truth, you fought for the faith unto the shedding of your blood, O Hieromartyr Polycarp. Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Polycarp

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = Wise hierarch Polycarp, you offered spiritual fruits to God and became worthy of Him because of your virtues; wherefore, we, who have been enlightened by your teachings, honor your memory and glorify the Lord.


@AFTR IKOS = Having drawn the treasure of wisdom from its very source, O holy father, you filled your flock with the knowledge of God. You made the triple Sun of the ineffable and all-holy Divinity shine forth, teaching about the unbegotten Father, the generation of the Son and the procession of the Spirit. You clearly spoke of the one Glory of the one God, thus causing the retreat of idolatry. Then you presented the souls of believers as spiritual fruits to the Lord. We have been baptized into Him; we believe in Him; and we glorify the Lord.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 23, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna.

@SYNAX INDENT = Because the fire of love bore so much fruit, Polycarp was offered to the Lord in a fiery holocaust. On February 23, the holy martyr came into the harbor of heaven, to which his fire had led him.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = O holy Polycarp, you offered to Christ as countless first-fruits the people who you had saved from the error of idolatry, O illustrious hieromartyr, companion of the angels and the divine apostles. In company with them, remember those who venerate your memory with their whole heart.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The wall of separation has been torn down, O Virgin Mary: and by your birth-giving, mankind has been united to the angels. O holy Theotokos, grant us the strength to keep the Fast, and to worship with pure hearts the third-day Resurrection of your Son.

February 24

First and Second Finding of the Venerable Head of the Forerunner

(3rd Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

We use ten stichera: 3 from the Aposticha of the Tridion, 3 from the "Lord, to You I call.." of the Triodion, then:

For the Forerunner

Tone 5
4. Hail, venerable head, radiant with light, before which the angels bow in reverence! Having cut to pieces the infamous iniquity by your cutting reproaches, your head was cut off by the sword, O Forerunner. You are a fountain refreshing the faithful with miracles, the Herald of the coming of the Savior, and a witness to the Spirit descending like a dove upon Him. O mediator between the Old and New Testaments, entreat Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

3. Hail, venerable head... (Repeat)

2. Once hidden in a vessel, the head of the Forerunner was found and brought from the bosom of the earth to the light of day. It has poured forth a river of miracles: for the Baptist had plunged into the streams of the river the head of the One who built His dwelling above the waters on high and rains down forgiveness upon mankind. Let us then bless this head, so worthy of our praise, and joyfully celebrate its finding: for the Forerunner entreats Christ to grant the world great mercy.

1. This is the head of the one who pointed out the Lamb of God manifested in the flesh, and who called us to the saving ways of repentance by following the precepts of God. This is the head which reproached the iniquity of Herod, and for this was separated from its body. Remaining hidden under the ground for a long time, it has dawned like a radiant sun to say to us: "Repent! In the compunction of your hearts, become once more friends of the Lord, who grants the whole world great mercy!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = O Forerunner, your head, divinely preserved, has risen from the bosom of the earth as a treasury of the graces of God. Having received it, we bow down in reverence, O glorious prophet of Christ. Through you, we have been given wondrous miracles and have obtained the remission of our sins.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing our Life hanging on the Cross, the all-pure Theotokos cried out with motherly grief: "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"

Entrance with the censer. "O Joyful Light" Prokimena and readings of the Triodion (followed by the prophecies for the Forerunner, if used)

The remainder of the Liturgy of the Presanctified as normal


Outside Lent: Kathisma 1; 6 Stichera of Forerunner

During Lent: Kathisma 18; 3 Stichera of Triodion, 3 Stichera of Forerunner

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For the Forerunner

Tone 5
3. Hail, venerable head, radiant with light, before which the angels bow in reverence! Having cut to pieces the infamous iniquity by your cutting reproaches, your head was cut off by the word, O Forerunner. You are a fountain refreshing the faithful with miracles, the Herald of the coming of the Savior, and a witness to the Spirit descending like a dove upon Him. O mediator between the Old and New Testaments, entreat Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

2. Once hidden in a vessel, the head of the Forerunner was found and brought from the bosom of the earth to the light of day. It has poured forth a river of miracles: for the Baptist had plunged into the streams of the river the head of the One who built His dwelling above the waters on high and rains down forgiveness upon mankind. Let us then bless this head, so worthy of our praise, and joyfully celebrate its finding: for the Forerunner entreats Christ to grant the world great mercy.

1. This is the head of the one who pointed out the Lamb of God manifested in the flesh, and who called us to the saving ways of repentance by following the precepts of God. This is the head which reproached the iniquity of Herod, and for this was separated from its body. Remaining hidden under the ground for a long time, it has dawned like a radiant sun to say to us, "Repent! In the compunction of your hearts, become once more friends of the Lord, who grants the world great mercy!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = O Forerunner, your head, divinely preserved, has risen from the bosom of the earth as a treasury of the graces of God. Having received it, we bow down in reverence, O glorious prophet of Christ. Through you, we have been given wondrous miracles and have obtained the remission of our sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Comfort of the weak, consolation of the afflicted, O Virgin Mother of God: save your Christian people, for you are peace for the oppressed, rest for the shipwrecked, and the only protectress of believers.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing our Life hanging on the Cross, the all-pure Theotokos cried out with motherly grief: "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"

There is no entrance. "O Joyful Light" Outside Lent: prokimenon of the day (and prophecies of the Forerunner, if used). During Lent: prokimena and readings of the Triodion, (followed by the prophecies for the Forerunner, if they are used).

Readings (when used) 1) Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9j; 41: 17-18; 45: 8; 48: 20-21; 54: 1

2) Malachy 3: 1-3, 5-7, 12, 18, 17, 22-24

3) Wisdom 4: 7, 16-17, 19-20; 5: 1

During Lent: Aposticha of the Forerunner

Tone 2
1. Come, O faithful: let us venerate the head which was cut off by a sword: the precious head of the Forerunner, commemorating its finding on this day. Let us go out to meet it with hymns, wholeheartedly honoring it as a fountain which pours forth the grace of healing upon us. This is the head which was once cut off by the foolish Herod, goaded by the grudging Herodias.

v. O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful.

2. As gold is taken from the mines, so has the head of the Forerunner come forth from the earth, radiant in its reliquary. He still speaks, clearly accusing Herod, the adulterous murderer; and he illumines our souls with his light. In our hymns today, we the faithful venerate the Forerunner who intercedes for us before God.

v. The just will flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a Lebanon cedar.

3. The head of the Baptist lay long hidden underground like a treasure in a chest. Today it is revealed to the whole world, pouring forth abundant streams of healings, stopping illnesses, and shedding light on our souls. We rejoice in its divine consolations as we sing the praises of the Forerunner.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O illustrious John, the venerable reliquary of divine thoughts, your head which had clearly foreseen the mystery of the Ineffable One, came out from the caves of the earth as from a mother's womb. It perfumes the whole world with the myrrh of holiness, as you preach the way of repentance, interceding for our souls before the Savior of all.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, O our hope, pure Theotokos, who received the greetings of the angel! Hail, O you who gave birth to Christ, the Image of the Father! Hail, O holy and blessed Virgin, all worthy of our hymns! The whole creation glorifies you as the Mother of the Light.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin, when you saw hanging on the Cross the ripe Cluster of grapes which you had produced without travail, you cried aloud, mourning in tears: "O my Son, pour out the sweet wine which takes away the drunkenness of the passions! Through the intercession of me, Your Mother, show Your mercy, O Lord and Benefactor!"

During Lent: ending of Vespers and Lenten Troparia as normal.

Outside Lent:

Troparion of the Head of the Forerunner

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = The head of the Forerunner arose from the earth like a star, sending out rays of healing and immortality. In heaven, it gathers together the choirs of angels, while on earth it assembles the human race in a single voice to sing the glory of Christ God.

@BOLD TITLE = Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 4
@AFTR TONE LFT = The mystery which was hidden from eternity, and unknown to the angels, has been revealed through you O Theotokos to those on earth, for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the cross by which He elevated the first man, and save our souls from death.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = O Prophet and Forerunner, it is Christ who revealed to us a divine treasure: your head that was hidden in the ground. On the occasion of this discovery, we gather to sing inspired hymns of praise to the Savior who, through your intercession, delivered us all from corruption.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Come quickly to our help before we are enslaved to the enemies that blaspheme You, O Christ our God. They threaten us mightily. By your Cross, destroy the powers that war against us so that they may know what power is given through the Orthodox Faith. Through the prayers of the Theotokos, help us, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind!

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = As mines produce gold, O Baptist of Christ, so your holy head wondrously came forth from the depths of the earth to enrich all those who draw near to you. On this day of its finding, they magnify with hymns the Savior and Creator who, through you, grants them remission of sins and abundant mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Theotokos, we your servants never cease to sing of your love with wholehearted hymns of thanksgiving, as we say to you, O Lady: "All-holy Virgin, hasten to save us from our invisible enemies and from the threat of all evil: for you are our refuge and protection.

Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = Goaded by a furious woman, Herod, that transgressor of the Law, had your precious head cut off by a sward, O Forerunner. But we the faithful venerate it with our whole heart.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = In the burning bush, Moses foresaw you, O spotless Virgin, who bore the Fire illumining our souls without being burned: for you also received the abundance of grace like the dew.


Tone 4
@PROKIM LEFT = I will increase David's power; I have prepared a lamp for My Anointed One.

@PROKIM INDEN = v. O Lord, remember David and all his forbearance.

Gospel. Psalm 50.

@PROKIM INDEN = v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercession of the Forerunner, O merciful One!

@PROKIM INDEN = v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercession of the Theotokos, O Merciful... (Repeat)

v. O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Even on a plate, the venerable head of the Baptist of Christ, who preached repentance to all the faithful, was able to reproach Herod for his impious crime. It has been rescued from the caves of the earth and brought to light. All those who see it, drawn near with faith, touch it with reverence, and bow before it with love: for it brings about the remission of sins, the acceptance of prayers and great mercy.

"O God, save Your people..."

Canons: outside Lent, the Canon of the Mother of God (Paraclisis) and that of the Forerunner. Within Lent, the Canons of the Triodion with their canticles, and that of the Forerunner.


Tone 6
Ode 1

@ODE TEXT = Crossing the deep like dry land, Israel saw the pursuing Pharaoh drowned in the waves. They exclaimed, "Let us sing a hymn of victory of God!"

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

Come, O faithful: moved by the all-powerful Spirit, with pure lips and words of praise, let us glorify in spiritual canticles the Voice of the Word, who prepared the way before Him.

The Church of Christ enjoys the tranquillity of peace and harmoniously directs the multitudes of those who chant their yearly praise to you, O Forerunner.

Coming together, O faithful, let us in song fittingly venerate the sacred head of the Forerunner, which God has given us as an inviolable treasure.

@ODE TEXT = You received your Creator as He Himself has willed: without seed, He ineffably took flesh in your womb; pure Virgin, you are truly the sovereign of the created world.

Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = No one is as holy as You, O Lord, my God. You lift up the lot of Your faithful, O gracious Lord. You establish us firmly on the rock of Faith.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

Come, O faithful: moved by the all-powerful Spirit, with pure lips and words of praise, let us glorify in spiritual canticles the Voice of the Word, who prepared the way before Him.

The Church of Christ enjoys the tranquillity of peace and harmoniously directs the multitudes of those who chant their yearly praise to you, O Forerunner.

Coming together, O faithful, let us in song fittingly venerate the sacred head of the Forerunner, which God has given us as an inviolable treasure.

@ODE TEXT = You received your Creator as He Himself has willed: without seed, He ineffably took flesh in your womb; pure Virgin, you are truly the sovereign of the created world.

Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = No one is as holy as You, O Lord, my God. You lift up the lot of Your faithful, O gracious Lord. You establish us firmly on the rock of Faith.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

A barren womb budded forth with you as a divine shoot, O wondrous friend of the Bridegroom, who has led the Church of the Gentiles as a Bride to Christ, our true God. Even by the sword, the wretched adulteress was not able to silence the voice of your divine preaching, O holy John, venerable Forerunner: for you revealed your sacred head to us from the earth.

Celebrating this feast, the city which cherishes you rejoices for having found your head, O Forerunner, as a mystic treasure, and inexhaustible fountain of healing.

@ODE TEXT = Pure Virgin, the wonder of your divine maternity transcends nature and its laws: you ineffably conceived God Himself in your womb, and you remain a virgin after giving birth.


Sessional Hymns

Tone 8
@AFTR SESSIONL = Like a treasure securely hidden away, the head of the Forerunner was preserved, laid away in an urn, that voice of the Word of God. Like a grain of wheat sown deeply in the earth, it has produced a harvest of divine life. Let us all venerate its finding, glorifying Christ who gave it the power to heal.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Like the pearl of great price, the head of the Baptist was hidden in an urn in the earth; now, radiant with the light of God, it shines with miracles throughout the whole world; the wondrous Forerunner of the Sun breaks upon us like the dawn, announcing again to us the never-setting Light: "Behold, the Lamb of God!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Bearing in mind the mystical order, the bodiless angel made haste to the house of Joseph and said to the Virgin who knew not wedlock: "He who has bent by His descent the heavens, is wholly and changelessly contained in you. Son when I see Him in your womb taking the form of a servant, I cry out to you in amazement, 'Hail, O Virgin and Bride ever pure!"

Ode 4

@ODE TEXT = The Church sings, "Christ is my power, my Lord and my God!" With a beautiful hymn, she celebrates God in the integrity of her faith.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

Blessed Forerunner, you were clearly the last of the prophets; you sealed the Old Testament and adorned the New for its betrothal to Christ.

You had worn rags of camel-skin, O Forerunner, with great joy; now you permitted your wondrous and venerable head to be hidden, wrapped in a mantle of royal purple.

Through your divine revelation, a wandering exile, a poor stranger received your sacred head as an inexhaustible treasure, O holy John.

O Forerunner, ceaselessly intercede that the city which honors you might always rejoice with the angels and shine with the light of the Holy Spirit as it keeps your memorial.

@ODE TEXT = Eating from the forbidden tree brought me death; but the Tree of Life who arose from you, O Virgin, has raised me up and made me an heir to the delights of Paradise!

Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = Illumine with love the souls of those who offer this morning prayer to You by Your divine Light. Give them knowledge of Yourself, O true God, O Word of God. You call us out of the darkness of sin.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

O Baptist, you were not a reed swaying ceaselessly in the tempting winds of the enemy, but rather an unshakable tower for the people of God; for you were a second Elijah, in the power of the Spirit.

He who offended God and diminished the glory of Christ who was baptized by you, the one who concealed for his own benefit the divine grace which flows from your head, was rightly banished from the holy city.

For us who sing to you with love, O wondrous Forerunner, you have granted access to the inexhaustible fount from which flow streams of divine grace and a river of healing which gives joy to all.

@ODE TEXT = Bearing the spiritual beauty of your soul, filled with charm, you became the Bride of God, sealed in virginity and radiant in purity, O holy Virgin.

Ode 6 @ODE TEXT = I see the sea of this life raging in a storm of temptation. I rush to Your quiet harbor. I call out to You: "Save my life from ruin, since You are so merciful!"

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

Christ the Truth called you a prophet, the greatest of the prophets, O Baptist and Forerunner of the Life: for with your own eyes you beheld the One foretold by the Prophets and the Law.

That fountain of miracles, that treasure of grace, your venerable head, O Baptist, Prophet and Forerunner, could not endure being hidden; revealing itself, it poured forth a stream of healing.

Your illustrious city, the city which loves Christ, is proud to possess your sacred head, O Forerunner, as its rich crown, radiant adornment and saving shield.

@ODE TEXT = Moses, the greatest of the prophets, foretold you, O virgin Mother of God, as an Ark, the golden vessel, the holy table and the lampstand: all images of the Most High taking flesh in your womb.


Kontakion of the Forerunner

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Prophet of God and Forerunner of Grace: within the earth we have discovered your head, a rose of great holiness whence healing always comes to us. As you did of old, now also do you preach repentance to the world.


@AFTR IKOS = According to the testimony of the Lord, O holy John, you are the greatest of men. Thus, I hesitate to offer you the praises of my poor words. But, moved by the strength of my love for you, I dare to begin this hymn. Wherefore, do not refuse to aid me, that I may worthily crown your sacred head. For, as you did of old, now also do you preach repentance to the world.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 24, we commemorate the first and second finding of the venerable head of the holy Prophet and Forerunner, John the Baptist.

@SYNAX INDENT = "Bear worthy fruits of repentance!" exhorts the Forerunner once again, after the finding of his head. He who once baptized the multitudes in the waters now plunges them into a river of miracles. O Forerunner, you once fell under the headsman's sword: on the twenty-fourth, you reveal your blessed head.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your Forerunner, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Ode 7

@ODE TEXT = The angel truly made the furnace a place of dew for the holy young men. When God's command inflamed the Chaldaeans, it made the torturer sing: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

He who was born of the Virgin praised you as the greatest of those born of women; you lived like a bodiless angel on earth for Him, singing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

Secretly taught by the Holy Spirit, you danced from the wilderness as an angel of light, teaching us to sing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

From the womb of the barren one, you recognized the One who dwelt within the womb of the Virgin, O Forerunner; you used your mother's voice toy cry out to Him with a leap of joy, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

Blessed among all cities is this city which now possesses you as a protector, O Forerunner of Christ. Keeping your feast, it cries aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

@ODE TEXT = Through you, O Virgin Mother, a light has dawned, illumining the whole world; for you have given birth to God, the Creator of all. All-holy one, entreat Him to send down great mercy upon us, the faithful.

Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = You showered the holy young men with dew in the fire. You burned the water-soaked sacrifice of Elijah. You do whatever You will, O Christ, for You can do all things. We praise You forever.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

The Forerunner, the voice of one who cries aloud, was sent to barren hearts to engraft them the true Faith of the divine Son, the true God whom we praise forever.

The Forerunner still says, "Prepare the way of holiness for the Lord! Coming down with the Father and the Spirit, He will dwell in your hearts forever!"

From the womb, you were sanctified by the Spirit; within your mother's body, you received the gift of prophecy; and now you fill with a sweetness greater than honey the city which bore you in its womb, O venerable Forerunner.

By the voice of the Father resounding in his ears; by the vision of the Holy Spirit before his eyes; and by the touch of his hand when he baptized you, O Christ, John the Forerunner became a God-bearer in all ways.

The golden lampstand prefigured you who ineffably received the inaccessible Light which enlightens all; thus we sing to you, O pure Virgin, forever.

Canticle of Mary

Ode 9

@ODE TEXT = Men cannot see God. Angel armies dare not gaze upon Him. God was shown to man by incarnation through you, most pure Lady. We glorify Him, and with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed.

v. Holy Forerunner, intercede for us!

Being the vigilant guardian of the ten commandments in their fullness, O Forerunner, you received in return the ten-fold grace of Christ; knowing you to be an initiate of the Word and His friend, we call you blessed.

You were a Prophet, and Angel, an Apostle of Christ, the Forerunner of the incarnation of God, the Baptist, the Priest and the faithful Witness. You brought the Good News to those in Hades, O model for virgins and child of the wilderness.

The lack of faith was manifested by the miracle when the hand of the unbelieving priest was withered; but by his return to faith and the appearance of your head, O blessed one, that afflicted hand was restored to strength.

Let us receive the remedy which heals the passions as we approach the famed temple of the Forerunner, for in it stand the choirs of angels, the spirits of the just and the Queen of all: they provide healing together with the holy Baptist John.

@ODE TEXT = Pure Virgin, without seed you conceived our God who appeared on earth and shared our existence in two natures and two energies, but one person: with the heavenly armies, entreat that Christ for the sheep of your flock.


Tone 2
@AFTR EXAPOST = From the most hidden depths of the earth, your venerable head has risen to full daylight, O Prophet and Forerunner of the Master, holy John, luminary of the Uncreated Light. Celebrating its finding with love, we entreat you to obtain for us the remission of our sins and the grace to use well the time of the Fast, by your prayers, O Baptist of the Savior!

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin, the assembly of the believers finds its consolation, and joy in serving you and rightly confessing you as Theotokos. By your prayers, grant that we may complete the time of the Fast with reverence. May we come to worship before the Cross and saving Passion of your Son and our God.


Tone 4
4. The forecourts of the Fast are opened by your venerable head, O Forerunner! It offers the grace of God as a pleasing nourishment to all. Receiving it, the rigor and harshness of the Lent are sweetened for us. As we acclaim you, we sing to Christ our God: "O all-powerful Jesus, You are the Savior of our souls!"

3. The forecourts of the Fast... (Repeat)

2. Gushing myrrh in inexhaustible streams, the head of the Forerunner is placed on a mystic and divine table today. It exhudes a spiritual fragrance, drives away the stench of affliction, and brings joy to all those who cry aloud with love: "O all-powerful Jesus, You are the Savior of our souls!"

1. Like a double-edged sword, your head has cut off the heads of the unjust enemies; and it has made an immense river of divine graces flow over all the just. Wherefore, we acclaim you as a friend of the Creator and His Forerunner, O holy John; and we sing to Him, "O all-powerful Jesus, You are the Savior of our souls!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = O Lord, today the venerable head of Your Baptists was taken from the earth; and we have received it in faith with hymns of praise, O Lover of Mankind. We, Your servants, who are subject to sin, present it to You, that it may be our advocate before You. We ask, through it, that we may find Your compassion and great mercy on the day of judgment.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O God who love the good, save Your servants from all deadly dangers by the prayers of Your Forerunner and all the Saints, and by the intercession of Your Mother, O Savior!

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Finding.


During Lent, after the Aitesis, we say the prayer of Ephraem with three prostrations only.


At the hours, during Lent, we use the format throughout the year, outside of Lent, with the Troparion and Kontakion of the Finding. At the end, we join the Ephraem Prayer with three prostrations. The prophecy may be read at the first hour.


The Presanctified Liturgy is normally served on the evening of the day of the Feast itself. The stichera of the Saint of the day (February 25) may be sung at Compline or Orthros on the 25th. Because of the day of the week on which it falls, the stichera of the Saint of the day may occasionally be sung on the evening of the 24th.

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

10 stichera are sung: 3 from the Aposticha of the Triodion; 3 from the "Kyrie Ekekreksa" of the Triodion, and the following of the Forerunner:

For the Forerunner

Tone 2
4. Come, O faithful: let us venerate the head which was cut off by a sword: the precious head of the Forerunner, commemorating its finding on this day. Let us go out to meet it with hymns, wholeheartedly honoring it as a fountain which pours forth the grace of healing upon us. This is the head which was once cut off by the foolish Herod, goaded by the grudging Herodias.

3. Come, O faithful... (Repeat)

2. As gold is taken from the mines, so has the head of the Forerunner come forth from the earth, radiant in its reliquary. He still speaks, clearly accusing Herod, the adulterous murderer; and he illumines our souls with his light. In our hymns today, we the faithful venerate the Forerunner who intercedes for us before God.

1. The head of the Baptist lay long hidden underground like a treasure in a chest. Today it is revealed to the whole world, pouring forth abundant healings, stopping illnesses and shedding light on our souls. We rejoice in its divine consolations as we sing the praises of the Forerunner.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O illustrious John, the venerable reliquary of divine thoughts, your head which had clearly foreseen the mystery of the Ineffable One, came out from the caves of the earth as from a mother's womb. It perfumes the whole world with the myrrh of holiness, as you preach the way of repentance, interceding for our souls before the Savior of all.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Fear of varied hardships and the storm of difficulties shake me; I am sinking into the depths of despair. The whirlwind of my sins bothers me profoundly. But come quickly to save me form their eddy, O Lady, who are the only calm for believers. Guide me to the harbor of the divine heavenly inheritance!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O pure Virgin, what pain you felt when your Son and your God was sent to the Cross! Grieving, weeping, you cried aloud bitterly, "Alas, my beloved Child: you fill all the creation: yet You suffer unjustly on the Cross!" Thus, O holy Virgin, we entreat you with faith, "Obtain for us the favor of your Son!"

Entrance with the censer and Gospel-book. "O Joyful Light"

Prokimena and readings from the Triodion

Offering of Incense


Tone 7
The just shall rejoice in the Lord and place his hope in Him; all those with an upright heart shall be praised.

@PROKIM INDEN = v. O God, hear my voice when I pray to You; save my life from the dreadful enemy.

Epistle: II Corinthians 4:6-15


Tone 4
@PROKIM LEFT = v. The just shall bloom like the palm tree; he shall grow like the cedar of Lebanon. @PROKIM INDEN = v. Those who are planted in the Lord's house shall flourish in the court of our God.

Gospel. Remainder of the Liturgy of the Presanctified

@BOLD TITLE = Kinonikon

@AFTR TONE LFT = The just man shall be remembered forever; and bad report he shall not fear. Alleluia!

February 25

Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints Tarasios, Archbishop of Constantinople

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

@BOLD TITLE = For Tarasios

Tone 1
4. Preferring death to life, O blessed one, you insisted on the veneration of the icons of Christ and all the saints. And by this, as the psalm of David says, "The liar's mouth is stopped": for the heretics spoke against God.

3. Having rejected the vice of greed, O venerable and Godly-minded father, you stored up treasure in the Kingdom on high. For those who drawn near to you with faith, the chest of your relics pours forth healing.

2. Living according to the precepts of the Lord, you were a model for your flock; and your teachings protect us even now. O thrice-blessed father Tarasios, never cease to intercede for us who celebrate your memory with joy.

1. Let us venerate Tarasios as a good shepherd, a true hierarch, a servant of Jesus Christ: for he received from the Lord the grace of the Spirit. By the boldness he possesses before Him, he intercedes for our salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = At all times I have recourse to the compassion of your heart; and daily I take refuge in your mercy. I bless you and sing to you, O holy Bride of God, filled with wonder at the patience which your Son shows with regard to my faults.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw her Lamb hanging on the Cross, the pure Virgin cried out in tears: "My sweet Son, what is this strange and new sight? How can He who holds the whole world in His hands, now be nailed through His hands upon the Tree?"

Troparion of Tarasios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Tarasius, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

If the Presanctified Liturgy has been saved for the Feast of the Finding of the Head of the Forerunner this evening, the stichera for Tarasios from Vespers as above may be sung at Compline tonight or at Orthros in the morning.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Tarasios

Tone 3
@AFTR TROP/KON = O blessed Tarasios, you filled the Church with joy by preaching the Holy Doctrine. You taught us all to bow before the venerable icon of Christ and to honor it, and you vanquished the heresy of iconoclasm. Wherefore we cry out, "Joy to you, Tarasios, our wise father!"


@AFTR IKOS = O Savior, send down the light of Your mercy upon my soul, darkened by the shadows of sin. Grant me virtuous thoughts; scatter the fog of my inclination to evil, that I may worthily celebrate Your holy hierarch. I wish to speak of his life, his wondrous deeds, as well as the faith and zeal he showed for the Church, which acclaims him and sings, "Joy to you, Tarasios, our wise father!"

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On February 25, we commemorate our father among the saints Tarasios, Archbishop of Constantinople.

@SYNAX INDENT = Saved from the storm as an able sailor, he found a serene harbor far from the world. Having brought about the triumph of Orthodoxy, Tarasios enters into rest on the twenty-fifth.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = The radiant action of God made grace shine in you, O wise father; and you made the Church of Christ resplendent, O hierarch Tarasios. Having submitted the lower to the higher, you became a clear mirror, reflecting upon the world the light of the pure Divinity of triple radiance.

@AFTR EXAPOST = To you, O pure Virgin, I entrust my reason, my will, my judgment, my heart, my spirit and my body, my soul and all that inclines me to God. O Lady, watch over me; protect me from the invisible enemies stalking me; free me from the deadly bonds of sin. As the Mother of God, you obtain whatever you wish.

February 26

Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza; and of Holy Photina, the Samaritan Woman

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Porpohyrios

Tone 1
3. You washed away the stains from your soul by the streams of your tears, O blessed Porphyrios; and you extinguished the blazing fire of the sinful passions. Then, dying your vestments purple, you found endless joys in the heavens forever.

2. You shine in the heights, in the heaven of the true Faith. You were not put under a bushel-basket, but rather upon a lampstand, in order to give light to believers. Wherefore, you have received the recompense for your labors, O blessed father, for you have received the graces of God.

1. O Porphyrios, initiate at the holy table here below, never cease to offer the divine immaterial sacrifice to the Lord in the heavens. Watch over us all by your prayers of intercession before the Holy Trinity.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I am shipwrecked in the sea of my immense transgressions. I seek refuge in the calm harbor of your intercession, O pure Theotokos, crying out to you, "Save me, O all-spotless Virgin! Stretch out your powerful hand to me, your servant!"

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "I now see the sword piercing my poor heart, as was once foretold. For I see You, my Child, the most beautiful of the children of men, hanging on a Cross between two thieves as a criminal!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Porphyrios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Porphyrius, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


Kontakion of Porphyrios

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = Blessed Porphyrios of holy memory, the loftiness of your virtues and the splendor of your priesthood gave you the power of miracles: wherefore you now constantly intercede for us all.


@AFTR IKOS = The radiant memorial of holy Porphyrios surpasses the brightness of the sun: his brilliant miracles illumine the whole creation. This day scatters the dark seductions of idolatry and brings joy to all the faithful with its light. Having pleased God on earth, he received the grace of miracles, the power to heal. He stands in light before the Holy Trinity and constantly intercedes for us all.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 26, we commemorate our venerable father Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza.

@SYNAX INDENT = Who would dare to pass over Porphyrios in silence? Especially since he passed over from earth to heaven! On the twenty-sixth, the earth buried his remains, but time can never bury his fame.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Passing from earth to heaven, you have lavishly distributed your immense riches, O holy father Porphyrios. By your miracles, worthy of the Apostles, you have gathered together those who had been scattered by error. Intercede for the salvation of your faithful servants.

@AFTR EXAPOST = After God, we place all our hope in you, O all-spotless Virgin! We have been crucified with Christ, who was born of you. By your intercession before Him, keep us pure from all sin to the very end of our days.

February 27

Commemoration of our Venerable Father Procopios the Decapolitan, Confessor

(5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

3. By virtue of creation, you were made in the image and likeness of God, O blessed father. You made every effort to preserve the dignity of the image by your piety, the purity of your soul, chastity, temperance in restraining the passions, perseverance in the true Faith, and the manner in which you observed the precepts of Christ.

2. You joined the confession of the Faith to the asceticism which you had first set out to practice. In both, you were well-pleasing to the Creator, who seeks nobility of soul and purity in all of us. You glorified the coming of our God in the flesh by bowing down before His sacred icon, which represents Him in His human condition.

1. O venerable father, by opposing the impious who rendered the Incarnation vain, you had to endure the torture of scourging, all types of vile mistreatment, sufferings in chains and imprisonment. Nevertheless, you affirmed the truth and thus inherited the Kingdom of Christ in ineffable joy and eternal light.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Your womb was able to compass the God who cannot be encompassed by anything. In His love for mankind, He was made man like us, taking our human nature despise my affliction, but come quickly: receive me and save me, delivering me from the cunning intentions of the enemy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Lord, when she saw You nailed to the Cross, Your Mother, the Virgin, was filled with amazement. She said, "What do I behold, O my beloved Son? Is this what You are given in return by a people whom You have filled with Your blessings? They have turned away from the Law rather than sing, 'Glory to Your ineffable condescension, O Lord!"

Troparion of Procopios

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = Your abundant tears made the wilderness sprout and bloom, and your deep sighing made your labor fruitful a hundredfold. You became a star shining over the world with miracles, Holy Father Procopius, Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

Kontakion of Procopios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Today the Church acquires you as a star before dawn, dispelling the darkness of error; wherefore she honors you, glorious Procopios, the contemplator of God!


Kontakion of Procopios

Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = Today the Church acquires you as a star before dawn, dispelling the darkness of error; wherefore she honors you, glorious Procopios, the contemplator of God!


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 27, we commemorate our venerable father Procpios the Decapolitan, a Confessor of the Faith.

@SYNAX INDENT = O inhabitant of the Ten Cities of the Decapolis, no city on earth was able to please you as much as the Heavenly City for which you longed. Remaining constant in adversity, O Procopios, you finished your race on the twenty-seventh, and now you rejoice.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having taken leave of your venerable body, O Procopios, you now find yourself forever in the presence of the Inaccessible Trinity in company with the angels. Be mindful of all of us who celebrate your holy memory and venerate you with our whole heart, O truly wise father and far-famed confessor.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O protectress of our souls and our refuge: you are more spacious than the heavens and more honorable than the cherubim. Entreat your Son for us, your servants, that we may be delivered from all danger and sin, O all-pure Virgin and Mother of God.

February 28

@FEAST = Commemoration of our Venerable Father Basil the Confessor, Companion of Procopios the Decapolitan

@FEAST = (5th Class)


At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Basil

Tone 4
3. Desiring that happiness which surpasses understanding, O holy father, you took your delight in temperance, made simplicity of life your true wealth, held poverty to be your only treasure, and considered fasting to be your celebration. Thus, you achieved the desire of your heart, O Basil, for you now dwell in the tabernacles of the saints.

2. You ran the race of asceticism to a good end without halting; you have kept the Faith. Wherefore, you have received the crown of Justice which Christ has prepared for you. To each one, according to his merits, He gives a just recompense and honors in exchange for hardships and struggles. Intercede with Him that our souls may be saved.

1. In treating your body with severity, you renounced all pleasures, O holy father. You disciplined your feelings by your efforts at temperance and asceticism, patience in trials and endurance in affliction. In return, you received never-ending joys, eternal delights and ineffable happiness in heaven.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O spotless Virgin Mary, grant strength and power to my weak and lazy soul, that with fear and love it may fulfill the commandments of your divine Son. Thus may I escape the devouring fire, and through you, may I receive the inheritance of heaven and endless life in eternal joy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified and His side pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one cried aloud in tears: "O my Son, is this what You received from an ungrateful people in exchange for all Your benefits? Will You leave me childless? O God of compassion, my Beloved, I am struck with amazement at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

Troparion of Basil

Tone 1
@AFTR TROP/KON = You appeared as a citizen of the wilderness, an angel in the flesh and a wonder-worker, our God inspired Father Basil. By fasting, vigils and prayer, you received heavenly gifts; You cure the sick and the souls of those who run to you in faith. Glory to Him who gave you this power; Glory to Him who crowned you; Glory to Him who through you performs healings for all.

Kontakion of Basil

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = Holy and wise father, when you received your calling from God, you left the troubles of this world and embraced the ascetic life. Most holy Basil, you received the graces of miracles and of healing diseases.


@SYNAX LEFT = On February 28, we commemorate our venerable father Basil the Confessor, companion in asceticism to holy Procopios.

@SYNAX INDENT = Basil carried Christ in his soul. But he renders up that soul, releasing the shadow for the sake of the true Good. On the twenty-eighth, the earth offers his body a refuge, but his spirit exults in joy in heaven.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

When Exapostilaria are needed, they are taken from the Octoechos.

February 29

Commemoration of our Venerable Father Cassian the Roman

(5th Class)


When February has only 28 days, the Office of Cassian is sung at Compline.

At "O Lord, to You I call..."

For Cassian

Tone 2
3. Having led the life of the angels on earth, O blessed one, you were joined to the bodiless choirs in heaven. Taking up your cross, O venerable father, you followed after the God of all. Because you mortified the deadly passions by the hardships of abstinence, you became a pure vessel, a chalice filled by the Holy Spirit. Wherefore, we sing to you: intercede for all those who acclaim you, O Cassian.

2. Ceaselessly united to God through fasting and vigils, O blessed one, you dominated all sensuality. Continually enlightened by means of your profound prayer, you poured forth streams of teachings which refresh the hearts of believers: for you made known the mystery of salvation. Wherefore, we sing to you, O divinely-minded father: intercede for all those who acclaim you, O Cassian!

1. Enlightened by the supreme Light in your wise soul, you made it shine forth radiantly in your teachings, which have illumined a whole multitude of monks, delivering them from the darkness of the passions. Thus we celebrate your holy memory at all times, glorifying the God of Glory, the Lord, who glorified you because of the struggles you endured and the victory you won over the cunning serpent.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos: keep me under the wings of your protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Virgin, when you saw hanging on the Cross the ripe Cluster of Grapes which you had produced without travail, you cried aloud, mourning in tears: "O my Son, pour out the sweet wine which takes away the drunkenness of the passions! Through the intercession of me, Your Mother, show Your mercy, O Lord and Benefactor!"

Troparion of Cassian

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = In you O Father Cassian, was restored the likeness of God, for you carried your cross and followed Christ, you taught by your deeds how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to value the soul for it is immortal. Wherefore, your soul is forever in happiness with the angels.

Kontakion of Cassian

Tone 2
@AFTR TROP/KON = Desirous of the things above, O holy father, you were united to the choirs on high. By the divine elevation of your virtues, you made your soul a fiery chariot. O Cassian, who lived on earth like an angel, you were pleasing to the Creator of all!


On February 29, we commemorate our venerable father Cassian the Roman.

@SYNAX INDENT = To his glory, Cassian passed from earth to heaven like a smoking censer fragrant with cassia. Once in every four years, we keep the memorial of this great -hearted monk on the twenty-ninth.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

When Exapostilaria are needed, they are taken from the Octoechos..