Advanced Electronic Legal Research

Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-9:15 PM
Library Electronic Classroom

Instructors: Gordon Russell and Korin Munsterman


The course covers:

Web Home Page

A Webpage provides information and hyperlinks to other materials located on the Internet. Students will choose the legal topic and create a webpage that provides annotated links to electronic material on the topic selected. It not only describes available materials but compares types of materials and illustrates their value within the overall information strategy. As a research publication, the page can be used to guide researchers to relevant material on the topic.
The major project for this course is to prepare a Webpage covering in detail a specific area of law. By becoming familiar with a particular legal area, you should develop a research methodology and perspective that will have an application to other areas of the law. You will learn how to find and organize your research, develop a strategy and complete an in-depth review of a particular area of the law.

The Webpage should be helpful to someone with basic research skills, but with no knowledge of the subject matter. It should be a valuable research tool for future researchers; so, it will be important to specify its scope.

Legislative History Assignment
Using the techniques covered in class, you will locate sources of Legislative History of a section of the Communications decency act of 1995. This act was an attempt to deal with the Internet. By focusing on one particular section of the Act you will analyze the legislative intent of the section and provide a memo to the professor that would present the arguments for the meaning of the section to be argues to the Court.

Students will receive a packet that includes readings for the course.

Class Schedule, May 28
Introduction to the Course
Using the Internet to find law and law related information sources
Introduction to HTML

Class Schedule, June 3
Statutory Research: U.S. Constitution and Federal Statutes

Class Schedule, June 5
Lab on HTML and Federal Sources

Class Schedule, June 10
Federal Legislative History

Class Schedule, June 12
Lab on Federal Legislative History Sources

Class Schedule, June 17
State Materials and municipal Codes

Class Schedule, June 20
Lab on State Materials and Municipal Codes

Class Schedule, June 24
Administrative Materials and International Law

Class Schedule, June 26
Westlaw Training in Westlaw Room with Marianne

Class Schedule, July 1
Introduction to Cases: Federal and States

Class Schedule, July 3
Lab on Federal and State Cases

Class Schedule, July 8
On-line citations and Secondary Sources

Class Schedule, July 10
Lab on On-line Citations and Secondary Sources

Class Schedule, July 15
Lexis and nonlegal sites

Class Schedule, July 17
Lab Fun and Pizza

Link to:

Professor Gordon Russell's Bookmarks for Advanced Electronic Research.