After the prayers before the holy doors, the Patriarch, presiding at the throne in the center of the solea and facing the iconostasis, surrounded by the concelebrating bishops and priests, extends his hands in prayer saying:

Patriarch: O heavenly King, Consoler, Spirit of truth, present in places and filling all things; the treasury of blessings and the giver of life, come, O Good One, and dwell in us, cleanse us of all stain and save our souls.

Then, making a metany each time, he continues:

Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to men (twice).

Lord, You shall open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.

The bishop-designate and deacon receive the blessing from the Patriarch and enter the sanctuary. Standing before the holy table, the celebrant kisses the holy Gospel book and the holy table.

Deacon: Give the blessing, Father.

The celebrant, lifting the holy Gospel book and making with it the sign of the cross, answers aloud:

Priest: Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

The deacon, standing in his usual place, intones the litany:

Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For peace from on high and the salvation of our souls, let us pray

to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For peace in the whole world, the well being of the holy Churches of God and the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For this holy place and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For our holy Patriarch, the priests, the deacons in Christ, and for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For our civil authorities and the armed forces, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For this city, for every city and country place and the faithful dwelling in them, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For favorable weather, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For the travelers by sea, air and land, for the sick, the suffering, for the captive, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, O God, by your grace.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Remembering our all holy, spotless, most highly blessed and glorious Lady the Theotokos and ever virgin Mary with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Then the prayer of the antiphon:

O You who have granted us to pray together in harmony, and who promised that when two or three are gathered together to call upon your name You will give what they ask: do You now fulfill what your servants ask, so far as it is good, granting us in this world the knowledge of your truth, and in the world to come, eternal life. For You are good, O our God, and You love mankind and we render glory to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.


All: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

Cantor: Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth, sing praise to his name.

All: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

Cantor: Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you."

All: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us!

Cantor: Let all the earth worship You and sing praises to You; let it sing praises to your name, O Most High!

Cantor: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The concelebrating priests receive the blessing from the Patriarch and enter the sanctuary while the choir continues:

Choir: Only begotten Son and Word of God, immortal as You are, You condescended for our salvation to take flesh from the holy Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, and without undergoing change, You became Man. You were crucified, O Christ God, and crushed death by your death; You are One of the Holy Trinity, equal in glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit: save us!


The procession of the holy and divine Gospel and Little Entrance take place. When the procession arrives at the iconostasis, the deacon says:

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

And the celebrant says the prayer of entrance.

Patriarch: Master and Lord, our God, who have established the ranks and armies of angels and archangels to minister to your glory, at our entrance make the holy angels enter also to minister with us and with us to glorify your goodness. For all glory, honor and worship are your due, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The deacon points to the East with the orarion and says:

Deacon: Bless the holy entering, Master.

Patriarch: Blessed is the entrance into your holy places, at all times, now and always and forever. Amen.

The deacon presents the holy Gospel to the Patriarch to venerate and says:

Patriarch: Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ.

All: O Son of God, who are risen from the dead, save us who sing to you, alleluia.

The Patriarch and concelebrating bishops enter the sanctuary.


During the singing of the troparia, the Patriarch, preceded by two priests with dikirion and trikirion, incenses the holy table.

(Troparion of Pentecost, Tone 8) Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who have filled the fishermen wisdom by sending down the Holy Spirit upon them and who, through them, have caught in your net the whole world, O Lover of mankind, glory to You.

(Troparion of the Feast, Tone 4) O Peter and Paul, higher in rank than any other apostle, doctors of the world, intercede with the Master of All that He may give peace to the world and great mercy to us all.

(Troparion of the Church Patron(ess), Tone 4) 

(Kontakion of Pentecost, Tone 8) When the most high came down and confused the tongues, He divided the nations, but when He distributed the tongues of fire, He called all men to unity. Wherefore, we glorify the Holy Spirit, with one accord.

During the singing of the kontakion, the Eagle is spread out.



The Preliminary Proclamation and Presentation of the Candidate for Ordination

After the procession of the Little Entrance and the singing of the troparia, two priests of highest rank, having received the blessing from the Patriarch, escort the bishop-designate to the middle aisle at the door of the church and announce:

Priest: The beloved of God, the priest N., chosen and confirmed, is conducted here to be ordained Bishop by His Beatitude Maximos V Hakim, Patriarch of Antioch and All-the-East, of Alexandria and Jerusalem.

Since the following Profession of Faith section of the ceremony is customarily held before the actual ordination, the ordination service continues below. For a printer friendly downloadable file, click here.

+ + +

Professions of Faith

The priest then leads him into the church and repeats the same words. He then leads him to the solea and says the same words for the third time. The bishop-designate, holding in his hands the Gospel book, in which he has carefully inserted his professions of faith, written and signed by his own hand, makes three metanies, first to the Patriarch and then to those on his right and to those on his left. The priest of highest rank says in a loud voice:

Priest: Let us be attentive!

The bishop-designate says:

Bishop-Designate: I, the priest N., chosen by the mercy of God, have signed with my own hand my professions of faith.

The priest leads him to the feet of the Eagle for the first profession of faith. The Patriarch asks the bishop-designate in a loud and distinct voice:

Patriarch: Why are you here? And what do you ask of my humble person?

The bishop-designate answers clearly and distinctly:

Bishop-Designate: The laying-on of hands for the grace of the most holy episcopal order.

The Patriarch asks again:

Patriarch: What is your belief?

Bishop-Designate: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man; who was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried; who rise again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is enthroned at the right hand of the Father; who will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; and of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father, who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and life of the world to come. Amen.

When the bishop-designate has finished the first proclamation of faith, the Patriarch blesses him with the sign of the cross, saying:

Patriarch: The grace of God the Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit be with you.

The priest leads the bishop-designate to the middle of the Eagle for the second profession of faith, saying aloud:

Priest: The beloved of God, the priest N., chosen and confirmed, is conducted here to be ordained Bishop.

The Patriarch asks him once more:

Patriarch: Explain to us more fully what is your profession of faith, and your belief concerning the incarnation of the Son and Word of God who exists in one Hypostasis.

Bishop-Designate: I believe in one God in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is unbegotten and without an originating principle. There was nothing before Him. He was and always is God. I proclaim that the Son is an eternal and infinite Principle, a principle deriving from One who is without a principle. With this principle, and therefore with the Son, I associate the Holy Spirit, since they both alike have their being from the Father, that is, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one by generation, the other by procession. I confess also that the Word of God co-eternal with the Father before all time, incomprehensible and infinite, condescended to mankind and took upon himself our fallen and humble nature from the pure and virginal body of the stainless and undefiled virgin alone, in order that in his mercy He might bestow salvation and grace upon the whole human race. He who takes away the sin of the world was not subject to death; but He accepted it in order to deliver us from the all-devouring hand of death, and to bring us to his Father by means of his own blood. And death, which struck his human body, was overcome by his divine power, and from its dominion were led the souls of the just which had been held captive for ages. Having appeared on earth among his disciples for forty days after his resurrection from the dead, He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. May we inherit eternal and incorruptible goods in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

The Patriarch blesses him with the sign of the cross, saying:

Patriarch: The grace of God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit be with you.

The priest leads the bishop-designate to the head of the Eagle for the third profession of faith, saying aloud:

Priest: The beloved of God, the priest N., chosen and confirmed, is conducted here to be ordained Bishop.

The Patriarch asks him in a loud and distinct voice:

Patriarch: Declare to us your belief in the Trinity.

Bishop-Designate: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And I believe in his only-begotten Son, begotten of him, without change and without time, being of one essence with him by whom all things were made. And I believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the same Father, and with him is glorified and coeternal. I believe these doctrines and all traditions taught and explained by the one, catholic and apostolic Church concerning God and the things of God. Furthermore, I confess the one Person in the Word made flesh; and I believe and proclaim that Christ is one and the same in two natures after his incarnation, preserving all things which are of these two natures and proceeding from them. As for our Lady Mary, the Theotokos, I confess and proclaim that she gave birth, a real and true birth, in the flesh to Christ our God, one of the Holy Trinity. May she be to me a helper and protector and defender all the days of my life. Amen.

When the bishop-designate has finished his third and final proclamation of faith, the priest takes the Gospel book from him and places it on the holy table. The Patriarch blesses him with the sign of the cross, saying:

Patriarch: The grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit be with you, enlightening you, strengthening you, and endowing you with wisdom all the days of your life. 

+ + +

When the above Profession of Faith section of the ceremony has been held before the ordination service, then the ordination service continues here:

+ + +

Presentation of the Candidate for Ordination

The bishop-designate is then led by the priests to the sanctuary begging first of the Holy Trinity, secondly of the Church, and thirdly of the Patriarch to proceed with the ordination.

Priest: Kelevsate! (The bishop-designate bows deeply.)

Priest: Kelevsate! (The bishop-designate bows deeply.)

Priest: Kelevson dhespota agie! (The bishop-designate bows deeply).

Then the bishop-designate comes before the Patriarch, who blesses him, saying:

Patriarch: The grace of the Holy Spirit exalts you, the priest N., through my humble person to be Bishop of  ...

The choir sings:

Choir: For many years, your Beatitude (three times).

Meanwhile the bishop-designate kisses the hand of the Patriarch who in turn kisses him on the forehead and on both shoulders. The co-ordaining bishops take him by the shoulders and process three times around the holy table, singing:

Co-ordaining Bishop: O you holy martyrs who have fought the good fight and received your crowns, intercede for us with the Lord, that He may have mercy on our souls.

Glory be to You, O Christ God, glory of the apostles and joy of the martyrs, who taught the Trinity of Persons in the oneness of essence.

O Isaias, dance with joy, for the Virgin has conceived in her womb and has given birth to a Son who is Emmanuel, both God and Man. One of His names is Orient; therefore, we magnify Him and sing the glory of the Virgin.

During the procession around the holy table the bishop-designate kisses the four corners of the holy table and each time, passing in front of the Patriarch, he bows to him and kisses his hand. 

Patriarch: O Master, Lord our God who rule over all, who according to your illustrious apostle Paul have established the series of orders and degrees destined for those who wait at your holy altar and serve in the ministry of your venerable and spotless mysteries, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers: do you, O Lord of all, by the presence, power and the grace of your Holy Spirit confirm him whom, by our suffrage and the laying-on of hands, we have chosen and judged worthy to take this evangelical yoke, this dignity of a bishop, as You confirmed the holy apostles and prophets, anointed kings and consecrated priests. Render his high priesthood irreproachable, adorn him with all honor, and make him holy and worthy to be heard by You, that he may ask of You those things which are expedient for the salvation of your people. For your name is blessed and your kingdom is glorified, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

The first co-ordaining bishop says the litany:

Co-ordaining Bishop: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

The clergy in the sanctuary respond:

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

For peace from on high and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

For peace in the whole world, the well-being of the holy Churches of God and the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

For our holy Patriarch, for his priesthood, for his protection, well-being, peace, health, salvation, and for the works of his hands, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

For the servant of God, the priest N., who now by the laying-on of hands is being ordained bishop, and for his salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

That the Lord God, the Lover of Mankind, may grant him purity and integrity in his episcopal office, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

For those who are in need of the special help and protection of God, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

That we may be delivered from all affliction, wrath, danger and need, let us pray to the Lord.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, O God, by your grace.

Clergy in Sanctuary: Lord, have mercy.

Remembering our all holy, spotless, most highly blessed and glorious Lady the Theotokos and ever virgin Mary with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ God.

Clergy in Sanctuary: To You, O Lord.

Then the Patriarch, holding his hand upon the head of the bishop-designate, says aloud:

Patriarch: O Lord our God, since human nature cannot bear the divine substance, You have appointed weak men, like ourselves, as teachers enabling them to stand before your throne to offer a sacrifice and oblation for all your people. O Lord, make this man who has been ordained, a vessel of the episcopal grace: imitating You, the True Shepherd, laying down his life for his sheep; guiding the blind; enlightening those who walk in darkness; correcting the ignorant; teaching the children; shining like a light in the world. Then, Lord, having in this life strengthened those committed to his care, he may receive the abundant reward prepared for those who valiantly labor in preaching your Gospel. For it is your quality, O our God, to have mercy and to save, now and always and forever and ever. 

All: Amen.

Vesting of the Newly Ordained

The Patriarch removes the Gospel book which is replaced on the holy table. The newly ordained bishop stands and removes his phelonion. The Patriarch displays the episcopal sakkos before the eyes of the faithful, saying:

Patriarch: Axios!

The clergy in the sanctuary repeat:

Clergy in Sanctuary: Axios!

The choir and all in the church repeat:

All: Axios!

The newly ordained bishop puts on the sakkos. This same ceremony is repeated for the omophorion, crown, engolpion and hand-cross. After this ceremony, the Patriarch and the co-ordaining bishops embrace the newly ordained bishop.

+ + +


And continuing the holy Liturgy, the celebrant says the prayer of the thrice-holy hymn:

God the holy who abide in the saints, whom the seraphim praise with the thrice-holy hymn, whom the cherubim glorify, whom all the heavenly powers worship; who brought all things into being out of nothingness; who created man to your own image and likeness and adorned him with all your favors; who gave wisdom and understanding to anyone asking for them; who do not turn away from the sinner but have set up penance for salvation: who have rendered us, your lowly and worthless servants, worthy to stand at this time before the glory of your holy altar and to offer You due worship and praise: do you, O Master, receive from the mouth of us sinners the thrice-holy hymn, and visit us in your kindness. Forgive us every transgression, deliberate and indeliberate; sanctify our souls and bodies; and grant that we may serve You in holiness all the days of our life, through the prayers of the holy Mother of God and of all the saints who have pleased You since the world began.

At the appropriate time the deacon bows to the celebrant and says:

Deacon: Bless the time of the thrice-holy hymn, Master.

Patriarch: For You are holy, O our God, and we render glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always...

Deacon: And forever and ever.

All: Amen.

And the Trisagion is sung.

All: Holy God! Holy mighty one! Holy immortal One, have mercy on us (three times).

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.

Choir: Holy God.

And standing at the Royal Doors, the Patriarch blesses each time with the dikirion and trikirion, saying: 

Patriarch: Lord, Lord, look down from heaven and see: bless this vineyard which your right hand has planted.

Choir: Eis polla eti dhespota! Holy mighty One.

Patriarch: Lord, Lord, look down from heaven and see: bless this vineyard which your right hand has planted.

Choir: Eis polla eti, dhespota! Holy immortal One.

Patriarch: Lord, Lord, look down from heaven and see: bless this vineyard which your right hand has planted.

Choir: Eis polla eti dhespota! Have mercy on us.

The Patriarch, preceded by two priests with dikirion and trikirion, is escorted to the throne.

Deacon: O Lord, save the faithful.

Choir: O Lord, O Lord, save the faithful.

Deacon: And answer us!

Choir: And answer us!

The deacon sings the Patriarchal Phimi. The choir then sings the patriarchal polychronion.

Deacon: Dynamis!

And the Trisagion is sung for the last time:

All: Holy God! Holy mighty one! Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.


Deacon: Let us be attentive.

Reader: Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of the world their message.

Stichon: The heavens declare the work of his hands.

Deacon: Wisdom.

Reader: A reading from the Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians.

Deacon: Let us be attentive.

When the epistle is finished:

Patriarch: Peace to you, reader.

All: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Cantor: The heavens shall proclaim your wonders, O Lord, and your truth in the assembly of the saints.

Stichon: God is glorified in the council of his saints, great and awesome to all those around him.

While the "Alleluia" is being sung, the deacon incenses the holy table all around, the whole sanctuary, the icons of the iconostasis, the celebrant, concelebrants and the people.


The celebrant prays:

Shine in our hearts, Master who love mankind, the pure light of your diving knowledge and open the eyes of our mind that we may understand the announcing of your Good News. Set in us the fear of your blessed commandments, to that trampling all carnal desires, we may begin to live according to the spirit, both willing and doing everything for your pleasure. For You are the light of our souls and bodies, Christ God, and we render glory to You and to your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The deacon takes the holy Gospel book from the celebrant and says:

Deacon: Bless, Master the herald of the Gospel of the holy apostle and evangelist St. Matthew.

And blessing him, the celebrant says:

God grant through the prayers of the holy and glorious apostle and evangelist St. Matthew that you give out the Good News with great power for the fulfillment of the Gospel of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deacon: Amen.

Preceded by candle bearers, the deacon proceeds to the customary place and says:

Deacon: Wisdom. Let us stand and listen to the holy Gospel.

Patriarch: Peace to all.

Deacon: A reading from the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew.

Let us be attentive.

All: Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You!

After the reading of the holy Gospel:

All: Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You!

The deacon returns to the holy doors and gives the closed Gospel book to the celebrant, who receiving it says to the deacon:

Patriarch: Peace to you, herald of the holy Gospel.

The homily is delivered here.


The deacon, standing in his usual place, intones the litany:

Let us all say with our whole soul and our whole mind, let us all say:

All: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Almighty, God of our Fathers, we pray to You, near and have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Have mercy on us, O God, in your great mercy, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Again we pray for our holy Patriarch, and for his venerable clergy.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Again we pray for our brothers the priests, the deacons, the monks and for all our brethren in Christ.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, protection, forgiveness and remission of sins for the servants of God who live in this city.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Again we pray for the blessed and ever to be remembered founders of this holy church and for all our Orthodox fathers and brethren who have gone before us and have been laid to pious rest.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Again we pray for those who bear offerings, those who do good works in this holy and most venerable church, those who toil, those who sing and all the people here present who await from You great and abundant mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy (three times).

And the celebrant prays:

Again and many times we fall down before You and pray to You in your goodness and love for mankind to regard our supplications and cleanse our souls and bodies from all defilement of flesh and spirit, and grant that we may stand without guild or condemnation before your holy altar. And upon these also who pray with us, O God, bestow increase of life and faith and spiritual insight. Give them ever to minister to You in fear and love, to share without guilt of condemnation in your holy mysteries and to be made worthy of your heavenly kingdom.

(Aloud:) That being ever protected by your power, we may render glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.


The choir begins to sing the Cherubic Hymn.

We who mystically represent the cherubim, who sing to the life-giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn, let us aside all earthly care. 

While the Cherubic hymn is being sung, the celebrants recite the Prayer of the Cherubic Hymn:

No one given to carnal lusts and pleasures is worthy, O King of glory, to meet or approach You or to celebrate your Liturgy; for to minister to You is great and awesome even for the very powers of heaven. Yet, because of your ineffable and boundless love for mankind, You became man without undergoing change or alteration, and became our High Priest, and as Master of all, conferred upon us the priestly function of this Liturgy and unbloody sacrifice. Indeed, You alone, O Lord our God, are Master of all in heaven and earth. You who are seated upon the throne of the cherubim, Lord of the seraphim and King of Israel, You the holy One who abide with the holy. It is You, then, I pray who alone are good and ready to listen. Look down upon me, your sinful and unprofitable servant; cleanse my soul and heart from evil thinking, and fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that clothed with the grace of the priesthood, I may stand before this your holy table and change your holy and spotless body and precious blood. Before You I come; I bow down and pray You, do not turn your face away from me, do not reject me from among your children, but make it right that these gifts be offered to You by me, your sinful and unworthy servant. For You are the One who offer and are offered who receive and are distributed, Christ our God, and we render glory to You and to your eternal Father and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The Patriarch, preceded by two priests with dikirion and trikirion, incenses all around the holy table, the sanctuary and the iconostasis. After the incensing, the hands of the Patriarch are washed at the Royal Doors by the subdeacon. The celebrants and deacon proceed to the prothesis. All make three metanies, saying each time:

O God, be propitious to me a sinner and have mercy.

Deacon: Lift up, Master.

The celebrant, placing the outer veil on the deacon's shoulders, says:

Patriarch: Lift up your hands to the holy places and bless the Lord.


Then, taking the covered diskos, the Patriarch gives it to the deacon. The covered chalice is given to the priest of highest rank. All leave the sanctuary through the north door, preceded by candle bearers, and they make the procession of the Great Entrance in the body of the church. Commemorations are made.

And the celebrant receives the gifts and makes commemorations.

And the choir completes the Cherubic Hymn.

That we may welcome the King of All invisibly escorted by angel hosts. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

The gifts are covered with the outer veil taken from the deacon's shoulders while saying:

The noble Joseph, taking down your spotless body from the wood and wrapping it in a clean shroud with aromatic spices, carefully laid it in a new tomb.

And taking the censer from the deacon, the celebrant incenses the gifts saying:

Then shall they offer calves upon your altar (three times).


The deacon, standing in his usual place, intones the litany:

Let us complete our prayer to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For the precious gifts here offered, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

And the celebrant prays aloud:

Lord God Almighty, who alone are holy, who accept the sacrifice of praise from those who call upon You with their whole heart, accept also the prayer of us sinners and carry it to your holy altar. Make us fit to offer You spiritual gifts and sacrifices for our sins and the faults of the people. Make us worthy to find grace in your eyes, that our sacrifice may become acceptable to You and that the good Spirit of your grace may abide with us and with the gifts here laid out and with all your people. Through the mercies of your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, together with your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever.

All: Amen.


Patriarch: Peace to all.

All: And to your spirit.

Deacon: Let us love one another that with one mind we may confess.

Choir: I will love You, Lord, my strength; the Lord is my fortress, my refuge and my deliverance.

And making three metanies, the celebrants kiss the holy gifts and each other, with the celebrant saying to each "Christ is in our midst." And the one being kissed answers, "He both is and will always be."

Deacon: In wisdom, let us be attentive.

Two priests lift the outer veil from the gifts and hold it over the head of the celebrant.


All: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man; who was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried; who rise again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is enthroned at the right hand of the Father; who will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; and of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father, who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and life of the world to come. Amen.


Deacon: Let us stand well, let us stand in awe, let us be attentive to offer the holy oblation in peace.

All: A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

Patriarch: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

All: And with your spirit.

And lifting both hands:

Patriarch: Let us lift up our hearts.

All: We lift them up to the Lord.

And turning towards the icon of the Lord:

Patriarch: Let us give thanks to the Lord.

All: It is fitting and right to worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Trinity one in substance and undivided.

The deacon fans the holy things with devotion. The celebrant prays:

It is fitting and right to sing to You, to bless You, to praise You, to give thanks to You, to worship You in every place of your dominion, for You are God beyond description and understanding, invisible: incomprehensible, always existing, always the same, You and your only-begotten Son and your Holy Spirit. Out of nothing You brought us into being, and when we had fallen, raised us up again, and You have not ceased doing everything until You brought us to heaven and graciously gave us your future kingdom. For these things we thank You and your only-begotten Son and your Holy Spirit, for all these blessings, both known and unknown, manifest and hidden, that were lavished upon us. We thank You also for this Liturgy which You are pleased to accept from our hands, though there stand before You thousands of archangels and myriads of angels, cherubim and seraphim, six-winged and many eyed, soaring on their pinions, (Aloud:) singing, proclaiming, shouting the hymn of victory and saying:

The deacon takes the asterisk from the diskos and makes the sign of the cross over it, then kisses the asterisk and sets it aside.

All: Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Sabbaoth; heaven and earth are filled with your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.


The deacon stands on the right side, takes the fan in his hand and waves it gently over the holy gifts. The celebrant prays:

With these blessed powers, O Master who love mankind, we too cry out and say, holy are You and all holy, You and your only-begotten Son and your holy Spirit. Holy are You and all-holy and magnificent is your glory, who so loved your world as to give your only-begotten 8on, that every one who believes in Him shall not perish but may have eternal life. When He had come and fulfilled all that was appointed Him to do for our sake, on the night on which He was delivered up, or rather delivered Himself up for the life of the world, taking bread in his holy, spotless and blameless hands, giving thanks and blessing, sanctifying and breaking it, gave it to his holy disciples and apostles and said:

The celebrant bows his head, raises his right hand and says aloud:

Take, eat, this is my body which s broken for you for the remission of sins.

All: Amen.

And he makes a deep metany.

Blessing the holy chalice, the celebrant says:

Likewise, the chalice after He had supped, saying: 

Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you for the remission of sins.

All: Amen.

The celebrant bows his head: raises his right hand and says aloud:

Drink of this, all of you, this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins.

All: Amen.

He makes a deep metany.


And the celebrant prays:

Remembering, therefore, this precept of salvation and everything that was done for our sake, the cross, the tomb, the resurrection on the third day, the Ascension into heaven, the enthronement at the right hand, the second and glorious coming again, (Aloud:) We offer You your own from what is your own, in all and for the sake of all.

At the words, "We offer You..." the deacon crosses his arms, raises up the holy diskos and holy chalice and makes a devout reverence.

All: We praise You, we bless You, we give thanks to You, O Lord; and we pray to You, O our God.


The celebrant continues:

Moreover we offer you this spiritual and unbloody worship, and we ask and pray and entreat You to send down your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here offered.

Then the deacon, bowing his head and indicating the diskos with the orarion, says:

Deacon: Bless the holy bread, Master.

Patriarch: And make this bread the precious body of your Christ.

Deacon: Amen.

Then the deacon, bowing his head and indicating the chalice with the orarion, says:

Deacon: Bless the holy chalice, Master.

Patriarch: And that which is in this chalice the precious blood of your Christ.

Deacon: Amen.

Then the deacon, bowing his head and indicating both the diskos and chalice with the orarion, says:

Deacon: Bless both, Master.

Patriarch: Changing them by your holy spirit.

Deacon: Amen. Amen. Amen.

And they bow profoundly to the floor.

So that, to those who partake of them, they may be for the cleansing of the soul, for the remission of sins, for the communion of the Holy Spirit, for the fullness of the kingdom of heaven, for intimate confidence in You, and not for judgment or condemnation.


The celebrant prays:

Again, we offer You this spiritual worship for those resting in the faith, the forefathers, fathers, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, preachers, evangelists, martyrs, confessors, ascetics and for every holy soul who has run the course in the faith.

Incensing the holy table three times, the celebrant says:

Patriarch: Especially for our all-holy, spotless, most highly blessed and glorious Lady the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary.

The deacon continues the incensation and the choir sings the hirmos:

Choir: It is fitting and right to call you blessed, O Theotokos. You are ever blessed and all blameless and the Mother of our God. Higher in honor than the cherubim and more glorious beyond compare that the seraphim, you gave birth to God the Word in virginity. You are truly Mother of God: you do we exalt.

The celebrant continues:

For the holy prophet and forerunner John the Baptist, for the holy glorious and illustrious apostles, for holy N. whose memory we honor today and for all your saints at whose supplication do You visit us, O God. And remember all those who have fallen asleep before in the hope of resurrection to eternal life. (The celebrant remembers by name those of the dead whom he will). And give them rest where the light of your face keeps watch. Again we pray You, remember, Lord, all the orthodox bishops rightly dispensing the word of your truth, all the priests, the deacons in Christ and all the ranks of the clergy. Again we offer You this spiritual worship for the whole world, for the holy, catholic and apostolic Church, for those who lead pure and honorable lives, for our public servants, for the government and for all those protect us, O Lord, grant them a peaceful rule that we too in their tranquility may lead a calm and quiet life in all virtue and honor.

(Aloud:) First, Lord, remember His Holiness John Paul, Pope of Rome. Preserve him over your holy Churches in peace, safety, honor, health, long life, rightly dispensing the word of your truth.

And the newly ordained bishop continues:

Newly Ordained: Remember, Lord, our holy Patriarch, our brother bishops here present. Preserve them over your holy Churches in peace, safety, honor, health, long life, rightly dispensing the word of your truth.

And the deacon commemorates the concelebrating priests and says:

Deacon: Remember, Lord, the venerable priests who celebrate these Mysteries, for those whom each of us has in mind and for all men and women.

All: Remember all men and women.

And the celebrant prays:

Remember, Lord, this city in which we dwell and every city and country-place and those who live in them in faith. Remember, Lord, the travelers by sea, air and land, the sick, the suffering, the captive and their salvation. Remember, Lord, those who bring offerings and those who support your holy Churches and those who are mindful of the poor, and bestow your mercy upon us all. (Aloud:) And grant that with one mouth and one heart we may glorify and extol your most holy and magnificent name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

And turning towards the people, the celebrant blesses them and says aloud:

Patriarch: And may the mercies of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ be with all of you.

All: And with your spirit.


Deacon: Now that we have remembered all the saints, again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For the precious gifts offered and sanctified, let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

That our God, who loves mankind, having received these gifts on his holy and mystical altar in heaven as a sweet and spiritual fragrance, may send us in return his divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray

All: Lord, have mercy.

That this whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful and without sin, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

For an angel of peace, a faithful guide and guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

For the forgiveness and remission of our sins and offenses, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

For what is good and profitable to our souls and for peace in the world, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

That the rest of our lives may be spent in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

That the end of our life may be Christian, painless, unashamed and peaceful, and for a good defense before the awesome judgment seat of Christ, let us ask

All: Grant this, O Lord.

Deacon: Let us pray for the unity of faith and the communion of the Holy Spirit, and commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ God.

All: To You, O Lord.

And the celebrant prays:

To You, Master who love mankind, we commend our whole life and hope. We ask You, we pray You, we entreat You to make us worthy to partake of your heavenly and awesome mysteries of this sacred and spiritual table with a pure conscience, for the remission of sins, for indulgence towards failures, for the communion of the Holy Spirit, the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven and intimate confidence in You and not for judgment or condemnation. (Aloud:) And make us worthy, O Master, to dare with confidence and without condemnation to call You, Father, O God of heaven and to say:


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Patriarch: For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Patriarch: Peace to all.

All: And to your spirit.

Deacon: Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

All: To you, O Lord.

And the celebrant prays:

We thank You, invisible King, who in your measureless power have fashioned all things, and in the abundance of your mercy have brought all things from nothing into being. Look down, O Master, from your heavenly dwelling place upon those who bow their heads to You, for they bow them not to flesh and blood, but to You the awesome God. Be pleased then, O Master, to distribute these offerings to all of us, for our good, according to the need of each one. Sail with those on the sea, travel with the wayfarers, heal the sick, O Physician of our souls and bodies. 

(Aloud:) Through the grace and mercies and love for mankind of your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, together with your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

And the celebrant prays:

Lord Jesus Christ our God, give heed from your holy dwelling and from the throne of glory of your kingdom and come to make us holy, O You, who are enthroned on high with the Father and yet are present here though unseen to us. And accord by the might of your hand to give us a share of your spotless body and precious blood, and through us to all the people.

The celebrants make three metanies, saying each time:

O God, be propitious to me a sinner, and have mercy on me.


Deacon: Let us be attentive.

And the celebrant raises up the holy bread and says aloud:

Patriarch: Holy things for the Holy.

All: One is holy, one is Lord, Jesus Christ in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


And the choir sings the kinonikon:

Choir: Praise the Lord from the highest, alleluia!


The celebrant breaks the Lamb into four parts with care and reverence and says:

Patriarch: Broken and distributed is the Lamb of God, broken and not divided, always eaten and never consumed, but making holy those who receive it.

And taking the upper portion, the celebrant makes with it the sign of the cross over the holy chalice and says:

Patriarch: The fullness of faith of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And he drops it into the holy chalice. He blesses the zeon and says:

Patriarch: Blessed is the fervor of your saints at all times now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

And the deacon pours a sufficient quantity of warm water crosswise into the holy chalice and says:

Deacon: The fervor of faith, full of the Holy Spirit.


The celebrant bows his head and prays:

I believe, Lord, and profess that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God, come to this world to save sinners, of whim I am the greatest. I believe also that this is really your spotless body and that this is really your precious blood. Wherefore, I pray to you: have mercy on me and pardon my offenses, the deliberate and the indeliberate, those committed in word and in deed whether knowingly or inadvertently; and count me worthy to share without condemnation your spotless mysteries, for the remission of sins and for eternal life. Amen.

Receive me now, O Son of God, as a participant in your mystical supper, for I will not betray your mystery to your enemies nor give You a kiss like Judas, but like the thief, I confess You, remember me, Lord, in your kingdom.

May the reception of your holy mysteries, Lord, be for me not to judgment or condemnation, but to the healing of my soul and body. Amen.

Each of the concelebrating bishops receives from the holy gifts. Each of the concelebrating priests makes a metany, saying:

"Behold! I am approaching my King and my God!" The newly ordained bishop then taxes a particle of the holy bread and puts it in the palm of each priest's hand. In the same manner the concelebrating priests partake from the holy chalice.


Facing the people, the deacon lifts the holy chalice and says:

Deacon: Approach with fear of God, with faith and with love.

All: Amen. Amen. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. The Lord is God and has appeared to us.

And the faithful approach to receive holy communion. As they approach with their arms crossed on their breast, they say: "Behold, I come to my king and my God!" The holy body and blood are given to each with the prayer:

The servant of God, N., receives the precious and holy body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the remission of his/her sins and for eternal life.

During the communion of the faithful, the choir sings:

Receive me now, O Son of God, as a participant in your mystical supper; for I will not betray your mystery to your enemies, nor give You a kiss like Judas, but like the thief, I confess You: remember me, Lord, in your kingdom.

After the divine partaking, the celebrant blesses the people saying:

Patriarch: O God, save your people and bless your inheritance.

All: We have seen the true light, we have received the heavenly Spirit, we have found the true faith, worshipping the undivided Trinity who has saved us.

Making a reverence, the priest of highest rank takes the holy chalice, turns to the people.

The celebrant says:

Patriarch: Blessed is our God at all times, now and always and forever.

And the holy gifts are brought to the prothesis. The hands of the celebrant are washed by the subdeacon.

All: Amen. Let our mouths be filled with your praise, O Lord, for You have counted us worthy to share your holy, immortal and spotless mysteries. Keep us in your sanctification that we may sing your glory, meditating on your holiness all the day. Alleluia! Alleluia!


Then the deacon says:

Let us stand. Now that we have received the divine, holy, spotless, immortal, heavenly, life-giving, awesome mysteries of Christ, let us give worthy thanks to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Meanwhile the celebrant folds the antimension. Holding up the holy Gospel book, he makes the sign of the cross over the antimension, places the book on it and recites the prayer of thanksgiving:

We thank You, O Master, who love mankind, Benefactor of our souls, for having today made us worthy of your heavenly and immortal mysteries. Make straight our paths, establish us in your fear, guard our life, steady our footsteps, through the prayers and supplications of the glorious Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary and of all your saints. For You are our sanctification, and we render glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

And turning towards the people, the celebrant says:

Patriarch: Let us go forth in peace.

All: In the name of the Lord.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.


And standing before the ambo, one of the priests prays:

Priest: O Lord, who bless those who bless You and sanctify those who trust in You, save your people and bless your inheritance. Safeguard the fullness of your Church; sanctify those who love the beauty of your house; in return, raise them to glory by your divine power and do not forsake us who put our hope in You. Give peace to your world, to your Churches, to your priests, to our public servants, to the government and the armed forces and to all your people, for every good gift and perfect grace is from above, coming from You the Father of Lights, and to You do we render glory and thanksgiving and worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen. Blessed is the name of the Lord now and forever (three times).

Facing the prothesis, the celebrant prays:

O You who are the fulfillment of the law and the prophets, Christ our God, who fulfilled the whole providential plan of the Father, fill our hearts with joy and gladness at all times, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

The celebrant blesses the people and says:

Patriarch: May the blessing of the Lord and his mercy be upon you through his grace and love for mankind at all times, now and always and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

And turning to the East, he says:

Patriarch: Glory to You, Christ God, our hope, glory to You.

All: Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Lord, have mercy (three times). Give the blessing, Master, in the name of the Lord.


Before the apolysis, the celebrant standing in the middle of the Royal Doors hands the staff to the newly ordained bishop, saying:

Patriarch: Receive this shepherd's staff to lead the flock of Christ committed to your care. Let it be in your hands a safe-guard and a support to those who are obedient; as for those who are refractory or hesitant, let it be a sign of warning and an instrument of fear.


The newly ordained bishop turns to the people and blesses them. The celebrant says the final apolysis:

Patriarch: May Christ our true God, through the prayers of his spotless and all-pure Mother, of our Father among the saints John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, of the holy and just ancestors of Christ Joachim and Ann and of all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and loves mankind.

The concelebrants then pray:

Through the prayers of our holy Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.




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